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  • Wednesday
    My Third Attempt At A Comeback + Why I’m Returning To Fimfiction

    Hello, everypony. I know it’s been a couple days since Repressed Memories dropped, but judging by the growing success of it so far, I think my decision has been solidified. I gave it a little bit of time before jumping into anything, and now I’d like to make it official. I am officially returning to writing stories on Fimfiction. This is like my third attempt at a comeback post-Misty Saga

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  • 13 weeks
    I Got Writer’s Block + Taking A Tiny Break To Get Ideas

    You know that feeling when you know exactly what scene you want to play out, but aren’t sure how to execute it? Well, that’s me. You’re probably wondering how I got into this situation and you’d be right to ask that. It’s about Haven, which is doing decent so far in terms of reader engagement so far. Not a breakout hit by any means, but just the fact that I’m getting fans of the original

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  • 14 weeks
    ‘Haven’ Has Been Updated!

    While I’m impatiently waiting for the English dub of the newest Tell Your Tale episode to come out, have the third chapter of Haven! It’s been published and is ready for y’all to comment on. We’re back to the daily update schedule in full force. Thank you and see you all soon!

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  • 14 weeks
    ‘Haven’ Is Making A Return

    Now that the tie-in special has been released, my second order of business upon getting back on this site is finishing the story I promised I would update daily before I dipped. Haven, the sequel to Sanctuary, is making a triumphant comeback and I intend to see it completed. After that, I’ll probably get to work on either of the two Chapter5-set “Dadabittle” fics I have lying

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Survey: What Do You Enjoy About G5? · 2:04am Jan 19th, 2023

Hellooooooo!! Me again. I’m currently at work on the next chapter of my newly-resurrected crossover story Star Wars: Trials of the Force at long last!! Both The Fall of Opaline and the first chapter of Redeemed have been completed and I promise you guys, to all of you who have stuck with me through the entirety of the Misty Saga so far, the latter will be a real tear jerker, especially with its ending. However, I am also hard at work on my 5-part defense videos of Generation 5, which really gets more hate than it deserves. The videos will defend and address every single aspect of G5 so far, including an in-depth analysis on A New Generation compared and contrasted with FIM’s pilot Eric Carter-style, a comparison between Tell Your Tale and Pony Life, a headcanon defense as to why Twilight is NOT responsible for Equestria’s collapse, debunking negative reviews of G5 with hardcore evidence to the contrary, and finally, an episode-by-episode review of Make Your Mark and Winter Wishday with a healthy dose of character analysis for each of the Mane 5, Misty, and Opaline. All 5 parts shall be released on my YouTube channel “The New Lunar Republic of Equestria,” which is linked in my bio above. Trust me, if you are someone who doesn’t enjoy this new incarnation, when you finish my video series, you will really question why you ever hated G5 to begin with. Or if not, you’ll just truly appreciate my passion for it.

But I actually want to take it a step further from most defense videos of controversial stuff and actually get feedback from other fans. Obviously, a cause is stronger if it has numbers backing it, so even if you don’t enjoy every aspect of G5 like I do, I’d love to know what you do enjoy about it. I’ll be collecting data from the response to this blog, so I would really appreciate it if you helped me all out. You don’t have to like G5, but I bet that there’s something you find at the very least good, so if there is, explain away! And no, for the record, if you say ‘Nothing,’ it will not count for obvious reasons. It may be true, but if that’s the case, then this survey clearly isn’t for you and that’s totally fine. You don’t have to answer. I want you all to feel included in the process as you all know by this point how passionate I am about G5. Your comments will be included in the Part 5 section labeled ‘Testimonies’ and I do appreciate anyone who chooses to help me out here.

Thank you all so much for your time and I look forward to reading all of your thoughts. See you all soon!!:pinkiehappy:

Comments ( 12 )

What I mostly enjoy is that it doesn't relays 100% on G4 and instead seeks its own identity. Yes, we have the comics where Canterlot, Discord and Fluttershy's home make an appearance; and yes, Twilight Sparkle made a cameo in MYM Chapter 2...

But you could ignore those details, and still think of G5 as a different generation than G4. The characters, settings and stories are not as deep as G4 were, and that's fine. My Little Pony is a franchise targeted for kids down the 11 years old, and yet anyone can enjoy it no matter the age.

You want something soft, less chaotic and pretty enjoyable in general? G5 has a bunch of options to pick. If you look for lore of a deeper story, go watch FiM from Season 2 beyond, because right now, G5 is going on a very slice of life route, which again isn't a bad thing, and it's very enjoyable in general.

So yeah, the best of G5 is just being it's own generation, not relying on the fame and weight of G4 all the time.

I wholeheartedly agree. G5 is at its best when it’s being its own thing, although I do enjoy the fact that it’s a sequel regardless.

Personaly I still enjoy most g4 episodes over g5 but I'm re watching g5 with a fresh mindset
Again personal opinion but I personally think twilight is responsible for the downfall equestria because of her attitude late g4 were she essentially thinks friendship fixes everything (spoiler alert it doesn't) then again I suppose that's the whole point of mlp but sometimes it's likes okay seriously how and why is that for one friendship related and two why does it seem like half the lessons they teach in late g4 are if you wine and complain enough you'll get what you want always when in reality it just doesn't work like that but again this is just my personal opinion
(Sorry for going on a rant)

I personally love the fact that the lore and the slice of life stuff are separated. That was one of my irks with g4, if I wanted to rewatch the series without all the slice of life episodes, I'd have to go through each episode of each season and try to remember if it was plot-driven or not and vice versa. But in g5 everything is in one place. Mym is plot and tyt is slice of life.

I also really really enjoy all the characters in g5. The writers did a great job of making the mane 5 similar to g4 but not a direct copy. For example, Sunny would "obviously" be a Twilight copy, but she also reminds me of Applejack. Izzy is "obviously" Pinkie Pie 2.0 but she also has the creative and generous side we love to see in Rarity. things like that. The mane 5's relationship also feels more natural than g4's which makes all their interactions enjoyable to watch.

Tyt has a beautiful artstyle.

I love the representation in g5 as welll.

I love evrything about g5 tbh.

Seeing as I only got into MLP in 2020, I am mostly enjoying that I get to experience a generation of it from start to finish like most of you guys did with G4.

When it comes to a fictional universe. I really love the world building aspects of it. It's why I love writing in the first place. So seeing a new world of MLP unfolding in front of my eyes that will hopefully grow bigger and bigger as it goes will be exciting for me.

You are absolutely right about the slice of life and lore being separated. It’s something that I at first didn’t notice, but after reading your comment, I watched some select episodes from both and you’re totally right! I think that’s part of what makes G5 as a whole unique in that it has two outlets to express both parts of its story with the more important events being shown in Make Your Mark and the smaller, down-to-earth stories being relegated to Tell Your Tale. That is actually really clever and it gives TYT some much added relevance where its G4-equivalent show Pony Life had very little. I also agree with you on the Mane 5 and I do also appreciate how the show staff took the basic personality traits of the Mane 6 and spread them throughout each of our main characters. It makes their virtues more complex than the more simplistic ones in G4 and again as you said, their relationship feels a lot more natural as they actually had to learn to get along whereas the Mane 6 became friends immediately. In fact, these would make pretty great talking points in the videos, so do you mind if I use your testimony as the jumping off point for its own section? I feel like there’s a lot that can be talked about in regards to both things in the videos and proper credit will be given, of course.


I agree. G5’s Modern Equestria is honestly fascinating to explore with what happened and how it connects to the past. I for one cannot wait to see what they do with it going forward, especially now that we know Opaline has ties to Twilight.

Oh yea I don't mind. Go ahead :)

For me, I'd say it's the same thing that originally drew me to FIM: the characters.

In fact, in many aspects, I like the G5 characters even more than the G4 ones. Don't get me wrong, I still think very highly of the Mane 6. But I often felt like the writers put so much focus on one specific personality trait that it tended to overshadow their other good qualities. I mean, if someone were to ask me to name something good about Pinkie Pie besides the fact she's a hyperactive party enthusiast, I would probably have to think about it first.

But with the Mane 5, I feel like there's a much better balance in terms of their qualities. Izzy has the same cheerful, quirky personality that Pinkie had, but she's also very creative, can be quite smart at times, and will be a source of comfort for her friends when necessary. Zipp is an athletic tomboy like Rainbow Dash, and yet she's actually modest and never seeks attention.

To put it another way, I think I like the Mane 5 because I find their personalities a lot more realistic and relatable.

Two things are making me attached to this generation.

#1: The characters: they are all enjoyable and fun and honestly I’d say that in some cases “cough”Zipp”cough” I enjoy them more than any of the G4 cast

#2: The fact we have an overarching story this time instead of a bunch of slice of life episodes with only a few that build up the finale. Allows for fun speculation on what’s going to happen that G4 lacked.


I completely agree. The Mane 5 are very nuanced characters and I don’t think the more complex traits don’t get enough credit. Despite MLP being for kids, the situations they get into are very relatable to everyday life, which I also appreciate.

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