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Harmonycon 2024 - My first trip as a guest to a US con for a Murky Panel! · 8:05pm January 5th

Well hello there everyone, it's been a while hasn't it?

But I have the news I can announce today: That I will be attending my first con in the United States as a guest, that being HarmonyCon 2024, Dallas Texas, February 2nd - 4th!

Being a local of ol'Blighty here in the UK, I've never been to the US before. So I'll be in lands unknown that many have asked me many times to come to cons, meet readers, or even sign a MN7 book for them. Finally I can say, yeah! I'll be there!

So watch this space for any confirmation about panels I'll be on, we should know pretty soon! I'll be sure to update here on the blog.

I hope to see you all there!

PS: Yeah that horse on the left is apparently me, CrimmHarmony insisted and who am I to deny MN7's most prolific artist these days? ;)

Comments ( 13 )

Nice! Hope you enjoy the trip! Sometimes people across the pond want to visit other places but don't realize the scale of the US. So you'll hear this often: You can drive all day in Texas in a straight line, and you will still be in Texas at the end of the day.

Welcome to the US! Hope you enjoy HarmonyCon!:twilightsmile:

I'll be visiting NY on my way down to Dallas, so I'll definitely be seeing a couple spots! Wanted to go to more, maybe Palm Springs or Vegas (mostly so I could go see Battlebots, shameless fanboy I am) but the budget would have exploded. xD

Damn it, and here I recently missed my opportunity to go to harmonycon

Murky number 7 was a hard read, length aside i had to pause now and then to let my sense of empathy recharge cause i can only see a character suffer so much before it starts to wear down ones ability to empathize with it, and murky deserved my full emotional investment

i complained about that several times while reading it i think, but honestly i cant even imagine what it was like writing the darn thing...talk about an effort worthy of rockhoof himself.

makes me wish i could make it to the convention to say hi, alas work is plentfifull and money lacking.

Hope you and have fun and would love to go but just can't with money, and still need to read your story some day.

Even though I haven't read it yet the idea has inspired me for a short story for FOE

Ah, if only that con was closer to Seattle...I finished reading MN7 at the end of 2022, best 3 months of my life spent reading that book! I read hundreds of pages each day because I was so invested. I hope you enjoy your time there.

I have never been to con and if it was close to me i would have gone just to meet you. Murky is a special read that is dear to me. Hope you have good time.

Murky stands as my favourite book of all time. If I had infinite time, I'd definitely read it on repeat. I wish you a great time in the US!

Great. Now I have to book a last-minute flight across the pond to go see the author of my favourite Fallout Equestria fic.
J/k not doing that. But this seems a good time to ask if you ever visit cons back here in Britain? Would love to have you scribble your name on my copy without having to pay the extra luggage allowance to put that giant tome on an aeroplane.

I went to BUCK in Manchester in 2016, unfortunately that was its last year. I also went to Bronyscot every year in Glasgow, but it closed after a while.

I know there's Griffish Isles and Ponycon I think, although been told the former is more furry based and the latter more of a hobby sales thing? Are there any you'd recommend?

I went to BUCK too in 2014 and 2016. Never did visit Bronyscot though.
I've been going to both Griffish Isles and UK Ponycon every year since 2019. Don't know where you heard Griffish is furry-based but they've done a good job hiding it from me every time I've been! (It's definitely a great Brony convention, would recommend.)
UKPC does earn it's reputation as a hobbiest/collector thing because it's been an all generations MLP convention since before Friendship is Magic was a twinkle in Lauren Faust's eye. This mostly results in the vendor hall being even split between resellers of vintage official merch and fans selling their own creations instead of mostly the latter like at other cons. It's also more family focused with more events aimed at children, But there's still enough to keep a brony busy for the weekend. (Also recommend.)
I haven't been to either Festival of Friendship or Zapp Apple Camp, so I can't advise either way.
Of course I can also recommend Galacon, the biggest brony convention this side of the Atlantic, in Germany. Been going there since 2015; they shrunk last year alongside moving from Ludwigsburg to Waiblingen which cut the local hotel options a lot too, but the con is still good.

Yeah been to Galacon a few times, went twice before the Pandemic, ran a few workshops, attended a vendor table my friend ran, was a great time. Loved the locale and the town too.

I'll maybe look into the others then! Would be nice to meet more people again

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