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Admiral Biscuit

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MECHANIC: The Most Boring One Yet · 1:11am February 22nd

I hesitate to even suggest you grab your favorite beverage, you're just gonna skim this one. But, if you're game:


In the last blog (I think), I mentioned that I had to manually program the cross-traffic/blind spot monitors on a F350. This will do you no good at all, but here's all the addresses and hex codes to program that particular vehicle:

DB01 00AB

5F0A 4623 00A2

0000 01D2

0B09 E5

5F0A 3B

1E0A 0400

2541 3A

1373 6470 002E

1260 080A 1972

1928 0A28 2871

3146 5438 5730


4254 3548 452F


3532 3637 34E6

0046 0A23 0A5C


0603 E9

Wasn't that fun?


Okay, maybe not so much fun after all. But now you know! Just wait until I list off all the SPID codes from a GM truck (I could do that easily, I've got several in my yard and I know where the codes are).

For those of you who like train videos,* couple of weekends ago I went to Fostoria and shot video of lots and lots of NS and CSX trains. Enough that I've been posting daily videos on my channel for the past several weeks (especially since I accidentally posted one twice).

So yeah, that was fun. I'd heard that there were lots of trains there, and it's only a couple hours from my house, so why not?

I didn't even get to the parking lot before the first train came.

(unless you're a pegasus)
[and even if you are, DO NOT DO THIS]

Sooner or later I'm actually gonna upload the video of the Canadian Pacific (now CPKFC or whatever it is) holiday train going through Michigan. Getting a video of it was quite the adventure, and I nearly froze to death.

So, that's the blog post! Was it worth it? Probably not.

But this will make it better:




Comments ( 17 )

*If you watch all the videos, you'll see a CSX heritage unit (IIRC, Seaboard System) as well as a Klemme Coop grainer. Said grainer did not have a pegasus hobo on it, unfortunately.

Also now I realize that there is a reason besides Trotcon to visit Ohio. Still won't apologize to Ohio.


Winter never really came. Just 2 snowfalls all season and none lasted more than a few days. The snow all melted in a couple days, that is. It didn't snow nonstop for two days. That would have been a perfectly normal winter.

While such an easygoing, mild season might be a relief, I don't think it's pessimistic to dread what it portends for this coming summer. At least the bug populations won't be too bad, considering the disrupted larva stages in the soil and leftover autumn leaves that normally are dormant and undisturbed under snow.

Also, longtime tax preparer retired, so stressing out about that.

That would be an interesting not-a-contest story about a pony or gryphon CPA, if anyone is knowledgeable about the industry and cares to write about it.

I think YouTube suggestions was a bit enthusiastic. Pointed me to a 40 second clip of 9 trains passing one particular track camera in the UK , at least 4 simultaneously?

Theyre all over teh place.

Bit like that Hex codes.:unsuresweetie:

Ponies soon to shed their winter coats and become less floofy.

Dragons are perfect CPA's. They are used to tracking every single coin that enters their/your possession and you can damn well bet they will know every loophole to retain as much as possible... Although at the same time I could also see them not trusting modern financial systems and hoard their wealth in a big pile so the government can't take it on the sly.

But this will make it better:

Batpony, baby shark and baby dolphin?

Admiral, that's weaponised cute you've got there.



Correct. Orcas are in the dolphin family.

Nice when people remember that.

I had a more interesting repair yesterday. For given values of interesting. I spent most of the day driving around trying to find a place that could make a new one inch diameter hydraulic hose, high pressure, with JCB specific ends. The one on our backup loader for feeding cows blew at 5 am. We switched to the backup to the backup, which was like filling a five gallon bucket with a Dixie cup... and that machine was needed for other important tasks. I eventually went back to one place that had a piece that seemed close enough. Luckily it was, with some creative wedging between lines and harnesses (with padding and protection from a chunk of old tractor inner tube). At least the routing wasn't too bad, and I thought to tie some twine to the old one before pulling it out, to guide and pull the new one through.

Sometimes, you just have to make things work, because cows need to be fed.

That's what finally got me calling them orcas instead of killing whales. Before that, it just felt like they were trying to re-brand.


Winter never really came. Just 2 snowfalls all season and none lasted more than a few days. The snow all melted in a couple days, that is. It didn't snow nonstop for two days. That would have been a perfectly normal winter.

That's pretty much what we got, too. A few snowfalls, one of them halfway decent in depth, and generally warm temperatures all winter long.

While such an easygoing, mild season might be a relief, I don't think it's pessimistic to dread what it portends for this coming summer. At least the bug populations won't be too bad, considering the disrupted larva stages in the soil and leftover autumn leaves that normally are dormant and undisturbed under snow.

The ones I worry about are mosquitos, and how much rain we get is a big factor in it. Although I have seen a few throughout the winter (inside the house), so it wasn't mild enough to really kill them.

That would be an interesting not-a-contest story about a pony or gryphon CPA, if anyone is knowledgeable about the industry and cares to write about it.

That's something I know nothing about, so it won't be me. Unless I twist it to having a really incompetent one (at least by Earth standards).


think YouTube suggestions was a bit enthusiastic. Pointed me to a 40 second clip of 9 trains passing one particular track camera in the UK , at least 4 simultaneously?

I've seen that video!


Ponies soon to shed their winter coats and become less floofy.

Yes, they will.

One of the YouTube horse channels I watch just posted a video where he was scratching one of his horses, and she was shedding like crazy.


Dragons are perfect CPA's. They are used to tracking every single coin that enters their/your possession and you can damn well bet they will know every loophole to retain as much as possible... Although at the same time I could also see them not trusting modern financial systems and hoard their wealth in a big pile so the government can't take it on the sly.

That's headcanon I can get behind :heart:


Admiral, that's weaponised cute you've got there.

I do what I can :heart:


I had a more interesting repair yesterday. For given values of interesting. I spent most of the day driving around trying to find a place that could make a new one inch diameter hydraulic hose, high pressure, with JCB specific ends.

One of our local suppliers actually makes hydraulic hose. Seemed weird to me, until I remembered that out in the country, that's something a lot of people need. We've used another guy who the boss knows to make hoses sometimes (we even outsourced a dump truck to him); while he does good work, I disagree with the hose he made for a Saab, 'cause we had to get really creative with the routing, since his home-made hose didn't exactly bend like the factory one.

We could have gotten a factory one in a week or so, and it would not have been any more expensive than the home-made one, and the customer didn't need the car back right away. When you do need it back right away, well, you do what you got to do.

Luckily it was, with some creative wedging between lines and harnesses (with padding and protection from a chunk of old tractor inner tube). At least the routing wasn't too bad, and I thought to tie some twine to the old one before pulling it out, to guide and pull the new one through.

Protecting the line is the most important thing IMHO. A lot of my repairs of fuel lines or wiring take longer than some of the other techs, 'cause I'll make sure it's routed and fastened in such a way it can't be damaged by chafing against something.

Sometimes, you just have to make things work, because cows need to be fed.

Yeah, they're not going to accept that the loader's broken.

And it turns out that the repair was temporary, due to not being able to seal the cobbled together line. Still, it worked until we could get the right part in. At least we didn't miss any time feeding the cows, as noted.

I hope tomorrow to be able to finally fix some broken wires that affect the transmission speeds. Then there's the other loader that will have a massively heavy hydraulic cylinder re-installed in the next few days that needs, I assume, wiring fixed so the four-wheel steering self-centers again. Plus skid-steers with various hydraulic or hydrostatic problems. And gates that need fixing, equipment that needs to be adjusted or maintained... so much to do, so few hours to do it in.


And it turns out that the repair was temporary, due to not being able to seal the cobbled together line. Still, it worked until we could get the right part in. At least we didn't miss any time feeding the cows, as noted.

"it's only leaking a little bit, we're good." Yeah, I know that feel, fixed a few of my cars to a 'good enough for the moment' standard (and a few customer's cars, too, but that's rarer 'cause they'll think it's a proper repair and then not come back for the actual proper repair).

Heh, one of my friends had a 15 passenger Dodge van, and he needed a spare tire, so I found one that was the right size but not the right load rating. I wrote all over it in tire chalk 'temporary use only' and the next time I saw that van it had the 'temporary' tire as a permanent fix. Learned a valuable lesson from that; next time somebody needs a 'temporary' tire, it's either gonna be one with the right load rating, or I just don't have one, sorry.

I hope tomorrow to be able to finally fix some broken wires that affect the transmission speeds. Then there's the other loader that will have a massively heavy hydraulic cylinder re-installed in the next few days that needs, I assume, wiring fixed so the four-wheel steering self-centers again. Plus skid-steers with various hydraulic or hydrostatic problems. And gates that need fixing, equipment that needs to be adjusted or maintained... so much to do, so few hours to do it in.

And now I know how at least one of those repairs turned out :heart:

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