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  • Wednesday
    So ‘Haven’ Is Officially Over + The Completion of a Trilogy

    Well, guys. Haven is officially over. The last two chapters have been published and I can safely say that the story’s completed. It feels great to actually finish a multi-chaptered story of mine for once, and for my first G4 story in a good while…eh, engagement could have been worse. I definitely feel like it didn’t make as big of a splash with readers as I initially hoped it would. Maybe

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  • Monday
    New Chapter!

    The newest chapter of Haven, titled IV. Moon Dancer, has officially been published! Feel free to check it out and give feedback on it. Chapter 5 is already fully written as well and will be published by Tuesday. I’m getting back into the daily update routine. Once this story is finished, I can turn my attention back to the upcoming G5 fics. But right now, this story deserves a

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  • Sunday
    Story Status Updated

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    My Third Attempt At A Comeback + Why I’m Returning To Fimfiction

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How Make Your Mark Chapter 6 RESTORED My Faith In G5 + The Misty Saga Is Officially Over (Review and Analysis) · 1:04am Nov 24th, 2023


I’m going to be honest here. I was really scared for Chapter 6. There’s a reason why I didn’t put out too many blogs discussing my theories and speculation for its release and leaned more into my own finale. Heck, not even when we got the absolute bombshell of a reveal that was Spike returning in the flesh (possibly to stay? Idk) did I make a blog about it. Because if I was to tell you guys the truth, the Tell Your Tale spoiler episodes really bummed me out and jaded me quite a bit. I didn’t like how they were spoiling so much about Chapter 6, so much in fact that it felt like they didn’t even trust the final product to speak for itself. I never went so far as to make an “emergency video” on my channel calling TYT the “worst show ever” (shoutout to beatfox15 for his hilariously bad attempt at fearmongering, you’re a discount Jeremy Griggs who gave up on life), but I also wasn’t too pleased with what they were doing either. The episodes themselves were great, but it felt like they weren’t even trying with the release schedule and just shit out whatever they wanted. I was also really worried that they wouldn’t be able to pull off the end of the Opaline arc properly. There was a lot of moving pieces and story to be had and…I already got my hopes up once that Opaline would be defeated in Chapter 4 and I didn’t want to get my hopes up again. So I was a bit skeptical about everything going in. Y’all might’ve noticed that I became a bit more critical about certain elements in recent months and that I sorta kinda took a step back from the channel. I was feeling burnt out due to all the spoilers and it was like my worst fears were being realized. Plus, I didn’t think they had the guts to defeat Opaline and it looked like another scenario where I would have to spin the story to actually get an own on The Ohvist, considering our bet. So I began leaning away from keeping up with things regularly until the chapter dropped and leaned more into my own finale with Redeemed, the story I could trust because I wrote it. I put my release date at the exact same time as Hasbro’s so that even if I ended up being disappointed by the end result, I would still have the Misty Saga to make me satisfied. So this chapter actually had a much harder time in winning me over. But now that it’s out…what do I think of what is presumedly the final chapter of this show?

Well, I am pleased to confirm that Chapter 6 was everything I wanted and more. Really, I was blown away by it and how much effort the staff put into it. Not only was the plot of Opaline taking over Equestria actually engaging, but the resolution actually put tears in my eyes! Finally, Sunny got to be the main protagonist and get the spotlight she deserved once more. Finally, Misty stood up to Opaline and we got that big reveal. Finally, we actually got to see just what exactly Misty’s life was like with Opaline as a filly. The story was dark and there was a feeling of hopelessness as our favorite Fire Alicorn acquired all the cutie marks in the land. Misty got to have fears about facing Opaline that I feared wasn’t going to be in here, and begin to question her place amongst the ponies, which was an aspect I focused heavily on in my own Saga. She got to inspire the ponies and remind them what truly made them special, which was exactly what I wanted her to do as a sort of resolution to her arc; use her own traumatic experiences to inspire others. Sunny got to fight Opaline and their previous conversations in Chapter 2 were even referenced with the alicorn pointing out how much Sunny was like her. We got a definitive backstory as to what exactly happened to Equestria and how that ties into the dragons’ plotline. And we even got another two-parter! So the story got to pan out slowly and our characters actually feel the weight of the situation. The “Magic In Us” song was beautiful and I was shedding tears throughout, even singing along at the end. And to top it all off, Opaline was actually defeated at the end. Looks like I’m owed a few hundred bits from a certain somebody. And we even have a new villain teased at the end with Allura! Just…I loved this.

I previously read fellow user BronySonicFan’s critique before writing this and while I do really respect his opinion immensely and understand where he’s coming from, but I have to strongly disagree. Yes, Spike and co have little to do. Yes, they agree to help the ponies a little quickly. And yes, the other dragons’ personalities aren’t really that developed, but for me, those little nitpicks weren’t enough to take away from this chapter for me. It was like at the very end, the writers swooped in and delivered a finale that’s truly worthy of the MLP name. Since I’m considering this whole chapter to be one big multi-part finale episode (sans the final special), I’m just going to go ahead and say it. This was WAY better than FIM’s finale. Like, The Ending of the End has got nothing on this concluding arc. It was so great to see Spike again and catch up with him. I actually understand why he would be so willing to help the ponies, considering his past experiences fighting alongside them. I know some have problems with his voice, but I thought it fit. The new VA has an excellent grasp on the wit and charm that Cathy Weseluck brought to the role, and his deeper voice compliments the fact that it’s been several hundred moons. I like how the backstory was told by these wood carvings in the cave and the new throne looks so much better than how nothing the pile of rocks looked in FIM. This actually feels like a temple that a Dragon Lord would reside in, and this sort of shrine-like structure adds a lot to the culture of the dragons. With all their different abilities, it actually makes them an actual civilized society instead of the archetypal brutes they were in the days of yore. Whatever led to Spike taking the position of Dragon Lord from Ember, it was clearly the right call because he reformed their society a whole lot! And the discrepancies in locations with the Dragon Lands between generations actually makes sense now because it’s not the same locale. It’s a whole separate island that the dragons relocated to after Opaline tried to take their magic. That clears up a major complaint I had with how the place looked in “Family Trees.” The foresty location makes sense considering it’s a different island that wasn’t terraformed because the dragons were forced into slumber. And I love how at the end, Spike used his past experiences with the ponies to give Sparky a choice between staying with Hitch or returning to his own kind. It was the same choice that he was given in “Gauntlet of Fire,” and this was a pretty emotional callback to that. It was nice to see him spout wisdom and be a sort of link between the past and the present. His charming humor certainly hasn’t gone away though. I was afraid that he was going to be a more stoic figure, but nope. He’s still the same Spike we all know and love all these years later, and I can’t help but appreciate that. Blaize was admittedly more one-note than I expected, but I did see some growth from her throughout. She was at least understandable in her reservations to help and judging by the way Spike interacts with her, it makes me feel like they’re in a relationship or something. Normally, I would’ve expected more from her, but Tell Your Tale makes her into a much nicer character, so there’s that at least.

And Sparky got to be the hero at the end! All of you Sparky haters are probably eating your words right now. I actually can’t wait to see how Star Strike, who is probably the biggest hater of this adorable baby dragon on the planet, tries to spin the story to try and find reason to hate on him. I always knew there was something special about Sparky since the moment he was introduced and it appears that he’s a Chosen One or something considering how rare his transformation fire seems to be. As I said, the story was engaging and kept you on your toes. There was actual stakes and a feeling of despair throughout. It really felt like our characters were losing everything and that there was a feeling of hell on earth. The Together Trees when corrupted are SCARY and it makes sense that the roots are what takes the cutie marks away. Each time that happened, you could really feel how hopeless things were getting. If I was writing the episode, I would’ve tweaked Elder Flower’s dialogue when asked who Opaline is from “I don’t know” to “It’s the greedy bat!” because it’s clear from Chapter 5 that Elder Flower was alluding to Opaline when telling the story to Sunny and Zipp. At the very least, it would’ve given the audience that moment of “Aha!” once the pieces finally fell into place. Pipp’s song in the old hanger was pretty pointless (and a bit forced even for my standards), but at least she tried something. Sunny facing Opaline alone was exactly what I wanted. Finally, she had agency again and got to be a main character! From how much I loved her in A New Generation, going so far as to say that she was a better protagonist than Twilight (which I still stand by, btw), it was so good to see the writers remember the pony who started it all and give her an actual role to play. Her back and forth with Opaline was tense and this bit of inner conflict she had was great to see! When she and Misty were speaking near the Unity Crystals and Sunny made a callback to her “I just make things worse” moment in ANG, my jaw genuinely dropped. I was like “Yes! The Sunny I fell in love with in the movie is finally back!” Because it’s these moments of characterization that make her who she is. Here, she was given an arc worthy of her status as the main protagonist and no longer can you say that she’s boring. THIS is the Sunny I know and love, having doubts about who she is and her place as leader of Maretime Bay, but still having the courage to step up and do what’s right when it matters the most. THIS is the characterization I wanted from her all along, and she finally gets the focus that she so desperately deserves.

Misty was once again at her A game here, and it was great to see the full-length confrontation between her and Opaline play out. The TYT version has got nothing on how great the actual moment was. It was perfectly in character for her to be the one to sympathize with Opaline and offer her a way out. I was afraid that she wouldn’t get that heart to heart moment considering all the moving elements, but I so loved seeing this. She uses her empathy to really tear down the walls Opaline has built up for herself and even though it was ultimately in vain, it’s ultimately the thought that counts and not only do we have a dramatic reveal, we get to truly witness how much Misty has grown and evolved as a character since her initial introduction in Chapter 2. Not only that, but she also has another great moment when each of the cutie marks vanish and she has a moment of conflict where she blames herself for everything that’s happened. As someone who wrote about this arc extensively in my own series, watching it play out in a full on character moment was awesome to see. I never really felt like she ever got to truly have a moment of self-doubt like this before and to see she and Sunny talk about it was pretty emotional. These two characters have the most depth out of anyone and make the perfect pairing for a scene like this. The only missed opportunity I see is that Alphabittle should have been let in on the secret. Like, the whole father-daughter thing that was executed brilliantly in Chapter 5 was done dirty here and we should’ve at least gotten a mention of it throughout this arc. It’s a nitpick, sure, but one I feel like if resolved, could have actually complimented the little character arc she was given throughout this batch of episodes. What makes this up for me though is how she inspires others. That little speech she gave to the ponies of Maretime Bay about what actually makes them special was what’s on the inside was absolutely beautiful, and exactly what I imagined the resolution to her arc being. She can use her past trauma to emphasize and relate to others, as well as inspire them to be their best selves. It’s so great to see this evolution from her and while I wish she did a bit more, this was the ending she deserved ultimately, finally standing up to her past and not letting it define her. She’s an entirely different pony now, and she has the support of her friends by her side.

The song “The Magic In Us” was beautiful and as I said, had me singing along to it while I was crying like a fucking baby. And the fact that Seashell is the one that starts it really surprised me. Not only that, but it actually works! It perfectly compliments the very premise of this show, making your mark on the world and teaching friendship to the next generation. Seashell is representative of the audience taking what they’ve learned and applying the lessons in their own lives. It might sound like I’m overanalyzing it, but trust me, I’m not. Of all the characters to give the first step to, the Pippsqueaks were the perfect choice. Everything about the song is perfect and the way the chorus compliments what’s going on screen is just epic! I was actively cheering as Opaline was enveloped in the Rainbow of Light and Sparky activates the roots of the Tree. The song itself is heartfelt and sincere, with a melancholic beat at first that transitions to a hopeful and optimistic main chorus. It’s the most perfect resolution that I could think of, bringing everypony together in harmony and purifying the Together Trees with the magic of their friendship. Like, it shouldn’t be possible for a song to be THIS beautiful and thematically poetic! I think I’ve just found my new favorite MYM song since “Portrait Day,” and it’s going to be one that I’ll be humming and singing for a long, long time. What a perfect way to end the battle! And Opaline is finally defeated, buried inside the new Together Tree that grows through Opaline’s lair. Her greed and insatiable lust for power is what ultimately destroys her, and she gets to forever think about what she’s lost and what she could have had had she not gone down the path of darkness.

Lastly, I want to talk about the “Secrets of Starlight” special. It was…not what I expected to say the least. No Starlight Glimmer, no giant story packed with lore, etc. But ultimately, I think that’s a good thing. For one, I appreciate how it takes the “Rainbow Roadtrip” approach and has the main plot be about helping a community in need. It’s these kinds of more personal stories that I do appreciate for specials like this, and I even think that this is the best special in the series. I understand that’s not a very high bar to clear considering their slightly lower quality compared to the normal episodes, but I do have to praise this special immensely. Not only do we have a new villain that’s introduced, but the mystery is actually intriguing and the fact that we have this whole other realm of ponies in Starlight Ridge is actually something I didn’t expect. Allura is a very threatening villain and you can see that just by the way she carries herself and the effect that she has over the other ponies. I mean, she can mind control you just with her words! She’s already better than Opaline, and that’s saying something coming from me, considering how much you all know that I loved her as an antagonist throughout the series. She appears to have this history with an unseen brother trapped in the stars, which actually adds to her desire to find the special star. And now that she’s found her way to Equestria, I cannot wait to see how Tell Your Tale is going to build up this next narrative arc with her in these next four specials. From her introduction alone, she’s already an antagonist I can get behind and she has this creepiness that makes her really entertaining to watch on screen. My biggest fear with G5 going forward was that post-MYM, there would be no villain and we’d just be getting a bland G3-lite story with no central antagonist with TYT. But nope! We already have a new villain, so those fears have been put to rest.

Her animal sidekick on the other hoof…is just an annoying bunny that I don’t really like. I’m sorry, but I can’t get behind this character. The special really showed him to be an incompetent doofus with how easily the Nova Charm was stolen out from under him. I mean, really. I probably shouldn’t think about it too much, considering that he’s meant to be, you know, the typical henchman who gets everything handed to him in a comedic way, but I don’t know. In the end, he is just a discount Angel Bunny if he was evil, and I kinda expected more from him. Heck, I don’t even remember his name! I’ve just been calling him “the evil sidekick” or “the bunny” this whole time. That should tell you something. Back to the positives, Violet Frost was a really good character for the little screentime she has. It’s refreshing to see a leader figure that isn’t a douchebag hiding under a nice facade, and her kind demeanor reminds me again of Mayor Sunny Skies from “Rainbow Roadtrip.” It’s nice that G5 is breaking away from the terrible cliches that plagued much of FIM by showing queen characters or figures of authority in a not evil manner. Her fears about protecting the village come off as genuine and when she accepts the ponies’ friendship, you buy it. The character with the most potential out of everyone in this special though, has to be Comet. Oh boy, am I excited for this character! He seems to have joined the new Mane Six as the seventh member at the end and I cannot wait to see where his character goes from here. He comes off as earnest in his desire to explore the world outside and if they commit to giving him focus like they’re currently doing with Misty, then I can’t wait to see what they will do with him. He’s quite likable and I love the part where he and Izzy bond over trip-skating. He seems to have the most development out of everyone in the new cast, and I think that’s fitting. Judging by the recent TYT episode that just came out today, he appears to be a mainstay in the rest of G5. So you know what that means. Fimfiction admins, get this guy his own character tag pronto! I wanna write for him so bad!

The lesson of what really makes a leader is what’s on the inside is a really nice message and one that kids can digest easily. You easily see the contrast between Violet Frost and Allura, and how the former earns her leadership over the town, while the latter only takes it by force. The way Allura is banished is quite silly, but you at least buy why a snowball fight would lead to this resolution due to it having healing magic within it. That at least makes the solution plausible unlike whatever “Warm Wishihoof” was in “Winter Wishday.” I do still love that special and my defense videos will elaborate on why, but the resolution was a little too Deus Ex Machina, even for my standards. That I will admit. This resolution however, has actual setup and ultimately does the Christmas special so much better! There’s actual reason to watch it as if you don’t, you will be completely lost on who Allura even is and what her history is with the ponies. So don’t think this is a skippable special. Unlike the others, you NEED to watch it. Trust me, you’ll thank me in the end.

So that was Make Your Mark Chapter 6, the presumedly final installment in this first narrative arc for G5 post-movie. My verdict is, it was as close to perfect as MLP could get. Is it better than Chapter 5, which I hailed as being the best installment overall in this show? Well in a way it isn’t, and in a way it is. It isn’t as good because Chapter 5 had a tighter focus on the themes of found family and reconciling grief, which I could relate to a lot more. But on the other hoof, it IS better because the whole thing was one big arc that picked up from episode to episode. Unlike Chapter 5, there was never a moment where the story suddenly stopped and I was like, “What the heck happened here?!” Seriously, “Mane Melody” and “Nightmare On Mane Street” gave me tonal whiplash and there’s a reason why I’ve been constantly putting off reviewing them on my channel. I’ll probably eventually get around to them, but it’ll probably be for the defense videos and not individual reviews. I just still can’t stomach the fact that these more simpler episodes are part of such a beautiful Chapter that seamlessly flowed from one episode to the next. But this Chapter? Yes. A million times YES!! This is how it’s done! This is how you do it!! My faith in G5 has been officially been restored and I actually feel that passion again. I finally feel that spark once more that the other chapters and especially Chapter 5 gave me. Chapter 6 is what happens when you take all the needless hate that this generation has gotten and just say “F U” in Season form. I think I’m ready to return to the channel and finish what I’ve started so many months ago. I actually feel the drive to go back to the old grind and start pumping out reviews regularly again and especially, finishing the A New Generation defense video. I understand that a couple of you in my audience don’t like it, but can you at least see where I’m coming from? If I wasn’t able to change your mind, I hope that you at least understand why I think that this entry into the show was solid. This Chapter saved me, especially when I had so much uncertainty about the future of this generation post-MYM. But now? I cannot wait to see where things go from here and I have nothing but hype and excitement for the future of Generation 5. Bring it on!!

And that segways me to the Misty Saga. With the end of one Saga comes the end of another. After so many excruciating months of constant hiatuses, this series is finally at an end and with it, a huge chapter of my life. I’d like to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for sticking with the Saga this long, even with the long hiatuses. It has been a long journey in order to get to this point, but we are finally at the end. Honestly, I just want to say thank you…to every single one of you. This finale wouldn’t’ve been possible without all of your support. You guys rescued me from the pits of writing hell and showed me support when I needed it, so my journey in a way does kind of reflect Sunny and Misty’s arcs here. It’s because of you guys that I have the courage to defend G5, both in writing and in my actions. This generation truly means a lot to me, and I hope that I was able to give you everything you wanted out of this story. I know there are some tears to be shed, but don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened. Really, I put my heart and soul into this series, I really put…myself into it. . A lot of the arcs that I had the Mane 5 and Misty go on have reflected real insecurities and fears that I’ve had in the past. And the themes of love and loss are things that I myself have experienced, how to overcome adversity, redeem yourself after making mistakes, so on and so forth. I’d like to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for truly getting to experience the journey of being a writer. It’s been a tough journey, but…I made it. I’ve proven that I can make it out there, and that’s something I will never forget. The impact that you’ve all left on me is something that cannot be understated, and though we’ve had a couple bumps in the road along the way, writing this story and finishing off a year’s worth of storytelling was truly a rewarding experience. I’d like to thank each of you for sticking with this Saga through the end, and being there to see these characters really reach the peak of their journeys.

This sounds like a goodbye. But don’t worry, it isn’t! Not by a long shot. This isn’t even the end of G5 stories from me either! What? You thought one of the most unapologetic defenders of this generation would suddenly just get up and leave? Of course not, silly. This really just marks the end of an era for G5, both in relation to The Misty Saga and Make Your Mark. And to tell you all the truth, I really shine the best when crafting standalone stories. The G5 Universe was a fun experiment, but there’s a reason why it’s going to end with Izzy Moonbow: Beyond The Multiverse of Randomness outside of setting up a whole new franchise entirely. I feel like I have more creative freedom in making more standalone fics, so expect that to be the future for the time being.

If you haven’t read Redeemed yet ‘cuz you’re waiting on the final chapter, go ahead and read it! It’s been out since midnight last night. I want to hear all of your thoughts on the story and what this Saga meant to you over the course of its year-long run.

But what do you all think? Is Chapter 6 the perfect finale, or do you think it was lacking in some places? If you didn’t like it, was I able to change your mind, or can you at least understand where I’m coming from? Let me know down in the comments below. Until then, I’ll be seeing you all soon. Happy Thanksgiving and here’s to more awesome stories in the future. We’ll do our part…hoof to heart. Bye!

Comments ( 11 )

Interesting to see two differing opinions on the chapter.

Not really much else to say as I’m still sitting through it and I posted my initial thoughts in a blog already

I rewatched the Chapter after publishing my review because of a little something I'll reveal tomorrow, and while I stand my position regarding how disappointed I am, I do recognize that what Opaline got in the end was way too satisfying. Like, in TYT, she says she'll return before fucking die buried in vines. In MYM? They straight up kill her by trapping her with no magic and probably no light inside of her own tree forever.

I personally just wished that the specials where a lot more used in terms of lore building. It's nice that they take care of smaller problems since they're important and stuff, yes... But I don't know, 45 minutes seems a bit too much if you ask me.

Comment posted by ponydog127 deleted Dec 12th, 2023

I do agree with you on all standards, and you there were nitpicks here and there, but I have a feel that there's a reason they're going to continue with TYT and this is just me being speculative so don't take my word for it.

The reason why we are we're getting more TYT is probably because we might get a second G5 movie, another show, and hopefully a crossover special featuring the G4 Mane 6. Also, they need to get Sunny into full alicorn, because if I'm being honest here, while the pseudo alicorn powers are cool and all, I think they should have a arc where Sunny now as a full on alicorn has to learn what it means not just being a leader, but also a ruler to lead her kingdom. The best example I can come up with that kind of arc is like the combination of Twilight when she's an alicorn and Aragon from the Lord of the Rings books.

I didn’t like how they were spoiling so much about Chapter 6, so much in fact that it felt like they didn’t even trust the final product to speak for itself.

Yeah I remember they did the same thing back and My Little Pony friendship is Magic season 3 finale when they saw a couple of trailers and even pictures of Twilight becoming an Alicorn Princess before the episode came around so basically they did it again sometimes Hasbro really suck at keeping their secrets

I definitely really did enjoy this one here and seeing an old friend Spike returning and still remember Twilight and the others and how much he still loyal to the ponies that he grew up with and I got to say Opaline really got what she deserved after all the years that she put all the ponies through with her dividing the pony tribes spreading the lies about each other and even try to take away their magic and cutie marks she finally got her just deserve and not only that we got to see another Pony Tribe on the Starlight and especially the new villain and I got to say she has a pretty cool design and a very odd but yet normal bunny kind of reminds me of that rabbit from Ice Age 4

but anyway they also have a new pony joining with Sunny and the others but also the villain find her way through and apparently not only the bunny was the one who was with her whoever that was I'm sure he's going to show himself sooner or later but anyway this was pretty awesome and hopefully we get more information on the next G5

Comment posted by ponydog127 deleted Dec 12th, 2023

I loved ch 6 so much

I found this chapter very satisfying to watch. Everything that began at the end of the Chapter 1 special finally gets closure here.

Of course, the G4 fanboy empire still won’t see anything good in this, but they’ve already made their bed long ago.

Call me crazy.... but I'm thinking that Allura might, and I mean might, be Starlight Glimmer after getting transformed into her.

I know it sounds weird, but think about it: Starlight Glimmer started out as a villain, then became reformed (much to the annoyance of her fanbase), so it wouldn't be too far-fetched for Glimmy to become a villain again.

Make Your Mark has gotten better and better with each chapter.

Opaline is finally defeated, and there's a beautiful new villain in the picture!

I just hope that another G5 series other than Tell Your Tale (as much as I love Tell Your Tale) is in the picture for the future.

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