• Member Since 14th Feb, 2012
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Author, former Royal Canterlot Library curator, and the (retired) reviewer at One Man's Pony Ramblings.

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I'm not saying there's a right time to read fetish porn, I'm just saying that there definitely is a wrong time · 5:04pm Sep 15th, 2023

So, I'm eating lunch right now, and while doing that, I popped open FiMfic, mostly out of habit while poking around on my phone. And the first story I see at the top of the New list (because I'm an idiot who doesn't use the Mature filter) is a fic titled "My Life as a Teenage Sex-Pet."

Now, to each their own and all that; it's true that this is, er, not the kind of story I want to read, but I'm not here to kink-shame. I only mention this story's existence because, if it's the newest story on FiMFic as I take lunch, that means it was published this morning. Indeed, around 10 am central. And it's already got 69 (nice) views.

Enjoy what you enjoy, yes... but I'd like to suggest that, if you are searching out sex slave fanfiction at 10 am on a weekday, maybe you might want to reconsider your life choices?

(The only other possibility I can imagine is that these readers don't live on 'Murca time, in which case you should also reconsider your life choices, because something something FREEDOM)

Comments ( 12 )

Timezones exist

I'll be deep in the cold, cold ground before I acknowledge timezones other than GMT.

As do people working second and third shift. Or working something other than a M-F schedule.

Or not working at all. (Damn economy.)

Snerk! I for one welcome our new furry overponies.


"Timezones," eh? I dunno, sounds kinda... European.


You make some valid points, but on the other hand, I'm pretty sure that I--a grown man who took time during his lunch break to post a blog to FiMFiction.net about the specific time of day at which people read fetish fanfics--am, in fact, the sole and final arbiter of what is or isn't a temporally acceptable choice in reading material.

Author Interviewer

how does it feel to have the Fimfiction blog post with the best title of all time?

no lie, I was hoping for a full review :c

This tells me that amongst our number lurks Woody Allen

Not to take this post too seriously for a moment, but as someone who similarly is in the no-NSFW-at-10-am crowd, I'd suggest you might be taking exactly the opposite lesson from this that you should.

The people who can look up fetish porn at 10 am are the ones whose jobs are not constrained by the bounds of propriety, or the ones too highly placed to have any negative consequences for it.

They are masters of their time. We've put limits upon ourselves for respectability. We ought to be seething with repressed, unspoken envy.

(... that said, if you are sufficiently liberated to read porn at your job and yet the specific kink you search for is about a state of existence incompatible with having a job at all ... then yes, you really ought to be examining whether how you earn your paycheck is what you want to be doing with your life.)

> (because I'm an idiot who doesn't use the Mature filter)

You identified the problem and the solution in a single parens. Bravo. Go forth and be idiot no more.

I was at my college library, in my freshman semester. This library was very spacious and well-equipped. They had banks of computers, circular tables meant for groups, and smaller desks divided for one person on each side. Also: the most comfortable sofa chairs I've ever sat my butt on. They had two floors, with the upper floor designated as a "quiet" space where talking was less permissible.

They even had study rooms available for checking out, at no extra charge.

While doing math homework one day, I spied a guy at one of the computers, sweater draped over his lap. I live on the coast. When it comes to temperature changes, our population is very much composed of lightweights. I thought little of it.

As I sat doing algebra, I caught some motion out of the corner of my eye. It's a library, I thought to myself. Surely nothing of note.

After a few more problems, it happened again. Now I'm not great at math, and I can be easily distracted. So this time I kept an eye tilted to the side, curious what this flurry of motion could be.

Sure enough, the guy with the sweater shifted. Motion lifted up his sweater, in the general lap region. A range of motion, one might say.

I moved seats, and caught a glimpse of a YouTube page on his screen as I passed. There may have been some... X-rated stuff going on, but I quickly averted my gaze.

All this to say, people are apparently very incapable of keeping it in their pants.

The best time is when you make the time for it~

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