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Friendship isn’t always easy. But there’s no doubt that it’s worth fighting for. | YOUTUBE: https://youtube.com/channel/UCGbEH3wUKo6S3rEqTudjDWQ

More Blog Posts132

  • Today
    Summer Is Officially HERE + I Binged Watched Make Your Mark

    Hey, everypony! School is officially done for the semester! And you know what that means. It’s SHOW TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIME!! Now that summer is officially upon me, I’m going to go commit to my mega projects and turn my channel into a true force to be reckoned with in the analyst community, as well as focus on rebuilding my presence here on the site as a prolific author. And to start it off, I

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  • Wednesday
    So ‘Haven’ Is Officially Over + The Completion of a Trilogy

    Well, guys. Haven is officially over. The last two chapters have been published and I can safely say that the story’s completed. It feels great to actually finish a multi-chaptered story of mine for once, and for my first G4 story in a good while…eh, engagement could have been worse. I definitely feel like it didn’t make as big of a splash with readers as I initially hoped it would. Maybe

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  • Monday
    New Chapter!

    The newest chapter of Haven, titled IV. Moon Dancer, has officially been published! Feel free to check it out and give feedback on it. Chapter 5 is already fully written as well and will be published by Tuesday. I’m getting back into the daily update routine. Once this story is finished, I can turn my attention back to the upcoming G5 fics. But right now, this story deserves a

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  • 6 days
    Story Status Updated

    The story status for Haven has officially been changed from ON HIATUS back to INCOMPLETE. I wonder what that could mean…:raritywink:

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  • 1 week
    My Third Attempt At A Comeback + Why I’m Returning To Fimfiction

    Hello, everypony. I know it’s been a couple days since Repressed Memories dropped, but judging by the growing success of it so far, I think my decision has been solidified. I gave it a little bit of time before jumping into anything, and now I’d like to make it official. I am officially returning to writing stories on Fimfiction. This is like my third attempt at a comeback post-Misty Saga

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THIS IS THE BEST SURPRISE EVER + “Worthless” Prequel In The Works! · 7:17am Jun 11th, 2023

Holy moly…WE DID IT!!!! WE’VE SURPASSED 100 SUBSCRIBERS!!!! This has gotta be the best surprise of my life so far since starting the ‘Hawk Nightwing’ YouTube channel not too long ago. I just got back from Disneyland, checked the channel, and saw that I had absolutely blown up!! WOW!!! I am so, so happy!! Who knew a couple of clips from Make Your Mark Chapter 4 would be the thing to push me over the edge? Now I have a couple more clips coming out on the channel soon (I think at least two or three more), and then…it’ll be time for the grand announcement.

Yes, y’all knew it was coming. I will be posting a short little video declaring my support for Generation 5 and confirming the existence of my upcoming defense video. I feel like this intro video is warranted as I also want to properly introduce the channel and what I want to do with it. I think my audience is big enough now that I can start taking big strides. We’re going all in on the supporting G5 train now, everypony. No more holding back. You guys may be wondering if my video is still necessary, considering that public opinion on G5 seems to be slightly more positive now after Chapter 4, but I still think it is. Despite the immense progress, there are still those extremist manbabies out there in the fandom who are hellbent in tearing down this generation with every fiber of their being because “iT’s a SeQuEl tO FiM, wAaaaaaaaAAA!!” Plus, I’ve gotten so far in the video that there’s no way I’m outright cancelling it now and Luna knows that we need some more positive videos on this generation. Like, compare the ratio of positive videos to negative ones and you’ll see what I mean. Besides, this video essay is practically the thesis for my whole entire channel, so why the hay would I outright cancel it faster than Batgirl, even if it becomes old news? Nah, this baby’s still coming for you at full force faster than Operation Glitterbomb and you guys will get what I’ve been promising and more. With my sub count having absolutely exploded into the stratosphere from where it was before, I think I can make a big splash with these two videos. You will all finally get to see my OC (well, it’s not really my OC, like I didn’t draw it, but you get what I mean) and I’ll elaborate on the changes I hope to incite in this community.

With Chapter 5 rumored to be coming later this year, what better way to hype it up than officially launching the biggest G5 hype channel of all time? And this brings me to my next announcement regarding Gen 5 content.

Worthless is getting an official tie-in prequel!!

Yes, I’m full on serious. Before you all start worrying about my mental health tackling too many projects at once, let me say that I’m completely and totally okay. I’m not biting off more than I could chew like Fluttershy in “Stare Master,” no sirree. Totally not stressing myself out big time with too many obligations and working on two stories at once. Nope! That’s TOTALLY not happening!! [Insert “Lesson Zero” crazy Twilight gif here]. Fortunately, I am proud to announce that I was 100% wrong about a certain section in my initial blog post about Chapter 4. I did come out of it with new story ideas after all! They’re just all about Misty right now because of course they are. She was the one with the most sceeentime after all. I just had to give Chapter 4 time to sit and think about what I could mine out of it. And guess what? There’s a lot I can mine out of it! We’re actually sitting on a massive goldmine of story ideas here, people. And here’s one of them:

So The Fall of Opaline initially opened with a tense conversation between Opaline and Misty regarding the latter’s failure to steal Sparky AGAIN!! I had about about a 1/2 portion of that alternate Prologue done before abandoning it in favor of starting the story with Opaline’s spell to summon the Umbrum. But today, I thought of a solution. What if I used that scrapped opening to make a story about Misty’s inner conflict right before the events of Worthless?! It’s the ultimate case of unicycling! Oh, Izzy would be so proud of me right now. And they say G5 teaches you nothing, smh. There’s some good dialogue here and I think that would make up for the accidental lack of Misty focus in The Fall of Opaline, wouldn’t y’all say? Basically, you all know how Worthless plays out. It’s my best performing story. The story opens with Sparky already kidnapped and taken to Opaline. But what happened right before that, you may ask? Surely, there must’ve been something that took place before our favorite baby dragon was stolen from right under the Mane 5’s noses? Perhaps Misty was worried about her new friends finding out and hating her for it? Perhaps she remembers all the good times she had with them and has a moment of self-doubt? Does she momentarily consider abandoning her mission and then refocuses herself after Opaline calls her out for her supposed weakness? What about the actual kidnapping itself? We never get to read it as its own section, only hear it told about after-the-fact. Well aside from doing an extended version of Worthless, which I don’t really feel like doing as there’s apparently nothing to fix according to literally all of the comments raving about it, there’s no way to see the events before that story play out.

Well that is about to change, fillies and gentlecolts!!

The prequel story will be titled Purpose and it will focus on Misty’s self-doubt right before and during the stealing of Sparky. I think this will be a cool addition to add to the Misty Saga and it opens up a lot of opportunities for character-based narrative. The story will release right before Redeemed and I can’t wait to see what I can do with it. I’ve already issued a massive retcon in regards to when the Misty Saga takes place. Now it takes place in the midst of Chapter 4 rather than Chapter 2. Basically just substitute “Missing The Mark” for Worthless and we’re golden. I did this because I love Chapter 4 that much. I don’t usually retcon the timeline of my own writing as that can be extremely dangerous on a narrative level and I would strongly advise against doing this in your own work, but this Chapter definitely earned it for me. It only takes something truly special to get me to to do that as I have standards, but the more I reflect on Chapter 4, the more I like it. So…now that we have all those other episodes to build on, there will be a lot of references to them in Redeemed. I’m writing it to be the one true sequel to Worthless as this is the event that story promised. Out of all the Misty Saga stories following it, this is the story that I’ve always wanted to make. This is the true sequel to Worthless, more so than all the other stories ever were. So I am taking my time with it. After I get Part 1 of Redeemed done, I’ll take a moment to write Purpose, release it, and then move on to Part 2 of the former.

I’m meticulously studying every aspect of both Worthless and Forgiven to see what worked, and what didn’t. It’s sort of the way James Cameron studied the success of the original Avatar before writing Avatar: The Way of Water in order to make sure that the script was as good as it could possibly be, and that’s exactly what I’m doing here. This is the culmination, this is the finale. It has to be as close to perfection as it can possibly get. We’re going back to basics with Redeemed. It’s not going to have a lot of profanity, it’s not going to try to be too dark or edgy. It’s just going to be the emotional rollercoaster conclusion that you all deserve to have, honestly and sincerely.

I even have ideas for more Misty stories after the Misty Saga!! Who would’ve thought? Now, they won’t be in the same continuity as I’m going to reset my whole MLP story universe with Izzy Moonbow: Beyond The Multiverse of Randomness to make way for The Lunar Literary Universe. Buuuuuuuuut…that story will also be finally living up to its series title and officially open up the multiverse in the same way The Flash is doing. And with any non-LLU stories receiving the official “Elseworlds” brand just like DC, who’s to say I can’t write a multi-chapter Elseworlds story about Misty finding herself post “Missing The Mark?” I have this really cool idea that involves Misty embarking on an epic journey across Equestria and beyond in attempt to reconcile her past and find it within her to forgive herself for her actions. Along the way, she teams up with a grownup version of Spike to find the other creatures and spread friendship to them once more. Now we’ll have to see if the idea sticks as there have been many cool story concepts that I’ve thought up of in the past that haven’t stuck for more than a week, or even a day for that matter. But I actually really like this one and I hope to write it at some point.

So…yeah! More Misty stories on the way post Saga? You bet. She’s such an interesting character to write and her struggles and insecurities represent my own in so many ways that I can’t help but see myself in her in a really personal sense. In the same manner that James Gunn likens himself to Rocket Raccoon in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3, I see myself as Misty at so many points in my life. There have been many points in my life where I’ve felt down, depressed, self-loathing, or what have you, and this character really just provides me an outlet to watch myself in. Watching Misty work through her character arc throughout Chapter 2, Chapter 4, and especially “Missing The Mark” was fantastic and so cathartic to watch. It’s one of the main reasons why Generation 5 is so amazing and I can’t wait to cover it all.

So Redeemed is definitely going to take a bit as I am not going to simply rush it out to meet an arbitrary release date. It’ll be released with two chapters labeled Part 1 and Part 2 like a FIM two-parter, each releasing a day before the next one. The release date is still unknown. At least you have Purpose to look forward to in the meantime, however. It’ll be going back to one-shot roots and should be the thing to drum up interest before the grand finale.

As always, here’s the obligatory link to the channel. If you want to know exactly when the video comes out, so you can hate on me by telling me how wrong I am, praise me for how right I am, or you are just a curious person who is simply interested in what I have to say, then be sure to like, subscribe, turn on notifications, and stay tuned for the release date of June 27, 2023!! Pipp Pipp Hooray!!!! https://youtube.com/@PresidentHawkNightwing

With that being said, I will see you all soon with my announcement video. Byyyyyeeeeee!!

Comments ( 4 )

I'm happy for your success! Though I'm not sure about that story concept. Misty dealing with her self doubt was pretty much all she did before Missing the Mark. But I'm not gonna judge it until I read it.

Congrats on the 100+ subscribers! I hope it continues to get better for you

Thank you so much!

I think you’ll like it. Who knows? I look forward to hearing your thoughts when it releases.

I am so happy for your success!

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