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  • 1 week
    Tell Your Tale: Written in the Starscouts

    This week... Holy crap! Lore!

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  • 1 week
    It's tradition at this point.

    Hope everyone's week is going well!

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  • 2 weeks
    Well, color me impressed.

    All 78 episodes on 2 discs, the translation is just as solid as the Hulu version, the subtitles are on by default, and they even translated the mid-episode character cards.

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  • 2 weeks
    Hugging Ponies

    Well, because there was no TYT this week...

    Here's an absolutely adorable tutorial on how to hug your pony from doubleWbrothers.

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  • 2 weeks
    So I've been busy away from ponies... Again...

    With my quest/race to get a Rainbow S on all of Freedom Planet 2's stages, my creativity lit up like a bonfire again, and I started crafting an alternate ending of sorts for the past week.

    That story is now complete, and posted in its entirety over on AO3.

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Sad weekend for gaming, that's for sure. · 7:14pm Jan 8th, 2023

I haven't seen a game boycott fail this hilariously since 2009's Modern Warfare 2.

It's such a shame that these armchair activists don't realize (or don't care about) the damage they're doing to their own community. It really is.

Do they really think every single player of Hogwarts Legacy worships Rowling and her politics? Do they think there are no LGBT (especially trans) gamers looking forward to playing it?

In other internet drama news, it seems that Purple Tinker (be thankful if you're new enough to the fandom to not remember her) has finally given up her Twitter, after getting the community manager of Limited Run Games fired over a seven-year-old tweet. Seven. Years.

So apparently after apologizing in 2020 for years of toxic behavior, she proceeded to change absolutely nothing about said behavior, and insists on remaining a perpetually miserable piece of shit.

I'm not a patron of LRG, so I can't really contribute to hurting their bottom line, but I sincerely hope they pay for that decision sooner or later.

Report milesprower06 · 577 views · #gaming drama
Comments ( 37 )

l didn't even know that there were an attempted boycott of 2009's Modern Warfare 2, let alone the reason as to why... it is a great game.... hell l wanna get Hogwarts Legacy, as soon as l get the new PC l am saving up for, just to spite the word-salad Idiot brigade.

If I recall, I believe the three biggest reasons were the No Russian level, the 'Friends Against Grenade Spam' ad campaign, and that there would be no dedicated servers on PC.

This is what happens when people actually strive to be one gigantic raw nerve like it's their lifelong goal, to the point a stray breeze trigger them because of how sensitive and triggered they are.

Wait, I'm confused, what happened with Howgards Legacy and why trans people are angry??

I'm not going to do a blanket statement of "trans people" because there are many who are looking forward to playing this game.

Terminally online activists think this game will further spread JKR's political views.

I think almost everyone looking forward to this game couldn't give less of a shit about Rowling and her politics.

They're also comparing goblins to jews, and claiming this game is about putting down a slave rebellion.

I was not a happy camper when I got wind of JKR's stances. I was in 4th/5th grade when the books first published way back in early 2k. (on an aside it feels weird to know that that was over 20 years ago) and I was a fan, maybe not to the extent of naming my dog Hagrid or anything, but still to have a writer you enjoy turn out crappy is not a good feeling.

As to the boycotting issue...I've honestly got mixed feelings and am not entirely sure what to believe anymore.

LRG shouldn’t had fired their employee when the tweet in question wasn’t about against trans people rather concern about predators using that as a means to go into bathrooms to do harm towards women or even children. Them doing this puts them in a very bad position…

Though I’m surprise about the hate towards Hogwarts game when JK hasn’t really been involved with it at all but I find it interesting this game is going to sell well. Though I’m still debating if I want to get it or not since they kind of placed some game elements in the deluxe edition only.

Is this game having multiplayer? I don’t recall… though you plan to play it when it comes out?

I plan on pre-ordering the deluxe edition next payday.

As far as I know, there are no plans for multiplayer.

I can relate, somewhat. I was a fan of Dave Chappelle, right up until a few weeks ago when he brought Elon Musk up on stage and then badmouthed fans who booed in response.

But that's the risk you take when you enjoy edgy comedians; the possibility that they cross one of your personal lines. Attacking the fans that line your pockets is one of my lines.

Alright, I hope you have fun. I’m thinking of saving for either Star Wars, Mega Man, or Zelda.

There’s a reason there’s a lesson about not looking up to celebrities or people since they aren’t the same when they aren’t on stage or filmed. They are people who aren’t perfect like most of us and can be really not nice folks at all. Like there are those who do really shady stuff but there are nice folks as well. 5707659

I can’t recall a HP game that’s come out since… ever really that I would consider “good”, so if this is actually a good game that alone is a massive selling point.

I definitely agree. I think the last one was the Lego collection? I want to finished that at least

T activists and being their own worst enemies, name a more iconic duo

On the ps1, their was an amazing philosophers stone game

It's very dated but but it's era it was great.

I'm not buying it but not for any political reason. I just didn't care in thefirst place. I liked the books but the later ones soured me on the series in general.

So. yeah.

Internet drama never fucking changes.

those tags, and I am certain they are fake... but those tags make the game seem metal as fuck

I just watched clownfish tv discuss this situation, feel bad for the girl that was working in LRG and hope that corp gets theirrr punishment for this, not that just they left her to hang but they are a very shady business.

For Purple tinker, I'm just glad I never know her being a bully and harasser that to the point some of the community con managers have to make an apology. She an inconsiderate fool that she inadvertently aimed hate on us again.

Enjoying good things and support good things. Simple as that.

The issue isn't that people who buy this game agree with Rowling's bull pocky. It's that regardless of how we feel, buying the game puts money in Rowling's pocket. Money she's spent boosting individuals and organizations who make life shitty for trans folk. And transphobic, "gender critical" movements end up being a smokescreen for hurting all queen people in general.

I'll admit I have an easier than other people when it comes to making this choice, because it's already been made for me. I have a big list of fanfiction, movies and video games I still need to get to. And I need to make time for work, reestablishing my exercise routine, and reaching out to family. So I was NEVER going to have time for this RPG, even without the money going to Rowling.

Warner Brothers is in the process of rebooting the franchise, or so I've heard.

If this game flops, NOTHING happens to Rowling's wealth.

I imagine Rowling's cut in royalties of my $69.99 will be pennies, if that.

I never had the luxury of interacting with PurpleTinker, or hearing about him until this incident. I count myself fortunate to be spared from that drama for so long.

The problem with modern politics being what it is in this day and age, at some point down the line you're invariably going to end up giving money to someone you either disagree with, or who hates you simply for existing.

Buy anything from Amazon? You're giving money to the company that produced Rings of Power, and called Tolkien and his millions of readers racist/misogynist for not liking Rings of Power and seeing it as disrespectful to the work Tolkien did.

Have a credit card? You're doing business with companies denying people the ability to exercise their constitutional rights.

Ship anything with UPS? You're supporting a company that announced it's going to seize and destroy any legally owned property in its inventory that they don't support.

Use Paypal? You're doing business with a company that stole over one million dollars from an independent comic creator so he can't fill the orders for his product.

Go to see Avatar 2 in theaters? You're giving money to the company that produced The Last Jedi and plans to erase the Indiana Jones character from time in his own movie.

Buy anything from Limited Run Gaming? You're paying money to a company that values the opinion of the pedophilic Purple Tinker to the point they'll fire their own workers just to appease him.

There's just no way of getting away from it. You're either the hater or the hated.

No ethical consumption under capitalism.

The simple fact that activists ignore:
No one has to care. Screaming, ranting, and insulting people with buzzwords aren't going to gain you allies either.


Ship anything with UPS? You're supporting a company that announced it's going to seize and destroy any legally owned property in its inventory that they don't support.

Not to mention going batshit over stupid shit doesn't help anyone ether.


Ship anything with UPS? You're supporting a company that announced it's going to seize and destroy any legally owned property in its inventory that they don't support.

UPS has always been dickheads.

And there goes the notification system, not letting me know I had a response and forcing me to check for myself.

This lack of update alerts is getting out of hoof.

Purple Tinker (be thankful if you're new enough to the fandom to not remember her)

I was in talent negotiations when Las Pegasus went down. You have no clue how much harder that made running a pony con, it killed A LOT of pony conventions. After the drama surrounding that everything else they did was (almost) a footnote.

I may need a refresher. How was she involved with Las Pegasus Unicon?

She was one of the organizers. The one that was holding the money.

Yeah that would be pretty damning.

I'm not saying it wouldn't have been a shitshow without her but if memory serves a couple thousand was never accounted for.

All this drama stemming from one guy with a documented history of serious mental issues being left free in society where he causes the most harm and poses the worst threat. Pedophilia, animal abuse, and getting people fired for having a difference of opinion. Are there any other crimes we're missing?

No ethical consumption, I’m familiar with the argument. We all have to draw lines, and where we decide to stand informs the rest of the world what we know about, and who we care about.

We’re not even talking about a painful necessary choice like having to consume food, or needing a phone to operate in modern society. We’re talking about one video game title out of hundreds being released the span of a year. Out of the millions available. We’re flush with options for entertainment.

You listed some companies with genuinely bad issues. (There’s TONS of reasons to call Amazon a POS.). Don’t trivialize the people they hurt by equating true human suffering with entertainment that makes you angry. Those are some pretty distinct lines.

So on a whim I decided to look up Hogwarts Legacy for blog posts. A couple of yours from last year came up. And sorting by date brought up this one. I'm a transwoman and I hate the mainstream LGBT community because they're super woke and cause far more harm than good. They're giving people like me a bad name despite claiming to be fighting for people like me. If they personally don't want to buy the game, that's fine. But to tell others not to buy it or they're transphobic is just crossing a line I cannot stand. They cannot look pass Rowling getting a cut. I'm not buying the game specifically to give money to Rowling, but because I want to enjoy the game. I just hope it doesn't turn out to be a Cyberpunk level of broken on release. I refuse to preorder. It's not like Steam can run out of digital copies if I don't preorder.

I've got thrown under the bus by "allies" on another website, treated like I'm some kind of transphobic person despite stating I'm transgender because I expressed interest in buying the game. I cannot stand moral busybodies because they often are guilty of horrible things and moral grandstanding doesn't really help things. Look at all the awful shit Purple Tinker has done who also reinforces negative stereotypes about transgender people. And they don't understand how their boycott has completely backfired. It makes transgender people and allies look like crybullies who want to stop people from having fun. It's not fair to demand people to give up Harry Potter just because they don't agree with some stuff Rowling said. They actually think they can cancel her or deplatform her, to somehow change her mind on transgender people if so.

Even when I brought up how the devs likely don't share her views and are making the game really inclusive, they didn't care. I wish these wokesters would just fuck off already. Their arguments are shit and don't stand up to scrutiny, so they try to silence anyone they disagree with as if that somehow proves them wrong. The Wizarding World would be great for those with gender dysphoria because there's probably magical means to biologically change your sex. And in a way, franchises become the fans' own in ways. Look at all the LGBT writing on this site alone. Fan fic in general tends to be grounds for gay ships. Fans were having their own LGBT content long before companies officially gave it to them.

Video games are my best escapism from the reality of my life. And I'll be damned if some Internet crybullies are going to stand between me and enjoying being a girl in a magic rich world. Buying a product is not endorsement of whatever views of the person/people who made the product have. For example, if I were to say, buy Diablo IV, it doesn't mean I condone Blizzard's shit treatment of their employees.

As correctly pointed out, liking a setting or product does not neccesarily mean that a person agrees with the personal politics of the creator. For example, I don't agree with absolutely everything that Tolkien said about religion, for instance, but Middle-Earth is still one of my favourite fantasy settings. (Yes, I am aware the correct name for the world as a whole is Arda.)

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