• Published 18th Dec 2012
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My Little Dragon - Metal Pony Fan

Many years ago, shortly before the birth of one Twilight Sparkle, Celestia, ruler of Equestria, found a small item in a forest. That item? An egg. Around the same time, Celestia, ruler of Draconica found something small in a forest. A pony.

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Passion Colors Everything

Fluttershy hummed while she cooked, twirling around the kitchen with ease and grace. She loved to cook, had to, to care for all the animals she shared her home with. If she didn't enjoy preparing at least a hundred meals a day, she would have gone quite mad by now. But, enjoyable as it may be, cooking for her critters wasn't the same as cooking for another dragon.

Right now, she was cooking for the hatchlings. One by one, during the course of their playtime, they started to complain of hunger. And, as their caretaker, even temporarily, she couldn't let a challenge to her maternal instincts go unanswered.

So, here she was, cooking hamburgers and gravy on the Apple family stove. A little rice au gratin would balance it off, and a few fresh apples, all sliced up, would work well as both dessert and a fruit dish.

She sighed as she peeled Twilight's apples. As small as she was, she would only eat one or two of them. The others were all big enough that even Sweetie Belle, the second smallest, would eat at least a dozen apples alongside the rest of her meal. It would take far too long to peel that many, so she settled for coring them, sighing all the while.

It wasn't the apples that drew her sighs. She didn't mind peeling a few for the hatchlings. She actually enjoyed, and took great pride in, knowing and catering to the needs and tastes of others. It was the little details that made meals that much more enjoyable, the little things like apples sliced into little rings that make the hatchlings laugh and smile as they stuck them on their claws before eating. Peeling a few apples wasn't worth any exasperation.

No, the reason she was sighing was a little different. As much as she enjoyed watching the hatchlings, her friends seemed to like pointing out how well she performed the task. But, again, that in itself wasn't sigh-worthy. No, what made it sigh-worthy was that the only drake she would ever consider having hatchlings of her own with hadn't spoken to her in years.

She sighed again. What ever happened? Years ago, when she first became Dragonspire's apprentice forest guardian, she and Mac met by chance in a little clearing at the edge of town. After that, they would meet almost every day, spending a few minutes of sunset and nightfall between the orchard and the forest's edge. It was a quiet place that only they knew, a peaceful place they would be free to talk, or spend their time in silence, as they wished.

But, then, bandits attacked. A despicable gang of dragons led by a ruthless green drake. At the time, there were no dragons in town capable of besting his physical strength. It was only through her own unique powers that they were finally chased away. So many in dragonspire lost loved ones that day, and among the dead lay her mentor, the previous forest guardian, and Mac's parents.

It would have been understandable if Mac had suddenly withdrawn after that, especially if the rumors were true, that he witnessed his parent's murders. But, the change was gradual. If anything, the two of them had grown closer. Sharing their loss made it easier to deal with the pain, and she was there to support him as he stepped up for the sake of his younger sisters.

By the time he came of military age, it seemed natural that the two of them would spend the rest of their lives together. The night before he left, they met in the clearing, and under the last full moon of Autumn, spoke of hopes and plans. In two years, it was decided, when he returned, the apple family would grow by one member. The eventual possibility of, "more to follow," was mentioned, and between two blushing dragons, a single kiss and a sad farewell were shared.

Then, everything went wrong. Mac returned, not after two years, but after two weeks. He was injured when she saw him, bandages wrapped around his chest, but she never learned anything beyond that. He wanted to be alone, and she respected his wishes. It was around then that he took up drawing. It was something to do while he recovered. Years passed, his sisters grew up, and he grew distant. The day Applejack joined the military in his place was the day she realized how bad things had become, but by then, it was too late to change anything. Mac was so withdrawn that only his family ever saw him. He worked the fields, he wrote his books, and kept to himself. Even when he ran the apple stall in the town market, he was quiet, never saying more than strictly necessary.

She had almost given up hope at that point, but then, she read the book, that simple little hatchling's book. Twilight had given it to her after receiving twin copies as gifts. Though, until she noticed the author's name, she almost suggested it go to a friend in a more appropriate age group. She read it a dozen times the first night, and would look through it any time she felt depressed. That book spoke of the importance of family, the joys of friendship, and turned a hopeful eye to the future. Those books weren't the work of somedragon who had given up. At least, that's what she wanted to believe.

She also wanted to believe she would read those books to her own hatchlings one day. Or, even better, sit by the doorway and listen to a father telling a story he was still planning to put down on paper. She would giggle when the story would be interrupted by a silly question, and he would sigh and completely rewrite the ending on the spot to satisfy the hatchling's curiosity. Then, she would catch him with a smile as he got up to leave, and ask which ending would end up in the book.

Meanwhile, Twilight and the crusaders watched Fluttershy from the kitchen doorway. They all exchanged glances, thouroughly confused by their caretaker's behavior, but Twilight was the first to speak. "Why is she peeling so many apples?"

"Who knows," Answered Scootaloo.

"And why does she keep sighing like that?" asked sweetie Belle.

"Who knows," answered Applebloom.

"Guys!" Twilight pointed as Fluttershy looked down at the pile of apples before her. "I think she's going to..." With another sigh, the yellow dragin reached for a mixing bowl and a canister of flour. Twilight reacted to this with a fist pump. "Yes!"

"She's makin' pie!" Applebloom grabbed Scootaloo, the second smallest of their group, and gave her a good shake. "Sweet apple pie, like Granny taught her ta make."

"But, why?" Sweetie Belle wondered out loud, prying her winged friend from Appleblooms grasp. "She never makes, 'junk food,' without a reason."

Scootaloo squirmed free of both sets of claws, and offered a guess. "Maybe she's celebrating the fact that she managed to talk to your brother. Even though she flubbed it at the end." She put a silly smile on her face. "I'm happy help," she said in a sing-song mockery of their caretaker, "I'm so embarassed around the drake I loo~ove, that I can't even talk right."

Fluttershy sighed again, but with a much different tone. "Years from now, one of you is going to embarass yourselves in front of your crush, and I will be able to remind you of this afterwards."

The hatchlings ducked behind the doorway, pressing themselves to the wall.

"She heard us," Applebloom whispered.

Scootaloo's eyebrows pulled together, and her head tilted ever so slightly before she looked over. "Ya think?"

Not catching the sarcasm, Applebloom nodded.

Before Scootaloo could respond, the front door slammed open, rattling the wooden frame. Applebloom's brother took one step in, leaning heavily on the door frame. He froze when he saw the hatchlings, eyes wide and breath wavering.

The hatchlings stared back at him, terrified. He was out of breath, and streaked with dirt. The look in his eyes wasn't one any of them recognized, except for Twilight. It was the same look Rarity had when she faced the monster at the river.

Twilight tore her eyes away. She didn't want to see that expression again. She didn't like seeing the dragons around her so scared. But, what was it that scared him? What was out there that could bring that look to a dragon so large? And, was he coming back to warn them? She started to look up again, but something else caught her attention before her eyes left the floor.

There was blood on his claws.

"It sure got quiet all of a sudden," Fluttershy called from the kitchen. "Did something..." She trailed off as she walked out into the main room. "What happened?" she asked quietly, noticing the blood much faster than the hatchlings had. She also noticed things the hatchlings missed. Things like the tears welling up in his eyes, the shallow scratches along his side, and that this drake, who easily weighed twice as much as all of them combined, was shaking like a newborn bird. Fluttershy softly repeated herself. "What happened?"

Mac looked over at her. "I..." He looked back at the hatchlings, focusing on his youngest sister, then looked back at Fluttershy. He shook his head, not for her benefit, but lost in his own internal debate. Over what, was something only he knew. "No." He barely whispered the word, but as soon as it left his lips, he was on the run, leaving the farmhouse and the prying eyes of hatchlings far behind.

"Wait!" Fluttershy ran to the door, catching herself against to look out. She could see him in the field, heading for the hills of the orchard. He was fast for a dragon his size, and he would be out of sight in seconds. She could make out another form approaching from the opposite direction. Small and white, purple crest barely a speck. "Perfect timing, Rarity," she whispered to herself.

The yellow dragon composed herself, then looked back at the hatchlings. She had to be calm for them. They were already scared, and she didn't want to make it worse. "It's all right girls, don't be scared. Rarity is on her way, and she will be back in a few minutes. Stay here, and stay calm." She offered a smile. "Can you do that for me?"

Several weak nods answered her, and she backed out the door. She could tell the hatchlings didn't quite understand what happened, beyond the fact that it scared them. They didn't know how to recognize the aftermath of a battle between dragons. But, from now on, they would.

Fluttershy took off, running away from the farmhouse, and taking flight once she was clear. Mac had too much of a head start for her to catch up on the ground. Her wings would be her only hope of reaching him. The grassy fields below became orchards almost immediately as she flew, reminding her that this was the first time she had so desperately flown over the apple trees since...

Since the last time Mac had been in battle.

She shook her head, trying to forget that horrible day. It was in the past, and it would stay there. She had to focus on what was ahead. Mac was there, close. She could see him through the trees, and she would overtake him before he left the orchard.

She set down behind him, using her flight momentum to run up along his right side. She kept pace for a second, giving him a chance to see her and slow down. When he didn't, she called out to him. "Mac!"

He shoved her aside with the back of his claw, never looking over, and never slowing down. She picked herself up, and looked down at the red smear left across her chest. What happened? Whose blood was this?

She started running again. She was faster than him, and would catch up again quickly. The only problem left was what to say. Or, if words wouldn't get through, what to do. As she realized that she might have to fight him down to even get him to talk, her breath started to steam. That's how it appeared at least. There were many dragons whose body temperature rose greatly under exertion or anger, but she was the opposite. No, her body was going cold. Her breath, for all it looked like steam, was frost.

She was worried. She was uneasy. Most of all, she was scared, and her body was reacting on its own, preparing for battle. Was she really going to fight him? Would he truly fight her? Her eyes glowed ice blue as approached him again. She didn't want this to happen, but she couldn't just let him run away.

She spread her wings. The ground below crackled. Grass and leaves frosted over and crunched under each impact of her claws. Tears fell from her eyes, frozen crystals, bouncing off the icy ground as she left them behind.

She launched herself forward, flying a wide arc around the other dragon, and leaving a wall of ice behind her. She only landed when she was behind him again, leaving his path, and several trees, locked away in glacial ether. "Mac, stop!"

"No!" Confronted by a blue-grey wall taller than he was, he was forced to stop running. But, he only stopped long enough to turn around and head for the only opening. It didn't matter that the opening was directly behind Fluttershy. "Leave me alone!"

Finally looking him in the eyes, the glow started to fade from Fluttershy's. What had she been thinking? It was impossible to fight him.

Mac advanced. "Leave me alone, or I'll-"

"You'll what?!" With one last flap of her wings, Fluttershy sealed off the opening behind her. They were both trapped in this frozen colisseum now, and if he wanted to fight, there was nothing she could do to stop him. It wasn't a matter of ability though, she knew she was strong enough to beat him. But, how are you supposed to look the one you love in the eyes and raise your claws against them? "You'll hit me? You'll slash at me with your claws? Do it! I won't fight back."

Fluttershy waited until he was standing over her before she spoke again. "Mac, it's me. Are you really going to attack me?"

He stared down at her, eyes wide, unfocused, like they had been at the farmhouse. "He came back."

Fluttershy's mind filled in an identity for her, but it wasn't possible, was it? "Who came back?"

"Koro." Mac lifted a claw, looking down at the bloody scales. "He came back, but he wasn't as big as Ah remembered." Fluttershy reached out and touched the other dragon. She rested the palm of her claw against his arm, and his eyes focused on her for the first time. "Fluttershy, Ah- Ah fought him."

"What happened?" Fluttershy hated repeating those words so many times, but she needed to know. "Mac, where is Koro?"

"Ah don't know." Mac brought his claw to his head. Everything was starting to catch up to him. Adrenaline was leaving him, and so was his confusion. "Ah guess he's still alive, but someone might a' moved him by now." Mac focused on Fluttershy. Was he really about to try fighting his way past her? "Ah'm sorry, Ah wasn't right there for a bit."

"Mac," Fluttershy kept her claw on him, maintaining what little touch she could. This was the closest she had been to him in years, and not just physically. "There's something you aren't telling me."

"Eeyup," he agreed quietly, "and it's gonna stay that way. It's best if Ah keep to myself."

"Even if that hurts me?" Fluttershy closed her eyes. "I've been quiet about it for years, but, Mac, I can't take it anymore!" She took a deep breath, and willed herself to speak. "Mac, I still love you." She kept her eyes shut, hoping for a touch, a sound, any sort of response from the drake. "All these years, I've still loved you, and wanted to tell you, but I didn't know how to. I didn't know how to speak to you, didn't know how to get close. You wanted to be alone, so I left you alone. But, that left me alone too, and it hurts. Mac, I don't want to be alone. And I don't want you to be alone either." She looked up into his eyes. "Tell me what happened."

He looked away. He knew it would hurt both of them, but it would hurt less than the truth. "I couldn't do it," he whispered. "Ya oughta forget about me, and find a stronger drake."

Fluttershy could feel him shiver. She wasn't sure if it was the cold or not. "I wouldn't be able to find one. Mac, talk to me. I want to help you. Stop giving me these bits and pieces, and tell me what's bothering you!"

Mac shook his head and pulled away from her touch. "Shy, Koro, Ah..." He walked away until he met his reflection in the wall of ice. He stared at himself for a moment, then looked away from the judging eyes. "Ah couldn't kill him." He paced along the wall. "Ah fought him, right outside a' town. He came runnin' out a' the forest, chasin' ma's friend and some other drake, and Ah couldn't stop mahself. It was the same thing that happened after pa died. Ah just wanted ta kill him. But, he wasn't as big this time. He couldn't just grab me like he did then. Ah could fight him, really fight him, like ma could a' done if Ah wasn't there."

Mac looked down at his claws. They were going numb walking on the ice this close to the wall, and the blood that wasn't yet dry was starting to freeze. "Ah've never fought another dragon before. Ah got kicked out a' the military before Ah ever got the chance." He lifted a claw towards the ice, letting it hover before the smooth surface. "Ah didn't really know what to do, so I did what he did to pa." Mac slashed, leaving four deep diagonal gouges in the ice. "Hit him in the chest. It felt good, gettin' revenge fer pa, even if it weren't enough ta end it. Ah wanted ta tear out his heart, but Ah didn't cut deep enough."

Another slash sliced across the previous gouges. "Ah hit him again and again. He tried ta defend himself, but Ah just hit his claws. Then he tried ta hit me with his tail. I grabbed it and threw him as hard as Ah could. But Ah didn't let go. Before Ah could toss him, Ah slammed him down. His back hit the ground, and I was on top of him." One claw clenched the ice below, cutting shavings from the surface. The other lifted up. "Ah had him by the neck, choking his pathetic life out of him, and he couldn't fight back."

Mac slammed his fist to the ground, fracturing the ice below. "Ah couldn't do that to him," he said quietly. He hit the ground again, causing a spreading spiderweb of cracks. "He did that ta ma. He even laughed. But, Ah couldn't do it." Mac screamed and punched the ground over and over. "Ah couldn't fuckin' do it!"

The punches slowed down as pain started creeping up the drake's arm. "Ah couldn't avenge ma." His claw stopped and hung limp in a small crater. "He took them away, and Ah let him live."

Fluttershy walked to him slowly. She reached out, brushed against him, and the drake fell into the touch. She slowed him until he landed on his side. He looked up at her in pain. "Wasn't Ah supposed ta kill him?" he asked her. "Ain't ya supposed ta take revenge for yer loved ones?"

"No," Fluttershy whispered, running the back of her claw up and down his neck. He seemed so fragile right now, laying before her. "You did everything you were supposed to do. You made sure he couldn't hurt anyone else" She leaned in, and swept her lips across his cheek. "And I am proud of you."

"Shy, Ah'm tired." Mac closed his eyes and turned his head, letting her caress reach more of his neck. "Too much happened today."

She nodded. "Let's head back to the farm, and you can sleep there."

"No." He picked himself up with sluggish movements. "Ah don't think Ah can explain this ta Applebloom right now. Ah want ta be alone."

Fluttershy grabbed him by the shoulder. "Mac, you've already been alone for too long."

He glanced down at the claw, then looked at its owner. "Ah know."

Author's Note:

Chapter title

Passion Colors Everything - Poets of the Fall

Edit: Thank you, user Docontra, for the proofread and pointing out of typos.

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