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  • 66 weeks
    Character Profiles: Midnight

    Midnight Blitzer

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Character Profiles: Midnight · 6:38pm Mar 2nd, 2023

Midnight Blitzer

Age 20
Race Pegasus
Identity Male
Cutie Mark A single blue wing, wrapped in electricty
Voice Steven Yeun

A dense yet kindhearted stallion first met by Beatrix in Planet of the OCs before becoming a lead supporting character in Forbidden Manor at the End of Time. He is the son of Snowy Blizzard and Shining Armor, thus making him Beatrix's half-brother by technicality. In his world, he was raised by his mother alongside another half-sibling, Lightning Spark. But during a war against changelings, both were abducted, leaving poor Midnight in the care of his biological father, who sought to train him under the Peacekeeper program. There, he met Moonlight River, and the two became close friends growing up as cadets in preparation for another changeling invasion.

Yet many years would pass, and not a single sighting of the insectoid race. Other commanders began to doubt Shining Armor's judgment and leadership, which had significantly dwindled after the deaths of his wife and daughter. Yet Midnight and Moonlight remained loyal and diligent until the former mysteriously disappeared during a stakeout. This was due to Beatrix's subsequent desire for another sibling to consult, resulting in not only the pegasus' arrival in the manor but altering him into a Hyper-Stallion, a stallion who processes a prehistoric gene that grants immense super strength and stamina at the cost of a full lifespan. To maintain this, Midnight has to regularly have sex with multiple partners, which can get out of hand.

Fortunately, this is where he first met Cerise Shilouette, and the two became infatuated with each other almost instantly. After defeating the treacherous Shadow Scythe, they soon eloped in Dearly Beloved, where he was reunited with his childhood friend, Moonlight. The newly married couple welcomed the thestral cadet into their herd. They played a significant part in Everywhere and Nowhere, aiding Beatrix and Oona's quest to rescue Abadonna while stopping both the joined forces of Shadow Scythe and Zeloph, as well as the devious Vice Lords and their plot to free the Burning King.

Prisoner of War delves deeper into Midnight's homeland, where he, Cerise, and Moonlight face many severe changes that not only threaten to pull apart their universe but their relationships as well!

Midnight primarily fights with his spear, military skills, and exceptionally large wings, making him one of the few fighters without any magical ability or an Onoma. However, this is enhanced by the power of a Hyper Stallion, allowing him to enter a berserker-like state.


  • Accidental Pervert: Mildly comes across as this when around situations that involve female characters suddenly (or purposefully) losing their clothing. While he doesn't act on his obvious desires, Midnight's often described with widened eyes and blushing cheeks.
  • Adaption Personality Change: Midnight is written a lot differently here than how his author usually writes him in their stories. He starts out in the series as he is normally depicted, bright-eyed and naive. As the series goes on, he grows out of those traits in favor of becoming a light-hearted bruiser, willing to fight with his life on the line for his friends.
  • Affectionate Nickname: "Middy" by most of his friends and loved ones.
  • Amazon Chaser: Grows strong lecherous feelings for physically fit women such as Equinox and literal amazons, Chezka and Panna. This is likely due to his Hyper-Stallion gene working in overdrive due to Cerise attempting to suppress his need for coitus.
  • Archnemesis: Chrysalis and her changeling swarm are responsible for making Equestria a war-torn country, the death of Thunder Storm, and for abducting Snowy Blizzard and Lightning Spark for repopulation purposes. Prisoner of War sets up Fiery Kickstart to be Midnight's biggest source of conflict, as it was he who pushed him to give into his baser instincts in hopes of breeding him an entire army of 'hyper-soliders'.
  • Archnemesis Dad: No matter the variation, Midnight sees his biological father, Shining Armor, as this. He beats one version to a bloodied pulp during the 'Banquet of Battles' in Everywhere and Nowhere and shows nothing but scorn for him when they meet up again in PoW. What's interesting to note is that both Shining Armors have a repressed hyper-stallion gene as well. Whether this was due to Beatrix's wish or not is up to speculation.
  • Armor is Useless: Wears a protective breastplate, pauldrons, gauntlets, and boots. Although half the time, they don't serve anything outside their function. And even then, Midnight still suffers a lot of damage!
  • Anything That Moves: His depraved fantasies under the stress of being a hyper-stallion highlight how he wouldn't restrain himself if it meant putting a foal in the belly of his female friends.
  • Battle Couple: With Cerise, though unlike with other pairings, she only really started fighting on par with her husband during Everywhere and Nowhere.
  • Badass Adorable: A big lovable stallion decked out in armor and armed with a spear, ready to soar into the fray!
  • Bash Brothers: Acts like this with Dion and his actual brother-in-law, White Shadow Penumbra.
  • Berserk Button: Two big ones;
    -If he finds out you brought harm's way toward his family and herdmates, you will regret it.
    -Changelings. He despises them with a passion, and for good reason.
  • The Berserker: Once he gives into his hyper-stallion nature, Midnight becomes a nigh-unstoppable force of feathers and fury. So far, the only one to have withstood, and even beaten Midnight while in this state is his mentor, Dion. Alternatively, his wife, Cerise, has a claiming effect to shake him out of it.
  • Beta Couple: On the grounds that he and Cerise are a married couple while Beatrix and Oona have yet to tie the knot. Otherwise, both are pretty stable outside of a few glaring weaknesses. They share this trope with Shadow Scythe and Zeloph once they get together.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Midnight is a gentle, caring, and optimistic fellow. Because of this, foes greatly underestimate how much of a bad idea it is to push the bulky big-winged pegasus.
  • The Big Guy: A burly melee fighter aligned with Beatrix and her friends. He also boasts the largest wingspan out of every pegasus!
  • Blade on a Stick: His primary weapon.
  • Blue is Heroic: 90% of his color pallet, and is recognized as a hero among his friends and peers.
  • Brother-Sister Incest: Not on Midnight's end, but Beatrix used to fancy him in FMatEoT, flaunting her assets in hopes of getting the chance to roll in the hay with him. Thankfully, she lets go of those desires once realizing how much Cerise really loves him. Played terrifyingly straight in Prisoner of War. As his baser instincts to pin down and breed any female nearby worsens, Midnight begins to vividly fantasize about impregnating both his half-sisters.
  • Bruiser with a Soft Center: Compared to the blood-hotted Dion or the egotistical Arron, Midnight wears his compacity for kindness on his sleeve.
  • Cavalier Competitor: Has a fondness for chess and often encourages others to play the game with him completely by the rules, much to the annoyance of his would-be opponents.
  • Character Development: Starts out as just another background character Beatrix ran into while exploring a new paradise-based world. When he shows up again in Forbidden Manor at the End of Time, he acts as the easily manipulated muscle of the group. It's through his romance with Cerise that his character gets to shine as her emotional rock, as well as being a gifted fighter without magic or any special ability (outside his Hyper-Stallionism). Then his entire personality gets challenged when returning home in Prisoners of War. His naivety and compassion are wrapped by the imperialists he once followed blindly, his unshackled hatred for all Changeling life, and his dwindling restraint of his overbearing need to fuck every female with a pulse. For a simple soldier-type hero, Midnight goes through some dynamic changes as the series goes on.
  • Chaste Hero: He used to be oblivious to the affection he's gathered from the various cast of sexy characters. Once his Hyper-Stallion nature was explored, he gradually abandoned this trope.
  • Chick Magnet: As mentioned above, his adorableness and herculean physique attract the sexual attention of many ladies.
  • Child Solider: While technically not a child, he was put into the Peacekeeper program by Shining Armor at a young age.
  • Childhood Friend/Romance: He and fellow cadet Moonlight grew up together while serving the Crystal Empire military. Around some point, the bat mare tried to make her feelings known, though his obliviousness prevented any advancements in their relationship. It's only after Midnight becomes a Hyper Stallion that he realizes how much Moonie loves him. After their wedding, he and Cerise welcome her into their herd with open arms. In Prisoner of War, their relationship gets stained by Midnight's neglectfulness due in part because of blind rage against changelings and his overwhelming need for sex. Even though he was partially manipulated by Firey and Equinoix, Moonlight holds him fully responsible for the bitter demeaning humiliation she goes through and contemplates disbanding from her herd.
  • Clipped-Winged Angel: Powerful as it may be, going full Hyper-Stallion tends to make Midnight a liability more than an asset. He can only control it for so long before going on a rampage. Not to mention the crippling side effects that will later affect his health. This is best showcased during his bout with Deinos, as the mutant changeling easily overpowers Midnight despite being at full strength.
  • Cosmic Retcon: Done unknowingly by Beatrix. It's heavily implied Shining Armor wasn't Midnight's biological father during his original timeline and was made for him to become her brother as she wished. This recreation of events would not only transform Midnight into a Hyper-Stallion but also his entire universe, to the point his own planet is now collapsing in on itself. It's later revealed that it's not entirely her fault, as another anomaly is creating comic chaos. But her selfish wishing was the pinnacle of the multiverse's destruction.
  • Cursed with Awesome: Increased strength and a need to rejuvenate said strength by having sex with multiple beautiful women? Nice~! Having to keep that strength in check in case to prevent going full primal and raping a bunch of women, followed by a declining lifelong for every use? Not so nice...
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Midnight brutally hands his father his ass when confronting his lost world-variant in Everywhere and Nowhere. Gets his own ass served by Deinos, thanks to his dwindling age and lack of restraint.
  • Deconstructed Character Architype: Interesting, Midnight is an extremely dark take on a harem protagonist in Prisoners of War. While he has a beautiful wife and a loving childhood friend, his increased need for sexual favors starts to wane on them. moonlight specifically, as she notably receives the least attention compared to Cerise. This is taken much further when Fiery Kickstart pushes him into fucking his Amazonian wives, which awakens more depraved desires to inseminate all his female friends. As his mentality and ,later, age rapidly diminish, he becomes self-entitled, greedy, and ignorant, putting his friends and loved ones on blast even though this is because of his lack of impulse control. Even if he should realize how badly he allowed himself to devolve, the damage and grief he's caused are likely irreparable...
  • Despair Event Horizon: Seems to have crossed this after snapping at Cerise and Beatrix for his abhorrent actions and inability to handle his Hyper-Stallion needs. While he does put blame on Equinoix for encouraging his behavior (which is completely justifiable), both know he's entirely at fault. And that in the end, he ruined his own marriage and friendship.
  • Didn't Think This Through: Tactical plans aren't his strong suit, and it often takes Midnight following said plans to realize how terrible it is.
  • Distracted By The Sexy: Averted early on, though is notably taken by Equinox's fit and perky body while sparing with her in PoW.
  • Empowered Badass Normal: Among a cast of spellcasters, reapers, angelic aliens, and demons, Midnight stands out as being just a fairly average pegasus stallion (albeit with larger wings). Despite this, he can still wreck house with his trained combat skills and enhanced hyper-stallion strength.
  • Even the Loving Hero Has Hated Ones: Midnight is never rude or insulting towards nefarious criminals and villains such as Shadow Scythe, Zeloph, or Doppia. The exception to this rule is changelings due to tearing his Equestria (and family) apart.
  • Expy: Given his naivety, absurd strength, mane style, and his author's appeal to the Dragonball franchise, Midnight is likely meant to be one of Son Goku. Though it can be argued his buffer appearance when 'Hulking Out' makes him more like Broly.
  • Family Theme Naming: The names of Midnight and his relatives (not counting Beatrix or Shining Armor) all have to do with storms and/or lightning. Midnight Blitzer, Snowy Blizzard, Lightning Spark. Hell, the latter's father is straight-up just Thunder Storm.
  • Fantastic Racist: His prejudice for any changeling-related matters is treated as such, wanting the entire race exterminated despite the existence of good-natured changelings like Deinos and Marathyssa.
  • Fatal Flaw:
    -Midnight tends to be too naive for his own good. Even after awakening his Hyper-Stallion gene, he doesn't fully realize when someone with darker motives is trying to seduce or persuade him. This comes to bite him a lot in Prisoners of War.
    -Naturally, being a melee fighter, he has no real defense against magic. Specifically, mind control. Doppia, after usurping Cerise's body, easily overtake's Midnight and uses him to batter her former allies, Shadow Scythe and Zeloph before having him rape her former body containing his wife's soul.
  • Forced to Watch: Midnight was helpless inside his own body while under Doppia's manipulations, unable to stop himself from forcefully fucking Cerise in the Vice Lord's body. In Prisoners of War, he dreams of a similar scenario, where he's withered and shackled to a tree while his lovers and family ridicule him for his abhorrent behavior. While it's most likely Omen's doing, it also could be a self-reflection of how Midnight views himself after all he's done.
  • Foil: Surprisingly, he and Zeloph share quite a few similarities. Both are winged warriors who have lost one side of their family to an abusive father figure (Shining Armor for Midnight, Metatron for Zell.) They were also raised as soldiers to become a part of an army to wipe out an opposing race (Changelings and Humans.) Both were eventually pulled away from their respective timelines and heavily altered because of it (Beatrix wishing Midnight to be her brother, Ana trapping Zeloph in the Necronomicon.) Finally, both would eventually find love to better shape their character (Cerise almost instantly in Forbidden Manor at the End of Time and Atalanta during the entirety of Everywhere and Nowhere.) Where they differ is in technicalities. Midnight remained a kind-hearted, somewhat dimwitted stallion with a slight lack of social awareness, while Zeloph became a vengeful, cunning fallen angel who could word his way into favorable positions. When the latter does become an ally, he teaches the former about wing combat.
  • Genocide Survivor: Midnight would have likely been slaughtered by the changelings if not for Shining Armor, thus ending the Storm family line. Of course, PoW reveals that both Lightning Spark and Snow Blizzard(?) are alive.
  • Growing Muscles Sequence: Whenever he taps into his Hyper strength, his bulk expands to the point of bursting out his suit of armor.
  • Happily Married: With Cerise. Subverted slightly with their recent falling out during the later half of PoW.
  • Harem Seeker: Played with to depraved effect. His declining health and overwhelming desire to pass his genes through children have pushed Midnight into wanting to inseminate every female character he knows. So far, it's solely been fantasies. But given his interactions with Equinox, Chezka, and Panna...
  • Heroic Build: Has the basic bodybuilder physique you'd expect for a trained knight, which gets taken up to eleven when he bulks up.
  • Heroic Lineage: With Shining Armor and Beatrix's family, obviously. But his half-sister's father, Thunder Storm, was renowned for being a brave, stalwart, and compassionate pegasus who would have been the supreme commander had he not died. It makes sense, as Thunder was Midnight's biological father before the witch's fiddling with timelines.
  • Heroic Red Ring of Death: Tends to over-exert himself during battle, to the point of great exhaustion and a lot of bruises and scraps.
  • Hulking Out: His eyes become white with blinding rage when he fully gives into his baser instincts as a Hyper-Stallion.
  • Incompletely Trained: Midnight never actually got to become part of the royal guard during his training as a Peacekeeper. When meeting with the commanders again in PoW, he and Moonlight are still treated as cadets despite arguably being way more competent than any of their soldiers.
  • Innocent Fanservice Guy: Midnight is involved with much of the smut in the series due to his need to replenish himself through sex. He's a good-looking stallion who was almost indifferent to being around semi to fully nude women flaunting themselves for him until his Hyper-Stallionism took effect.
  • It's All My Fault: He fully blamed himself for Cerise losing her vessel to Doppia, despite being unable to have known of the Vice Lord's soul swap spell. Slightly played within Prisoners of War, where Midnight does make some questionable decisions. He pins his inability to abstain from his overbearing need to fuck and inseminate on his wife (for trying to suppress his urges through single-focused sessions with Moonlight) and his half-sister (the one who unwittingly made him a Hyper-Stallion in the first place.) When they abandon him in the forest, he does admit to his wrongdoings and is deeply remorseful for hurting those closest to him.
  • Kindhearted Simpleton: What Midnight lacks in social interactions and smarts, he certainly makes up for in altruism and compassion.
  • Letmotif: "Brave the Storm", an adventurous piece that sounds like the prelude to a forthcoming battle, complete with military based percussion and dramatic strings.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Pun intended. Thanks to his great wingspan, Midnight can soar his bulky frame at blistering speeds, making his already heavy hits that much harder to avoid.
  • Love at First Sight: The moment Cerise met Midnight, her attraction for him was made clear to everyone except the stallion himself (at first). While probably going into their relationship too fast, it's evident they hold a deep bond full of love and respect for each other.
  • Logical Weakness: His large frame (plus his even larger wingspan) makes him an easy target to throw projectiles at.
  • Mate or Die: As a hyper stallion, Midnight must have sex regularly with one or more people to preserve his strength. The less time he spends in the bedroom, the more his power wains and his lifeforce diminishes.
  • Meaningful Name: "Midnight" refers to his connection to the Sparkle family through Shining Armor, while "Blizter" was likely passed down in honor of Snowy's late husband, Thunder Storm.
  • Meteor Move: His punches and spear blows have this effect, able to send opponents flying through the air.
  • The Mind Is a Plaything for the Body: Once his Hyper-Stallion instincts take hold, Midnight loses all resemblance to his kind-hearted self and becomes a hulking animal bent on pulverizing anything in his path.
  • Missing Mom: Only spent roughly a few years with Snowy Blizzard before a new outbreak of changelings snatched her and Lightning Spark away. Midnight believes she and his sister still live, vowing to locate and rescue them when he's able to return to his homeworld. He's right, at least about Lightning Spark. Snowy's fate remains dubious.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Has this reaction twice. The first after shaking off Doppia's spell and realizing who he bludgeoned with his 'spear'. The second is when Beatrix, Cerise, and their entourage leave him shacked to a tree after he chewed them out for turning him into a sex-reliant monster. Doesn't take him long to regret snapping at his wife and friends.
  • Nice Guy: Midnight is arguably the sweetest and most sincere stallion out of the male characters.
  • No Social Skills: Because of his time spent training to become a full fledge Peacekeeper, Midnight hasn't gotten to interact with a lot of people, nor does he notice when others are flirting with him (mainly Moonlight.) He lacks the elegant wit of his half-sister Beatrix and can only make small talk when not around Cerise. Best highlighted in the bath scene with the brash Dion and the equally sarcastic Zeloph.
  • Noble Bigot: Truly, the biggest fault with his character. For all his heroism, it's his relentless yet justifiable rage against changelings that rub people the wrong way. Taken further in PoW, where he is completely outraged to discover Lightning Spark willingly slept with a changeling. Denouncing the fact that as an incubation slave, she was forced to take aphrodisiac drugs to tighten her fertility and sex was the best form of relief.
  • Not Distracted By The Sexy: Only really happens in FMatEoT. At most, Midnight was only slightly aroused by being surrounded by busty, alluring females who sought to get into his trousers.
  • "Not So Different" Remark: Used to great effect by Equinox, who often taunts Midnight that his newfound misogynist behavior and determination to annihilate the changelings make him no different than Shining Armor. A fact he both resents and tries to deny.
  • Older Than He Looks: A tragic form of this trope. Because of his time spent as a Hyper-Stallion, Midnight's lifespan has diminished so quickly that his mane has begun to grow gray despite only being twenty years old. Many have theorized he won't live to become thirty if a cure is not found.
  • Overshadowed By Awesomeness: Midnight's just a muscular pegasus with a spear in a world full of arcane sorcerors, mystical creatures, dastardly demons, angelic aliens, and eldritch beasts.
  • Polyamory: Midnight and Cerise share a herd with Moonlight River due to the latter's affection for him and to help state his needs as a Hyper Stallion.
  • Prejudice Aesop: Will hopefully become this trope by the end of Prisoners of War.
  • Sanity Slippage: PoW highlights how truly terrible it is to be a Hyper-Stallion for too long. Poor Midnight can't stand a single day without having sex, to the point his thoughts and imagination turn to lewd scenarios where he's putting a baby into all his friends and loved ones' wombs. Not helping is his wife's resilience to comply with his needs and the constant teasing from the supreme commanders to goud him into complying with their plans. The stress has become so taxing he's already begun aging at an alarming rate, cutting his lifespan even further!
  • Sensative Guy and Manly Man: The 'Sensitive Guy' to Dion's 'Manly Man'.
  • Skilled, but Naive: He's incredibly strong and a fast learner in the field of combat. But, outside of chess, isn't the most talkative person in the group. And when he does, it's mostly awkward or ignorant of the subject at hand.
  • Super Breeding Program: Fiery Kickstart wants to use Midnight to sire a generation's worth of soldiers with the Protoquen, Marathyssa, to pass along his valuable Hyper-Stallion gene. This is why he's had his amazonian wives, and to a lesser extent, Equinox, seduce and entice the blue pegasus into becoming an unstoppable bitch breaking machine. And unfortunately, their tactics seem to have worked...
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: Midnight's attitude takes on a darker tone upon returning to his homeworld in Prisoners of War. His intense hatred for changeling life resurfaces; he practically disowns himself upon seeing how pathetic and sleazy Shining Armor has become, gets aggressive with Cerise during sex due to the stress of his Hyper-Stallion gene, and then barks at both her and Beatrix for making him this way (even though he's done nothing to control his actions.) Not to mention his complete neglect of his childhood friend, Moonlight, which pushes her into very uncomfortable scenarios. While it shows he's remorseful and wants to right the wrongs he wrought, it wouldn't be surprising if anyone fully forgives Midnight after these events.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Given this by a handful of allies (and even Equinox at one point) for his morally corrupt behavior.

This page will go through continuous edits as the stories go on. If there are any tropes you think should be added, feel free to make suggestions!
Special thanks to Midnight for helping me compose the music!

Comments ( 4 )

Happy to see another of these! Makes me realize how far Midnight's character has come!

(1) Adaptive Personality Change
Oops! Guess I shouldn't have been so hasty to remove NNN, which was the prime example of him being innocent to the absolute degree. The M stories that remain follow a similar path to what Lightendark has. More innocent or naive or hesitant, and then he becomes a stud!

(2) Affectionate Nickname
If I'm correct, before Lightendark I never made him a nickname!

(3) Amazon Chaser
Can say he also like zebras in Riding In Zebrica as well as dragons in Deepest Penetrating Sword!

(4) Arch nemesis Dad
I say Shining was affected by Beatrix's wish. Though I wonder if Thunder Storm had the same gene, given his line had only pegasi, same with Snowy.

(5) Armor is Useless
Imagine the repair costs!

(6) The Berserker
I kinda feel that Web Spinner would've beaten Midnight if Midnight wasn't being assisted. Though at this stage Midnight was being afflicted by the half life his genes were causing

(7) Since Hyper Stallion is used in my stories, I refer to this version of Hyper Stallion as either Awakened or Feral.

(8) Blue is Heroic
Only his eyes are a different color lol. Imagine if I made them lightning blue though :rainbowlaugh:. 95%!

(9) Character Development
Midnight truly has become a new entity here, he even has a new mane!

(10) Cosmic Retcon
Could I say that "in universe", Beatrix's meddling is the cause of LOVE getting pulled down, and hopefully to be replaced with a revamped version? With hints to Lightendark itself?

(11) Didn't Think This Through
For some reason Midnight not planning things and being driven by lust made me imagine Hagrid's line from Harry Potter.

"I shouldn't have said that."

(12) Empowered Badass Normal
Midnight is lucky to have been given this level of power, though I feel that compared to others he's still a B(eta) tier. He doesn't have a lot of range and in order to use his massive strength he'd have to get in close. And most of the opponents who can't fly or teleport are already suited to fighting close quarters like Dion and Deinos.

Of course he'll still be a menace to so many orders, but compared to other powerful beings he isn't as strong. Less than mountain dragon tier, which is still impressive.

(13) Expy
Lol, I've been caught! I found Dragon Ball hair to be very cool and easier for me to understand and draw compared to more normal hair. Hence why his mane seems to be based from DBZ.

Broly and Gohan (in his prime) are my favorites.

(14) Family Theme Naming
AH! I've been caught again!
While experimenting with his name and what it could mean along with his story, I decided that the reason his father named him Midnight Blitzer was because he felt the changelings would become a threat to Equestria. Midnight Blitzer was to signify both the Changeling's surprise attack, but most importantly, the hope that Midnight was to made to help drive out the changelings with extreme power and speed.

And I went from there and gave the rest of his family names that related to Blitz (Lightning)

(15) Genocide Survivor
Technically, Beatrix both doomed and saved the Storm family. By making him her half brother, Midnight wouldn't be the last Storm member as his backstory originally describes, thus there would be no one left from the massive line of pegasi that family had. But because of the Universal Reset at the end of Lightendark, Snowy and Lightning are alive again, meaning that with Lightning, the Storm family continues.

(16) Heroic Lineage
Ah, if only Thunder Storm hadn't died. But he was destined to since the beginning. I don't know if I'll ever write a story where he does survive or that he's there for the family (example he could end up being Missing In Action or stuck in his post, unable to leave)

If he was there for PoW, I imagine that the military wouldn't be a mess or a fight for control between Shining and Fiery. He'd be able to calm the two down and make them turn for the better.

From my plans for LOVE, Fiery was an alright person, but Thunder's death leads him without any clear path, eventually making him unhinged. His plans all fall under "For the Greater Good, Sacrifices Must Be Made"

He probably will not care about his reputation in LOVE, but here he definitely imagines himself as the hero Equestria will have.

(17) Meaningful Name
I like the change of definition, and I honestly never thought of "Midnight" connecting him to the Sparkles in that way. Snowy probably would be the one naming Midnight, don't imagine Shining would get that privilege.

Thanks for letting Midnight be part of Lightendark! This has truly been the most fun I've ever had!

I see that he is more buff than one would expect.

Midnight probably started lean, but continued reliance on his hyper-stallion side buffed him.:rainbowdetermined2:

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