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Crack-Fic Casey

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Plots They Could Have Used for a Megamind Show · 9:27pm March 26th

1) Megamind is defending Metrocity, but he's not an official hero until he gets his hero insurance! While a representative from Justice Inc comes by to make sure that Megamind fits the proper hero mold, he, Minion, and Roxie have to collect the stuff he sold at his evil Yard Sale before anyone is hurt.
While ultimately unsuccessful, Megamind can use his brain-bots and inventions to repair any damage caused more effectively than Justice Inc and continues to defend Metrocity. The CEO of Justice Inc (Iron Man expy, see if we can also somehow reference Kevin Fiege) notes that this could put a dent in their bottom line and make superheroes look bad.

2) Megamind still has the super-serum that created Titan! It can't be replicated, but it's so powerful and volatile that it can't be safely moved or destroyed without risking the city. Roxie suggests giving the power to someone else, but now that Megamind has perspective he's worried about it driving someone crazy. (maybe it's more unstable now that it was inside someone? So it might blow up whomever they give it to.) Metroman just burnt out from being a hero 24/7, what if the next guy turns out like Hal?
A new villian is trying to steal it, and Minion and Roxie are tasked with taking it to Metro Man while Megs fights off the new guy. Minion and Metro Man bond over how defined they are by their roles, and if it's truly what they want. There's a joke about Metro Man being legally named Metro Man, and then point out how sad that is. Then draw a line between that and Minion being named Minion.
Minion defies Megamind's orders and saves him from the villian, declaring that he wants to be called Chum from now on. He and Metro Man starting meeting for lunch.
(...Ship tease Metro Man and Chum?)

3) Megamind is getting overwhelmed by an onslaught of c and d list villians. Turns out the Sinister Syndicate is using him as a starter hero to get supervillians ready for actual acts of villiany. Outraged, he storms down there to get his status changed while Chum and Roxie defend the city.
Megamind was never a part of the Sinister Syndicate, and outright drove away anyone who tried to get him to join. Now he's trapped in a maze of bureaucracy, his one weakness. Meanwhile Roxie and Chum, who had made jokes at the expense of Megamind's common sense, are having trouble using his gadgets effectively in actual fights. Forshadow Roxanne getting Titan's powers at the end of the season, but also make it clear that Megamind only makes it look easy.
Clarify a little about how I'm ripping off Venture Bros. Supervillians put on a show and make death traps because, if they just start killing people, then the super heroes will also start killing people. So they get together and self-police. They have a system in place to keep things from getting to far out of hand.
Megamind is cleared to fight real villains. Introduce his nemesis; the common-sense CEO of the Sinister Syndicate. He's the oppisate of Megamind. Evil is a business, it's all about the money, and there's no reason to enjoy what one does.

4) Roxanne is kidnapped for the first time since she started dating Megamind! The villainous Racer (who keeps changing his name to different racing puns) is tearing up and down the streets of Metrocity, looking for a challenge. Roxanne refuses to be rescued, using her posistion to keep Megs informed and getting a lot of material for her story. Megamind is upset that she didn't want to spend this much time with him when he was kidnapping her. How will this effect their relationship?
Megamind talks to Metro Man about Roxanne. Metro Man mentions that fighting Megamind was the closest thing he got to actually talking to people, since everyone put him on a pedastal, and how it stung when his nemesis relationship with Megs also turned into something rote.

5) Megamind and Metro Man get a distress signal from the area of space where their home planets were destroyed. They take a space ship to investigate, only to find an evil collector who puts them up for auction as the last surviving members of their species. Megs and Metro Man reminice about what they remember from their homes and team up to wreck the place.

6) Justice Inc tries to set up their own hero in Metrocity, and Megamind has one week to win the hearts of the people before a vote over weather or not to keep him as City Savior. Roxanne is torn between shilling for her boyfriend or printing an unbiased account of his adventures.
Megamind's repeated failures and desperation to be liked give a bad impression, but the city is swayed when it's pointed out that he's defending them because he wants to, not because its a job. Which means he'll do it for free and the city doesn't have to pay Justice Inc a fortune. Megamind is offically on Not!Stark's hit list.

7) Roxanne has to deal with an obnoxious co-worker; a super hero reviewer that rates the effectiveness and style of Megamind in each of his fights. Her accusation of bias are met with his own accusation that's she's very pro-Megamind, despite her decision to be totally truthful in the last episode (which put strain on their relationship.)
Meanwhile, Megamind has to deal with an enemy that seems to know all of his tactics! They discover a bug that the villian was using to spy on them, which was secretly placed on Roxie by her Co-worker.

8) A giant monster arises from the deep to destroy America! Megamind has to team up with Justice Inc's top hero team, including Not!Stark and the new guy that was sent to replace Megs a few episodes ago.
Megs and new guy bond, and some of the team members warm up to him as he adjusts to not being the one in charge. The team is divided on whether or not they like him, but they're also split on Not!Stark.

Report Crack-Fic Casey · 84 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

That’d be a really solid season of TV.

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