• Member Since 29th Jul, 2021
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Child of Stars

I like to write, I like to read, and I've got a lot of story ideas floating around in my head. What more can I say?

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Updated Release Schedule · 12:19am Nov 5th, 2023

In case any of you didn't know, or haven't checked my main page, I'm back from my hiatus. I came back in October and have been hard at work getting things in order again. Anyway, onto what you care about.

New One-Shot story - *Edit: It's been released*

Puss in Boots: The Philosopher's Stone - New chapters will release later this month

Possible Christmas story - Releases December 2023

Alone - New chapters will release in January 2024

Misc/things like When Gems Break and other various smaller scale stories - To Release within the coming months

Think of this whole schedule as more of a guide btw. It's a general time frame of when things will most likely release though said things could very much release sooner or later than projected. With work, holidays, and unexpected life things everything's always in flux, yet this time frame is pretty accurate as of now. AND I PLAN TO KEEP IT THAT WAY. No more of my past long gaps in releases and big hiatuses. I'm back, I'm reformed, and I'm trying to do better now that I have a bit of a better grasp on things. Anyway see you on the 6th and have a lovely time. ~ ✨Child of Stars

Comments ( 1 )

Finally you're back...

Now I won't have to wait for eternity

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