• Published 18th Dec 2012
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My Little Dragon - Metal Pony Fan

Many years ago, shortly before the birth of one Twilight Sparkle, Celestia, ruler of Equestria, found a small item in a forest. That item? An egg. Around the same time, Celestia, ruler of Draconica found something small in a forest. A pony.

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I Wish I Had an Angel - Part 1

Twilight yawned and threw her arms over her face. The surface she had been sleeping on had shifted, and she was now directly facing the sun. She grabbed a claw-full of the pink hair surrounding her and rolled onto her side, treating it like a blanket.

“I think you woke her, Possum.”

Twilight groaned as she buried her face deeper in the pink to the soft yellow just beneath. “No, she didn’t. I’m still sleeping.”

“It seems I did, but she’s asleep again. I guess she doesn’t want to wake up yet. Sorry, Spike.”

“Oh, that’s too bad, I wanted to talk to her.”

“Spike?” The hatchling jolted upright and untangled herself from Fluttershy’s crest, nearly dropping herself off the dragin’s back. “Spike! You’re awake! I was so worried. Bard said you were hurt, and that I couldn’t go near you.”

Spike laughed and plucked the hatchling from Fluttershy’s back with his magic. “I’m fine now, see?” He deposited Twilight on his back and bounced from hoof to hoof. “Completely recovered.”

The hatchling giggled and grabbed his mane to steady herself.

Spike turned to Bard and Fluttershy and silently mouthed the words, ”thank you.” He then looked back at the hatchling he carried. “So, what happened while I was sleeping?”

Twilight thought about it for a moment. “Fluttershy woke up, Bard said we were going to go somewhere after you woke up, then I took a nap. That’s about it.”

“I see. I guess you were worn out from all the excitement.” Spike saw Rarity exit the cave and waved her over. “Did Bard say where we were going to go?”

“No.” When Rarity got close enough, Twilight hopped from Spike’s back to hers and hugged the dragoness around the neck. “Good morning, mom.”

“Thank you, Twilight.” Rarity reached back to pat the hatchling's shoulder. She then pointed at the sun, sitting low in the golden sky. “But, that’s west.”

The hatchling looked up at the big orange circle, then in the opposite direction. With a loud groan, she flopped onto her belly. “Good evening, mom.” The hatchling looked over at Spike. “Bard said his dad would tell us where we we’re going.” She sighed loudly. “I’m never going to get to sleep tonight.”

“Good!” The pony, dragin, and hatchling turned around. Ice Heart was walking up to them, arms crossed and scowling. “We’ve got stuff to talk about, kid. And, I’m sure these two do as well.”

“Oh, no.” Rarity shook her head. “I am not leaving Twilight alone with you for any length of time you little-“ She stopped herself for Twilight's sake, and cleared her throat. "Suffice it to say, I don't trust you."

Spike leaned over to her. “Rarity, he may be annoying sometimes, but he’s not that bad.”

“Not that bad?” Rarity looked at Spike like he had lost his mind. “After what he did to you, and me, you’re going to defend him?”

The pony nodded. “Unfortunately, I’ve known him for two years, and we’ve been through a lot in that time. I trust him.” He glanced over at the short drake. “Well, I trust his intentions, anyway. You can’t always trust his words.” The pony shrugged. “Besides, he’s one of Celestia’s closest friends, and I know she’s very picky about things like that.”

The dragoness shook her head. “I’m still not leaving Twilight alone with him. If he wants to talk to her, you, I, or one of my friends will need to be there.”

Spike nodded lightly. “That’s fair enough.” He looked over at Ice Heart. “Don’t you agree?”

The drake grunted. “I guess. What, are you afraid I’ll drag her off and force her to join the military?” He turned his back on them. “She’s ten years too young for that, and too small to boot.”

Rarity looked over at Spike with an, “I told you so,” glare as the hatchling on her back hopped on her head, pushing her crest over her eyes.

“Say that again!". The hatchling shouted. "You’re smaller than I am, you smelly, old lizard!”

Rarity gasped and looked back at her passenger. “Twilight Welkin Sparkle! Where in Draconica did you learn to speak like that?”

The hatchling froze. The last time she heard her middle name, it was because she had set fire to a particularly expensive leather vest. She slowly climbed off of Rarity’s head, back onto her back. “I heard Applejack say it to the postmaster, last time he raised shipping prices.”

“Did she now?” The dragoness peeked over at the largest of her friends. The orange dragin’s lips were scrunched up, and she was whistling like a broken teapot as she looked everywhere except at the dragoness. Rarity was not amused by this display. “I know you have good hearing to go with those super-eyes of yours.” The orange dragin ended her stunted melody and swallowed visibly. “What were you thinking?! Swearing in front of Twilight?! Of all dragons, I would have expected this from Rainbow, but you don’t see her swearing around her hatchling, do you?”

Rainbow’s head snapped around. “Hey!” Her eyes went unfocused for a second, and she started glancing back and forth between Applejack and Rarity. “Uh, wait, was that an insult or a compliment?”

Ice Heart laughed heartily. “It is my expert opinion that it was a bit of both.”

“Oh, really.” Rarity rolled her eyes. “Pray tell, what are you an expert in, and how does that apply here?” The dragoness looked over at the drake, only to find herself staring at Twilight. The hatchling brought one claw to her mouth in attempt to mask her snickering. The other claw pointed at the space she once occupied.
Ice heart reclined on Rarity’s back, and pointed one claw straight into the sky. “I am an expert on opinions. Therefore, all my opinions are expert opinions.” Rarity turned her head around to glare at the drake that now sat on her back. He let his claw fall, and patted the dragoness on the side, dangerously close to the haunch. “And, it is my expert opinion that it is quite comfortable up here, very soft. That brat’s got a pretty sweet deal going on. Of course, that’s probably because of sweets in the first place."

Rarity looked over at Spike. “Handle this,” she growled, “or I will.”

The pony swung around, launching a kick at his commanding officer’s head. The drake rolled onto his front claws and used them to spring off of Rarity just in time to avoid Spike’s hoof. “Ha, you missed!“ At that moment, a speeding stone slapped him out of the sky with enough force to send him over the edge of the mountain, and plunge him into the depths of the forest below.

“But, I didn’t.” Rainbow tossed her back-up stone and ran a claw through her crest as all the other dragons on the mountain stared in shock at the forest below. “Is it just me, or was that guy starting to get annoying?”

Ice Heart appeared just above Rainbow’s head, sitting on her stone missile. He smiled as it fell on the bright dragin’s skull with a coconut-like, “thunk.” She cursed and swatted at him, but he danced about, avoiding her efforts at capturing him. Fluttershy lunged for her grandfather when he came close to her, crying that he should be nicer to her friends. His response that he was being nice turned the scuffle into a free-for-all. Anydragon not already fighting rushed into the fray.

Spike sighed and plucked Twilight out of the fight with his magic. He deposited her near him, well away from the stomping and slashing of claws. “Just watch for now. I don’t want you getting stepped on, and I’m pretty sure Rarity doesn’t either.” Laughter approached the pony from behind, and he looked back to find its source.

“Lively bunch, aren’t they?” Chrysalis walked up and sat next to Spike. “I’m almost glad I fought the ones I did.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” Spike looked over at Chrysalis. This was the first chance he had gotten to take a good look at the changeling. She definitely resembled a pony anatomically, but with major physiological differences.

Chrysalis smirked when she noticed the pony studying her. “See something you like?”

“What? No!” Spike looked away quickly. “It’s just, I noticed that you aren’t physically or magically restrained.”

“Oh, my.” she opened her eyes wide and she brought a hoof to her mouth. “I didn’t realize you were into that sort of thing. Does Rarity know?”

Spike’s eyes nearly bugged out, and he started to choked on his own breath. “No! That is not what I- You! There is something wrong with you, you know that?” With a sigh and shake of the head, the pony touched his hoof to his head, as if he could somehow delay the oncoming migraine through touch. “I was merely observing that the perception of you as a threat seems to have diminished.”

“So cold,” the changeling cooed, “so technical. You don’t talk to your marefriend like that, do you?” She shrugged. “Without deception and the element of surprise, I’m not much of a threat to your scaly friends. And, it’s become clear I can’t survive here alone, so I came to an agreement with Shorty. He’ll fill you in on the details.”

“It keeps coming back to that, doesn’t it? And you keep using words I don’t recognize.” The pony shook his head. “At least we aren’t trying to kill each other anymore. So, where were you?”

“I was talking to, um…” Chrysalis pointed a hoof over her shoulder. “You know, the dragon with the egg?”

The pony nodded. “Her name is Kin, she’s a good friend of mine.”

“Is she now? You seem like you would travel in completely different circles. Ooh!” She pointed at the fighting dragons after a particularly vicious collision between two winged members. “Did you see that?”

It was the pony’s turn to shrug. “I haven’t sat at the council tables in years, but I’ll be returning to them soon enough.”

The changeling’s ears twitched. “Council? Some sort of ruling body?” She tore her eyes away from the fight to look over at the pony. “And, you’re involved with it somehow? That would make sense, considering you’re some sort of prince and all. Good, you can give some advice.”

Spike didn’t like the sound of that. “What kind of advice?”

“Take-over advice.” Chrysalis laughed. “It seems obvious that I can’t conquer this land through force. So, what’s my best bet? Economic collapse? Diplomatic struggles with a neighboring nation? Are there any strange cults that I could bend to my whims?”

With half a smile on his face, the pony replied, “How did I know you were going to ask something crazy like that?”

Chrysalis shrugged. “Hey, a girl’s got to have a hobby.” She looked up into the sky. The sun had just set, and stars were beginning to make their frail appearance. “You know, in a perverse way, me being here is a dream come true.” She laid on her back, staring into rapidly filling the sky. “When something is special, it’s said to shine like a star. But, look at them.” She pointed a hoof towards the distant lights. “There’s so many of them. And ,they’re all the same. There’s nothing really all that special about them. One is just like another, is just like the next, and so on.”

Spike folded his hooves underneath him, pleasantly surprised by the shift in the conversation. “Even among many, there are stars that stand out.” The pony waved Twilight over to him, and let the hatchling sit leaning against him.

Chrysalis watched them. “In my world, I was one changeling among many. Sure, I stood out, I was the Queen, but to the rest of the world, that didn’t mean much. It didn’t even mean all that much within the hive.” She held a hoof in front of her face, looking at Spike through the holes. “We look like insects, but we’re not. The queen plays no role in populating the hive. On top of that, changelings as a society require very little in the way of guidance or government. A little food for our bodies, a little love for our magic, and we’re happy.”

Twilight studied the changeling’s face. “You don’t look happy.”

“You’re right, I wasn’t.” Chrysalis chuckled quietly. “Playing royalty for a race of subsistence farmers wasn’t enough for me. I wanted more. I wanted power. I wanted to make a name for myself. But, most of all, I wanted prove that a single individual could rise up and make the world take notice.”

Twilight’s eyes grew wider as she listened, like she was listening to a story that was just getting to the good part. “What happened?”

“I proved myself right.” The changeling sighed sadly. “I fought for power, struggled through the worst the world could throw at me, and raised an army that would rival any other in history. Then, as I stood at the edge of conquering my world’s greatest nation, I proved myself right in the worst way possible. I made a hero of some purple-faced brat.” She looked over at Twilight. “No offense.”

The hatchling narrowed her eyes. “If you made a hero of them, wouldn’t that make you the villain?”

Chrysalis nodded. “I was a good one, too.”

Spike laughed. “You say, ‘was,’ but I get the feeling you aren’t quite reformed yet.” He nodded slowly. “Actually, I’m sure you aren’t. But, thanks for telling us your story. I think I understand you a little bit better now.”

Chrysalis smirked. “How do you know I didn’t just make the whole thing up?”

“I’m pretty sure you took some liberties here and there, and aren’t telling us everything, but, take a look.” Spike gestured towards the waning fight. “Earlier, that was me fighting Ice Heart. Ponies and dragons aren’t so different. Maybe, Ponies and Changelings are the same way?”

“Maybe you’re just a weird pony.” Chrysalis frowned. After a few seconds, she started fidgeting, squirming like a dragon with ants crawling between her scales.

Spike and Twilight exchange worried glances. “Chrysalis, is something wrong?”

“I don’t know.” She glared at the pony. “Are you doing something? Stop it! I can feel… something. It’s feeding me, like love, but it isn’t. It’s there, but it’s like drinking pudding through a straw, there isn’t enough. I want more.”

“Is this some kind of riddle?” Twilight asked. She looked at Spike. “Love that isn’t love?”

The pony looked down at the hatchling. “That leaves you wanting more?” He smiled and looked back up at Chrysalis. “Congratulations, I think you’ve made your first friends.”

The changeling grunted. “Well, I don’t like it.”

Spike tilted his head to the side. “Hmm, well, I think you’re stuck with it.”

“Yep.” Twilight agreed. “But, if you make more friends, wouldn’t it be like drinking through more straws?”

Chrysalis groaned in disgust. “That sounds like a lot of work.”

“Maybe so.” Spike sat up. “But if you promise to give it a try, I’ll give you that advice you wanted.”

Chrysalis sat up quickly. “Ok, I’ll try it, but I don’t have to like it.”

“Good.” Spike nodded. “As for advice about taking over Draconica… Hmm, let’s see. As a Centurion in the military, it would be my job to stop you should you decide to try to take over in the next few days. As Celestia’s son, and first in line of the five princes and princesses, it would be would be my responsibility to stop you should you ever try to take over. Also, Celestia is about a thousand times bigger than you. I think that covers everything.”

The changeling rolled her eyes. “Not quite the advice I had in mind, but point taken.”

Spike smiled and gave a single nod. “Good!” He pointed at the fighting dragons. “So, how long do you think it will take them to notice?”

“Notice what?” The changeling looked around. “What?! When did this happen?”

Around them, the mountain was gone, replaced by a wide, gentle hill surrounded by forest. Spots of green blinked and drifted through the night, fireflies on a pre-summer evening. Moss and scattered, stunted trees covered what seemed to be geometrically patterned stone, layed out like hexagonal tiles, and shattered ruins, yellow-grey in the warm moonlight, lay dead under low hanging clouds. Among the clouds, the remains of an ancient city drifted aimlessly in the wind.

The hill shook, knocking over anydragon not already seated. With their focus shifted away from their fight, the five dragins examined their surroundings for the first time.

While most of them focused on the ruins, Rainbow’s attention was drawn to the patterned ground. “Tank? How did we get here?” Everydragon watched her as she took to the sky, and called out loudly, ”Tank!”

The hill shook again, and a low bellowing moan, like a whale’s song, answered the dragin’s call. Off the side of the hill, a great head rose up, scaled and weathered, eyes focusing on the bright colors flying above.

It called out again, and Rainbow flew over to it. She perched atop its head like a canary perched on the top twig of a thorn bush, dwarfed by the creature below her. “Hey, tank, how ya doin’?” She scratched at the head she sat on. “Did you miss me?” Tank answered with a happy wail and a shake of his head, nearly dislodging his owner. “Aw, thanks. I missed you too.”

Chrysalis poked Spike in the side to get his attention. “Let me get this straight, we’re sitting on a giant turtle right now, aren’t we?”

“It’s a tortoise,” the pony answered. “Specifically a Torra Terra, said to carry the world on its back.” He gestured to the ruins around them. “Well, cities at least.”

“Oh, is that all?” The changeling scoffed. “For a moment, I thought it was something impressive.” She tapped the ground with a hoof. “Um, so, how normal is this? Giant things that make even dragons seem small?”

“Hmm.” Spike scratched his mane. “I wouldn’t say they’re common, but they aren’t exactly rare either.”

“So,” Chrysalis asked with a sly grin, “how does your precious Celestia measure up against this brute?”

“Let’s see…” Spike put a hoof to his chin as he studied the dragon sitting on Tank’s head, comparing her size to the Torra Terra’s, then to his. “Rainbow’s just a little bit smaller than his head, so I’d say… Celestia’s about the same size.” He spread out his hooves, indicating different dimensions . “In length and height only, she’s not quite as wide.”

The changeling blinked slowly, trying to picture it, but the only image her mind was able to conjure was that of alicorn Celestia standing taller than Canterlot and laughing as she prepared to stomp the changeling flat. It wasn't a pleasant image. “You’ve got to be kidding.”

The pony looked over at her. “You’ll meet her one of these days. You can tell me if I’m kidding then.”

Once the shock of their sudden transition started to wear off, each dragon started to wander off. Fluttershy joined Rainbow at Tank’s head. Applejack found a comfortable to lay down and mutter about how long the day had been. And, Rarity found her way over to Spike and Twilight.

She sat down next to Spike, opposite Chrysalis. “Spike, I know Ice Heart had something to do with this, but I didn’t feel anything. That first teleport was rather unpleasant, but I didn’t even notice this one.”

Spike nodded. “It’s better to give, than to receive.” The pony chuckled at the three confused stares directed his way. “Sorry, I guess I should say it’s easier to send than to receive. It’s one of the tenets of teleportation, sending something close to you to another location is easier than pulling something to you from far away.” He glanced over his shoulder. “And, you were waiting for the moon to come out so you could put a little more power into it.”

“Hmpph.” Ice Heart stepped out of the shadows of one of the ruined buildings. “You could say that, but it would be a gross oversimplification.”

“Right.” Spike nodded. “You had to raise the moon, too. So, are you done?”

“I’ve had my fun.” The drake sat cross-legged next to Spike, close to Twilight. He nudged the hatchling in the arm. “Your mother has some good friends. I like them.”

The hatchling lifted one eyebrow.

Ice Heart slapped his leg and broke into hearty laughter. “I know, I know. I have a funny way of showing it.”

Rarity sighed loudly. She was watching the drake like a hawk. “I don’t think funny is the right word.”

“However you want to call it.” The drake shrugged. “I hope you treasure them.”

“My friends?” Rarity got up and walked around Spike so she could see Ice Heart better. “Of course I do.”

He held up a claw, palm out. “I didn’t mean to imply that you don’t, but I’m fourteen hundred and change. I’ve lost so many friends that I’ve lost count. Many died, some had to be banished, and I have a mate that I will never see again. Make sure you live this time with everything you’ve got.”

Rarity was caught off guard by Ice Heart's sentimental words. “I- I will.” Rarity glanced at Spike and Twilight before looking back at Ice Heart. She had to admit, begrudgingly at least, that there was more to the drake than met the eye. Given his age, that shouldn't have been surprising. “I’m not quite sure what to make of you, but Spike seems to trust you. And, honestly, you seem like somedragon that would get along great with my father.”

“Uh-oh.” Ice heart looked over at the pony. “Daddy issues, run.”

“Shut up.” Spike half-heartedly waved his hoof at the drake. “Ignore him, Rarity.”

The dragoness crossed her claws. Maybe she was wrong about being wrong about him. “Well, I was going to let you talk to Twilight, but now you have to abide by my original terms. One of my friends has to supervise you at all times.”

Ice heart raised a claw, like a student with a question.

Rarity rolled her eyes. “Yes?”

The drake lowered his claw. “Do I get to pick the friend that does the supervising?”

The dragoness mulled it over for a moment. “Sure. Why not?”

Ice heart pointed at Spike. “I pick him.”

She shook her head. “You can’t, I need to talk to him.”

The drake immediately pointed at Chrysalis. “Then I pick her.”

Rarity tapped her claws against Tank’s shell. She was quickly losing her patience. “She isn’t one of my friends, not by a long shot.”

“Oh.” He pointed at Tank’s head, where two winged dragons fawned over the massive creature. “Then, how about Fluttershy?”

Rarity looked back at her yellow friend. “I should have known you would pick your own grand-daughter.”

Ice Heart smiled innocently. “Isn’t she one of your friends?”

The dragoness rolled her eyes. “Fine. She can supervise.”

“Great!” The drake hopped up and cupped his claws around his mouth. “Oy! Moonbeam!” When the yellow dragin looked over, the drake started waving her over. “I need your help real quick!”

Fluttershy hesitated for a moment, exchanging a few words with Rainbow before flying over. She landed far enough away that the gusts from her wings were little more than stiff breeze to the seated dragons, pony, and changeling, and hastily walked the remaining distance to reach them. “Um, Grandpa, I thought you agreed not to call me that.”

“Oh, right, I forgot about that.” He put a claw to his chin. “I suppose Bunny-Breath is also out of the question?”

The yellow dragon gasped. “Grandpa!”

The drake laughed and tapped Twilight’s arm. “Funny story, when she was younger, she got it into her head that animals said hello by licking each other on the head. Now, she’s been caring for injured animals since she could walk, but there was this one rabbit that liked to hang around even though he never got hurt.”

“Grandpa,” the yellow dragin whined, “please don’t.”

The drake looked up quizzically. “You’ve never told them this story?”

“No.” She looked away, hiding her face behind her crest. “It’s embarrassing.”

Chrysalis looked around the small group. “Well, I don’t know about the rest of you, but now, I’m curious.”

Twilight nodded in agreement. “So am I.” She looked up at Fluttershy, wide eyed and pleading. “Please tell us? I promise, I won’t laugh. Unless it’s really, really funny.”

“Which it is.” Ice Heart held out a claw to his grand-daughter. “How about it moonbeam? Do I keep going, or not?”

“I, um, I don’t think-“ She tried to tear her eyes away from the hatchling’s puppy stare, but her resolve crumbled first. By the time she closed her eyes and looked away, she had already answered, “Fine, go ahead.”

Ice heart launched back into the story without hesitation. “So, one day, she brought me this thing. It was sopping wet, and white, and I couldn’t tell what it was. Then, with tears in her eyes, she says, ‘I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. I didn’t mean to hurt him. I turned mr.bunny into an angel.’” Ice heart laughed so hard that he had to wipe tears from his eyes. “The rabbit recovered, but I think Fluttershy learned her lesson about licking animals.”

Spike and Rarity did their best to suppress the urge to laugh. Chrysalis was much less considerate. Twilight was the only one that didn’t laugh at all. She was definitely amused by the story, but her expression was that of a dragon coming to a sudden realization. She clapped once. “That’s how Angel got his name, isn’t it?”

Fluttershy sighed quietly. “Yes, Twi. That was how Angel got his name.”

The hatchling looked over at Ice Heart with a big smile on her face. “That was neat. Do you have any more stories?”

“I sure do.” The drake stood up and stretched. “I have one in particular that I think you’ll find very interesting.” He walked off. “Follow me, Shorty, you too, Moonbeam.”

“Hey!” Twilight called after him. “I’m taller than you are!”

“Which is still shorter than everydragon else,” the drake answered without pause. He kept walking away. “So? Are you going to follow me? Or do I tell my stories to the fireflies?”

With a sigh, the hatchling looked over at Rarity. After a nod from the dragoness, she started after the small drake. Fluttershy followed after her.

Rarity watched them go, silently resting a claw on Spike’s hoof. “Let’s go somewhere.” She took a deep breath. “I have something important to tell you.”

“You do?” Spike scrambled up, blush spread across his face. “Uh, ok. Where should we go?

Chrysalis waved her hoof to grab the dragoness’ attention. “Hey,” she whispered, “if you’re breaking up with him, can I have him?”

“Even if I was, the answer would be no.” She nudged Spike in the side. “Let’s go, dear, before she gets any more crazy ideas.”

Spike followed her as she walked away, opposite the direction Ice heart had taken. “Um, Rarity?”

She looked over as she walked. “Yes, Spike? What is it?”

“About, um… You know, what, uh…” The pony stopped in both speech and motion, unable to bring himself to ask his question. “Y-your crest looks really pretty in the moonlight.”

“Th-thank you. Yours too.” The dragoness blushed and started walking a bit faster. “Um, I mean, your, uh, hair, no, um…”

“Mane?” Spike offered.

“Yes, that.” Rarity cleared her throat. “It’s quite fetching on you.”

“Thanks.” Spike sighed. By now, the dragoness was a good ways ahead of him. He had wanted to ask her about what she told Chrysalis. What did she mean by, even if she was? As far as the pony knew, he and Rarity weren’t in any sort of relationship that they could break up from. Or, where they? Was that what she wanted to tell him? He ran to catch up with her, hope and confusion fighting for control of his emotions.

Author's Note:

Chapter Title

I Wish I Had an Angel - by Nightwish

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