• Member Since 27th Oct, 2015
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Biological organism known as a human

More Blog Posts6

  • 20 weeks
    Unwilling change of plans

    People will quickly notice that the story 'Accepting Change' is on hiatus. I didn't want to do this. I very much wanted to complete it without any issues, and while I did slow down significantly, I still kept on trying... But... It really is far more than I was ready for.

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    19 comments · 813 views
  • 33 weeks
    Accepting change - my decision for future

    I want to keep this short.
    The story will soon be one-third done... And I want to take a longer break to sort out a few things.
    My own amateurish choices are catching up to me and I have to fix it (like finally finishing the character list so that I don't have to re-read entire chapters when my brain 'decides' to just forget some things).

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    5 comments · 546 views
  • 43 weeks
    Sorry for the wait

    Just a quick update, now that my arms are feeling better.
    Developed tendonitis in both arms two weeks ago so writing has been immensely slow. I blame Thrill of the Fight on VR and my work for it but no matter. I am feeling better lately and the chapter is about halfway done.
    I'll try to get the chapter out by the end of next week.

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    3 comments · 444 views
  • 86 weeks
    Still alive

    Just... Not doing too well.
    Taking new medication and it's sapping me in more ways than one.
    I am pissed off at how it's affecting my life with the side effects (again), but it's helping me.
    The writing has gotten too slow for my liking though...
    I don't like sharing things like this, but you all at least deserve to know why nothing has been posted in over a month now.
    Im sorry.

    10 comments · 541 views
  • 94 weeks
    A section finished and a small break

    The second (or third, depending on how you look at it) section of my story is, at last, finished. I apologize for the delay.
    I have been feeling rather exhausted over the last week and it, unfortunately, started affecting my motivation to write. Just need some rest and I'll be right as rain.
    Now, on to the reason for this blog.

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    4 comments · 551 views

Unwilling change of plans · 10:38pm January 24th

People will quickly notice that the story 'Accepting Change' is on hiatus. I didn't want to do this. I very much wanted to complete it without any issues, and while I did slow down significantly, I still kept on trying... But... It really is far more than I was ready for.
I don't want to give excuses, but the simplest explanation is both my mental health and frustrations getting the better of me.
On top of that, the last couple of chapters were such a hassle to write that I found myself looking for any kind of distraction just so I don't have to do them.
It went so far that I nearly deleted the whole thing altogether (which both myself and my counselor agreed would be a mistake), along with the account here....
I do still want to write, and I don't to ruin it for myself now that I have finally got the courage to actually do it AND have other people read it.
So, yeah... I'm taking a step back from Patchwork, no matter how much it's bother me to do so, and I'm hoping to return to it one day when I have more experience and with a calmer mind.
This blog physically hurt to write, sorry.

Report drFraud · 813 views · Story: Accepting Change ·
Comments ( 19 )

mental health is important. stepping away to get yourself sorted out is a wise move. hopefully, it will be something you remember fondly enough to return to.

in the mean time, this reader will leave the light on, so hurry back soon!

Nope that was the right thing to do, forcing things to happen that affect your mental health negatively can lead down a dark path.

Take time, recollect yourself and if this story never gets another chapter but you’re in a better place then this will have been worth it. Love the story but not at the expense of the writer.

Peace and Love my guy/girl

I hope your mental health gets better soon. Best wishes

Yeah i know that feel, take a good rest and continue doing so until ya feel better.
Don't need to force ya self after all, we all got nothing but time.

Seems like you need a complete break from writing. Maybe even fimfiction. Step away and take time for yourself. Recharge your batteries. Hopefully in the future you will want to come back.

Until we meet again, in one way or another.
Get better soon I hope :pinkiesad2:👍

Please get well soon not only so we can see more of your amazing work but so the people who care about you won't have to suffer.

take your time, your mental health is far more important then any story, know we are supporting you and we all hope you feel beter soon and can come back to us beter then ever for the break, and if you decide to move on to something else we wish you nothing but the best in all your future endevors too

Take as much time as you need, take care of your mental health and frustrations, and recover from them. We'll await your return should you decide to come back.

And I think I speak for all of us when I say I'm very happy you didn't delete Accepting Change which is one of my favorite stories here.

Take a break and focus on recovering, and take care of yourself.

take as long as you need, your health is more important. In the meantime I will eagerly await your return.

It's hard to finish long projects and you just had to make the right call. Avoiding burning out is much more prefereble to bruteforcing a few more chapters.

I’m a fan of Patchwork and your story. I hope you recover, too.

this is simple if your Muse tells you that you need to walk away do not force it.
in time your Muse will call you back.
start a short or just doddle a bit to help clean your mind.

It's never good to force the Muse, but don't stop writing completely, either. Trust me, setting down the pen just makes it heavier to pick up later. If all you do is set down a mass of disjointed rambles every couple of days, that's good enough, and it'll keep things from bricking up completely. Go do whatever you need to do to settle yourself and get things back on track in RL. In the meantime, we'll keep the porch light on for you.

You need to take care of yourself first. No pressure.

I've been in a similar boat, and I've learned this:

The best thing about fanfiction is that there is no obligation. You do it for fun, and if it no longer is fun, then take a break.

Even enjoyable things can become tedious if you're forced to do them, so don't feel bad about stepping away for a time, especially if you're doing this on your own time.

Your mental health is obviously top priority so taking a break is the right decision, however long that takes.

Have a good one and take care of yourself.

dude, you said yourself this was your first major undertaking... in other words it was a test run.

Don't worry about it. You did great and you've learned a lot, yeah?
Op success!

While we may be biased and want you to keep going but you could close the book on this fic and start a new one and I think most of us here would be happy.

Take a break, relax, possibly write another story that may interest you. You don't need to keep hammering on that which you aren't enjoying.

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