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Natural Mosquito Repellents That Really Work · 7:32am Dec 12th, 2023

Mosquitoes are a year-round nuisance in Singapore thanks to our warm, humid climate. They carry serious diseases such as dengue, so we often need a Singapore pest control company to deal with infestations safely. 

You can also use many commercial insecticides and mosquito repellents against the bugs. But natural alternatives are available if you want to avoid potentially harming your health and the environment.
One of the best ways to drive mosquitoes away from you or your property is to target their sense of smell. Here's an overview of some natural scents effective at repelling these insects.

7 Natural Scents That Mosquitoes Hate


Felines absolutely love catnip, but this plant has the opposite effect on mosquitoes. The extract from catnip leaves is actually more powerful than many synthetic store-bought insecticides. 

Chilli Peppers

Chilli peppers make for a delicious form of mosquito control in Singapore. This is because chillis contain the active ingredient capsaicin, which has a burning and irritating effect, making it a core ingredient in many natural insecticides. Mosquitoes also hate the smell people emit when eating foods with capsaicin. 
So, if you don't mind having a spicier diet, consider adding more chilli peppers to your meal. 


Eucalyptus is one of the many plants containing the components citronellal, linalool, and geraniol, which are all effective insect repellents. Because of this powerful combination, eucalyptus has one of the smells mosquitoes hate the most.


Grapefruit is well-known for being loaded with vitamin C and antioxidants. But did you know that it also contains an organic compound called nootkatone? Nootkatone is a non-toxic substance that can repel mosquitoes and other bugs for hours on end. 


Lavender flowers have a pleasant, calming aroma to us humans. However, mosquitoes are not fond of its scent at all. 

Besides repelling mosquitoes, lavender oil also has analgesic and antibacterial properties -- excellent for soothing mosquito bites if you ever get bitten. 


Lemongrass is another plant that contains citronellal, making it a great mosquito repellent as well. It's also good for relieving itching caused by bites. 


Peppermint, along with many plants in the mint family, works well against mosquitoes due to the presence of menthol. You can also use mint scents to keep other pests such as ticks, fleas, flies, and cockroaches away. 

How to Use These Natural Repellents Against Mosquitoes

There are a few ways to use the natural repellents mentioned above to repel mosquitoes. These include: 

  • Candles - Buy candles infused with these natural scents and light them up to spread the scent throughout the rooms. 
  • Topical Applications - You can also apply the scent directly on your skin through lotions or oils. 
  • DIY Sprays - Another option is to create your own bug spray by mixing essential oils with water. 
  • Grow the Plant - Are you good at gardening? You can also grow and place the plants around your property to repel mosquitoes. 

Call Mosquito Control Services When the Infestation Worsens

These natural repellents are no doubt effective against mosquitoes. Unfortunately, some infestations cannot be controlled through these scents alone. 

If the situation grows dire, it's best to contact a trusted pest control company in Singapore. Their specialists know how to develop a treatment plan that doesn't harm the environment. 


Though mosquitoes are dangerous pests, you need not resort to harmful chemical sprays to drive them away. Eco-conscious Singaporeans can choose to use nature's gifts against these flying pests.

But if you cannot solve your mosquito through natural means alone, you can always rely on a pest control company in Singapore. They often offer eco-friendly treatment options if you have pollution or health concerns.

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