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Dice Warwick

Dislexic tring to wright storys, makes gammer natzie eyes bleed.

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Chapter 15 is up, and with it, more about the Desperados! · 2:15pm April 5th

Bot the chapter and the blog will give you more lore!!!!!

As you know, if you have been following the story, the Desperados started out as a light armored mobile division of the Equestria military, pre-Ministries. One primarly tasked with the protection of Princess Majesty as she was on tour to keep the moral up. But after they returned home, many couldn't just return to normal society, suffering from what would be later known as wartime stress disorder, among other things. The biker clubs were a way for them to remain sane as they sought each other for support.

When the Ministries took over, this would change, mainly due to interference from both Pinkie Pie and Rarity, who wouldn't understand what the veterans were going through and would likely push their own ideals onto them. When groups like the Desperados pushed back, the ministries themselves would shun them, more focused on order and victory to let any decent slide, and further pushing the biker clubs to the fringes of civilization. A viscous cycle you can say, and both sides would butt heads, making a bad situation worse.

Paranoid in and no longer trusting their government, groups pushed out by the ministries (Like the Desperados) would take on a more prepper mindset and prepare for the inevitable. Though worse than they imagined, they would survive the apocalypse.

In the Wasteland, they would flourish, compared to other groups. Radiation storms, mutants, and other nasties would still limit the Desperados, and much of their territory would be just large empty land that nopony could develop. So, even though they were doing well, the Desperados still struggled to survive in the wasteland, but unlike other groups, they did have room to grow.

They weren't without their rivals, as the new chapter points out, such as the Steel Rangers being like little brothers they don't get along with anymore, or the Road crew from Fallout: Equestria - Long Haul who control the raods in the north west. Though only mentioned in passing, the Desperados didn't get along with Redeye either, blocking him from using Route 50 to conduct his slave trade, though there was likely heavy influence from other factions, and refugees, to convince the Desperados from ever helping Redeye.

But in the last couple of years has the Desperados been given more room to grow, as the Gardens of Equesria cleared up much of the radiation, but that's the same for all over Equestria, so many of those under the Desperados hoof have left to the south to start new lives. Many would go to the NCR, entranced by the stories of heroes, and a promise to return to the old ways of Equestria. Others simply want to cultivate the newly opened territories, not wanting to pay tribute to the Desperados. But were some ponies see leaving the Desperados territory as an opportunity, others have seen the open and stable land as an even greater opportunity. And in the last few years, ponies from outside Equestria have been migrating into the Desperado territory, seeking the vast land they have to offer, and seeing this tribute as nothing more than a minor "Tax" Those ponies being Kelpies and Bicorns having not yet given the Desperados a sense of concern they probably should be feeling.

Comments ( 1 )
Btf16 #1 · April 6th · · ·

Yaa lore and stuff.

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