• Member Since 5th Oct, 2017
  • offline last seen 53 minutes ago


I'm just your average Brony. I love trains, I love history, I love writing stories, and I really, really love wolves! But most of all, I love writing my stories here for your enjoyment!

More Blog Posts81

  • 5 weeks
    "Tale of 2 Big Boys Chapter 3 is finally done

    Hello Everypony, ScarFox9700 here,

    I just wanted to let you all know that I finally finished, and posted the long-awaited Chapter 3 of "Tale of 2 Big Boys". My co-author Terry the Human and I worked really hard on it, so I hope that you all enjoy it

    (And yes, before anyone asks, now that Chapter 3 is finished, I'll be working on Chapter 8 of "Texas: A Time to Fight!" now)

    12 comments · 97 views
  • 14 weeks
    Story Idea Pitch

    Hello Everyone, ScarFox9700 here,

    I wanted to come here today to pitch a new idea for a story. This is one that may or may not ever come to fruition, but I wanted to write it down before I forgot it, and its many details. This story is set in an Anthro-Equestria

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    8 comments · 155 views
  • 19 weeks
    A New Story, Part of Something Big

    Hello Everypony, ScarFox9700 here,

    I just wanted to let you all know that my latest story, a sequel to "Steamboat to Nowhere", has just been released, and continues Thomas's story. I hope you all enjoy it

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  • 20 weeks
    A new story, but not a normal one

    Hello Everypony, ScarFox9700 here,

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    0 comments · 95 views
  • 23 weeks
    Early Christmas Present to You All

    Hello Everypony, ScarFox9700 here,

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Story Idea Pitch · 12:25pm February 25th

Hello Everyone, ScarFox9700 here,

I wanted to come here today to pitch a new idea for a story. This is one that may or may not ever come to fruition, but I wanted to write it down before I forgot it, and its many details. This story is set in an Anthro-Equestria

In an unspecified year (around 2012), a young man, we'll call him "Anton", is on an expedition in Mt Rainier National Park in Washington State, on the hunt for more information regarding a mythological creature, the Thunderbird. This was a species of bird of prey of immense size that were once ridden by humans, and were able to wield the power of lightning. However, they were believed to be extinct for centuries, until hidden in a mountain cave underneath Mt Rainier itself, Anton discovers an ancient nest, filled with 4 large, unusual eggs in them. In awe of his discovery, knowing that these are viable Thunderbird eggs, he carefully wraps up the eggs, sticks them into a bag he brought with him, and smuggles them out of Mt Rainier National Park, just ahead of the US Government raid to seize the eggs, only to find them missing. Anton then quietly returns to his home in Equestria

Several years pass, and Anton is hard at work. He was a master engineer and inventor, and had a massive workshop in central Equestria where he created many things, both for the civilian, and military markets. (The technology in this Equestria is a mixture of what we see in the show, coupled with elements of both Steampunk, and Dieselpunk technology). Anton makes many breakthroughs in the fields of automatons, automation for factories, futuristic washing machines, mechanical beasts, and many types of weapons and military technology, from walking vehicles, to mobile anti-air platforms, and even drones disguised as birds. The more he created, the more well-known he became, and his fame grew. He was very ambitious, and the Equestrians began to fear him because of this. many already had a problem with his creating weapons of war, but as much as they hated him for that, their hatred was about to get even worse.

All while inventing new gadgets, and mass-producing them if successful, Anton was studying as much as he could to learn about how to hatch the Thunderbird eggs. Eventually, he realizes that he needs a blood-sacrifice to fully make the eggs viable (which he does with the blood of 30 cows, which he stole from a local farm, while holding the farmer and his family at gunpoint while he drained blood from their cows, but afterwards left them unharmed, as he was only after the blood), as well as jolts of electricity. He placed the blood in a large vat, puts the eggs inside the vat, submerged in the blood, and then uses electricity to send pulses into the blood and eggs, and he also drops in a number of Magic runes, before sealing up the vat for 30 days. At the end of the 30 days, Anton removes the eggs, and finds that they're glowing a dull amber-color, which means they're ready for the final stage to be hatched. However, before Anton can complete this task, his workshop is raided by the Equestrian authorities, who were tipped off that Anton was hiding the Thunderbird eggs, and attempting to hatch them. All 4 eggs are taken away, and Anton's being charged with a number of crimes, both related to the eggs, and his making military hardware. Eventually, it's decided that Anton will be exiled from Equestria, alongside several other Equestrians (including perhaps Spike) for "conspiring with Anton to take over Equestria". However, on the eve of his impending exile, a dark and stormy night, Anton manages to break into the museum where his 4 eggs are being kept, and he steals them back. He then races back to his laboratory located on a small hill near his main workshop, where he sets the eggs inside a specially built nest, which is surrounded by generators, power-coils, electrical cables, amplifiers, and rods on the roof all of which are trying to collect a gargantuan amount of electricity (building up a charge with the equipment on the ground, while also trying to bring down lightning from above. All at once, a massive burst of lightning strikes the lab, just as the generators hit maximum power, and the result is an immense explosion of light, fire and heat. Anton's entire lab, and everything in it has been reduced to ash save for himself, though his clothes were entirely incinerated. The sun begins to rise, revealing that Anton's body is covered in a layer of soot, he's completely naked, and around him are 4 newly-hatched Thunderbirds. Anton then scoops his 4 Thunderbirds up, and carries them to his main workshop, where he sets them down in a nest while he cleans himself up, and gets dressed. He then activates a number of controls, and his workshop folds itself up into a massive mobile vehicle (like something out of "Mortal Engines") and Anton drives it across Equestria, and into the Luna Ocean, where it becomes a boat, and he sails it westward

Eventually, Anton, his mobile workshop, his 4 Thunderbirds, and any Equestrians who came with him arrive on the shores of Westeros, and make landfall at King's Landing. Though here's where things start getting fuzzy, due to my knowledge of "Game of Thrones" being poor, due to never reading the show, or watching the books. But in this story, Daenerys is the Queen of Westeros, and she welcomes Anton and Co to Westeros, and they soon find employment creating new inventions, and helping to modernize Westeros's infrastructure. Eventually, Anton and Daenerys start a relationship, and her Dragons and his Thunderbirds get along quite well, culminating in them (Anton and Daenerys) getting married, making his name Anton Targaryen

After a time-skip of a few years, Daenerys makes a political visit to Equestria, Anton comes with her, and hijinx ensue. I don't know how the story ends yet.

(I don't really have a lot of faith in this idea, I just wanted to write it down before I forgot it. If you all have any feedback, I'd like to hear it)

Report ScarFox9700 · 155 views ·
Comments ( 8 )

due to never reading the show, or watching the books.

I’ve heard of a Thunderbird almost taking over Cloudsdale weather factory and getting super charged from it so I think they should remain extinct.

Hee hee. I was wondering if anyone was going to notice this. I did it on purpose just to see if anyone would

And really? What story did that happen in? (And they might stay extinct, as I don't have a lot of faith in this story, and just wanted to write down the idea before I forgot it. I have been considering other "Game of Thrones" story ideas, but the problem lies in how to set them either in Equestria, on Equus, or with Ponies in them so that they don't get removed for not meeting the site's requirements).

It was this one when they were visiting Cloudsdale and Thunderlane got his element.

I think I've seen this story before while browsing, but never read it

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