• Member Since 9th Jul, 2014
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Phoenix Heart 27

"I often think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day."- Vincent Van Gogh

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  • 1 week
    Torture Ideas for story plots.

    Why? Because sometimes you need to do so, or perhaps you have an OC who happens to be into the whole torture scene/is apart of an organization that occasionally needs to use harsh methods to extract information from otherwise "difficult" informants. (Yes I'm aware that was a run-on sentence. Sue me if you dare). Anyhow, allow my mystical knowledge to help with ideas for torture that can

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    Happy 20th Anniversary "Shrek 2"

    Original Release Date: May 19th, 2004

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    "Wicked"|| Official Trailer

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  • 3 weeks
    Ponies and Periods (Men Who are Squeamish This is Your Warning Now)

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  • 9 weeks
    Not Gonna troll at ALL today...

    I'm serious.....

    Not gonna do it......

    Seriously! I'm not gonna......

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It's Gotta be asked · 8:54pm Mar 20th, 2023

What was your first gaming system? For me it was a Super Nintendo Entertainment System (or SNES). My mama had a friend who would often bring his new system over to play games on. It mostly ended being me and my older brother playing it, so he actually gave it to us! Mind you, I had to have been maybe 1-2 years old at the time, but understood and could work the system (just as much as I could work my brother's Playstation [1].). I remember the hours I'd alternate between reading books, playing my SNES and being on the computer (when my sister wasn't on the landline) as well as just playing with my toys or annoying my older siblings. Eventually my brother got a PS2 and even I got a PS2 when I was almost 9 (my brother had an Xbox 360 at that point and I wouldn't bother asking to play...dang stingy older brother). My friend had gotten a Wii and we'd be alternating between houses to play each other's games (when we weren't doing homework or playing on the family desktop). Man I still remember getting my first handheld system (A Nintendo DS Lite--red/black) that was completely MY system (I previously had to share a Gameboy Advance with my sister and a Wii our Grandaddy got us). That was x-mas 2009 and instantly became mine and my siblings favorite gift (yes I barely played it on x-mas because they hogged it with the 4 games I had). I also remember getting my Nintendo 3DS for x-mas 2011 (also got hogged by my sister and cousin until I left to my grandparents house. Then I showed off to my brothers and cousin who already had one of his own). Then again, that same x-mas I got a starter guitar and "The Sims: Life Stories" on PC (yes it's old and yes, I could play it only on my dad's laptop bc mine was too old to support it)...so it's a fair bet that this particular x-mas I had a fair choice of "favorite" gifts. Yet I also remember getting my PS4 (again for x-mas) in 2018. Yes I still have my PS4 and my Nintendo 3DS. Yes both still work fine. Yet I'm curious. What was your first one?

Comments ( 9 )

I would say SNES since that is older, but my true answer would have to be the Nintendo 64 and Sega Genisis because those were the first consoles I ever got to play on. It wasn't until years later that my younger siblings and I found we had a SNES to play older games on.

The Mattel Intellivision, same era as the Atari 2600. I actually preferred it to the Atari.

that's a Nintendo SNES for me and also game cube if my sister wasnt hogging the other consol

Oooh! That's a name I haven't heard in a while!

For me that would be the first Xbox. I was 4 or 5 at the time and I got very excited about the newest game that was hot at the time, Spongebob: Battle for Bikini Bottom and I was hooked on to it, from level designs, to gameplay. It was a lot of fun, and I'm very glad they made a remake of the game, it was like my childhood again.

Oh gods do I remember when the first Xbox came out! My dad had got it x-mas 2001 and my brother and I wouldn't hesitate and whenever he had both of us around, we'd be playing it! Of course most of the time I'd be too busy keeping an eye on my little sisters and trying to protect the Xbox from their destructive butts.

Hmm i had many different systems my actual first one was a N64 played so much Mario and Pokemon, my current systems are Nintendo 3D's Nintendo switch Xbox 360 and Xbox one i do still own a slim ps2 but it rarely works anymore, my Xbox one is having fan grinding overheating issues i also have a dell laptop it can play a few games.

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