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Admiral Producer

Friendship isn’t always easy. But there’s no doubt that it’s worth fighting for. | YOUTUBE: https://youtube.com/channel/UCGbEH3wUKo6S3rEqTudjDWQ

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  • Wednesday
    So ‘Haven’ Is Officially Over + The Completion of a Trilogy

    Well, guys. Haven is officially over. The last two chapters have been published and I can safely say that the story’s completed. It feels great to actually finish a multi-chaptered story of mine for once, and for my first G4 story in a good while…eh, engagement could have been worse. I definitely feel like it didn’t make as big of a splash with readers as I initially hoped it would. Maybe

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  • Monday
    New Chapter!

    The newest chapter of Haven, titled IV. Moon Dancer, has officially been published! Feel free to check it out and give feedback on it. Chapter 5 is already fully written as well and will be published by Tuesday. I’m getting back into the daily update routine. Once this story is finished, I can turn my attention back to the upcoming G5 fics. But right now, this story deserves a

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  • Sunday
    Story Status Updated

    The story status for Haven has officially been changed from ON HIATUS back to INCOMPLETE. I wonder what that could mean…:raritywink:

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  • 1 week
    My Third Attempt At A Comeback + Why I’m Returning To Fimfiction

    Hello, everypony. I know it’s been a couple days since Repressed Memories dropped, but judging by the growing success of it so far, I think my decision has been solidified. I gave it a little bit of time before jumping into anything, and now I’d like to make it official. I am officially returning to writing stories on Fimfiction. This is like my third attempt at a comeback post-Misty Saga

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This Gets Me Angry · 11:52pm Mar 9th, 2023


What do you even want me to say? Sorry I haven’t been active on this site as of late, but I’ve been hard at work on writing The Fall of Opaline for real and posting it. After my last release date in February failed to pan out due to writer’s block, I vowed to not show my face again on this site until the story was completed as I’m just tired of constantly letting you all down with all the failed release dates. While I do question whether you all are even still interested in seeing the rest of the Misty Saga pan out, I had to come back to talk about this.

MisAnthroPony, or Zaid Magenta as he’s now called, should honestly never talk about MLP again. I’m serious. I enjoy his reviews of FIM a lot, but I couldn’t even finish this video, it was so bad. Right off the bat, he starts off talking about how much G5 “fails as a sequel to G4” and how it “ruins everything FIM accomplished.” Honestly dude…why? How is this relevant to the comic at all? I’d be much happier if you left your personal feelings on G5 out of this, thanks. We came to watch your review of the comic, not your hate monologue. You already demonstrated your feelings perfectly in that trashfire you call a review, which you still seem to promote for some reason despite saying it’s outdated and you were going to do a second review. I don’t even want to see that video because I know what it’s going to be.

I really hate how he constantly brings up old topics like the Last Jedi in a desperate attempt to be relevant. That came out in 2017 and he made a video about it at the end of last year. Move on!! You’ve said your thoughts already. I know I sound like a hypocrite for saying that, while still bringing the G5 hatedom up, but at least that topic is still relevant. By the time I upload the defense videos, it may not be, but I don’t care. People like Zaid are why I’m making these videos in the first place. I thought I was done when I forced myself to go through Zaid’s painful review on A New Generation and analyze it, but now I feel like I have to address this video too. Honestly, I’m trying to be done with a video, not add on to it. At this rate, the series will never come out.

Okay, so at some point, I have to actually sit through this video in order to thoroughly debunk it, but let me tell you. If I didn’t care about G5 so much and love it to the point of passionately defending it, then I would not bother with watching these videos and commenting on them. I’m making this series because I want to educate and inform the fandom on a new way of viewing G5. I’m tired other seeing the same criticisms leveled at the show. As if the nostalgia-filled dumpster fire 1/10 “reviews” on IMDB weren’t painful enough, I hear the same things leveled at G5 on YouTube and let me tell you, over 85% of these criticisms do not hold up. Going through these “reviews” is PAINFUL!! I’ve spent weeks going through these videos and debunking these hate points and if you think about them for even a second, the arguments just fall apart. The only thing I agree with them on is that Hasbro should’ve left G4’s ending alone.

While I might be a fan of the Discord comic myself, I completely understand why others may not like it and that’s totally fine. Their critiques are valid and I don’t have a problem whatsoever with people making videos criticizing it. But NOT LIKE THIS!!!! Oh my f***** Luna, just LET IT GO, ZAID!!!!! Maybe I wouldn’t be so angry if I didn’t have to sit through his review last week and record sections for my video, but he should either stop this or never talk about MLP again because every video on it he makes now seems to be related to how much he hates G5. This is on the same level as to how the Fandom Menace let Rian Johnson and the Last Jedi live rent-free in their heads long after the topic has passed relevancy. And the way he describes how he will not see Make Your Mark at the end despite the genuinely great episodes in there just aggravates me!! No, G5 is NOT simply JUST a way to bank on the nostalgia for G4!!!! Certain nostalgic elements are in there, but the show is largely its own thing!!! If you can just get off your moral high ground and actually give it a chance, then maybe you’d be more informed, you f***** COWARD!!!!!!!

Deep breath, deep breath. Okay, I’m calm. I have no doubt that I just alienated a lot of you guys, especially if you’re fans of his content. I am too, or at least I was. If he’s just going to brush up old topics and bring up his hate in every video, then I genuinely have zero desire to watch another one of his videos ever again. His kind of audience can eat that shit up like parrots, but normal people like me…we’re done. Or at least I’m done. Make up your own minds about this if you will, but I actually took the lessons FIM taught me into account and I apply them. Despite being very skeptical of G5’s concept in the beginning (especially considering FIM’s perfect ending), I gave the movie a shot and I loved it. Same with the show. You all are probably tired of me constantly bringing the hatedom up and I don’t blame you in the slightest. Believe me, I would rather not talk about them and just focus on my stories. But I can’t because 1) They’re a very vocal part of the fandom, and 2) Literal misinformation and brainwashing. I bet not everyone has seen all of G5’s content and they’re certainly not getting accurate information through trash takes like this. I’m certainly not one to let misinformation and nostalgia-filled propaganda run wild. I’ve seen what that’s done to the Star Wars fandom, I will not let it infect the Brony fandom.

The fact that I’m still making this video series despite the severe toll it’s taken on my mental health at least speaks volumes about how much I love and appreciate the support you guys have given me. Believe me, battling writer’s block isn’t easy and The Fall of Opaline has been in development hell for like ever and I’m only on the Prologue now out of 6 to 7 chapters. Please don’t ask when it’ll come out. I’m under a lot of pressure to deliver for you guys as it is, and after this video literally ruined my whole day, the last thing I need is more pressure. I flunked my Math test yesterday and the fact that I waited so long since Skystar’s story meant that I had to battle a serious case of writer’s block. The one thing I do ask is: Are you guys still interested in the Misty Saga? I’ll still want to see it to the end regardless, but I just want to know. It’s not worth putting in all the effort if you guys aren’t interested, but if you still are, at least know that it will be coming. We only have 3 entries left, so let’s just stick together and see this epic tale of redemption to the end, shall we?

I’m not going to give an exact date as those never work out, but I am working on the story. And after I’m done, I’m going to take a good long, hard look at myself and ask myself why I even got involved in toxic fandom culture to begin with. But what do all of you think? Feel free to let me know and don’t forget to subscribe to my official ‘New Lunar Republic of Equestria’ YouTube channel linked in the bio above, so you will be immediately informed as to when exactly Part 1 comes out. With that being said, I will see you all……………eventually. Stay tuned!

Comments ( 20 )

The funny thing of all of this? 80% of the FIM lessons are literally ignored now days, even by bronies themselves.

They keep talking trash about G5 in so many ways that I just look back at all the thing FIM was teaching in all the media it reached, and I have come down to this conclusion: If G5 haters bronies existed in Equestria, they'll be part of the reason why G5 happened and why Twilight had to split magic in the Crystals.

So yeah, G5 exists precisely because of them, and the more they hate on it, the more they prove they listened to nothing about what FIM was all about in the first place.

Sorry for cursing in the blog post, but this honestly got me really angry. Tell me, is making this defense series good for me health wise? I would really like to know. I’ve had at least 4 mental breakdowns like this since starting production and I think that ultimately comes down to how braindead some of these takes can be. I haven’t watched the full video, but I know I’m going to have to at some point. Great…

Anyways, at least progress is being made on The Fall of Opaline and the Misty Saga!! Yay!! :yay: That’s more than I can say for my sanity.

If you already have what you need to defend G5, ignore everything else, no matter how tempting the idea of checking out more videos is.

Thank you so much for your advice. I’d love to, but unfortunately, this is only Part 1 of a 5-part series. I’ll try to avoid outrage-bait videos like Zaid’s, and just focus on the more level-headed critiques like MLP Fever’s and Star Strike’s going forward, but most of the points I get are from the outrage-bait videos, so…we’ll see.

I definitely thank you for your consistent comments and letting me know I’m not alone in what I’m feeling. That really helps out a ton. Thanks again.

That is so true. So much for watching and analyzing the show if half the lessons taught we forget about in an instant.

You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain. I mean MAP got his start trashing other MLP reviewers for being to mean to the show that is how I found him I had just became a brony. What made me lose all respect for him as a reviewer was his review over Cuties.

Yeah the movie was controversial and I can understand not wanting to review it. But to refuse to watch and still do a review about it killed all credibility as a reviewer in my mind. How can you say anything about anything if you refuse to examine what you are critizing. That and his weird hateboner over the Doug Walker Change the Cannel crap.

MAP wears his emotions on his sleave and he lets it get the better of him. Losing all thought and logic too were and form of sense is overtaken by rage and anger. I would dare say he is an anti-reviewer.

Ani’t that the truth. I still take lessons to heart but I do have some criticism about the show but I look past it and enjoy it as a show. Plus we technically don’t know if flurry heart is alive or not. But still I like g4 but I do like some parts of g5.

Also what link because I don’t see a link to your YouTube channel.

And hey found someone else who uses Luna name too.

Ugh, that idiot.

Honestly, if it wasn’t a waste of time I would say something in his video. But the guy is clearly not healthy to be around.

Edit: I couldn’t help myself. I kept it as civil as possible, but I don’t think the response is going to be.

On a side note, I still care about the Misty saga.

It’s an engaging story that I hope gets a proper conclusion, wether if it’s sooner or later.

Oh my YouTube channel’s linked in the bio. You see under my description above, which says: ‘Friendship isn’t always easy, but there’s no doubt that it’s worth fighting for’? Well, there’s a link directly under it. That takes you directly to the channel. I hope that helps. I appreciate your interest in the project.

Also, someone else uses the Luna name too? Cool, who is it?

Thank you so much. Believe me, I’m hard at work on The Fall of Opaline. The reasons why it’s taking so long is both because of writer’s block and because I have to get Opaline’s backstory right. Not only will this serve a larger narrative purpose in the last two entries, but the story is also my approved headcanon that I will use in the defense videos justifying why Equestria fell. I know using headcanon to justify writing decisions is kinda flimsy, but this is supposed to tie the three versions of the backstory we got officially (the Discord comic and Make Your Mark) together in a way that makes sense.

If you readers don’t believe the story, then you won’t believe the videos either. So I’m under a lot of pressure to get this one right. Feel free to judge it accordingly when it finally does get released. Again, thank you so much for your continued support. You have no idea how much I really appreciate it.

Well I also use it sometimes. Becuase let’s be honest she is best princess. Plus does have the coolest royal guards and tactical of the princesses but also sweet to the children.

Plus so guessing your OC is in the lunar guard?


Oh he definitely is. In fact, Hawk Nightwing is the commander of the entire Lunar Republican Army. He’s also Princess Luna’s personal apprentice and she practically raised him from birth.

As someone who has written for years, I understand your pain completely.

Take as much time as you need. We can wait as long as necessary if it means you're in the right mindset.

I'll tell you one thing though: whenever these videos do come out, I plan to spread them to as many people as I can. I don't know yet how I'm gonna convince them to watch them, but I sure as hell will NOT let G5 crash and burn like this!

And I know I've already said this, but if you haven't already, I highly suggest you check out FaolanCortez's YouTube channel. He's very much an avid supporter of G5 and has made some pretty great content.

I remember finding MAP when G4 was still a thing. However, he’s gone off the rails long after G4 ended. In fact, there was something that he did that made people lose respect for him. Something about cyber stalking someone or it was around those lines that transpired very recently. But yes, hypocrisy does run in the fandom like you said.

I look forward to reading your story by the way, Admiral.

Also, don’t stress yourself on your story. It’s not healthy.

Thank you so much for offering to help. The more people these videos reach, the better. The goal is to get this series widespread across the fandom and get engagement from both sides. If we can get both G5 lovers and haters watching the videos, then that means we’ve done our jobs well.

Also, thanks a bunch for recommending FaolanCortez’s channel! I’m now watching his videos and he is very entertaining to watch. I might see if he’ll be up for a collaboration for Part 2 or 3 of this series, but I’m not holding my breath. After all, he’s a huge YouTuber and I’m…well, you know. Maybe if Part 1 pushes me over the 1k subscribers break-even mark, it might be possible, I don’t know. Definitely up for consideration though. :pinkiesmile:

Yeah, his Cuties review was questionable at best and downright heartless at worst. I can completely understand not wanting to review literal child p**nography (heck, if anything, he thoroughly convinced me to not go anywhere near that movie), but the way he goes off on some of the reviewers and even the filmmakers is just extremely cruel at best. He definitely does have some anger issues he needs to work out and I can’t stand the way he wishes horrible things to happen to people he doesn’t agree with. In fact, I 100% fully expect MAP to make a response to me on that caliber after Part 1 of my defense series is uploaded, call me a horrible person for disagreeing with the “majority,” and say I should get a brain lobotomy or something worse. Heck, the video was so tone-deaf that I actually think the person who impersonated MAP on Twitter in order to apologize to BlackCriticGuy was justified in doing so considering what MAP said to him in the video itself. I thought after he got exposed for the whole bot account thing that he would work on changing himself for the better, but judging by this video now, he hasn’t changed one bit, and my respect for him has long since gone down the toilet.

I still watch his reviews of FIM’s Seasons 5-9 as a way of remembering how much more level-headed he used to be, plus I still really enjoy them in general. He was never perfect, but I remember he used to not go off on people like this in those videos. Ever since FIM ended, it’s like…he changed, and not in a good way.

Thanks. You have no idea how hard it is to stay sane after going through so many horrendous takes and stressing out about getting a story released, but people like you and my other followers are the reason why I keep going. I’m very happy that you all are still looking forward the story and rest be assured, there will be no writer’s block stopping me this time. While I won’t give an exact date as those never work out, judging by the progress I have made, I can conclude that the release date might be sometime soon.

well then may I segguest this for your non bat pony troops?

*slides over documents*

Thank you so much, sir. I shall present them to the Princess.

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