• Member Since 21st Jul, 2017
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A Man Undercover

I'm Autistic and suffer from ADHD & OCD, but I'm very high-functioning and capable of taking care of myself if I need to.

More Blog Posts693

  • 1 week
    My Movie Review on Hacksaw Ridge

    Happy Memorial Day, my friends.

    This is your top-of-the-line film, TV show, and episode reporter here with another review.

    Today, for my first review to celebrate this momentous occasion with, I'm gonna give you guys my take on "Hacksaw Ridge".

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  • 2 weeks
    My Third List of Least Favorite Villains

    Following my previous two listings, I couldn’t resist making another that showcased more of my least favorite villains. There were just so many others that I wanted to share my thoughts on as of late, especially based on seeing them in some stuff I watched.

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  • 2 weeks
    My Movie Review of Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island (Reconstructed & Re-Analyzed)

    This is a completely modified version of my review on “Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island”. Along with presenting a greater sense of reconstruction to correct grammatical errors and all that sort of thing, this also presents a combination of my thoughts on the film both when I initially reviewed and re-analyzed it later the same year.

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  • 2 weeks
    My Movie Review on Beauty and the Beast (2017) (Reconstructed & Re-Analyzed)

    This review is a completely modified version of the analysis I made on “Beauty and the Beast (2017)” 6 years ago in 2018. It also includes some slight re-analyzing, which became inevitable as I started reconstructing the whole thing.

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  • 3 weeks
    My Second List of Least Favorite Villains

    Following my previous post, I was immediately inspired to go ahead and showcase another ten of my least favorite villains. The biggest reason for why is because I enjoyed creating the last one so much that I couldn’t resist doing it again, and it felt good to get it out of my system as well.

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My Response to MysteryMuffin's Latest Post · 8:57pm February 1st

Over the past few hours, I’ve noticed that I’ve been getting hate-filled comments from some users. Especially after MysteryMuffin made his or her post saying that the user was going to commit suicide.

I was never going to make a post in response to this drama, but today…my hand has been forced.

First off, I’m well aware of what MM said. However, what frustrates me the most about the whole thing is that MM blames me, BradyBunch, and Christianity for every personal & emotional problem the user was having, and my suspicion on the matter was further aroused by the comment he or she left below my Apology post:

As much as you said sorry for your mistakes, your story about me is still false. I am still not impressed.

You LIED about me again. Isn't that what Christians are not meant to do?

an attention-seeking anti-Christian person, as well as a selfish, arrogant, immature, and insecure hypocrite. I also accused MM of leaning too much into victim mentality by always bringing up things like Christians persecuting LGBT people, the latter which I brought up that anyone who claims to be a Christian yet is committing things like murder and adultery is actually a false prophet.

Wow. Christians are so loving, aren't they?

I never said I was anti-Christain. You LIED about that.
Selfish, arragoant, immature, insceure hypocrite? Are you talking to a mirror?

Also, you are homophobic and transphobic. Stop pretending you're not. And you still provided no evidence that you "love us".

My only response was this:

🙄There you go again with the reverse psychology, victim mentality, and hypocrisy.

Also, lying and spreading misinformation about me by saying that I’m lying and spreading misinformation about you?

Real mature.

It makes me wonder if you just like starting up conflicts to feel good about yourself.

Afterwards, I simply blocked MM in order to prevent the conflict from going any further, and because I did not wish to associate with the user anymore. 

For me, everything about the situation showed that MM wasn’t wanting to let go of the past, and the accusations he or she made about me being a deceitful and hateful person despite my Apology post purely confirming the contrary fueled my belief about the user further.

Also, doesn’t it seem strange that MM’s “Suicide” post came right after I apparently blocked the user?

To me, it seemed to be made in response to the user no longer being able to communicate with me, as well as to attack me, and gain attention from others in the hopes of getting support to relieve self-esteem issues. MM's constant blaming on Christianity, BradyBunch, and me also alleviated my belief that the user is driven by victim mentality and hypocrisy.

Later on, I found that I’ve been getting comments from users by the names of Soaring, Kirtai, and VampDash. Soaring and VampDash accused me of being a hateful and despicable person, even going so far as to say that God would be really disappointed with me without ever saying what I did wrong today. Soaring at one point responded by simply giving links and references to past events, but that neither answered my question or helped me see what I did wrong in the present. Kirtai, meanwhile, simply voiced disagreement over what I believed, to which I declined from ever making responses that’d progress another ridiculous debate. Kirtai was also the person who brought MM’s ‘Suicide’ post to my attention.

I never did communicate with the three users after this, nor did I respond to new comments made by another user named Johnny B Mediocre, but that’s beside the point.

By now, people are probably thinking that the user’s intentions to commit suicide, if it’s legit, is something that I’ll be rejoicing over. 

However, it’s actually the complete opposite.

The moment I discovered the post, I was instantly heartbroken over the whole thing. I hated the fact that MM blamed me, Brady, and Christianity for being the reason for why the user wanted to resort to such a horrendous thing, but at the same time…I was crestfallen that he or she would want to resort to committing suicide.

Suicide in general, along with the killing of innocent life, are the last things that I’d ever want to support or let happen. If MM didn’t block me, I would’ve immediately tried to convince the user not to take his or her own life. I would’ve even wanted the two of us to work things out and come to an understanding, not let the suicide happen. 

Other things that I would’ve told MM are that Jesus still loves the user. And that even though said user doesn’t Follow Jesus or the teachings God laid out in the Bible, Jesus’s compassion knows no bounds. 

That being said…

I wanted everyone to know that my heart goes out to MM. I pray that the user doesn’t go through with his or her suicidal intentions, and I want you all to know that my unconditional love for MM and every LGBTQIA+ person in the world will never fade away. I won’t take responsibility for anything the user says I did or apologize for something that no one else will actually communicate with me about, mainly on the grounds that I don’t see myself as the source of the problem. But, I deeply pray that MM can get his or her problems worked out. And that, in the future, MM & I can possibly end things on better terms before going our separate ways for good.

Also, for anyone who wishes to see me fall literally or metaphorically, I will say this:

Every accusation and insult directed at me today, as well as the entire ordeal and the hate I’ve been getting hit with, has hurt me enough as it is. Every loss of friendship, even with those whom I haven’t interacted with as much, wounded me beyond compare. 

My only hope is that you’re happy with yourselves.

Report A Man Undercover · 961 views · #Suicide
Comments ( 37 )

I won’t take responsibility for anything the user says I did or apologize for something that no one else will actually communicate with me about, mainly on the grounds that I don’t see myself as the source of the problem.

spoken like a true DARVO-level narcissist


EDIT: lmao yeah how dare she say she's gonna commit suicide grr can't she understand how YOU feel about this


christ's sake dude is it always "ME ME ME" with you

EDIT II since you fucking blocked me, you coward:

do you have any other arguments that aren't just "NO U" you absolute manbaby

Those were mistakes that I’m openly trying to move on from. It’s MM’s fault for ever causing them to be brought back up by inciting the drama.

Only a coward would avoid taking responsibility and attempt to try and make amends..... a coward who would hide behind faith to justify his hatred. You don't follow them.... you hide behind their words and abuse them.

The only hate-filled cowards around here are you, the attackers, and anyone who compromises their faith in favor of conforming to the world or supporting worldly affairs.

And the only plain coward is MM. His or her contemplation to commit suicide is a coward’s way out, and the user only has his or herself to blame for it.

And the only plain coward is MM. His or her contemplation to commit suicide is a coward’s way out, and the user only has his or herself to blame for it.

Dude…WHAT?! Please tell me you’re joking.

I’m just saying that suicide isn’t the answer to solving problems. And believe me, I know this from experience. The Bible itself, if I recall correctly, says that suicide is a horrendous and cowardly thing to do for anything, and I’d rather die than support it.


I’m just saying that suicide isn’t the answer to solving problems. And believe me, I know this from experience. The Bible itself, if I recall correctly, says that suicide is a horrendous and cowardly thing to do for anything, and I’d rather die than support it

Well obviously I agree with that, but the way you worded that phrase made me think you were victim-blaming MM for their problems. That’s definitely how it sounded to me, no offense.

I can't believe this right now. Dude just said that MM is at fault and is the reason why this is happening to him instead of taking responsibility. This is absolutely beyond belief fucked up.

None taken.

Unfortunately, one of my biggest struggles is wording things out in a way that’d give the right translation for what I’m actually wanting to say. Based on today, I’m cursed.

Im sorry that you are going through this. I cant post a hopeful message either, because I am blocked as well. I pray that God will send a healing power to settle this dispute somehow.


And the only plain coward is MM. His or her contemplation to commit suicide is a coward’s way out, and the user only has his or herself to blame for it.


You somehow sink to a new low. This doesn't change anything. You are not the victim here. Fuck you.

Edit: Thanks for blocking me. REALLY shows how much you don't care ;)

I don’t care. At this point, your words are nothing to me.


And the only plain coward is MM. His or her contemplation to commit suicide is a coward’s way out, and the user only has his or herself to blame for it.

What the fuck is wrong with you? Somebody is contemplating ending their own life, and this is your response?

As I said to Admiral Producer:

I’m just saying that suicide isn’t the answer to solving problems. And believe me, I know this from experience. The Bible itself, if I recall correctly, says that suicide is a horrendous and cowardly thing to do for anything, and I’d rather die than support it.

And in another reply to the same user:

Unfortunately, one of my biggest struggles is wording things out in a way that’d give the right translation for what I’m actually wanting to say. Based on today, I’m cursed.

Damn right you could have phrased it better.


I see now that it’s a new mistake I made.

you are such a heartless person and at this point i have unfallowed you and i'm even considering reporting your account for the pain you caused that user and i suggets that others do the same thing

🙄Look who’s talking.

what the hell is that suppsose to mean as I'M not the one who nearly drove that user to suicide YOU did

edit: great job showing how much of a coward you are by blocking me 🖕

No, but you are the one hurling accusations.

And for the record, I blocked you because you’re only escalating the conflicts further.

Let me put this simply: you use God as a stand-in for yourself, and in doing so you put on a poor display of crocodile tears.

Instead of owning up like you claim you did, you doubled down in your love for God and used that as a way of trying to justify yourself. You imply that you're sorry for what you did, but it doesn't read as somebody who's reflected on their past actions. It reads as someone who feels sorry for some things they said and are trying to find an easy out without confronting how fucked up their intentions truly were.

Your response to MM says it all. I read the original comments on the previous blog, and I was honestly on your side until I saw how you treated somebody who has clearly been mentally afflicted by the whole situation. Whether they are lying about suicide for attention or not, you do not victim blame them. No matter what.

It makes me wonder if you just like starting up conflicts to feel good about yourself.

This right here. Your entire response to them reads as manipulative, which makes me distrust every shitty word you spew with your ass for hands.

If you were smart or even had a true ounce of sympathy for MM, you would have directed that entire blog as an apology to them and not brought up God once. You also would have cut ties with BradyBunch, as his entire outlook is incredibly toxic and will only influence your opinions further if you continue to speak to him.

The problem is you. When MM responded, you could have had a sincere conversation and acknowledged all of the problems you caused. But you didn't. You victimized yourself, and now whether or not MM does kill themself, you need to think long and hard about yourself without backtracking on "But oh, at least God loves me!"

Everything you do is entirely you and just claiming you come from a stubborn family with strict religious beliefs isn't enough. Your beliefs are as clear as African water straight from the river. You are blinded by your upbringing, and it shows. What you have is mental illness, and it needs serious evaluation.

I'll make this loud and clear: you have possible blood on your hands.

I'm just gonna say this and be on my way.

Last night's events are indeed on your shoulders.
This is not what He wants from us, and I pray that one day you'll realize how misguided you are.
Hopefully before it's too late.

That is all.

Comment posted by A Man Undercover deleted February 3rd

The only thing I can say, in response to you, is that none of what you say was my intention. And it’s certainly not who I am either.

Impact over intent, friend.

If it's all the same to you, I'm rather not interested in further discourse.

I do not wish to involve staff on a harassment report if you should insist on continuing.

Please do not make it necessary.

Goodbye, sir.

So MM pulled a byuu/Near?

Would you mind clarifying?

Randomly claim to be killing yourself over shit that happened years ago that nobody paid any mind to.

Actually, it happened around the end of last year, but yes. That’s exactly what was going on.

For what it’s worth I’ve looked at your other blog posts and it seems to me that other people refuse to see both sides of the story and I think they should be ashamed of themselves for attacking you like this.

Comment posted by A Man Undercover deleted March 15th
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