• Member Since 10th Sep, 2017
  • offline last seen April 2nd


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  • 9 weeks
    I'll be banned from the site again

    Due to, of course, more transphobia and disagreeing with site-majority opinions, I have been informed that I will be kicked off the site permanently starting tomorrow. I have prepared a farewell message in the comments below.

    77 comments · 2,670 views
  • 9 weeks
    Happy Easter!

    And to those who don't celebrate Easter, too bad, I'm going to impose it on you. Happy Easter. Jesus Christ died for you too, and because He rose from the dead, so can we all.

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  • 10 weeks
    Fluttershy and the Lava Demon: A Tale of Friendship

    My first AI art post. It isn't my art, since a computer for Bing generated it, but I had to share. And I always follow a strict "lacerate-demons-on-the-spot-with-a-shotgun-and-chainsaw" policy, but I can make an exception for this one.

    Fluttershy bravely staring down a demon of lava and metal

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  • 10 weeks
    Artificial Intelligence

    "Bradybunch, everyone's already given their opinions on it!" Yeah, I know. But before I left the site for two years for a mission, AI was barely cohesive enough to give slurred and static-like voice replication, nonsensical chatbots, and meaningless swirls of shape and color for art. Then, all of a sudden, AI got really good, so I had to try it out. I'm using Bing's AI image generation, which is

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  • 10 weeks
    LOTR will never be equaled.

    I was thinking about it while playing Shadow of Mordor and Shadow of War. (My brother gifted them to me for my birthday.) And honestly, the more I reflected on it, the more it made sense. There's a few things that compare in literary achievement, like Dune, but it never made it into modern public consciousness until, like, three years ago. And besides, LOTR wasn't just popular or good-- it

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An anonymous tip · 1:03am January 22nd

Two different men (I won't say who) have told me last week that I have been removed from the Positive Ponies group by yet another former friend who unfollowed me when he heard my views on transgenderism. Honestly, if that's what gets me removed, then that's positive for me. Saves me the trouble. I didn't miss much there anyway-- what's there to talk about?

My former friend and a lot of his followers, who are also smugly sharing some of my private quotes, are also trying to mass report me and ban me from the site, though I doubt that'll work. If it does work, then that's all right. What do I have to lose?

I have also been informed by my spy network that I have been called an incel by this same man. To which, of course, I laughed. No one who uses the word knows what it means.

So will I stop "spread(ing) hate and disinformation?" The answer is no.

Report BradyBunch · 751 views · #trans #positive #no
Comments ( 37 )

On the off chance the ban works for whatever reason, it's been fun!

Thanks! It's been a real treat.

Comment posted by HolyCross9 deleted January 22nd

I hope you don't get banned, but if you do your stories like "Apple of Her Eye" and others like it were fun to read.

I was banned from the same group for similar reasons, actually.

For a group that’s called “Positive Ponies”, it’s surprising how much of an intolerant atmosphere it has towards Christians, Conservatives, and Republicans.

Thanks! I'm glad I did something right here.

Yeah, at this point it's a code word that means to never criticize anything at any point ever-- like a cult, perhaps, which is what they accuse me of being in.

I also got banned from positive ponies for fighting with someone even though he started it then he said I was playing the victim again he started it.

Fuck those people is all I can say.

It is absolutely hilarious that all of you are left with your heads spinning when you get banned from LGBT-friendly spaces when people of your ilk want to zap the LGBT away or send them to conversion therapy or call animal control on people just for being furry and all manner of terrible things just for people being who they are. Thinking places that treat LGBT people as the people they are are gonna welcome people like you that treat them as subhuman garbage is downright delusional. The fact you're trying to use how they don't tolerate intolerance against them shows just how low IQ you bigots are.

I don't care :moustache:

You’ve clearly changed over the years…..

Yeah, for the better. You can't win with these people. They violently advocate to accept their lifestyle while simultaneously hating mine and wishing it was dead. I don't have to be tolerant to their chicanery.

And neither do I to yours.

Have a nice rest of your life.

You zealous nutjobs use words rewritten and retranslated and cherry picked over thousands of years to justify worsening sexual education with your abstinence only bullcrap, to make women carry pregnancies that will kill them and/or are a result of rape, to imprison women that miscarry through no fault of their own, to zap homo/transexuals and indoctrinate them with free will bad, and you turn around and wonder why people hate Catholicism and Mormonism and call them cults? Women and the LGBT community just wants to exist, live their lives and enjoy basic human rights without indoctrinated assholes like you harassing them and trying to erase them! Maybe if people like you would get an ounce of actual fucking empathy and leave them be and stop forcing your filth on them, they wouldn't hate you back?

Women are treasured daughters of heavenly parents, which is why to best preserve their value, they should abstain from sex until marriage. Same with men; they prove themselves irresponsible with the gift of life if they go from one woman to the next seeking only sex.

Life is valued and revered, which is why even a child conceived in rape is still life and ought not to be aborted unless it's given serious thought and prayer.

The men who sexually assault God's daughters will pay in this life and the next. The women who prostitute themselves will likewise pay.

Free will is the entire point of why God sent us here to earth, and it is never something that God will overrule. Our outcomes rest on our decisions and our responses.

And whether being sexually deviant is something that you have to live with your whole life or a conscious choice you make, God's commandments are still the same, and in the eternities to come, you will have the chance to have a proper family of your own-- a blessing beyond compare.

You realize how hypocritical you’re making yourself sound, right?

I mean Conservative Republicans tend to have....iffy views at times, especially in regard to LGBTQ, race, etc

Um no? They just want acceptance

TBF Pope Francis at least has been trying to get LGBTQ accepted. Just that he unfortunately has to balance the progressives out with the conservative

I mean being non hetero has been scientifically proven as being natural in animals, which humans are. Plus non hetero people can raise a family just as well as a hetero one.

No, it's more like a hostile forcing into the public consciousness. I'm sure that love and tolerance and acceptance is what they tell you, but it is most certainly not the case. Their acceptance looks more like, "We're better than you by virtue of being different from the norm."

They absolutely cannot, because they can't reproduce. So they have to either adopt children or literally have another woman carry a baby like a servant or slave. The result either way is indoctrinating children into living a life they ordinarily wouldn't. Gay men buying babies is a depth I had hoped we wouldn't sink into, but here we are. It's cancerous and shameful, and I'm really sorry you bought into their lies.

Um, just cause they can't reproduce doesn't mean they still can't love their kids. I mean there are hetero couples who can't concieve either and like, either ask someone, usually a family friend, to be a carrier for a baby for them, or they go in vitro, or adopt. Also what do you mean indoctrinating? It's not like they turn their kid gay or something. Surrogate parentage is a consentual agreement between all parties


The result either way is indoctrinating children into living a life they ordinarily wouldn't.

Former Mormon here. I spent 13 years of my childhood being Mormon. Very impressionable years of my life.
While not all of what I learned was bad (like showing respect and being kind to one another), I am ashamed to say I grew up with bigotry towards gay people in particular.

Why? Because they were gay and it was a sin. I thought it was wrong and it disgusted me.

I look back on that previous statement and it fills me with anger. I am ashamed of myself for even believing that.

But how does that apply to the quote? Well, I spent those years in the LDS sect. I didn't have a choice. I couldn't tell my parents even if I wanted to. I went because they drove us there. I learned and accepted those beliefs as fact. Even if I did have a question or thoughts about why things were the way they were it never amounted to much. I couldn't think outside the box.

...indoctrinating children into living a life they ordinarily wouldn't

...indoctrinating children...

Just like you think that this LGBTQ+ movement is indoctrination, look at yourself. Look at your religion.
I feel like I was indoctrinated to accept certain beliefs because of a higher power.

Pot, meet kettle.

I'm stunned. And disappointed. All those years in the Church, and you never bothered getting a testimony of your own? You never asked these questions on your mind to anyone. What, at the first sign that your faith might be crumbly, you doubted it? At the ripe old age of 13, when you know everything, you seriously left the Church over homosexuals? It's not just my faith that has this policy against homosexuals, and the churches that try and adopt a more gay-centric focus are easily forgotten. Are you against religion in general now? Or is it just our faith, because "I'm in a cult?" Please.

You made promises to the Lord. You made covenants in His holy house. And you threw them away. In all those years of scripture study, did you really think that being a Christian means, "be vaguely nice to other people based on current societal norms?" When you stand for something, that means you stand against its opposite-- that means drawing lines, and exclusion. You have to keep those negative influences out. If I speak too softly against homosexuality, I'm ridiculed. If I speak too loudly against it, I'm reviled. Why do you think I think, beyond "It's a sin," homosexuality is wrong and not just another point of view?


At the ripe old age of 13, when you know everything, you seriously left the Church over homosexuals?

Pretty sure I didn't say that. Just emphasizing a part of my life and old beliefs that I truly am ashamed of now.

I stopped going to church at 13 because I couldn't go. I couldn't drive and it was too far away. Sure, maybe I could have got a ride from others, but I was not a very social person. However, with my time away from church and LDS, I was able to look at myself. Did I truly believe the things I believed in? I had numerous thoughts. Does God exist? What did I learn while I was there? What stories and Scriptures did I read? Were those true? What about the prophets? What was being said at General Conference? Who were these people being appointed? There are numerous others but I won't list all of them, hopefully you get that point.

I thought about all of the aspects: hymns, the Sacrament, the membership, baptism, and other testimonies from elders, the Priesthood, those temple garments, etc. I gave EVERYTHING about the church thought. This was not a sudden decision, I pondered it for YEARS of my life.

But way to trivialize that by assuming: "You left because you think gay = good".

Are you against religion in general now? Or is it just our faith, because "I'm in a cult?" Please.

I'm against all religion. I'm an athiest, as one might say.

In all those years of scripture study, did you really think that being a Christian means, "be vaguely nice to other people based on current societal norms?"

I don't know. I was a child. I didn't know I was supposed to have a deep connection to God. I thought I was supposed to be a good person, love one another, and treat others with respect. Was I supposed to know more as a child? Was I supposed to truly grasp complex concepts from Scriptures? I didn't think it was supposed to make me critically think and understand what the messages were, because I hadn't mentally developed to make critical decisions. I was too young (and possibly ADHD enough at the time) to fully understand.

Why do you think I think, beyond "It's a sin," homosexuality is wrong and not just another point of view?

Why do you think that? I'm not trying to coerce. Just explaining my experiences.

Who was Jesus Christ, then? Was he just another great moral teacher? The guy said that he was Jehovah, the son of God, that no man comes to the Father but through him. If Christ was just a man, then these claims would make him ludicrous, mad. Or he's leading men astray, meaning he's not Godly at all. Jesus Christ is either the God of this earth, or a madman, or the spawn of the devil. How else will you look at it? No one else claimed to be God and could actually back it up. Christ is the Savior, which means God exists.

And the Book of Mormon is true too. If you want to look at it from purely a secular archeological point of view, there's plenty of evidence for that, and I can point them out. But you can't deny the truths it contains or the feelings in your heart-- the Spirit testifies, and he's willing to testify to you too. The book's truth means Joseph Smith was telling the truth, which means the Church is true. I'm never leaving this church, man. I can't fathom the thought process that would lead one to leave this pillar of stability into a swirling thicket of chaos.

Totally fine to belong to that. Clearly it didn’t work out for me, but I hope for the best for you.

But I will defend what I think is right as well. If you call BS, I’ll call it back.

Best of luck.

No matter how positively you may think of your BS, it'll still be BS. I only wish you could understand it. I'm legitimately sorry if I make things worse. I'm just not sure how to get you to actually accept the truth that you can clearly see. Best of luck!

Just recognize that sentiment goes two ways.

Much like you aren’t leaving it (and that’s great if it makes you spiritually happy and connected and helpful), I am not interested in coming back because I find multiple aspects of it to be unacceptable and wrong.

why the fuck do you engage with this show if you can't follow its most basic moral outlines you absolute goober

are you always this lowkey patronizing and passive aggressive or is only towards people who disagree with you

You know what? Fuck you and your cult religion. I sat idly for too long and did nothing and I regret that. Removing my name is the best thing that’s going to happen to me. I know you’re going to cherry pick and somehow twist this to seem like you are not at fault. YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. You and The Man Undercover are so far up your own asses, I can’t even explain what’s wrong with you.

I was trying to be respectful but you deserve none. You’re an ignorant, self-righteous, and stuck up shithead. I’ll be celebrating my removal when it gets approved.


TBF not every religious person is like this

I mean, is it so wrong to not ostracize people for something they can't help and that is done by two consenting parties,?

I know. More about LDS, especially the fact I’ve spent time there.

Yeah I have a trans friend who like, she and her family are still Mormon, but they've stepped away from the Church, but not God and faith, due to how the LDS Church views trans folks at the moment.

And yeah of course, my grandparents are Mormon, I would never get in their face about it but no WAY am I coming back to the church. I’m ashamed to have even been a part of it.


I know you’re going to cherry pick and somehow twist this to seem like you are not at fault. YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. You and The Man Undercover are so far up your own asses, I can’t even explain what’s wrong with you.

This aged like a fine wine.

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