• Published 24th Feb 2013
  • 3,377 Views, 109 Comments

I'm Still Me - Eliyora

There is no such thing as rules when it comes to love.

  • ...

Part two

It's an odd feeling, returning to Ponyville. I was born and grew up in Canterlot, yet coming back to Ponyville makes me feel like I'm coming home after a particularly long absence. That may be because Ponyville feels so much warmer than Canterlot.

In Ponyville, you only need to be yourself. That's all that matters. In Canterlot, status is everything. It's not something I ever had to worry about, being first the daughter of a noble family, then Celestia's own student, and now a princess. Even so, I was always fully aware of the need for status in my hometown. WIthout it, you were nothing. Ponyville has none of that, and coming back, I realize just how much I missed that.

I think I finally understand why Celestia always tries to ignore her own status.

"I'm Still Me"
Part Two

"Pinkie, what in Equestria are you doing?" Rarity asked as she watched her hyper friend.

Pinkie Pie was currently attempting to bake a cake, set up a buffet table, and decorate all at the same time. On top of this, she was doing it in the library, and she refused to explain why. Clearly it was time for a party, but for the first time, she wasn't telling the reason for the party. Rarity had happened upon her when she came to check out a book on classic Trottingham fashions. Obviously the visits to the library had been drastically reduced since Ponyville's greatest librarian had moved on to other things, so seeing Pinkie setting up a party here of all places was confusing, even given her random nature.

"I'm setting up a party!" Pinkie answered cheerfully. She was absolutely bouncy. Well, bouncier than usual anyway. Or, at least Rarity thought so. It was so hard to tell where Pinkie was concerned.

"I can see that, but why? You may love to throw parties, but you always have a reason for them," Rarity said.

"It's a surprise party!" Pinkie replied, dashing into the kitchen to pull the cake out of the oven. She set it aside to cool, then began piling more food onto the already creaking buffet table. Rarity took note of one particular bowl.

"Amethysts? Quartz? Garnets?" She began to smile, the pieces coming together in her mind. "Why, that's a meal fit for a dragon."

Pinkie grinned, knowing Rarity was figuring it out. "Well of course! I like to make sure all my guests have lots of stuff to enjoy!" She then went to begin icing the cake. Rarity caught a whiff of the scent of it and smiled more.

"Cinnamon spice cake?" she quipped. "I believe that's a very specific somepony's favorite!"

"Well duh!" Pinkie answered as she finished decorating it.

"Who else knows, Pinkie?" Rarity asked.

"Nopony," she answered. "It's a surprise party, so everything's a surprise!"

Rarity giggled. "Then I'll keep my silence. I don't wish to spoil the surprise after all."

"Hey! Can you get AJ and Big Mac and Apple Bloom here? I already told Rainbow and Fluttershy to meet here at about four, but I didn't get to go to get them because I had to start decorating and they'd all be so sad if they got left out!"

"I'm already there," Rarity said, heading out the door. An elated feeling washed over her. They were coming back! The Pinkie Sense was never wrong, so if she was so sure that she was setting up a welcome back party, then there could be no doubt.

Without even realizing it, Rarity began to skip a little bit. It had been far too long since she had gotten to see Spikey-Wikey. She missed his cute little face, and his sweet, caring personality. Spike was, in her opinion, the most precious gem she had ever come across, and her shop had felt tragically empty without him dropping by for no real reason. She had always found his crush on her flattering and adorable, even if she had never said so, and though she had sometimes taken advantage of it, she truly appreciated someone caring for her so.

That wasn’t to say Rarity was any less thrilled about seeing Twilight again. The bookish mare was one of the greatest friends anypony could wish for. Twilight’s help was part of the reason Rarity was where she was now. It had gotten her out of more than a few tight spots, and also helped with her career. Twilight’s connection with the princess had spilled over to her, and had aided her reputation, something which was essential for success in Canterlot.

It occurred to her how ironic is was that she was the Element of Generosity when really, she received so much more of it than she gave out. She had to thank them both for everything they had ever given her, all that they had ever done to help her. It was all the more reason to look forward to seeing them.


Big Mac sat on the porch, staring rather grumpily at the trees. At Applejack's insistence, he was taking the rest of the day off. He had gotten his head back in the game enough that he wasn't toppling trees anymore, but he was still managing to crack them. AJ figured that a day or two to relax and get his head together would do some good, but all that meant to him was that there was now no distraction from his thoughts.

Not that Ah was real distracted from 'em to begin with, he admitted to himself.

Still, it had helped a little. Now what was he supposed to do with himself?

"Big Macintosh?”

He lifted his head up when he heard someone call him. Miss Rarity was coming his way. He nodded politely in greeting.

"Well, this is a fortunate surprise. I thought I would have to look amongst the trees to find you and your sister," she said. "I don't suppose Applejack is here as well, is she?"


"Oh drats," Rarity complained. "Well, I suppose it was inevitable then. Either way, I'm here to extend an invitation to Pinkie's latest party. It's going to be at the library at four."

"Ah... Ah don't know if Ah feel up to a party," Big Mac said.

"Sure ya do!"

Both looked up to see AJ coming towards them, pulling a cart load of apples. She was smiling at the pair of them. "Ah'd say a party would do ya some good. It'll help cheer ya up," she continued.

"Wonderful!" Rarity said. She was wearing a mysterious smile. "The invitation extends to your sister, of course. I'm going to bring Sweetie Belle, and I expect Rainbow Dash will bring Scootaloo along."

"We'll be there," AJ responded. Big Mac remained silent, as always. He didn't feel like going to a party, but once again couldn't make himself protest over his sister. AJ had a habit of being right about things that would do him some good after all.

"I'll let Pinkie know right away, though knowing her she probably already knows you'll be there," Rarity replied. The girls shared a laugh before Rarity turned to head back to town.

AJ turned when Mac let out a soft snort of irritation. She knew Big Mac didn't want to go, but she also knew that he really needed a distraction. Her brother may have been a mystery to others, but she knew him better than anypony. She knew exactly what was bothering him, and wanted to do all she could to help him feel better.

Most ponies may think it odd that AJ wasn’t bothered by her older brother being in love with her best friend, but in her opinion, it was a good match. She couldn’t think of anypony else who would treat Big Mac the way he ought to be treated; with warmth, compassion, gentleness, and understanding. Especially the understanding. Many would think that sounded more like Fluttershy than Twilight Sparkle, but the fact was Fluttershy was far better with animals than with ponies. Besides that, Big Macintosh was far smarter than most would assume. He was actually close to Twilight’s level, which was all the more reason she was okay with it.

On Twilight’s end, it seemed to AJ that her friend could do with somepony like Mac; somepony who could help keep her stress-attacks in check, primarily. Big Mac had a talent for calming others, and it was no secret that Twilight needed that in her life. Applejack wasn’t sure how true this part was anymore, all things considered, but Big Mac could help get her out and about more often, rather than just staying in and pouring over books constantly. On a side note, AJ was fairly certain Twilight had a crush on Big Mac too, though she didn’t know for sure.

Big Macintosh and Twilight Sparkle were two of the most precious ponies in AJ’s life, and she wanted them to both be happy. If happiness for them was each other, so be it. Of course, this was all assuming that it could even still happen, what with Twi’s coronation and all. And of course, this brought her back to the problem.

Applejack looked at Big Mac and gave him an apologetic smile. "Ah know, big brother, but Ah really think you'll feel a bit better after a good party," she said. After a moment, she added, "It may not cure the problem, but maybe it'll help ta not think about it fer a while."

Big Mac stared at Applejack. Did she know...? By Celestia, how did she always do that?! How did she always read him so easily? She was always the only one who could do that, something which was both aggravating and a relief. One one hoof, he could always count on AJ to understand him. On the other, he couldn't seem to keep any secrets from her.

He let out a sigh. It didn't really matter anyway. Either way, it seemed like he was going to the party.


Pinkie was hopping in place excitedly, constantly looking up at the sky. Much to the bewilderment of everyone except Rarity, she wasn't letting them into the library yet. Somewhere in her high speed rambling, she had mentioned the surprise wasn't there yet. Big Mac had no idea what she was talking about. All he knew was he was getting heavily bored, and it had only been five minutes. He did not like having nothing to do, and was about to turn back to the farm when Pinkie shouted, "Oh oh!! The surprise is here!!"

Big Mac turned around just in time to see it. It was just like three years ago. A golden chariot pulled by two royal guards descended from the sky, their passenger invisible from the angle. Big Mac didn’t need Pinkie’s squealing and bouncing to figure out what, or rather who, was on that chariot.

No way, he thought. The deja vu was entirely too strong. It couldn't be...

But it was. Off of the chariot, and into his view, stepped Princess Twilight Sparkle.

End Part Two