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Someday, I'll stop writing silly comedy stories. However, today isn't "someday".

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News on the next story · 4:44am Aug 12th, 2023

Due to a house emergency, namely how I learned last month I'll need to move out by the end of August, it slowed down my writing plans quite a bit. However, just about everything I needed to do (for this point at least) has been done, so for the immediate timeframe, things will be pretty calm to almost how it would have normally been, but in at least a week, things are going to start picking up again, possibly at an even faster rate during the final week of August and it gets close to the big move.

That means I can move on to editing and later proofreading my next story "Books vs Smartphones", and I've been able to really kick it up a notch over the last couple of days. It is planned to be out in about 5 days, and it will have some special meaning for me as the final story I will finish in the house that's been my home for most of my life. Safe to say, it would be the end of a era for me.

Anyway, as for what the story will be about, I will give two options: one is to give this link to the blog that has its synopsis. The other option, especially if you have read that blog already, is to check out the following sample of the story's beginning. Note that it's not fully edited yet, so they may be some unfixed errors. It may also look slightly different in the final version, but this teaser still does the job as being a sample.


What could be so wrong? Why wouldn’t Spike tell her what was up?

Those questions and more blitzed through Sunset Shimmer’s mind as she ran behind Spike down sidewalks. She squinted her eyes from the glaring, almost trolling sun overhead – as if keeping up with a dog while you’re depleted of stamina needed a bigger challenge.

“Hurry up, Sunset! We gotta get there before they do something crazy!”

“I’m trying, but humans…*pant*...only have two legs, remember? I’m…*pant*...getting tired as it is!”

“Sorry, but we just gotta get there before it's too late! We’re almost to the house, so just hang in there a little longer!”

“If it’s so important…*pant*...can you at least tell me what’s…*pant*…wrong? The Twilights aren’t in danger from Equestrian magic…*pant*...are they?”

“No, but I told you already that you won’t believe me if I tell you!”

Sunset and Spike finally reached Twilight Sparkle’s house. A second Spike, the one who is naturally an Equestrian dragon, sat outside the closed front door. With sweat flowing down her forehead, Sunset leaned forward with her hands resting on her knees, blowing more stamina-regaining pants. She never claimed to be a marathon runner.

Dog Spike asked, “Are they still–”

“I can’t believe you could be so disrespectful!” a female voice yelled from inside the house.

“Me?! I can’t believe you could be so disrespectful! You’re supposed to be a princess!” the same yet different voice yelled back.

“Well, if this is how you show respect to princesses–”

“Well, why should I show you respect if you won’t show it in return?!”

“But at least…”

“That answer your question?” Equestrian Spike asked as the yelling from inside the house raged on.

With her energy finally recovered, Sunset straightened herself back up and wiped her sweat-soaked forehead. “Okay, now can you two tell me–”

“Just go in and see for yourself,” Equestrian Spike stepped to the side, clearing a path to the front door. “Just remember that you are not dreaming.”

Sunset opened the door and stepped inside the house, followed by the Spikes. Inside its living room, Twilight Sparkle and Princess Twilight Sparkle stood face-to-face in front of a couch, shouting over each other. Princess Twilight held a book while the human Twilight held a smartphone.

“Okay, what in Celestia’s name is going on here?!”

Princess Twilight turned her head to Sunset and asked, “Sunset, maybe you can help settle our disagreement. Isn’t a book better boyfriend material than a ‘smokeplone’?”

“Ugh! For the fifth time, Cellford is called a ‘smartphone’!” Human Twilight matched her Equestrian counterpart by turning her head toward her new guest. “But you’re right; Sunset can back me up when I say a smartphone outclasses a book! Books are more suitable as ‘friend’ material.”

The corners of Sunset’s mouth drooped. Her turquoise pupils shrunk to pinpricks. She blinked twice, and blinked twice again. Then she blinked twice yet again. “what.”

Dog Spike said, “Told you it was something you’d have to see to believe.”

“And I’m still not sure if I can believe it.” Sunset inhaled a sanity-maintaining breath. “Twilights, let me get this straight. A book and a smartphone are your ‘boyfriends’, and you’re arguing over which one is better? They are inanimate objects!”

“Yes, we know,” the royal Twilight answered as she nodded. “We thought you and our friends, save for maybe the Pinkies, would judge us for our…choice of boyfriends, so only the Spikes know about them.” She hugged her book to her chest and added, “But, I won't tolerate Bookhay being looked down as being inferior to something else by anypony–uh anyone!”

“And I feel the same about anyone or anypony looking down on Cellford, even if they are a princess!” Twilight delivered a big, drawn-out kiss on her phone's back. “He is the best boyfriend you can have!”

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