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AJ Aficionado

The Guy who wrote "Dibs on My Sister". Prereader for Firesight, writer of erotic fanfiction and lover of Eeveelutions.

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Summer Sin 2023: Announcement and Endorsement · 7:18pm May 27th, 2023

It's that time of year again. The time when people across the site get to see their basest and most vile fantasies come true! If something like this didn't already exist, I'd request it to be brought into existence. I love everything about this event from a conceptual and technical basis.

But AJ, isn't this just a story swap? You might ask. If everyone participating is already a hobby writer, couldn't you just write your own story if you want to get your rocks off? 'Physician heal thyself' and all that. Or in this case, physician jerk thyself off. Doesn't Fimfiction have enough stroke fics already?

Okay, let's just get some things straight about this event out of the way, hypothetical dissident. Let me acknowledge your first point and just say that yes, you do need to write something to get something; this is the basic premise behind the event. And while there's no expectation or requirement that anyone participating needs to conform to some arbitrary status of 'uber-tier horse writer', you would be right to think most people this event would appeal to are already clop writers. But let's assume for the sake of argument that every writer who participates is one the best writers on the site. Does this mean each writer can, or could, write their ideal story by themselves?

I would argue absolutely not and here's why.

Not every author is equipped with the same skillset.

It's the same concept that drives global and international commerce. You have something I'd like, and I have something you'll like. Let us trade and be happy. There is no perfect writer. This is true for a lot of reasons. We tend to play to our strengths. We tend to build audiences that expect a certain range of subject material. Some of us excel in graphic, carnal depictions of the sexual act while some of us excel in creating an atmosphere that draws readers in to wanting to see two or more characters have sex. Some of us create compelling drama between two characters or just have a unique and interesting hook to the world itself that makes us want to see more. Some of us are just plain hilarious and create shitposts that succeed not on the hotness of the act but the absurdity of it. I can confirm that I am far too serious to ever be funny when I write porn so the last bit is very impressive to me when I see it in others.

And the wonderful fact of this supply and demand dynamic is you don't have to be a super-elite, S-tier writer to impress the hell out of a writer many times your level of skill and knowledge of the craft. What I am saying is, you might think you're not great, and you're probably right. Few of us are truly exceptional people, after all. I'd know because I'm far from exceptional myself. But many of you are better than you think and have a lot to offer to someone else. So be funny, be sexy, be quirky, be dramatic, be high-concept, be anatomical, be thoughtful and sweet.

Be an author.

Now, I don't think many of the people reading this blog necessarily entertain the notion that Fimfiction has too much smut on it. I write sex exclusively and it's what you expect from me. Be that as it is, you probably don't differ much from me on my point of view of clopfiction but I feel like it's useful to put into words. M-rated sex is the primary driver of traffic on Fimfiction — no surprise there for most of you. It's also not much of a surprise that the number of active users on this site is fading away. Part of it is widespread consensus that Gen 5 is not living up to the impossible standards set by its predecessor. Part of it is message boards being rendered a thing of the past by social media sites like Discord which silo people off into tiny enclaves at the expense of larger communities — a massive issue in online gaming circles as well.

So what better way is there to counteract this trend on Fimfiction than by participating in events like this to drive traffic and goodwill when there are still people willing to undergo the frustration and agony of actually organizing them?

It's easy to feel bad about Fimfiction's current status, but we can collectively do something about it. So, I'm going to make a simple request of the people reading this; sign up for this event by first reading the rules of the event on the FAQ linked at the start of this post. Tell Shakespearacles what you are and and are not cool writing and ask for that clopfic you've always wanted to read but never felt comfortable to attempt yourself for whatever reason. And don't feel bad if you aren't this notorious author who hits the featured box with each fic you post. The thought of the gift is what counts.

And that's where I'm going to leave off. I could write more about this topic because I find it interesting but I feel like I made my point as to why this event is necessary. But if you'll indulge my pretentious ramblings for one more paragraph, I would like to slip in one final point about this event from the standpoint of an author seeking to improve their craft. Taking requests often leads to you writing stuff you'd never considered ever writing. Not because you're against it but because you never thought about it to begin with. I personally think that branching out and trying something new is a good thing and can lead to you revealing strengths you never knew you had. And at the worst case? Revealing weaknesses you've been concealing for months and perhaps even years by writing around them.

I'll see you in the summertime with a new clopfic.

Comments ( 1 )

Glad to have you aboard! Looking forward to seeing what you do!

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