• Published 3rd Feb 2012
  • 21,248 Views, 142 Comments

A Great and Powerful Heart - Deep Pond

Trixie is coerced into searching for a missing foal and finds out what kind of pony she is at heart.

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Chapter 6

Chapter 6

It was surprisingly easy to get clear of Dusky Dale in the morning. As the shadows faded and the patches of golden sunlight grew, the four ponies made their way to the southeast wall of the valley. The slope was steep, but not as bad as they'd feared, and between Trixie's magic and the foals' youthful agility, they made their way safely to the higher ground.

The walk back to where Trixie's wagon was hidden was a quiet one. Derpy and Dinky seemed content just to be near each other, while Jasper's attitude was one of resignation. For herself, Trixie was distracted by her inner thoughts. She had awakened with the dim outline of a plan in mind, and it had slowly solidified as the morning wore on.

When they reached the wagon, Dinky turned awkwardly to Jasper. “I guess I have to go now,” she said sadly. “Um . . . goodbye. Maybe I can come visit you again some time.”

“Yeah,” Jasper agreed without enthusiasm.

“Wait a minute, Derpy,” said Trixie, glancing at the other mare. “Trixie has one more errand in Promise. Trixie would . . . appreciate it if you would accompany her.”

Dinky looked surprised, but Derpy simply smiled. “Of course we'll help!” the pegasus agreed.

Trixie slipped into her harness, after first herding the two foals into the wagon itself. “Stay inside,” she insisted, “and don't come out until Trixie calls you. And don't go digging through Trixie's equipment!”

The weight of the wagon was comforting against Trixie's shoulders, and to her surprise she found herself enjoying Derpy's company as well. The walleyed pegasus was relentlessly cheerful, as though, with her little muffin safe again, nothing bad could happen in all of Equestria. Dinky herself had proven to be smart and capable, far more that Trixie would have anticipated. In mild surprise, Trixie realized that she was thinking of the other ponies, not as mere traveling companions, but as friends.

And then there was Jasper, who had performed admirably under intense pressure, keeping his head, manifesting his magic, and risking his life – twice – to save somepony else. He was truly a special colt, Trixie thought, and she wondered how he had developed as he had in a place like Promise.

Her thoughts turned darker.

Promise, you have a lot to answer for.

The unicorn with her gaudy wagon and the pegasus with a bandaged wing attracted a bit of attention as they walked through Promise's gates again, and not all the gazes were friendly. Several ponies took one look at her and galloped off. Good, thought Trixie. Tell everypony. The Great and Powerful Trixie is about to give you a second performance.

They reached the town common, and Trixie ducked her head inside the wagon to retrieve some supplies and mutter some low-voiced instructions. As Derpy watched curiously, she unfolded her portable stage and set it up, not bothering with most of the usual decorations. She arranged a trio of fireworks – two Skycrackers and a Blue Nimbus – within easy reach, double-checked the contents of her cloak, and stepped onto the stage.

A small crowd had already gathered, a couple of dozen earth ponies with expressions ranging from bemused to hostile. More were trickling in as word spread, but Trixie did not see the one she was particularly interested in.

Very well. With a minor spell she had done so often it was second nature now, she touched alight the fuses of the fireworks. The two Skycrackers shot upwards with an enormous hiss, to burst with a deafening double explosion high above the houses of Promise. A second later, the Blue Nimbus erupted in a massive ring of pale blue stars, which faded slowly as they drifted to earth.

Normally, Trixie would never have touched off her fireworks so early, or in that particular combination . . . but this was not a normal show.

“Citizens of Promise!” she called loudly, weaving another minor spell to make her voice carry clearly. “Gather 'round! The Great and Powerful Trixie has returned, and she has news that all of you need to hear!”

More ponies appeared, drawn by the explosions and by Trixie's speech. Scanning the crowd, Trixie caught sight of Sheriff Brass, shadowed by the gawky form of his deputy. She smiled darkly.


“Ponies of Promise!” she began dramatically, swirling her cape for effect. “Two days ago the Great and Powerful Trixie came among you, seeking to show you some of the most amazing unicorn magic in all of Equestria. And while here, in your town, Trixie discovered a problem. A foal had gone missing, a colt, an orphan. Nopony knew where he could be found . . . not that anypony was trying particularly hard to find him.”

That earned her a few glowers, but she ignored them and continued on. “Trixie was asked to seek out the foal, using her incredibly powerful magic. Alas, she found the trail, and it lead straight into the dreadful danger of Dusky Dale! Surely the foal was lost . . . or so it seemed!”

Deputy Flute was making his way through the crowd toward her, but Brass was simply watching. Trixie gave them part of her attention as she focused on the crowd as a whole.

“But Trixie was not without resources! Undaunted, she pressed on, and what did she find?”

She gestured to Derpy, who was standing beside the stage, blinking.

“She found that the colt – Jasper – was not the first foal to be lost!”

An accusing hoof pointed towards Sheriff Brass. “A mare, a mother, came to your sheriff in tears, seeking her lost filly. She begged for help. She was met with insults and scorn, and turned away.”

Brass had the grace to look embarrassed, and several ponies shot him startled looks; apparently this hadn't been generally known before. Flute glared at her.

“Accompanied only by this mare, the Great and Powerful Trixie descended into the darkling depths of Dusky Dale, and there she found . . . the foals!

She gestured to her wagon, tugging the doors open with with her magic. On cue, Dinky popped out, followed a second later by Jasper. The two unicorns stood together, blinking uncertainly at the crowd.

There was a collective gasp from the townsponies, and Sheriff Brass's face seemed to be caught between three different expressions at once. Deputy Flute stopped in his tracks, glancing from Trixie to Brass in confusion.

“Yes!” Trixie went on. “Trixie found them. Not the sheriff, the pony responsible for ensuring the safety of his community. Not the wise mares and brave stallions of the Filii Terram. They were only unicorns, after all. Who cares if they're lost? Who cares if they perish, alone in the wildlands?”

“It wasn't like that!” somepony in the crowd called out.

“It's not our fault!” said somepony else.

“We didn't –”

“You can't –”

Silence!” bellowed the showmare, cutting off the rising babel of voices.

A dozen feet away, Deputy Flute cleared his throat importantly and swaggered forward. Without bothering to look at him, Trixie gestured with one hoof. A half-dozen bolts of lightning lanced down with a staccato crack! striking the ground all around the lanky earth pony. Flute halted, his gray face going pale.

“Trixie had intended to return young Jasper to his . . . loving home,” Trixie continued. “But since it seems nopony in Promise actually values the life of a courageous young pony . . .”

She turned to Jasper, who was staring at her with wide eyes. “Jasper,” she said in a quieter voice, “would you like to come away with . . . me? It's not an easy life, but it's never a dull one. And Trixie promises – I promise – you will never be alone.”

Jasper blinked rapidly, his expression torn between wonder and disbelief. “You – you mean it?” he managed.

“Of course,” Trixie replied. “My little treasure.”

Jasper nodded, unable to speak. Then he leaped onto the stage and pressed himself hard against Trixie. She laid a fore-hoof on his back, her eyes closing.

“Now, hold on there a minute!” came the voice of Sheriff Brass.

Trixie turned back to the crowd, her own expression darkening.

“I'm sure this is very touching and all,” went on Brass, “but the fact is, young mare, you were paid to find this colt and return him to Promise. Now, what we –”

He was cut off as a pouch of bits smacked him in the face.

“Trixie does not want your money,” the blue unicorn declared acidly. “Trixie utterly rejects your 'generous' offer, as you – as all of you – have rejected Jasper. And since it has been made abundantly clear that Promise is not, and never has been, a home to him, he is free to travel wherever he wishes.”

Trixie glared around at the crowd, catching the eyes of several ponies. Their expressions ranged from hostile to uneasy to mildly embarrassed. Horn glowing, Trixie created an aura of glittering blue around herself as she reared to her full height.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie was tempted – sorely tempted – to do Celestia a favor and remove this blighted burg from the face of Equestria.” She saw several faces blanch, and smiled darkly. That's right, Trixie can do that . . . as far as you know. “Clearly, there is nothing in this town that is keeping with the Teachings of the Sisters. Nothing of the virtues that have made Equestria great. Nothing of value . . . now.” Quite deliberately, she angled her head towards Jasper.

Muttering broke out from the crowd, but now it sounded more worried than angry. Trixie spread her fore-hooves, generating a flash of blue light.

But!” she said loudly, “then Trixie thought of a more fitting punishment. Something more permanent. Something more . . . appropriate.”

She looked at the crowd, slowly and deliberately catching the eyes of one pony after another. Few held her gaze for long. Last of all she met Sheriff Brass's eyes, and saw fear in them.

“Trixie is going . . . to leave you here,” she said, slowly and deliberately. “To go about your petty lives, to grow old, and eventually, to die. And Trixie is going to leave you with this knowledge: you all, each and every one of you, abandoned two foals to die. Because of your fear. Because of your cowardice. And you will have to live with that truth about yourselves, every minute of every day, forever.”

With a swirl of her cape, the Great and Powerful Trixie turned and strode dramatically off her stage, and not a pony raised a hoof to stop her.

Well, that went better than Trixie had expected.

The day was rapidly warming, but the road east of Promise had never looked better to Trixie. She ambled along at an easy pace, her wagon trundling after her. Derpy walked by her side, her wing still bandaged, one eye on the road ahead and the other on the sky. Dinky and Jasper, filled with high spirits, were chasing each other up and down the road, circling the wagon and the two mares.

Trixie had been alone for a long time, but that was over now. Derpy and Dinky would be traveling with her until they reached Bridledown, and Jasper . . . Jasper would be with her for a lot longer than that. Trixie had never been responsible for another pony before, and the thought was both intimidating and comforting.

The foals tore across the road in front of the two mares. Trixie snorted, but, catching a glimpse of Derpy's expression, felt her irritation melt away. Derpy was watching her unicorn daughter with a look of pure contentment on her face.

Following her gaze, Trixie watched Jasper as he ran and laughed with Dinky, diving in and out of the bushes that lined the road. She found herself smiling, simply taking pleasure in his obvious joy. Maybe it was worth it, she thought. The last couple of days; the danger, the terror, the stress, the humiliation . . . maybe it was worth it after all.

Abruptly, the foals were standing in front of Trixie, staring up at her. The two mares came to a halt, regarding them curiously. “And what do you two want?” said Trixie.

“Dinky asked me – I was wondering –” Jasper fumbled for a moment. “Are you going to teach me magic?”

“Of course Trixie will teach you magic,” she replied. “You have a great natural talent already. We can start your lessons tonight.”

“And do you think I could be a showpony someday, like you?”

“If you want to,” Trixie said, “Trixie has no doubt that you will make the name of Jasper the Magnificent famous throughout all of Equestria and beyond.”

Jasper smiled at her, eyes shining. He suddenly hugged her leg, then as quickly took off down the road again, Dinky at his heels. Their voice came floating back to the two mares, shouting something about “timber wolves” and “Jasper the Magnificent” and “Dinky the Wise.”

Trixie resumed her pace, Derpy walking beside her. My life has been turned completely upside-down, Trixie thought. I've made enemies of an entire town, probably did wonders for my reputation, and I have a huge new responsibility that's going to last for the next ten or twelve years at the least. No more freedom. No more 'Trixie looking out for Trixie.'

Jasper's laughter sounded from somewhere up ahead.

Yes . . . it was definitely worth it.

Infinite thanks to my friend and brony Quilldipper for suggestions and editing.

This story was inspired by Poor Yorick's beautiful picture, "Her Greatest Treasure," seen here: http://twentypercentcooler.net/post/show/4068

Thanks for reading!

Comments ( 81 )

Promise just got owned pretty hard :rainbowlaugh:

Nice ending, seemed a bit rushed in the middle, but as you said, definitely worth it :heart:

They should have made this instead of Last Roundup.

This is great! I was doubtful at first, but it turned out to be an excellent piece.

It's gratifying to get a Trixie story that isn't all about Twilight shipping and/or rivalry. It's even more gratifying to get a story where Trixie seems like the perfect protagonist, such that it's hard to imagine how any other pony could have worked nearly as well.

Yay, very fun to read story with a heartwarming ending

I want a sequel!

Bravo. *Applauds*

I never cared much for Trixie though I have known a few stories that made her come out all right.

This one though, just, OWNED! Trixie deserves a blinking medal for telling off that town!

A wonderful story!

Great ending, there. You did Trixie and Jasper right, there. and she's right, too. :) It's over, though? Aww... but it was great.

Was a fun story, I enjoyed it enough. Not much else to say. Above average, but not mind blowing ^^

Awesome story, my heart has a feel.

Only way it could have been MORE satisfying?
If Trixie had contacted the princesses-- and Celestia and Luna had shown up in town and demanded, in full Royal Canterlot Voice, to know if anyone had a problem with THEIR "mixed heritage....."

BTW: the significance of the combination of fireworks she launched, um, isn't made clear.....

I also like that Jasper's name is indicative of his coloration (it's a reddish brown stone with streaks of purple. Clever.)

Words cannot describe how awesome this story is.

Thanks for all the kind words! Let me address a few things quickly here:

It's gratifying to get a Trixie story that isn't all about Twilight shipping and/or rivalry - Like a lot of MLP:FiM characters, I feel that Trixie has depth. There's more to her than just a snarky showmare.

I want a sequel! - That depends if I get an idea for Trixie and Jasper that's worth writing about. Right now I'm focusing on my other ponyfics (have four in the works, none directly related to this, though one does star Trixie).

If Trixie had contacted the princesses-- and Celestia and Luna had shown up in town and demanded, in full Royal Canterlot Voice, to know if anyone had a problem with THEIR "mixed heritage....." - I didn't do this because (1) I don't see Trixie doing that, and (2) this was ultimately a story about Trixie and who she was, not about bigots getting punished.

BTW: the significance of the combination of fireworks she launched, um, isn't made clear.....

I could have made that clearer. The point was, she shot them off during the daylight, well ahead of her show, to draw attention . . . normally she would have made a more elaborate display instead of just BOOM BOOM!

I also like that Jasper's name is indicative of his coloration (it's a reddish brown stone with streaks of purple. Clever.) - Thankee! I picked the name primarily because it means "treasure," and I wanted a name that had a positive meaning like that. The color thing was a bonus.

Quick note, in this chapter the word you used, loathe, should be loath. Easy way to distinguish the two is that loath has a hard TH like in 'thought,' while loathe has a soft TH as in 'the.' - Thank you. I knew of the two meanings (obviously) but missed which one had an E on the end.

In case anypony cares . . . I got the idea that Trixie has a soft spot for foals, probably because she tolerates Snips and Snails. That lead to the question: How far would Trixie go for a foal in need? Not just physically, but emotionally? This story is my take on the answer.

Thank you all, bronies! :pinkiehappy:

Yeah, I figured. I just have an abiding love for the villains getting a Humiliation Conga. If you're familiar with my webcomics you'll know what I mean.


Eets nice.


This was fantastic to read. If only this were an episode.

Daaaw that was kind of nice. Well done sir.

far more that Trixie would have anticipated.

Ok, I really liked this story, I would give it a four star but I can't do that anymore; and I can't give it a like either since I already gave it a like after reading chapter one about two weeks ago... so you get this lame comment.

I enjoyed the portrayal of Trixie, you stuck pretty close to the show and made it interesting. I also like that you didn't have the princesses get involved; that sort of writing where a higher power comes in to justify the main character's actions like that... I find it to be very immature although that is the kind of writing they use in the Harry Potter movies so I doubt anyone would call you out on it, but I'm glad you avoided it. Plus the way the story ended with the town was a much more interesting food for thought sort of thing.

Anyway, thanks for the story.

This is the way I see Trixie in future episodes.

Found this story from the EQD feature. A possible idea for a sequel. In the first chapter Trixie experienced how petty small town officials abuse the fine print of the law firsthoof. She might consider it a good idea to become Jasper's legal guardian officially just in case somepony gets it into their heads that a "No-good wastrel of a showpony" has no business raising a foal and tries to take Jasper away from her.

Therefore a trip to Canterlot to deal with the Bureaucracy and ensuing headaches thereof. Meanwhile Jasper who likely has an extremely limited education whose only knowledge of unicorns is heavily filtered through Promise's bigotry and whatever Trixie managed to explain (Whose own viewpoint is less than unbiased albeit in the other direction) now has to entertain himself it the unicorn capital of Equestria. Result: A lot of hilarious dialogue.

A funny potential wrinkle; Trixie finds out that Twilight Sparkle is Celestia's personal student and is in regular correspondence with the Princess. Assuming Twilight had the extremely negative reaction of Trixie that much of the fandom misappropriates to her and gave Celestia the whole story. Trixie does everything in her power to keep Celestia from finding out about her adoption request. Again assuming that if the Princess finds out about it Jasper will be taken away from her for sure. Hijinks ensue.


Dat premise!

I..I...I think I love you. I can't agree more about the misappropriation of anger many bronies like to give Twilight in regards to her reaction to Trixie. It's maddening. Twilight showed nothing even close to hostility toward Trixie or anypony in Boast Busters. Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Spike and Applejack have a mostly insignificant reason to dislike her, but none of them have any reason to show the flat out hatred of her that some bronies like to attribute to Twilight. I don't even think Trixie knows Twilight's name.

U mad Promise?

Awesome story, I think Trixie is one of the most unobserved characters, so I really appreciate the picture of this.

582598 that sounds like a great idea, but what if Twilight was in canterlot at the same time and by chance she meets Jasper who tells her about the young mare who saved his life but actually telling her the mares name. Then Twilight finds out about Trixie wanting to adopt a young colt and at first she is against it until she finds out that the colt is actually Jasper and realizes that Trixie was the one who saved him.

A very fitting, and very horrible, punishment for Promise. I hate that town, and it didn't even act as the actual setting for most of the story. I especially hate Brass. So, so, MUCH!:flutterrage: WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PONIES!?:twilightangry2:

Oh my god that ending.

I think that this fic could stand to have been about half the length it ended up being, in terms of chapter count; it flows well this way, but longer chapters might have made it feel less rushed on the whole.

That said, this is a fantastic fic and an excellent use of Trixie as a character. Good job.

This was such a beautiful story! I just loved Trixie's character development and change of heart!

Dude, you need a sequel. This is a great story.

So many tears of joy are flowing down my face! This story was so beautyful! You made me so happy and the best part is this story has DERPY and THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE!!!

That was a very enjoyable story and a nice interpretation of Trixie.:twilightsmile:

So cute plz sir i want MORE:flutterrage:

*uses his incubus powers to impregnate all the mares in Promise with pegasus and unicorn foals* I just love being a demon! >:}

Aaaaaaaaaaaaand I fell in love with Trixie all over again. Good job.

Meinos Kaen

I have only one thing to say to you: Thank You.

That was one of the most perfect stories I've read about Trixie, who is not nearly looked at in the light you show her often enough. I am so very happy that Brass didn't turn out to be Jasper's father like I was thinking, or if he was, he kept it hidden to the end. The ending that happened was beautiful, and I couldn't be happier with it. Again, even though this was in no way written for me, I must thank you anyway. This has made me love Trixie even more, and wish that more people could see her the way we do. Thank you!:twilightsmile:

I really love the story and with your permission, I would like to use Jasper in my own stories, or at least a cameo.

673989 Absolutely! Be my guest. :pinkiehappy:

I was content to let Promise burn, but oh well, Trixie is the bigger mare.

EXCELLENT story! Very cute and sweet. I thoroughly enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

:raritystarry::rainbowkiss::pinkiehappy::heart: Daawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!
Well written, great concept, exceptional character portrayal. Here is some mustaches:moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:

This is STILL my favorite Trixie story. A trixie who's still trixie--- but still has heart.
PurLEEEEZE tell me you're gonna make a sequel.
....and do you mind if I use Jasper in another fanfic?

....deputy Flute.....

Deputy FIFE......


It took me this long to realize that!!!

Oh man. Is Brass's name a pun on someone else?

755050 Feel free to use Jasper; I'd be delighted. As for a sequel . . . maybe. I'm working on a couple of other stories now, but if inspiration strikes . . .:trixieshiftright:
755403 Thank you! :pinkiehappy: I'd hoped somepony would notice that. No, Brass isn't a specific pun.

Great story. I really liked it. Thanks for putting it on this site.:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Here is a possible side story idea, although this is ended perfectly, you could have Trixie and Jasper go to ponyville. Or have Jasper go alone and give a show, then explain what Trixie did for him and Dinky.
Just ideas, I couldn't make it work and I don't know anyone else who could either.:twilightblush:

Something else too. How does Trixie receive mail if she is a wandering Show-Pony?:trixieshiftright:

It's Filii Terrae, not Terram. The version given says something like 'Children Earth' rather than 'Children of the Earth'.

Yes, I am a Latin nerd. :twilightsheepish:

This was a fun story.


absolutely loved it:yay::pinkiehappy:

Very sweet, though I do admit that I'm entertaining the idea of Derpy and Trixie getting together. Wonder if that pairing has been done before :trixieshiftright::heart::derpyderp1:

Trixie! You forgot to leave a reminder! How do you expect them to properly dwell upon their failings if they're just left to their own devices?
Shame on you.

Well well well, looks like Trixie got herself a number one assistant too.

If she can make fireworks appear, then why can't she start a fire (since I've seen signal flares used to start a campfire)

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