• Member Since 1st May, 2020
  • offline last seen 32 minutes ago

Buck Swisher

Proud to be one in a million, but the other 999,999 people probably hate me for it.

More Blog Posts61

  • 6 weeks
    Happy Bornday to Me

    I'm not usually a fan of posting another blog so soon after the last one, but I gotta make an exception here because...

    ...it's my birthday. Dope, huh?

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    5 comments · 94 views
  • 6 weeks
    The Time Has Come...

    ...for me to do sumn I probably should've done a while ago.

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    1 comments · 63 views
  • 7 weeks
    This deluxe album got me feelin some WAYS man

    So on Thursday, CB dropped the deluxe version of his album 11:11, and obviously I was hyped because I been waiting on it for a while.

    I went and listened through the 13 new songs, and although a lot of em kinda sounded the same and didn't really grab my attention, two tracks in particular were nothing short of fucking amazing.

    Bruce Lee...

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  • 11 weeks
    new fic + where i'm at

    So I'm up here in Pennsylvania for the week, and currently writing this from a house somewhere in the sticks of Ford City. Fun, right?

    I'm mainly here to see family and things, so I don't spend too much time worrying about being bored. It's honestly pretty great out here, aside from the cold that I can never seem to get used to. The nature's great though.

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  • 13 weeks
    mind state? idk.

    So many things I wanna write that I just can't seem to get out.

    I've had a bunch of ideas lately, but they're just that. Ideas. Because the moment I try to start writing I immediately realize I have no clue what I'm doing and forget about it. That happens pretty often.

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mind state? idk. · 9:00pm March 8th

So many things I wanna write that I just can't seem to get out.

I've had a bunch of ideas lately, but they're just that. Ideas. Because the moment I try to start writing I immediately realize I have no clue what I'm doing and forget about it. That happens pretty often.

It kinda sucks that my newer stuff hasn't been getting great feedback, but I can't say I don't know why. To be honest, they're just not good. I can admit that. My writing's sucked ass lately. It could just be because I recently got back into spending time on this site and wanted to put stuff out, even if it meant rushing. Not a good thing to do, by the way. The ratings show it.

Obviously, I'm still writing. But I'm not just gonna be putting stuff out anymore. The next time I release something, I want it to be because I put actual effort into it and it's something worth reading. Even if it's short, I want to write things that will do more than just waste a few minutes of someone's day. I realize I had a bad habit of doing that before.

Maybe I'm just yapping with all this and it won't matter in the future. As of right now, I have no clue what I'm gonna do next. I'm still brainstorming ideas for a fic, hoping I touch on something good enough to put into words and actually finish. I don't know if I'll actually get there. But all this is pretty much just me saying I wanna write better. To the few people who actually remember who I am, that is.

If you read all this, you're probably a real one. Thanks for that. If you didn't, oh well. Not like I expected you to.

Hope to put out something dope soon.

Peace n love,

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