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Admiral Biscuit

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Signal Boost(s): 7, Kirinsurance, and In With A Bang · 2:27am January 3rd

Got three Not-A-Contest fics for y'all this time! All three are tangentally-related, but they all count. :heart:


One of 'em is older and I forgot to blog about it at the time; the other two both dropped yesterday.

We'll start off with the oldest one, 7 by AlwaysDressesInStyle.

Remembering a NASCAR legend in the park dedicated to his memory.
AlwaysDressesInStyle · 7.3k words · 265 views

The story's focused around the Alan Kulwicki memorial park in Milwaukee, WI, and all photos were taken on location (besides just the coverart, there's a blog post). As a bonus, I was there, too—if you check out the blog post, you'll see me in some of the pics! Spoiler warning: I'm not as cute (nor as knowledgeable about dinosaurs) as Petunia.


I meant to send ADIS some of the pics I took but then he posted before I could, so here's some of the Polish victory lap.

You can barely see the 7 on the rear window, but it's there (Irish Spring soap isn't the most legible on windows).

Next up is Kirinsurance by Sock Puppet

Need deniable arson? Anger a kirin!
SockPuppet · 1.7k words  ·  237  8 · 2.2k views

If you've got a house you want burned down 'by accident' what better way than to have a frustrated kirin as a guest? Sooner or later she'll go nirik and burn the place down, right?

I'm not sure insurance would actually cover balefire, but who knows? They might, I'd have to ask my long-suffering insurance agent.


Also for that matter, is it a crime for a kirin to get angry and burn stuff down? Like, it's kind of accidental. . . .

And lastly, we have In With A Bang by AlwaysDressesInStyle.

EIn With A Bang
Dropping things to ring in the new year is a longstanding tradition. A truck though? That's a new one.
AlwaysDressesInStyle · 3k words · 204 views

I didn't know that anybody welcomed in the new year with a demolition derby followed by dropping a truck instead of a ball, but apparently someone does, and what better way for the car wash ponies to enjoy American traditions than to come along and watch the carnage?


There's also a nice nod to one of his PVCF app stories; as I also did with one of mine, there was one choice that was the 'canon' ending.

Upon further thought, I think that this last one counts as 'working,' since one pony stands to make money.


Comments ( 8 )

*If I hadn't found a pony-themed demolition derby picture, I would have used my always favorite "Twilight drifting a Lincoln Continental."

I love how the hashtags include NASCAR and insurance fraud in that order...

Dash may not have a truck, but she certainly dropped a Mustang on the General Lee!

As a bonus, I was there, too—if you check out the blog post, you'll see me in some of the pics!

Feel free to post the pics from the park! Here's Admiral Biscuit being being a great sport and posing for some pics:



There's also a nice nod to one of his PVCF app stories; as I also did with one of mine, there was one choice that was the 'canon' ending.

I was wondering if anyone would catch that! It was too perfect not to!

Hahahaha, thanks!

My initial thinking was "The ACLU sues AirBnB for discrimination for refusing to rent to kirin," but that idea seemed harder to make funny, so I went with insurance fraud.

5762106 Can having a Kirin as a guest in your own house still be insurance fraud if the Kirin is pulling the scheme to get a free place to live.

"Have I told you I love this place? Because I do. Oh, and we're out of eggs. And bacon. And bread. Oh, and that jam you like so much."

"Look! A mouse! Doesn't that upset you?"

"It's a cat toy, like that rubber cockroach you dropped in my bathtub yesterday. It almost dissolved in the kerosene. You should be more careful. Oh, and the plumber said he's sending you the bill for pumping the kerosene out of the septic tank since it's your fault for not telling me to leave the plug in."

"Arrrgh! Ok, you asked for it. I'm playing the Screechy McChainsaw album with the electric bagpipes!"

"I love Screechy. Thanks!"


I love how the hashtags include NASCAR and insurance fraud in that order...

Pure coincidence :heart:

I was wondering if anyone would catch that! It was too perfect not to!

As I was reading, I was like 'wait a minute, I seem to remember pre-reading an app story where Lulu Luck got a really bad car . . .


As I was reading, I was like 'wait a minute, I seem to remember pre-reading an app story where Lulu Luck got a really bad car . . .

Indeed you did, and the chaos option was to derby it (the villain option was to junk it and it watch as it's eventually crushed by monster trucks). So this is officially the canonical ending.


My initial thinking was "The ACLU sues AirBnB for discrimination for refusing to rent to kirin," but that idea seemed harder to make funny, so I went with insurance fraud.

I know that feel; I've got a few posted where my initial inspiration was a lot different than the finished product for a similar reason. And a few not posted 'cause I haven't managed to make that leap yet, so I've got the general idea but not a good hook to draw in an audience.

I think that the ACLU suing AirBnB for not renting for kirin would be a good story, but it would be very hard to make it a funny story.


Can having a Kirin as a guest in your own house still be insurance fraud if the Kirin is pulling the scheme to get a free place to live.

It feels to me like insurance companies can deny a claim if the outcome's reasonably foreseeable (i.e., you take your car to a drag race, it crashes in said race, it probably won't be covered), although I suppose if ponies are new enough to Earth you could claim ignorance.

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