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Friendship isn’t always easy. But there’s no doubt that it’s worth fighting for. | YOUTUBE: https://youtube.com/channel/UCGbEH3wUKo6S3rEqTudjDWQ

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  • Wednesday
    So ‘Haven’ Is Officially Over + The Completion of a Trilogy

    Well, guys. Haven is officially over. The last two chapters have been published and I can safely say that the story’s completed. It feels great to actually finish a multi-chaptered story of mine for once, and for my first G4 story in a good while…eh, engagement could have been worse. I definitely feel like it didn’t make as big of a splash with readers as I initially hoped it would. Maybe

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  • Monday
    New Chapter!

    The newest chapter of Haven, titled IV. Moon Dancer, has officially been published! Feel free to check it out and give feedback on it. Chapter 5 is already fully written as well and will be published by Tuesday. I’m getting back into the daily update routine. Once this story is finished, I can turn my attention back to the upcoming G5 fics. But right now, this story deserves a

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  • Sunday
    Story Status Updated

    The story status for Haven has officially been changed from ON HIATUS back to INCOMPLETE. I wonder what that could mean…:raritywink:

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  • 1 week
    My Third Attempt At A Comeback + Why I’m Returning To Fimfiction

    Hello, everypony. I know it’s been a couple days since Repressed Memories dropped, but judging by the growing success of it so far, I think my decision has been solidified. I gave it a little bit of time before jumping into anything, and now I’d like to make it official. I am officially returning to writing stories on Fimfiction. This is like my third attempt at a comeback post-Misty Saga

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‘A Maretime Bay Adventure’ Section To Be Restored + Announcing The Nightwing-Producer Triple Feature Event · 9:31am Jul 26th, 2023

Hey, everypony! I just want to offer a couple of quick updates. So, remember last post when I said that I would not be addressing ‘A Maretime Bay Adventure’ in my video? Well, I’ve changed my mind. This is because some recent commenters on my channel trailer have pointed out their own critiques on the game (+ a negative review does exist at this time), so I now have enough material to fill an entire section. This is good news, honestly, as I did initially promise this. So that section will be completely redone after I finish the Chapter 4 section, so that I may add it back to Part 1. Hopefully, this means I can give you all a newfound appreciation of this game in this section (despite the god awful graphics), as I personally found that there was a lot to enjoy.

Additionally, I am officially announcing a special event for my content across both of my platforms. Are you excited to see my video AND Redeemed? Well, don’t worry. I got’cha covered. Because they will be releasing ON THE SAME DAY!!! Yup, this special event will be a celebration of my growth across both of these sites. This will be a two-day event that will feature the releases of ‘A Passionate Defense of My Little Pony: Generation 5,’ Redeemed, and the official soundtrack on LunarMusicVEVO. Part 1 of both the video and the story will release on the first day, while Part 2 of both the story and the video, as well as the complete soundtrack, will release on the second day. Purpose will release a couple of days before the event as a sort of Prologue and then it is nonstop fun with my content for two-days straight!

Now I don’t have a date for the Nightwing-Producer Triple Feature Event yet as all projects need to be locked in and completed before I announce what day it will start. But this is something for you all to be excited for. These projects have been nearly a year in the making, so I am so excited to showcase them for you all to enjoy. It’s been a long journey, but we are slowly, but surely closing in on the finish line. If you guys are still invested in this stuff, then boy, do I have a treat for all of you.

This really is the end of an era, but more importantly, the beginning of an even more awesome era. Stay tuned for further updates as production for all of these projects gradually nears their end. Expect an official announcement to come within 10 days time. This will hopefully be when the marketing begins. See you all soon!

Comments ( 23 )

I did enjoy 'A Maretime Bay Adventure' but it ticked me off they had the gall to ask 40 bucks for a game that can be 100%-ed in two hours.

Yeah, that is true, but I personally found the streamlined nature of it pretty fun as it felt like you were living through an actual episode. Plus, the way a lot of the mini games tie into the plot is impressive as they help advance the central mystery, and I love Sprout’s redemption here (even if it was retconned later down the line, thereby making this game non-canon). Yeah, there are flaws, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. But yeah, 40 bucks? That’s a yikes from me, dawg.

That sounds awesome! Can't wait!

Yeah, even on sale at $20 is pushing it. Though I wouldn't expect a licensed game to go down any further.

One could also rent it from Gamefly or get it off a PS Plus Extra subscription. (Haven't checked if it's on Xbox Game Pass.)

Mm, one thing I would really like to see in this (or another review) is a response to Star Strike's criticism of the Unity Crystals. For my take, I REALLY don't think they would glitch, turn off, or cause world-ending catastrophes because of minor squabbles (as evidenced in MYM Ch2). Just when the arguments are causing divisions among the tribes. Also, why is stopping pointless, spiraling arguments evil, or that Ponies can't resolve their issues properly afterwards? Finally, does he, a Christian, not realize how his critique may appeal to people's anti-God sentiments? Even if we don't consider the crystals (nor the Princesses) stand-ins for God?

Well luckily, I did address his criticism of the Unity Crystals in the Chapter 1 section already, so stay tuned for that. Your assessment is right on the money. In fact, “The Cutie Mark Mix-Up” proves him wrong as the Crystals didn’t act up when Sunny and Hitch argued. Now granted, he didn’t know that at the time, but it is still a stupid argument nonetheless.

Also, interesting. I’m not Christian, so I may not quite fully understand the god theory of that religion, but that does spark some interesting discussion. I bet he didn’t think of that when bringing up the critique as if your typical G5 hater thought about what they said for even a second, over half of the videos on it wouldn’t have gotten made.

The wait has been hard, but I'll push through it. Rest assured, I'll be here when they're released!

(Mm, of course for me and those who have experienced Him, it's more than theory.) 😏

Anyway, if I might amend my statement on "anti-God sentiments" and add "or anti-authoritarian" because that group fits too. . .

But I think I do understand those (including fellow believers) who have trouble trusting power and authority to someone who isn't God. Whether corrupt or well-meaning, robber barons or moral busybodies (as described by CS Lewis 😏), earthly authorities are not perfect like God is. . .
(Though we're still commanded to give heed to the authorities above us, unless the laws they give are evil and ungodly, i.e. not of God. . .)

. . . My point is, try not to be quick to bash them for that, for being a bit anti-that for good reason. . .

Oh, and, yeah I see you aren't the one bringing Christian perspective into these matters, smart and insightful as you may be. So. . . Perhaps that's up to me, if I can step up to the plate. . . 😥

One more thing, and this is on the "Fall of Opaline" story, cause MAN 😟 was I ticked off (and worried about getting depressed) when you made Sunny turn (thanks to Opaline) and then left us hanging for over a month! Mostly because the other Ponies were JUST READY to listen to and trust her, and now this development of hers (and theirs) is being dragged out unnecessarily! Rrrgh! 😵‍💫
(And maybe because I related a bit too hard then...) 😥

At least it's not quite Cassandra levels of convoluted, and you're planning on resolving this in one or two chapters and not a whole season.

(Yeah, interestingly similar kind of story to that arc of Tangled the Series, where Cassandra turncoated because of nefarious influence. But man have I had alot of issues with how that played out. So much I wish was said in it that wasn't said. And maybe if she went through that arc by herself without that outside influence to stretch things out. . .)

Oh yeah, speaking of similar arcs, I must tell you of one I found in the series "Superbook"! In case you're not familiar, the show's a 2013 remake of an old nostalgic cartoon where two kids and a goofy robot time travel back to experience different Bible story events firsthand! I've noted its quality and lack of cringe for Christian media and for its style and target audience, and it does some surprising things, like with the writing and CG animation (arguably even better than MLP MYM in places; those Angel battles are CRAZY and EPIC! 😎), and I even noticed a couple familiar names in the cast, namely Cathy Weseluck and Nicole Oliver! 😃
Anyway, I liked seeing the three time travelers be more than passive observers to these Biblical events, like these parts where a certain fallen angel interacts with the boy Chris Quantum, being a listening ear to him when he's down and grieving and questioning, but for the purpose of getting him to turn from what he'd been taught, being a deceiver, preying on his fears and insecurities and appealing to his base desires. Much like Opaline to Sunny; see what I did there? It reminded me! 😁
Only difference (besides number of legs lol), Chris rejects the devil's offer, at which point Satan turns into a giant snake a la Jafar and attacks him! 😆🐍
(And again, it's written well for its style and target audience. It's almost another VeggieTales or MLP! I'm almost gushing lol! Am I gushing? A new fave? Ehhhh I'm still waiting to see an Origin episode on how they acquired that Superbook device. . . 😅 )

I’m sorry you found Sunny’s long-form development unnecessary. I was already aware that not everyone was going to like the ending, but it was a necessary stepping stone towards the end. It wasn’t part of my original vision, but some course correction was needed after Sunny’s arc began to overshadow Misty’s in Forgiven. I honestly like the direction I ultimately went for, and I think it benefits the Saga at large and Opaline’s threat level as an antagonist, but it did end up ruffling up some feathers, and I’m sorry if it ticked you off.

What I’m going for is for Misty and Sunny’s arcs to be thematically divergent, but come together at the end. Sunny needed to fall in order to be built back up, which is the intention I’m going with here. I’m definitely going to be resolving this and the month-long cliffhanger was only because the video’s production got in the way of things. But I hope you find the ending satisfying at least.

Um, no I didn't mean it like that, of course I'm ok with long term developments, even for Sunny here. And I acknowledge your vision for it, and don't worry I'm not that salty at you or it. I just "hate" it when villains do that, you know the feeling? 😅 (plus the part about the others not getting the chance to to act upon their revelations 🥴) I'm actually anticipating the next part of the tale and how it resolves things. Tell Your Tale, good sir! 😁😉

Ok now, DraquineWarrior has clearly overtaken the chat here, might wanna call him off or else report him for spam lol. :twilightblush:

I had a few more thoughts to add to this, and maybe you are covering at least one of them in your video, but here anyway:

The crystals also didn't react when Zipp and Pipp were in heated discord in the cave.

So why were the crystals reacting from banter that one time in MYM1? Well, the magic was unstable at the time, and the Guardians of the crystals were arguing right in close proximity! Or maybe it was just coincidence. . .

And one more note regarding anti-authoritarian sentiments: "I may not be God, but you can trust me on so-and-so. Isn't Friendship built on trust?"

Edit: Hmmm, I think I'm echoing that part of the "Folly of Celestia" story by FieryJoker. 😅 You familiar with that work? The fic and/or the animation?

Correct, the magic was already unstable in Chapter 1, so that’s why the Crystals acted up when the Mane 5 argued. That’s what I see a lot of Bronies appear to conveniently miss when discussing the special and the main conflict of the story.

Btw I just added this: Hmmm, I think I'm echoing that part of the "Folly of Celestia" story by FieryJoker. 😅 You familiar with that work? The fic and/or the animation?

Yeah, I’m familiar with both. The animation is definitely better than the original story for me as Sunset didn’t really serve a purpose and cutting her out to add to the emotional core between Celestia and both versions of Twilight was ultimately the right move.

You think G5 could use its own "Folly of Celestia"? Cause I've seen a bit of a new wave of Celestia hate after that backstory drop with Opaline. It's like, "Celestia ignored Opaline in the past" and "#Opalinedidnothingwrong" and "it's the same story as with Luna and Nightmare Moon", yadayadayada c'mon! Celestia has more important things to do than indulge an envious and power-hungry narcissist. And I don't care if the story's similar to Luna's! Narcissism does not describe Luna like it does Opaline! :fluttercry::facehoof:

Oh, 1 more thing! I hope you have tested your arguments with others and they hold up to scrutiny and counterarguments. You don't want to present your arguments and then pat yourself on the back not expecting them to be challenged. And are you making sure you are justified in calling them haters? Like, "mindless haters"? You sure at least some of them are not genuine questions and issues to be addressed?

I definitely think we could use another fic like that following this revelation as the narrative possibilities for depicting what happened between she, Luna, and Opaline are endless.


Oh, trust me. I’ve been in so many debates over these past several months that these arguments have been unsuccessfully challenged to death multiple times. The reason why I still stick with them in the end is because they have never truly been refuted. I believe that I have addressed as many counterarguments as possible in depth within the video itself and refuted them all accordingly. But only you viewers will be the true judge of that as I always say. I contend that my arguments do hold up under scrutiny as these are all objective facts from the movie, shows, comics, etc, themselves and rarely do I go into subjective territory except when explaining my opinions. I’ve also acknowledged legitimate flaws where there are some, so this should be a fair video.

But again, you guys will be the judge of that.

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