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  • Thursday
    Did anyone actually ask for this?

    So apparently Playtonic is remastering Yooka-Laylee.

    Who asked for this? Who thought this was a good idea?

    A few things, Playtonic:

    1. This game is only seven years old.

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    11 comments · 160 views
  • Wednesday

    I have an excuse for not being able to aim straight.

    1 comments · 77 views
  • Wednesday
    Will try and get an update or two out soon, but...

    ...These next two weeks at work are going to be stressful as hell.

    I just have to say one thing, just to get it off my chest.

    If any of my readers are private health inspectors with standards higher than local laws, I just have this to say:

    That is all.

    Good night.

    7 comments · 107 views
  • 1 week
    Tell Your Tale: P + P = BFFs

    This week, we've got a... Somewhat touching Posey episode?

    Think this would benefit from a longer runtime. I also laughed harder than necessary at Izzy in the very beginning.

    16 comments · 154 views
  • 1 week
    Starting to brainstorm for Extra Life 2024.

    Hey there, folks.

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    0 comments · 76 views

Not a fun week online... · 4:58pm Feb 16th, 2023

The ongoing Hogwarts Legacy drama, attacked by my ex after months of silence, and attacked and blocked by a screen cap Twitter account for being a Sontails shipper.

So these folks really have nothing more productive to do with their time?

I can only attribute my ex's continued stalking behavior and obsession with what I read, watch, and play to mental instability.

But the BoomCaps anti Sontails tirade threw me for a loop.

Not sure what they were trying to accomplish. Anyone who agrees with you is going to get a little bit more vindication. And Sontails shippers? We're not going to care; we've been dealing with that pointless rhetoric since before "shipping" joined internet lexicon.

Long story short, if you're doing any moral grandstanding over the shipping of fictional characters, then please get off the internet and touch grass, for fuck's sake.


Comments ( 25 )

I'm sorry to hear about this. I kind of understand as a few days ago I got a lot of flak for posting a picture of myself and my Twilight Sparkle plushie when I took her to see a movie. It's practically a veritable Sin in modern America to be different. I know that I shouldn't care what those people think but their words do hurt nevertheless.

Gotta learn how to hurt them right back.

Sorry I don’t know what Sontails is but sounds like your ex needs to buzz off. I won’t worry about Hogwarts hate since that game has been breaking sale and player records on Steam.

The internet is one of the prefect grounds for stalkers.

That's the ship name for Sonic and Tails.

Oh ok. Thought it was MLP related

I feel you. I'm this close to just walking away from the transgender community forever. Why try to join a community that's going to attack me over and over the stupidest shit like playing a video game? I got the game yesterday, have enjoyed it more than I expected. I have to run on medium settings and there are a few technical hiccups like freezing for seconds, but otherwise I can play the game. I swear we can't just enjoy stuff anymore without things being about the grander scope of something or another.

I hope I never ever get a stalker. I wouldn't entirely know how to deal with it but I know I would be super frustrated. I've dealt with a lot of shitty people online but they generally don't follow me around nor where they close to me at some point in my life. What the fuck is wrong with some people? Not exactly looking great for me to want to get into a deep relationship given how much damn drama there is almost everything.

And then toxic shippers, good lord. People take this shit way too seriously. I see [fem]slash ships as a means of appealing to LGBT people where otherwise it might not be there in canon. I myself am really into femslash like the numerous lesbian MLP ships I read. Are they acting like the morality police on SonTails because of the age gap? If these were real people, I can see the point, but they're fictional characters so I can't be assed to be super upset over a fictional couple. I gotten shit before from "progressive" people who got so upset that I had young girl characters into each other. It's like, we support LGBT stuff, but if it's two 10-year-old girls kissing, that's too far! I swear this wouldn't have been an issue if it were an 10-year-old boy and girl together. I swear things make little sense the more I try to figure them out.

Right, I hope this wasn't seen as me hijacking the post for my own stuff. I did stayed on topic with what you brought up. Being autistic sucks and the countless social rules and norms I can't keep up with yet I get slammed hard for each and everyone I violate especially by the woke mob who straight up don't care and expects everyone to automatically know all of said rules and norms, no exceptions.

I got in touch with the Discord Mod and most were unrepentant asses one did apologize, still...might be a while before I post anything on that server.

I'm a high functioning autistic person. I still don't 100% "get it".

I often get along with people who are younger than me because they aren't as quick to judge, but this also scares the bejeebers out of me because of some of the darker elements of the mlp Fandom. What if I end up becoming like that? I don't think I could live with myself if I hurt someone be it a minor workplace crush or misreading cues when I try to talk pony with a younger child.


I feel you. I'm this close to just walking away from the transgender community forever. Why try to join a community that's going to attack me over and over the stupidest shit like playing a video game? I got the game yesterday, have enjoyed it more than I expected. I have to run on medium settings and there are a few technical hiccups like freezing for seconds, but otherwise I can play the game. I swear we can't just enjoy stuff anymore without things being about the grander scope of something or another.

Ain't that the truth. Look at what happened to Daphne. A stand up comedian who just happened to be a trans woman, who had the audacity to be friends with Dave Chapelle. Next thing you know the whole trans community ganged up on Daphne and engaged in an orchestrated bullying campaign to make their victim commit suicide. Why? Because being friends with Dave Chapelle made Daphne a traitor to the trans community.

When I heard him tell that story, it sickened me that there are a fair amount of people out there that care about guilt by association above everything else. It's pathetic.

And then of course he eventually royally fucked up himself by inviting Elon Musk on stage late last year and made a raging ass of himself by insulting his fans.

I haven't heard of this till now. Wow. Somehow I'm not surprised. There's no room for diversity of opinions. They probably think Chapelle is transphobic due to his latest comedy stand up based on "I heard from people who heard..." which causes the original message to be twisted and lost. Yet he actually did it in defense of one of his trans friends. Not like the outrage mob cares to look up the actual facts. They just want to be mad for the sake of being mad. One little thing they don't like and that's it, you're done with them. There's no forgiveness and you're only as good as the worst sin you committed to them. Apologizing to them is only admitting guilt. They still won't forgive you.

why do I have to do this...

You're listening to Dave Chappell tell a story about why he isn't anti-trans. That's like someone asking your ex why you split up.

ANYWAYS! I think that lots of communities are becoming more and more demanding and controlling of people who are part of whatever community.

I'm against it because it's like they want to put everyone neatly into boxes. You can't like X because you're Y. Aren't we trying to break that stigma for a lot of communities right now?

If we are trying, I'm hoping that succeeds.

Some folks just want to be labeled.

And now the damn community is trying to blame Rowling for the murder of a 16 year old trans student, who was stabbed to death by two 15 year olds in broad daylight. Police say there's no evidence of it being a hate crime, but the community refuses to accept that. They're insisting this is Rowling's direct fault because of Hogwarts Legacy being so popular.

Someone on this very website was blaming the murder of a transwoman on Rowling. "It was her views that did this" with no evidence. And why uniquely blame Rowling for this when you can blame anyone with transphobic views? They're saying Rowling literally wants transgender people killed. What an absolute state for things. Now blaming video games for murder is back on the table? Who the fuck sees or plays Hogwarts Legacy and decide "Imma going to kill some trans people"?! It's very sad that this happened and also pretty sad they're using this to push their own agendas. It's something I myself need to be very mindful of, using tragedies and awful events to make it about myself and push my own views. Are they now just going to blame every transgender death on Rowling? "She committed suicide because of Rowling's views" or some shit like that.

Man I can't wait for March where by then most of these people would have forgotten about the game as they find something else to be outraged about. The outrage mobs tend to have a very short attention span after all.


Are they now just going to blame every transgender death on Rowling?

Yes. Yes they are. They see transphobia absolutely everywhere, in every facet of life. Just like black supremacists see racism in every facet of life; including peanut butter sandwiches and traffic signals.

oh definitely and in my mind people are more than welcome to label themselves... The problem is that some people decide that THEY are the standard of which their label must apply. They don't accept that every person that chooses to label themselves one way is different, that their label means something different to them.

Some people like to use snowflakes as an insult... but we are all snowflakes. All unique despite our commonality and when we get hot we get wet... wait... ignore that last bit.

I personally reject the thesis that the consumer is responsible for where the money goes after they have purchased a product out of hand. and I'd only ever be willing to hear it from someone who can prove they research every product they buy to make sure its moral, unless these people are fine with Child Labor as long as it's not against the LGBTQ community

It's always funny how folks want to express outrage over something, but only when that thing doesn't inconvenience them specifically. Like wanting to express how even one unnecessary death is far too much and should be stopped at all costs... until the discussion is turned onto the number of deaths directly tied to private car ownership. Then suddenly those deaths are acceptable and necessary, because ending private car ownership would inconvenience society too much.

They don't seem to like it too much when the shoe is up the other ass.

I used to think I was the gold standard for how stupid people could actually be. I didn't think it was possible for any significant portion of society to exist, that would make me look intelligent in comparison.

I was both surprised and horrified to learn that wasn't the case.


when the shoe is up the other ass.

Here I am in the middle of my workplace and I just busted out cackling.

So thanks for that.

Just came back here to this blog to talk about fandom stuff now that I have the time……it is a bit late but I figured I'd say something because this topic is pretty interesting.
So all fandoms, communities have a center, and that is what keeps it's people grounded. For example I consider the pony community's center to consist of three core elements: love, pony and creativity, it's these three things that made us the special collective we are today, and they're equally important. It's a kind of thing that defines members and non-members from the inside. Of course to join a a community usually doesn't cost much, so lots of random people just stumble in. This means that the core of a community is sometimes not known to everyone and could lead to lots of members forgetting the community's roots and do the wrong thing for the "right" reasons.
This is why fandoms need to regularly remind themselves of their solidarity by doing Big things so that they know: we are still here and still strong. Just like how big pony conventions happen plenty throughout the year in the US and Europe, collaboration PMVs happen a few times every year, like the one last year "unbelievable" which is very nostalgic, Russian bronies regularly do some excellent art collaborations featuring tons of oc, and folks here in my country do a long collaboration pony video with various types of shows that lasts more than hour to celebrate our new year. When these things happen, community members gather together to feel their element again.
However When the center gets currupted things might take a turn, because all communities need to remember that they can only promote and create stuff, and forcing others to do anything is wrong (I mean that's the government's job). At this point folks need to change the overall atmosphere slowly and telling people around to do things that matters, because if everyone is together to do bad things, one move in reverse will get anyone overwhelmed. So when nearly everyone is crazy doing things we can only take it slow. (it's also possible that there are only a few extremists controlling the mass with propaganda, but once the damage is done and the root of the issue cannot be found, then trying to tell people around to calm down slowly is the only way.)
Thanks for listening to my rant, Hope that didn't came out as offensive!

Just dropping by to report the bad news.

The bullying and harassment of the Vtuber Pikamee has gotten so bad, she's decided to give up her career. All because she chose to stream a game.

What's the point of going to work for a company like Vshoujo, Hololive, or any of the others out there, if they have no intention of backing you when things get rough?

This is very likely going to bite the trans community in the ass down the road.

They're going to need honest help, and people who were lightly sympathetic or neutral are going to remember this and go "piss off".

Don't let Internet Activism speak for you.

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