• Member Since 10th Sep, 2017
  • offline last seen April 2nd


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  • 9 weeks
    I'll be banned from the site again

    Due to, of course, more transphobia and disagreeing with site-majority opinions, I have been informed that I will be kicked off the site permanently starting tomorrow. I have prepared a farewell message in the comments below.

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  • 10 weeks
    Happy Easter!

    And to those who don't celebrate Easter, too bad, I'm going to impose it on you. Happy Easter. Jesus Christ died for you too, and because He rose from the dead, so can we all.

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  • 10 weeks
    Fluttershy and the Lava Demon: A Tale of Friendship

    My first AI art post. It isn't my art, since a computer for Bing generated it, but I had to share. And I always follow a strict "lacerate-demons-on-the-spot-with-a-shotgun-and-chainsaw" policy, but I can make an exception for this one.

    Fluttershy bravely staring down a demon of lava and metal

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  • 10 weeks
    Artificial Intelligence

    "Bradybunch, everyone's already given their opinions on it!" Yeah, I know. But before I left the site for two years for a mission, AI was barely cohesive enough to give slurred and static-like voice replication, nonsensical chatbots, and meaningless swirls of shape and color for art. Then, all of a sudden, AI got really good, so I had to try it out. I'm using Bing's AI image generation, which is

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  • 10 weeks
    LOTR will never be equaled.

    I was thinking about it while playing Shadow of Mordor and Shadow of War. (My brother gifted them to me for my birthday.) And honestly, the more I reflected on it, the more it made sense. There's a few things that compare in literary achievement, like Dune, but it never made it into modern public consciousness until, like, three years ago. And besides, LOTR wasn't just popular or good-- it

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I'm not responsible for someone else's actions · 12:08am February 2nd

In response to the activity on my front page (62 notifications?!) : I'm getting more hate than Muffin ever did, and I never contemplated suicide or leaving the site permanently. I never told Muffin to kill himself or to leave the site; in fact, I explicitly expressed my concern that his direction in life would lead to precisely that. I wasn't the one that cut off ties with him after that. I never followed up beyond the initial incident; I didn't harass the poor guy to the point of exhaustion.

This whole situation is a bit spurious; because of one friend advising against transitioning two months ago, he's contemplating suicide? If he's serious about it and it was only because of me, then his mental condition was unbelievably fragile to begin with, and I was right to advise against it. If he's serious and it wasn't just my obviously blatant hate, then why am I the only one being painted as a devil and a hypocrite and unChristlike? If he's not serious and his blog announcing suicide was a cry for help, then what are you guys doing blaming me? Help the poor guy; Muffin needs a way to come to his senses. I truly want what's best for Muffin. If there's a way for me to help, I can contribute, but I'm not sure if you'd let me.

In any case, I don't retract my statements. Even if I did, many wouldn't accept it and would still hate me, and I would betray my stance on the trans issue for nothing. And in the event that Muffin does end it, know that it was his choice, not mine. My role in his journey was miniscule, certainly less than that of his parents or IRL friends, especially since I wasn't around for two years.

Report BradyBunch · 2,613 views · #trans
Comments ( 121 )

Stay strong, my friend! Truth is hate to those who hate truth!

I couldn’t have said it better myself.

All throughout the day, people were blaming me for Muffins’s contemplation to commit suicide, but the fact is…it was never my fault to begin with.

the receipts beg to differ you narcissistic douche


stop making everything about you - just because you're on the spectrum doesn't give y'all the right to use it as a crutch to be toxic hellspawn

If he's serious and it wasn't just my obviously blatant hate, then why am I the only one being painted as a devil and a hypocrite and unChristlike?

read this again and tell me you don't see the contradictions here

"yeah I'm being hateful, why do people hate me?"

all of you fuckers need therapy


Your “receipts” are unfounded and worthless. They’re not evidence. They’re examples of how you want to manipulate the situation.

they are things you literally posted in that blogpost you absolute melon - here, let me link you to one right now

it's not my fault you're such an egotistical DARVO-level brick wall that you can't see how toxic you were being and still can't see it because "OH WELL I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING BAD TODAY" which isn't any fucking better

just because you can't understand why you're a shitty person doesn't make you not a shitty person

You are a sick, twisted monster. I have no words for someone like you.


you're such an egotistical DARVO-level brick wall

And once again, you’re a hypocrite.

In response to the activity on my front page (62 notifications?!) : I'm getting more hate than Muffin ever did, and I never contemplated suicide or leaving the site permanently.

It's not a contest. 'LoOk hoW mUch haTe I'm gEttInG, I'm nOt goNNa kIll MySElf or leAvE.' Christ man, read a room.

My role in his journey was miniscule, certainly less than that of his parents or IRL friends, especially since I wasn't around for two years.

Maybe timewise, but denying her existence, calling her delusional and mental, proudly being transphobic and homophobic, lying and making numerous assumptions about her (and might I add others), and in general just being a dickhead has a HUGE impact on someone.

Realize that you played a role in this awful situation. We know you didn't tell her to kill herself explicitly, but you must have your head so far up your ass if you can't see how you are not at fault here.

please, enlighten me on how I'm a hypocrite

the absolute "ME ME ME" level of selfish narcissism on display here is disgusting, I don't know how y'all were fans of this show when you clearly can't even follow the core lessons from it - or, for that matter, any of the lessons from the fucking Bible, because I don't know every verse but I'm pretty damn sure it didn't tell people to be selfish narcissists

oh but who am I kidding, Brady here denounced the show way back in 2021 and yet is still here spouting his hateful bullshit because... reasons?

I have better things to do than constantly converse with the likes of you. My time has been wasted enough today, and if you’re smart, you should focus on other things in life.

yeah I'm sure your chicken nuggies are getting cold, answer the damn question you absolute goon - how am I a hypocrite


I came back to see my friends.

You: You're a hypocrite.

Him: Oh really, why?

You: Psh, I have better things to do.

A+ argument here.

yeah like, the two friends you have left after the shit you pulled who are too inept/easily-convinced to think differently

you used to be cool man, who hurt you

typical copout, Twitter is full of 'em

Dufa #18 · February 2nd · · 2 ·

"I'm getting more hate than Muffin ever did," This isn't the oppression olympics.

"I explicitly expressed my concern that his direction in life would lead to precisely that." Trans suicide is directly caused by harassment such as what you have done.

"This whole situation is a bit spurious; because of one friend advising against transitioning two months ago, he's contemplating suicide?" In your fic you wrongly equate transness with pedophilia and bestiality. In a blog you stated you would go out of your way to be as transphobic as possible. You believe lgbt folk rape children and animals and spread monkeypox through it.

"why am I the only one being painted as a devil and a hypocrite and unChristlike?" Incorrect. Amanundercover is also being punished for his harasment.

" If there's a way for me to help, I can contribute, but I'm not sure if you'd let me." You were invited to help, but ignored it. We all were forced to help without any assistance from you.

I never told Muffin to kill himself

Her. Muffin is a girl. Why do you find getting her pronouns right so hard?

you know, when your like-to-dislike ratio is this bad, maybe at some point you ought to realize that you might be, I dunno... wrong? IDK that's just me though

like I don't know how you think, when you get to the pearly gates and your savior takes a look at your life and sees what you did here, that he's gonna think you're a good person, because you aren't - you are not a good person and you are not a charitable person, you're only that way to people who conform to your impossibly high standards (i.e. "the good ones", as some of your old friends who wised up and bailed on you have told me you called them)

Because the whole thing is getting ridiculous, that’s why.

so then answer the question and we can all move on: how am I a hypocrite?

If there's a way for me to help, I can contribute, but I'm not sure if you'd let me.

The fact you can't even comprehend what to do, anything to do? And the fact you said this after playing at being a victim, dismissing any wrong doing, or even considering for a moment any actions, seen as personally justified or not, couldn't have had consequences? It only digs the hole in further. Get off the high horse, think of people besides yourself and your mentality for a moment, and answer your own questions.

Just because someone reacts to something differently than you, does not mean they are in the wrong. With stakes as high as they are, the chance of things turning terribly had to be considered.

Someone's life was at risk, and you couldn't bother even say "Sorry, I meant no harm!" or try to reach out and plea for them not to kill themselves? Because some oh so spooky angry commenters might say something mean to you after something you helped put in motion?

What's next, going to stand by and let someone shove a knife through their wrist because you might skid your knee running up to them?

I think a very famous carpenter would be very disappointed. If you can't care about someone's life, regardless of personal views, put the book down and don't blaspheme more by picking it back up.

Because you’re doing everything you frequently said I was doing, and you’re acting exactly like how you’re describing me. That’s how you’re a hypocrite.

that's pretty fucking vague fam, please elaborate

Sadly, that's not how many Christian denominations view it. According to the Bible itself, being saved is purely a matter of faith.

Every comment you made about me before should answer your question immensely, don’t you think?

what's that one joke about the guy whose car is stuck in a flood, and a boat comes to rescue him and he's like "no, God will save me", then an ambulance comes and the guy says "no, God will save me", and then finally he just drowns and asks God why he didn't save him, and God goes "I did, I sent the boat and the ambulance and you said no to each of them"

that's kinda how our "good ol' boys" are acting right now

...no? no, it really doesn't - how do you equate any of what I've said to me being either selfish, narcissistic or anywhere near DARVO territory (a term I'm still not sure that you know what it means)?

You disgust me, you honestly disgust me. I know this won't get through to you, and through your thick skull, but the fact that you can't honestly comprhend the part that you had to play in her -yes her- attempted suicide is mind boggling. I don't know if I believe in the afterlife or not, but I have a feeling the one you'll be going to isn't the one you think it is. Say hi to Lucifer when you meet him, I'm told he loves sad pieces of shit like you.

by the way, she lived bitch, y'all fucking lost

What makes you think I wanted him dead?

you sure as hell didn't want her alive, considering how "immoral" and "unholy" you thought she was

I was gonna say I'm sure your parents would be thrilled to learn that you've been acting like this, but if they're anything like you I'm sure they're fucking ecstatic

Why haven't the admins not gotten involved in this madness? This is literally happening on their website.

Dufa #38 · February 2nd · · 1 ·

this is a quote from you most recent fic:

“Do you understand my frustration now?” Faust whispered. “My indignation, my insistence on their deaths? Can you make peace with these ponies and accept their culture?”

It wasn't a question that needed answering.

“How much worse does it get?” Peter numbly asked.

“It can always get worse,” Faust replied, looking down into her clasped hands. “Sexual sin is a wide umbrella. Adultery, bestiality, homosexuality, transgenderism, incest, and all other sorts of disgusting and abominable acts abound here. But it doesn't exist in a vacuum. Someone had to push it, and someone had to accept it. That requires pride, jealousy, and inaction. The sexual sins you see on display are a symptom of the underlying problem, which is an abandonment of my influence.”


Lauren Faust would smack the shit out of Brady if she found out he was using her name like this

This guy has more in common with Hitler than he will ever have with Jesus.

Also watch him pull the: "iT's JuST a sToRY" card.

holy shit, reading this through again this is fucking sickening and absolutely telling

“Do you understand my frustration now?” Faust whispered. “My indignation, my insistence on their deaths? Can you make peace with these ponies and accept their culture?”

inb4 "B-BUT IT'S FICTION, I DON'T ACTUALLY THINK THAT" but it had to come from somewhere, didn't it Brady?

You frequently trolled me, insulted me, and accused me of so many things today. All the while acting like exactly the things you’ve stated about me.

I have done my part and reported the transphobia, homophobia, and bigotry wherever it appeared, on whoever it appeared. Many, many, MANY times. For two. Whole. Months. The staff have done nothing. They’ve sat back and let it happen. They are cowards who refuse to do their jobs and make their community safer by punishing those who break the rules, all because they’re afraid of the “flack” they’ll get from certain groups.

I’m sick and tired of this shit...

"how dare you accuse me of things that I did"

tell me you don't know what trolling actually is without telling me you don't know what trolling actually is

You're a hypocrite, Brady. Not only do you fail to understand how your sins have hurt others, but you willfully ignore the consequences of your actions. Sinners like you are a curse upon the world, and your heresy shall weigh you down when The Rapture comes.

He accused you of being a transphobic, homophobic, and narcissistic asshole. Based on everything you've said in the past and present.

That's not an accusation. Those are facts.


all because they’re afraid of the “flack” they’ll get from certain groups.

Uhhh, would it be possible for you to tell what groups the admins are afraid of via PMs? 'Cause you've made me curious now.

I actually do think that.

and then he has the huevos to say that the receipts are "unfounded and worthless" when they are literally things he said - unless he means he can get away with using them because the staff can't/won't stop him, in which case this boy's on a bigger ego trip than I first thought

That's even worse.

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