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Sexy Intermission Time - aka, "So long for now, Fimfiction." · 7:01am Dec 18th, 2012

I think we all knew that this was coming for quite a while now. Understand first of all that this is not a permanent departure, but a necessary intermission so I can tackle something uber important.

It all began on a ponychan thread ran by a certain, unimpressive gentlecolt. That would lead to me producing a story that was verbose, purple, epic, but necessarily competent. I posted it to Equestria Daily by the skin of my e-balls, and a few hipster fans clung onto the literature like fine whine.

For better or for worse, the train-wreck that is End of Ponies was responsible for spring-boarding me into the fandom. It gave me a firm base upon which I projected Background Pony onto the marsupial masses. If it weren't for EoP, I'd not have the friends and subscriptions (and fanart) that I have to day.

I can make excuses all day for why I haven't gone back to the Wasteland, and--as a matter of fact--I have been making those excuses for the better part of a year. 2012 was so much better than 2011 for me as a brony writer, but it's hard to feel good about it. 2011 was the start of something amazing and fresh--something that I have abandoned for far too long.

Will End of Ponies be as good or better than what the original material was? I can't really say for sure. But I've done my dirty work. I've slutted up to the Internet and produced stuff like "Hiccups" or "Bon Bon Bon Bon Bon Bon Bon Bon Bon Bon." I've been in "gain subscribers" mode for so long, that it's time I Batman Began it and went back to working on something that is quality for a change.

It will not be something that happens overnight. One does not simply rewrite his way back into EoP. There are lavender unicorns there that do not sleep. The very purple prose you breathe is a poisonous fume. Not with five hundred thousand words can you do this.

In all seriousness, I fully expect this dayum thing to exceed a million words when I'm done. That's not half the amazing accomplishment a lot of you may think it is. The key to being a good writer is not writing long stuff, but awesome stuff. Someday, I'll find my balance. I think a year of screwing around with Lyra (ahem) has helped me find myself as a wielder of poni poni poni words. My faithful and respectful editors have assisted me in becoming a better typist overall, and several of them have told me that they're game for coming along for the ride.

End of Ponies will also have to undergo some necessary cosmetic changes. To what degree? I'm not entirely sure. I'll assure you all right now that there's not going to be any alterations so massive that they rip apart the story and plot as a whole. Just in case, I intend to keep a journal to chronicle the changes I make. I already know that I'm going to have to eliminate a bunch of masturbatory word modifiers. I'm also going to have to tackle severe splurges of LUS, as well as wyrd formatting decisions I had settled for at the time.

I also need to treat the Fimfiction version with greater respect. The draft of EoP on this website is utter shiet, and I have only myself to blame. I intend to have End of Ponies edited and reposted to both Fimfiction and EqD before I slap forth the newest arc.

And it's once the newest arc is done that I intend to make my return. So what kind of a departure am I making here? I will be logged out of Fimfiction completely. Any comments, user page posts, PMs, or other such messages sent to shortskirtsandexplosions will be utterly ignored. In that same vein, I will no longer be on Steam or Skype. This is a full scrotal plunge into the Wasteland, so that I may rediscover Scoots and help her along with her adventure. If any of you marsupials *must* contact me, feel free to toss stuff at, but I cannot promise a swift and speedy reply. I'm a jerk like that.

Concerning Noble Jury, Eljunbyro will continue to be written by my friendly neighborhood firend, Imploding Colon, but I cannot take photographs of him anymore. You marsupials will have to submit images of him to the newspaper on your own. It's really not that big of a deal; Eljunbyro is like oxygen. F'naaa.

And it's not like I'll be 100% absorbed into the void. I still need to finish BDO. There are some of you whose stuff I intend to read, even if I am a total slug about it.

The long and short of it is: you won't see me until another two months at the least, I imagine. There will be one more blog post to follow this, but it will be nothing more than a place holder in my absence. I suspect I will lose much popularity over the coming months. Many subscribers will probably swim away to better shores; I do not blame them. But everything started with a train wreck, and it must return to one. As a certain unicorn once said.

"And so it is the world began, and so it is the world shall end."
~Starswirl the Bearded

I thank you all for following me so far, and here's hoping that EoP lives up to its legacy. It dayum well better, cuz I'll likely be hammering away at it for the next two years.

Just like she did last December, here's Scootaloo to leave some parting words of wisdom.

Live long and dash apples,

Report shortskirtsandexplosions · 4,032 views ·
Comments ( 91 )

Well that was a swell note to leave off on.

Fuck yes.
That is all, good day to you sirs.

Best of luck. Come back to us soon!

Good luck. :pinkiesmile: Take all the time you need. Those who want to read your work will stay. I know I will.


and Good luck

Godspeed, you magnificent bastard.

wow, that sounds like one epic story, and if it takes that long to prepare for it, than I will only enjoy it more when it arrives.

see you soon!...ish.

Lunaspeed, sir. When you return, I will have leapt head-first into EoP, dagger clenched betwixt my teeth, and will have emerged ready and willing to resume my role as Junior Associate Officer For Editing And Editing Affairs, this time at the End of Ponies Branch instead of the Lyra Branch.

Good Luck out there in the Wasteland. You'll need it...

Until next you magnificent sonovagun.

Goodbye SSE! I'll see you on the other side.

Oh... Well, I wish you good luck; and so long.

And then EoP continued!


See you in two years. @.@

peace out
see ya latter

:salute: your time spent re-working this masterpiece will not be in vain...

so would this be a bad time to start reading EoP?

*insert Bison here*

You might not be spoken of as openly but those of us who are your obsessive fans will await the continuation with absolutely no patience whatsoever. Also you're going to make me re-read EoP for the FOURTH TIME! Meh, hopefully the Fluttershy arc won't be so... yeah. After the re-write.



I'll definitely be awaiting the day you return. Your work is absolutely amazing!

Good luck and have fun, Skirts! I'll be waiting for your return!:twilightsmile:

So long, and thanks for all the fish.

Good Luck and God Speed, Skirts!

May good fortune always grace your doorstep and may your enemies lose their way to it.

Good luck on your journey to spiritually prepare yourself with the power to continue writing the greatest story on earth.

Post Apocalyptic.
By the time you come back, I might have overcome my aversion.

Good luck doing whatever you need to do! Take care of yourself. We'll still be here when you return. :twilightsmile:

love and tolerate the hell out of you

Must... not... freak... out. *deep breath* Well, I'll miss you and your blogs, that's for sure. I'm not going anywhere, so I can't wait for your return. I salute you fine sir. (-_-)7

Godspeed, you magnificent water buffalo. Hopefully we'll all still be here when you emerge from the Vault with your manuscript. If we're not, then say hi to Scootaloo for me.
Hopefully I'll have finished Background Pony by the time this cataclysmic catalogue of the calloused Crusader is ready for its re-vampening.

624395 It was... Well it wasn't bad, but I preferred the pacing of the AJ arc and the... intrigue of the Dredgemane arc. Pinkie in Ponyville almost felt like a troll chapter.

In other words it's the least best arc in my opinion.

Finally! EOP! Oh how long I have waited to hear that it was not abandoned.

.......Better find the pony dimension so I can have Celestia lock me in the moon for a millennium. That way, I'll probably get out slightly before the first update! :pinkiehappy:

Well, just don't be gone too long. I've stopped reading it about a third of the way in when i realized there weren't any new updates. I hate reading long stories what don't get completed so i waited. This journal is good news in that it means the story will get finished...and bad because i need to add "eventually" tothe end of that sentence and that sucks that I may have to wait awhile...of course the changes to the story also means i won't have to re-read a lot to see what you've done, which is also good.

Oh lawdy lawdy EoP you say? This is going to be interesting. :pinkiegasp:


Go with the grace of Guiltophine (is that a thing? I don't think it is... shows how long it's been since I've seen the bright shinies).

I am incredibly psyched for this. Can't wait to drive into my favourite purple Skirtsian epic again!

And thus the reason why I've put off EoP. Go forth and write, you crazy kangaroo!

Oy I'll be looking forward to not being able to read anything else... for a long time when it is finally out.

(also, do you know if our mutual friend imploding colon actually puts thoughts into his titles... or is it simply a mash of letters without deeper meaning?)

Chun Li! NOOOO!!!!

Best of luck to you sir.
Post apocalyptic Equestria awaits you.
We eagerly await the day we welcome you back into the mead hall victorious.
Farewell and all.

I'll be waiting on the other side. With fanart.

We'll be waiting.

I'll take this time to re-read BGP.

Pretty sure it's Gultophine, not guilt. :ajsmug:

May Entropic flames make the intervening months seem but an instant to this little goblin. He can't wait to get his claws into the wasted spaces between sentences and to make you pay for your crimes against time. After all, it is immutable. Until then, vale!


And so it is. =/=/=/


Let's do this. I've kept up the Wasteland for the last seven months. Red's owned the skies over the ruins of Ponyville. It's time for his competition to show herself.

Scootaloo Scootaloo Brucie Gilda Rainbow Dash Scootaloo Harmony Scootaloo

My prayer/mantra for successful work on EoP. May it be fruitful and bring ponylightenment.

Well then. Good luck.:pinkiesmile:

Note to self: Remember to go though all the trouble of clicking the unfollow button which, for all intensive purposes, would have the exact same effect as if that person were to simply stop posting things. Then be sure to refollow them when they post a new massive hit that I probably would have known about right away if I hadn't clicked the unfollow button.

Puts forth effort>
Nothing gained<

I'm pretty sure people don't leave your shores unless you get really annoying, the just pull other shores closer and sit in a nice little yacht in the middle of them all. (IE follow others while they wait.)

Alright, I'm done with my insomnia induced half attempt at convincing you that we're not all just going to up and unfollow you just because you've decided to take a break from posting. The author of "The Stranger and Her Friend" is going to be flat out comatose online for two years while he does a mission for his church and you know everyone's just going to reread his story when he gets back and starts cranking out more chapters. no, unfavs were had and no unfollows were done, his activities are simply on Hiatus.

Have fun wish your spiritual scootaloo reattachment or whatever it is you're doing!

You make it sound like we have such a short attention span that unless you're throwing stuff in our faces constantly, we'll loose interest.
Have a little more faith in us; take as much time as you need, we'll still be here when you get back.

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