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    The Canterlot Atlas - 1 - Introduction to the Continent of Terras

    Welcome to the first in a series of blogs that I am calling The Canterlot Atlas.

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    Scheduling Updates

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The Canterlot Atlas - 1 - Introduction to the Continent of Terras · 12:28am Apr 17th, 2023

Welcome to the first in a series of blogs that I am calling The Canterlot Atlas.

In this series I will provide some extra details about the setting of Banners of Griffonia, and the various elements that make up its world. These are intended as supplemental material for those who wish to take a deeper dive into the world I have crafted, and explore the world beyond the scope of the story. Nothing shown here will be information required to enjoy the story in the main writings, and are simply for the amusement of those who also enjoy looking at the maps in any fantasy novel.

In this first entry I will provide a brief introduction to the continent serving as the story’s general setting, as well as an short introduction to the races that inhabit it.

Beware that some of the information in the post below will be a bit of a spoiler for some events, though nothing major.


The world that we know today is a far cry from the one our grandparents were subjected to. After 253 years of the age of chaos, according to our order’s reckoning, the horrors came to an end. And upon its end, the world of Gaia breathed a collective sigh of relief.

On our continent, the lands known to us as Terras, there would be a period of rebuilding in the following years. From the ruins of old, new empires and crowns have risen from the ashes to stake their claims to swaths of the continent.

All the races would see regrowth at this time. From the griffons in the mountains and forests of the north, the buffalo of the plains and deserts upon the southern coast. From the yaks of the sweeping northern steppes, to the volcanic isle of ash that the dragons call home. And the ponies, ranging from coast to coast through great plains and forests both. The races of this continent would reach out and discover each other as we sought new fates and fortunes in a world unburdened by the whims of the archdemon.

But as we rise as the phoenix does from ash, we must not forget that those ashes yet remain. Even now, the ruins of those fallen to the horrors of chaos litter the continent. Vile places of infestation and sorrow, yet often out of sight of the average traveler.

It is on that grim topic of broken cities that one must not forget the violence and wars of the mortal races that raged as soon as the Avatar of Chaos fell to the Equestrian Royal Sisters, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Indeed it is the opinion of this scholar that when the cruelty of chaos ended, many wished to attempt to renew its blight in pursuit of their own goals. Whether for better or worse I cannot say. That is for the sands of time to judge.

The results of those struggles forged the kingdoms and empires we now know today, a few centuries after the Sister's victory. While this scholar would prefer to believe that the world is known, and that evil is defeated, in my heart I know that we must be ever on guard against the forces that would imperil this world.

Indeed the goal of this grand work is for the just and honorable rulers of the world to have at their disposal a compendium of this world we reside upon to inform their decisions. It is my hope that with an understanding of the wider world, they will lead us towards a glorious future.

To this end I have assembled all the works and knowledge of our order to create the masterpiece of our age pride of our order. The Canterlot Atlas, first of its kind in the modern age.

The Continent of Terras

The continent that we inhabit is a large landmass with many variations in the landscape. Great mountain ranges split the lands, and in the times where we did not dare test their heights, they would split the races as well. It was only by a combination of circumstance and skill that the natural roads leading through them were found, and the bounds of our continent could be learned once more. 

Its coasts are filled with many beasts, but as the winds of chaos recede as we relearn the art of seafaring, we are able to once again navigate them. As such, thanks to the combined efforts of many cartographers from all races, this outline of the continent was able to be created.

The Landmass of Terras

The interior of the continent has many different regions and environments across its breadth. From the sandy plains of the southern desert, to the frozen north, and all the lands between. Grand mountain ranges split the continent, acting like walls between the peoples on either side. The general features of the landscape is revealed below, with the titled regions being described subsequently.

Terrain Map of Terras

The Grand Plains are at the heart of the continent, and may occasionally be referred to as the grass sea in other texts. This is a sprawling region of green grasses, stretching from the foothills of the mountains at the edge of Griffonia all the way down to the southern coast. Trees are sparse in this land, though some may be found growing alongside the massive rivers in this region. Strong winds blow through the fields, and it it said standing there you can see for countless leagues yet not there will be nothing besides green fields.

The east of the grand plains is bordered by a small outcropping of mountains upon which my order has its home alongside the town of Canterlot. South of Canterlot lies the Evergreen Forest, with the city of the same name in it's depths the seat of power of the Equestrian diarchy, the capital of the Equestrian Princessdom.

Further east beyond that lies the Maretanian Coast, where the woods and the hills meet the sea. The rivers running eastwards through pony lands find themselves terminating at this coast, and many of the cities and towns here have strong walls to resist the wrath of the sea.

Caliballo lies south from the Evergreen Forest and Maretania, shielded by a mountain range. These lands see heavier rainfall compared to their northern neighbors, and a large swamp exists surrounding the great lake at the foot of the mountain. Citrus fruits are often grown here, and the warmer air is rather pleasant.

To the west of Caliballo, on the other side of the mountains is the Sanoran Desert. Here in the sandy soil a common plant that one may come across is the cactus, a spiny plant that seems to thrive in dry air. There is little water to be found, and agriculture is rather challenging in this land.

Further west still past the sand, a series of islands straddle a peninsula known as Hellencia, whose lands are filled with light forests and hills, broken up by the short nibs of mountains long eroded down. The weather is warm here, with winds blowing across from the southern ocean. The islands shield the peninsula from the rage of the seas, and the waters are quite calm.

North of Hellencia, across the flat calm of the Green Sea, the great forests of Alponion stretch along the coast and deep into the interior. The dense woods are a source of great pride to the inhabitants, and are filled with thousands of massive redwood trees reaching to the skies taller than any tower or wall. Indeed such trees are an astounding sight, and the woods provide a natural bounty to supplement the farms working in the shade below.

The Crystal Hills are the most northern area of the continent primarily settled by ponies. Here the hills are filled with gems, and while the winters are harsh there are plenty of resources for the ponies living in the region to utilize. Mines run deep for many of the continent's bounties, and the forests feed the settlements of the Crystal Empire. The region is well protected and easily defended, flanked on three sides by tall mountains, with only a few passes leading into the griffon and yak lands.

The Maredian Islands to the far west and the ponies living on them are isolated from the affairs of the rest of the continent for the most part. While the coasts are somewhat known, the interior is suspected to be wooded islands with notable volcanic activity, as some fiery peaks have been noted by explorers.

The north of the continent is the region known as Griffonia, the homeland of the griffons. This expanse of mountains, forests, and hills is colder than most of pony lands. The forests are typically dense in this region, and there are few large plains in the north. Fjords and bays dot the coast, the former becoming more prevalent further north. This region is often defined as the lands between the two northern mountain ranges, stretching from sea to sea. The large lakes near the mountains and the plethora of rivers aid in life in this region, and the many of the largest griffon cities can be found in this region along them.

The Griffon Northlands is a region of frosty mountains, pine forest, and tundra. The very north of the griffon world is inhabited by few, for beyond the arctic mountains life is a challenge even for the hardy folk who dare it. Yet some still do, and the fjords across the top of the continent offer much shelter for towns and villages to reside away from the northern storms. The seas often freeze in the winter, and large ice floes and icebergs are hazards to sailors.

The Griffish Isles are the collection of islands that rise from the shallow seas to the east of the northlands. While the northern coast of the griffon mainland is a maze of fjords in itself, it pales in comparison to the griffish isles with the sheer number of fjords among the broken coastline. These large islands are heavily forested, many with mountain ranges and peaks of their own. Settlements are plentiful, and a few great cities can be found on the larger islands.

The rest of the northern realm of the continent is the Yak Steppe, a wide and open plateau that reaches from the western ocean to the mountain peaks. Here the rain is cold and the winters colder. Trees are seldom found here, only in the shadow of the mountains and sparsely along the rivers can they be found to grow. Hills and tundra can also be found at the periphery of this region.

Far to the northwest, in the cold sea lies the island of the dragons. Few outsiders visit these shores, and most of what we know of this harsh land comes from the dragons who venture beyond it. Little green can be found growing here, only a few lichens and ferns rising from the volcanic ash and permafrost. This is a land of volcanoes and fire, contrasted against the frost and the snow that covers the islands away from the molten stone.

Map of the Dominant Races of Terras

There are five races that are known to have a great population upon our continent. Most of the races in the past were separated by tall mountains or sheer distance, and knowledge of each other decayed as we withdrew into ourselves. Communication has been reestablished between the races however, and an overview of the kinds of people one may meet is valuable to figure of note. Although this scholar notes that these are observed trends, all races have many of their own cultures and values separated within their own kin, and may have more common ground with a different species than their own.

The most populous race of the continent would be the ponies, inhabiting much of the center and the south of the continent. Divided into three tribes, the unicorns, the pegasi, and the earth ponies, each are distinct from each other yet definitively part of the same race. All sizable pony communities have their population composed of a mix of the three, though exact proportions will vary upon the location in question. Ponies are a herbivorous race, and are able to sustain themselves on grasses with some additional foraging in times of hardships.

Ponies typically value their families and home, and can be very tribal. Ponies often place strong emphasis on their traditions, and can be stubborn to change. Ponies are also noted to act together more often, for better or for worse and emotions spread through a large collective of ponies. Ponies also place great value on their magic, and indeed are by far the most magically adept of the continent's races, with the directed magic of the unicorns being especially apparent.

Griffons are the next most populous race, and a race of winged hybrids of birds and cats. They are an omnivorous race, and both grow crops and herd livestock. Griffons are skilled crafters thanks to their advantage of claws when compared to the hooves that most of the other significant races have. While they lack inherent magic at the same level as ponies, they do have an advanced understanding of runecraft and enchanting that pairs well with their ability to work on fine details.

Griffons typically are more individualistic when compared to ponies, but are more than capable to act as part of the whole, and are often very proud of their heritage and homes. Some other values that most griffons will hold dear are ideals such as honor, and adaptability in the face of a challenge to overcome it.

The yaks of the steppe are a race of large herbivorous creatures. Their society is heavily divided between those settled in the cities and towns along the rivers, and the nomadic tribes that roam the open steppe. They often place value on strength and power, and have been described by some as being rather brash peoples.

The buffalo that inhabit the southern plains and deserts are a tribal society for the most part, with few large towns. They instead choose to live in roaming tribes or small villages, and value nature and the world around them. Strong and hearty, their large size makes them fierce warriors not unlike the yaks.

Dragons are the least populous of the races, and the one that we know the least of as people. The few things that most scholars can agree on are that dragons are very individualistic in nature, and rarely see themselves as part of a larger community. They are also the only race known to devour non-living matter in gemstones, though they are also satisfied with the flesh of creatures. Dragons are often feared by other races, due to their immense size and power, but can be treated as other races and interacted with safely.

And so concludes the first entry in the Canterlot Atlas.

I wanted to provide the worlding building in a slightly more interesting context than just copy and pasting bits of my world building document, and so I decided to create this as part of a work made after the end of the story documenting the world after some of it had become known. I hope that worked out and made this post a more engaging read than what effectively looked like a page from a textbook.

Future entries will see a deeper dive into the cultures and kingdoms of the continent, and some of the core values and ideals they hold.

Comments ( 4 )

Ah, worldbuilding, my favorite.

Good thing I still have yet to read the story; this will provide context.

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