• Published 24th Feb 2013
  • 3,376 Views, 109 Comments

I'm Still Me - Eliyora

There is no such thing as rules when it comes to love.

  • ...

Part one

I was always the quiet one, never really voicing my thoughts or feelings. There have been plenty of times where I've regretted that about myself, but never more than with her. The most beautiful, intelligent, warm-hearted mare I've ever known.

Twilight Sparkle.

I feel lucky to have met her at all, let alone to have her consider me a friend. She's easily the most precious pony I have ever had in my life, and I was stupid, so stupid! I was so shy, so afraid to tell her how I felt about her! I promised myself so many times that today was the day, that today was when I would tell her, and I never followed through once. Something about just seeing her, looking into her stunning eyes, observing that warm smile, it would always make me lose the ability to form coherent words. Now, it's well beyond too late. Twilight has become an Alicorn, and been coronated as the fourth princess of Equestria. The problem is I still feel the same way about her, even now.

My name is "Big" Macintosh Apple, and I'm in love with a princess.

"I'm Still Me"
part one

Big Mac winced as he heard the tree behind him crack. He was bucking too hard again. Luckily, this was one of the sturdier trees and it only cracked a little, instead of toppling altogether as the last two had. He sighed. He'd been finding it difficult as of late to stay focused enough to control his strength. He just kept on thinking about... things.

It had always been Big Mac's habit to let things turn in his mind while he did his work. After all, his work took up the large part of his day, so there was plenty of time to think. However, recent events had shaken him to his very core, and he was almost unable to move his mind to anything else, including the work that he had done his entire life.

Twilight Sparkle had become a princess of Equestria.

Big Mac stomped. While on one level he was very happy for and proud of her for what she had accomplished, on another he was hurting terribly. He'd always thought Twilight was a fine lady, kind, generous, and humble despite her Canterlot origins and status as Celestia's own student. Sure, she had some issues with being high-strung, but that con was far outweighed by the pros. He had always felt lucky that she even thought him to be a friend, but some part of him had always held to the hope that they could one day be more.

He still remembered the first time he ever saw her. He had been in town when she first arrived, riding a golden chariot pulled by two royal guards. Something about her had just... glowed. He had taken one look at those eyes and become infatuated. Initially that was all it was, an infatuation, and he had been certain it would fade away. Over time, however, it had developed into a crush, then into real love. Even then it had hurt, as he had always been afraid she would reject a simple farm colt like himself. Now, it was a brutal, crushing ache. He longed every day to just see her, to hear her voice, anything!

It was unbelievable how much her absence was affecting him, but at the same time, it wasn't really. At some point, how good his day was began to revolve around whether or not he got to see her, so it wasn't too surprising that her absence was so painful. His eyes drifted in the direction of the mountains where Canterlot was located. It had only been a month since her ascension, but it felt like it had been much longer. He sighed and wondered what she was doing, if she was happy where she was now.


Twilight sighed as she set down the scroll she had been going over. She normally would have been completely fine with doing her royal duties. She always had been before. It was all different now, though. The duties were nothing new; she had learned after her coronation that Celestia had been having her fulfill the duties that were to be hers after her coronation anyway, so she wasn't as strained as she thought she was going to be. No, the problem was that it all felt different.

Twilight flapped her wings a little, her ears folding back. Rainbow Dash had been delighted to see them, saying she was her "new flying buddy." Twilight had not, however, had any sort of chance to fly with Rainbow Dash since she'd gotten them. In fact, since her friends had returned home after the coronation, she hadn't gotten to see them at all. They all kept in touch, of course. Twilight made time to write to them each day, with Spike happily sending the letters. She missed actually hanging out with the girls though. And besides the girls, there were other friends she had made in Ponyville that she had never actually gotten to say goodbye to. Cherilee, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, the Cakes, Zecora, Big Mac...

Twilight's stomach did that funny little flip it always had when she thought of or was near the large earth pony. She had never understood why, but never really paid any mind to it. It never did any harm, only made her feel strange for a moment.

She shook her head. It didn't matter. The point was she had simply vanished from their lives without a proper goodbye. Maybe that was why she was so distracted. She had always felt bad about that, but had never done anything to fix it. Well, time to change that. She got up and went to go speak to Celestia. It was time for her to make a trip to Ponyville.

End part one