• Member Since 22nd Oct, 2012
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More Blog Posts4

  • 12 weeks
    Sudden Absence and lack of story updates

    Real life has got me beyond busy lately. Has for months as I had some major life changes come about, and I have an obligation to finish with another major story that is a pet project of mine. One that has taken a lot of time and effort but also gone through several iterations and even posted here on the site. I've borderline rewritten in 3 times. First time being written by a friend as I lead,

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  • 29 weeks
    Revising a story & User Harassment.

    Twin Moon collides is being revised and reposted later. I have other things to work on at the moment.

    I had a few on the story that did't have the ability to see the source of image, despite it being very clear when you go over the source. Got annoyed with the constant whining, blocked them. Dont waste my time with your foul mouth and mighter than thou remarks.

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  • 41 weeks
    To the haters & those few weird stalkers.

    I'm gonna keep writing.

    I'm gonna keep posting here.

    You can mass downvote all you want, I'm writing what I want because I enjoy it.

    So keep hating and sending me threats just because you dont like OC's or Zebra characters. Just more to my block list and names to save to send to an admin later.

    Thats all all, have a good day everyone else.

    10 comments · 163 views
  • 64 weeks
    The Future of this Page: Stories, Updates & Everything Else.

    Heyo! Many of you might know me for my involvement in the Kwa Rushwa or Terra's Herd/Life stories and Co-Author to Holocron.

    Stories: Kwa Rushwa & Terra's Herd/Life

    Kwa Rushwa:

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    4 comments · 372 views

To the haters & those few weird stalkers. · 2:44am Aug 19th, 2023

I'm gonna keep writing.

I'm gonna keep posting here.

You can mass downvote all you want, I'm writing what I want because I enjoy it.

So keep hating and sending me threats just because you dont like OC's or Zebra characters. Just more to my block list and names to save to send to an admin later.

Thats all all, have a good day everyone else.

Report Synful · 163 views ·
Comments ( 10 )

Hell yeah man! Write what you want to write and share!!!

Plan to, haters are always gonna be around. Regardless of the ratio, I have fun writing and I share it with others in case they might enjoy it. 😁

The inclination to say that is strong and well reasoned. You do you. I do me. I also understand why I get haters. I don't change things, but I synthesize it as part of my person.

I always, always, always look at myself. I look straight at myself and say "Are we the baddies?" Sometimes the answer is yes. So I add that to myself. And think how to rebalance. No one needs to. No one has to contemplate and question. But, it couldn't hurt.

Yeah, but when people hate for the sake of hating it. Or because its an OC or Zebra is just sad. I've had literal harassment and death threats over zebra characters or wholesome oc's.

Having to ask yourself "Are we the baddies" or not implies you did something wrong or believe you might have done something wrong. Which I find interesting.

So please elobrate on "Are we the baddies?" because I'm genuinely confused, what stories I might have done that make me a baddie. Or did you mean the haters? Apologise if I misunderstood.

I think a lot of this stems from the assumed racial component with zebras and folks odd fixation with "de sexualizing" ethnicities.

Also death threats... from folks who get the vapors over stories of fantasy ram ponies slinging cock up other fantasy characters in a fictional setting and who would no doubt have far worse on their hard drives and would flee beneath the skirts of Mental Illness should you confront them directly

Beware the manlet


I never understood why people hate on others for their work. If you don’t like something someone does just ignored the Internet is infinitely big. There’s plenty of other things out there to read or look at if you don’t like what you see right now.

Sometimes we, as people, develop blind spots. It's a classic literary trope that reaches from the bumbling obstructionist to the well-intentioned extremist. Speaking in literary terms, was Captain Nemo right about the evils of the surface world? Mostly yes. Was he too myopic and dangerous? Also yes. Ego imposes a kind of tax on us that means we keep doing things that we don't realize are outre in an unproductive or purely spiteful way.

Am I being independent for a healthy reason or am I a contrarian who will stick a fork in a socket because I was told not to? Toxic independence isn't always overtly destructive, but it can be obnoxious. It's why the character trope exists of the confrontational freedomite, like an angry rancher, or an abusive punk, all the way up to Leopold and Loeb style Nietzscheian outsiders.

I ask myself if I'm the baddie if I'm promoting an unhelpful or possibly hurtful trope, and doing so in the wrong space. No one has access to my head, as I could be lying about any statement about it, so that space is free. In private spaces between two people or a walled area like private messages and such, that limit is a compromise between two people. Similar for something like a private Discord server, there are both rules and a vibe the owner and users create. When being public-facing, location restrictions become more notable. You don't have to care but your response to people who do care should be mostly your own personality, but some percentage contemplation and synthesis. Again, you could be myopic, not understanding larger contexts, or just raised in a closed or alternate environment that never encountered other perspectives. Or maybe I'm just so trite that I should feel something, because I'm just chasing a dead trend or one that lost its fresh edge. Even if I still like it or it's new to me, I'm writing where an audience can see it, and they are allowed to comment about my trite stuff, within some limit set by the posting service.

That's what I mean.

I've never really understood why people attempt to forcefully associate ethnicities with animals. It's always come across as incredibly foolish. When someone's initial reaction is to connect an ethnicity to an animal, it appears more like they're projecting their own personal issues rather than anything else. It's consistently frustrating when individuals make such comments, especially in the context of writing. I've encountered a few instances where people have made these kinds of ignorant assumptions about Kwa, and it simply leaves me baffled. I find myself thinking, "Why must you bring real-world concepts of racism and ethnicity into a fantastical realm centered around magical horses?" It's a notion that has always perplexed me. In response, I usually just shake my head, block them, and move forward because I have better things to do.

Perhaps it's possible that individuals are projecting their own feelings onto others and are ready to criticize, belittle, or bother others for anything that upsets them. This might occur because they lack a broad perspective and fail to envision possibilities beyond their personal boundaries of imagination. They construct artificial barriers and constraints that they assume should apply to others as well. Some people have developed strong egos and asserted moral high ground, convinced that they are morally justified. Unfortunately, they often neglect to impartially assess their actions and resort to emotions rather than logic.

If a certain topic greatly troubles you and you're quickly offended by something, it's likely that you're interpreting it through the lens of your own convictions, attempting to impose those beliefs on others. This approach often disregards alternative viewpoints and perspectives.

If my writing happens to offend someone, that's regrettable; I'm not here to cater to everyone's sensitivities or strive to ensure universal contentment, as that's an impractical standard. Blaming an individual's 'assumed failure' to grasp the broader context is likely them pushing their own personal insecurities onto others. Which only inhibits any potential for development, often becoming a frog in well or deepening that metaphorical well even more. It merely leads to a state of inertia rather than progress because of the barriers they have put around them.

I'm engaged in the act of writing and sharing my creations here primarily for the enjoyment it brings me. The opinions of others regarding my writing hold little significance to me. Nonetheless, should anyone harbor an issue with me, they are free to communicate with me directly and tackle the matter in a respectful and grown-up manner. Those who lack the courage to confront an issue head-on and communicate in a coherent manner forfeit their right to pass judgment or offer feedback on the matter. I do not support or advocate for toxicity merely for the sake of being contentious. If you have a point to convey, do so without reservation, but abstain from stooping to the level of childish denigration and resorting to name-calling.

Personally, I would greatly appreciate the incorporation of a system that necessitates individuals to articulate the reasons behind their approval or disapproval rather than employing a silent up or down vote. Such a mechanism would substantially assist writers in comprehending their strengths and identifying areas that require improvement. Nevertheless, my commitment remains unswayed; I will persist in producing content that aligns with my interests and sharing it with others. Why? Because the act of writing brings me joy, and witnessing others derive enjoyment from my work is a gratifying experience. Consequently, if any of my narratives featuring an original character were to unsettle someone, I regard their discontent as unfortunate. Their perceived entitlement to dictate the course of my writing comes to an end with them. I view this stance as illogical as those who endeavor to infuse real-world prejudices and animosity into a realm of imagination, displaying their own thoughts as myopic on the topic.

If I had to make a guess, I'd say it's probably the feeling of being entitled or the fact that they're anonymous online that gives them the courage to openly show their strong dislike or hate without facing consequences. This is because the things they say or share online might lead to backlash if they did the same in person. Call of Duty lobbies often being an easy targeted example of this when you look at the memes and history it has.

Frankly, I almost agree entirely. We all create for ourselves, except for certain jobs under capitalism where the idea is to create for others for profit and thus requires caring about the audience. My only real objection is optics. Everyone has a greater or lesser drive to look like a reasonable and friendly person. No one has to, but it's just personal flavoring to want to. And again, people have the right to react and interact with the person as they see fit, including not agreeing that any random position held is a mind-growing one. The freedom exists everywhere but is always for everyone. As I once saw it rendered in a philosophical debate, the murderer is free to murder, the policeman is free to arrest him, and the judge is free to sentence him to death. My freedom to write should never be more important that someone else having the freedom to feel something and vote about that. Up, down, I made a thing, the deed is done. Now I see how it is perceived. And good or ill, I can learn something from that. I will never be so certain that I think others need me to lead them to a new place like Moses. My ideas and creations could just be something personal and not special. A cigar can just be a cigar, and have no deeper meaning. They might not be narrow minded, I could just be a sophistic wanker. That possibility exists.

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