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Every day is always crazy!

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  • Sunday
    My Review of Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters episode 3 Prey

    Grading Scale:

    A (fantastic episode)
    A- (an excellent episode with at least one flaw)
    B+ (a great episode with a couple of flaws)

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  • Saturday
    My Review of The Big Bang Theory

    My TV Show Rating Score:

    5/5: It is an awesome show!
    4.5/5: it is a great show albeit not perfect
    4/5: It’s a good show with minor flaws
    3/5: It’s overall okay/guilty pleasure

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  • 1 week
    My Review List For June

    TV Shows

    June 1st—The Big Bang Theory

    June 8th—Spider-Man Unlimited

    June 15th—Ducktales (2017)


    June 22th—Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)

    June 29th—Lady and the Tramp (1955)

    Episode Reviews

    June 2nd—Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters episode 3 “Prey”

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  • 1 week
    My Review of MLP: FIM season 7 episode 14 Fame and Misfortune

    Grading Scale:

    A (fantastic episode)
    A- (an excellent episode with at least one flaw)
    B+ (a great episode with a couple of flaws)

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  • 1 week
    Between A Rock and A Big Gorilla

    Rating Scale:

    12/10—a complete masterpiece; flawless and outstanding
    11/10—Excellent, near-perfect film
    10/10—the standard rating; awesome film with a couple of flaws
    9/10—a wonderful film with several flaws

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A lesson needs to be learned here… · 8:05pm May 8th, 2023

In light of today’s events, I feel the need to speak up in regards to friendships.

Friends are a tremendous blessing to have…but there will always be ups and downs. There will always be times when friends have arguments, disagreements, and even fights. But there will also be times we kiss, make up, forgive, and forget. It’s all part of the friendship process. Nevertheless, there are limits in this relationship.

A true friend will always take responsibility for their actions if they have done wrong. But if that said friend makes bullshit excuses, blames other people for who they are, or (God forbid) send death threats to those whom they felt wronged by or to other people who did absolutely nothing to them…then it’s a huge red flag. If that person refuses to get professional help, seek therapy, or counseling and continues to abuse their own friends for something they didn’t do, then the latter group needs to cut that guy out of their lives. We can try to help them out and reason with them, but if they refuse to listen…well, fuck it. Actions have consequences.

That’s all I gotta say. For those of you who are fully aware of the situation and are familiar with a certain Changeling…who used to be a friend of mine…you know what I’m talking about. Just remember that you should never give toxic people any sort of attention after they shoot you down multiple times for trying to help them out and being there for them. If they don’t love us anymore, then so be it. We move on.

It’s very hard to accept, yes, but this is reality we have to face. Hope this makes sense to all of you.

Comments ( 31 )

Yeah, learned that the hard way. At least I know who my real friends are

*pats your shoulder*

Same. I just never thought this day would come, honestly. Quite shocking, isn’t it?

Yeah. Bright side is I'm handling it better

I sure hope so. You just simply refuse to let anyone go. It’s shows how much you really care.

If he comes to make amends I won't forgive him easily. I'm going to sternly explain his consequences and make him earn back our friendship.

I doubt he’ll do that, but if he ever does, be careful. He’s gets angry pretty easily.

Yeah, I can tell. Still, we can't throw years of friendship

Oh, Wrexy, you’re very stubborn. But it’s admirable.

My mom says the exact same thing.

Have you ever had a friend like this? In real life?

Once, in elementary school. You?

There comes a time when he have to accept the fact that a person can only be saved if they WANT to be saved .

Yeah. He was a sweet guy and my favorite person in the world until we broke up. It was really hard, but I had to move on.

Well, nobody said relationships were easy

Plenty of fish in the sea, buddy.

Not anymore. Prefer to stay single.

I had friends who dared me into poking a dead raccoon. I ended up getting mauled, required nearly 10 shots for rabies protection, and in the end, they laughed at me, calling me an idiot to poke a raccoon and claiming the didn't force me to poke it when I told them they dared me to poke it. I'm still missing part of my left ear because of those jackasses

Meh, that's life. I gotta go. I promised my aunt I'd babysit my cousin tonight. Later.

I agree with you on all these points.

In the past, there were many people on this site that I made a connection with and considered to be really great friends. However, there were some that didn’t want to be my friend anymore simply because they disagreed with my views as a Christian or my opinions on other various things. No matter how much I tried to reach out to them once more in the past, they’d openly refuse to reconnect. A lot of times, they’d also say that it’s my fault the friendships broke apart because of having these different views and opinions on things, but the reality is that it’s their fault for not coming to terms with that or agreeing to disagree.

I give my solemnest condolences for what you went through with them. It’s honestly really sad. But I am a bit confused. What happened? And which Changeling YouTuber are we talking about? Sawtooth Waves or Sketchy the Changeling? I only know two. Can someone please clarify? I admit that I haven’t been keeping up with drama as of late with school and my video taking up all my time.


His name was Akula, his avatar was an OC Changeling until he changed his name to Pulse Master for some reason.

But thanks for your kind words. He initially threatened suicide because of the whole F1 situation and literally sent death threats to people who are fans of the sport…..like irrationally ANGRY at those people. Then he preceded to insult and verbally abuse us for apparently taking sides with people we don’t even know. And now he’s been banned…again…for two weeks this time.

It’s sad to see a friend degrade himself like this. We didn’t even do anything wrong to him.

That’s really terrible. I honestly can’t imagine threatening suicide and giving death threats to anyone, though I have to admit it is unfortunately a common thing I’ve seen. Here’s hoping you find the true friends you deserve going forward, Mr. J.

Oh geeze... I´m so sorry you had to go through this. I´ve also had my deal with toxic friendships and those have left scars that I´m still working through. It never got to the same point as your case, but it was hard because either they would isolate me, yell at me or make fun of me. I even started fearing them at one point. All that while dealling with bullying as well...

Anyway, if you feel the need to talk, contact me. I might be very busy but always willing to listen.

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