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Ascend Deleted Scene #7 · 8:35am Dec 27th, 2012

It's time for another deleted scene, courtesy of chapter twelve and its exposition, and this time it was fully deleted.

“And even though Princess Celestia threatens to banish us to the moon every time she hears us say it. This is NPR: Neightional Pony Radio.”

“You're listening to Everfree Radio, WMNT 90.9 in Manehatten, KCOLT 91.5 in Ponyville, and WCGNU 91.7 in Canterlot. Coming up next: a breaking news report from NPR News. It's three o'clock.”

“From NPR News in Canterlot, I'm Javelin Spear, and this is a Breaking News Alert. While testifying before Parliament earlier today, Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia's student and an Element of Harmony, was revealed to be an alicorn after an anti-changeling spell demonstration caused the changeling magic she was using to disguise herself to fail. NPR's Front Page has more from the Capitol Building.”

“Twilight Sparkle seemed nervous and skittish when she was questioned by Parliament's Oversight and Reform Committee regarding the recent Changeling Invasion. The cause for that nervousness was uncovered when Corn Subsidy, Chairpony of the Committee, had I.V. Drip, Director-General of the Health Institute of Equestria, perform a new anti-changeling spell on Miss Sparkle. Shortly after the spell was cast, a purple fire, similar to the kind used by changelings, erupted around Miss Sparkle and revealed her to be an alicorn. It is unclear at this time whether Miss Sparkle was working with or for the changelings in exchange for being made an alicorn.
“In the pandemonium that immediately followed, Miss Sparkle was escorted under heavy guard out of the Capitol Building to Canterlot Castle, where she will reportedly be summoned before a joint session of the Day and Night Courts. It will be the first joint session of the Courts since Princess Celestia's Noon Ultimatum a thousand years ago, an event which directly led to the Equestrian Civil War. From the Capitol Building, Front Page, NPR News.”

“Twilight Sparkle's ascension will cause major legal headaches for the country. NPR Legal Anylist

“Due to the possibility of Twilight Sparkle working with the changelings, the National Defense Council announced an increase of the military's Alert Readiness Level from four to two and ordered the full mobilization of the Royal Guard and Air Corps.
“General Ludicrous Gibs, head of the Air Corps, was quoted while he was leaving the NDC meeting as saying 'We don't want those damn changelings to get the drop on us again'. Captain Shining Armor, head of the Royal Guard and sister to Twilight Sparkle, had no comment.
“Two battalions have been reportedly deployed along Equestria's southern border in the unlikely event of another full scale changeling invasion. The NDC also reportedly ordered Ponyville secured to ensure no attempts are made to eliminate the Elements of Harmony. I'm Javelin Spear and this is NPR News.
“Already reeling from the continuing destabilization of the Griffo-Minotaurian Empire following Archduke Fur Danin's assassination, Miss Sparkle's alicorn revelation caused a panic in Wall Street with the Doe shedding an additional 475 points to close down 594 points to 2,857—the single largest one day drop in the stock index's history. The NEIGHSDAQ closed down 397 points to 1,203.

Chapter Twelve underwent several ideas. The first is what you see above, a news report from NPR. That was going to be it, until I realized that would make for a pitiful word count. Then the idea (which I never wrote) was to intersperse that report with scenes of what was going on (ie a scene from the stock exchange, the guard deploying, etc.). Finally, I decided to make the chapter into several news articles, which would have the benefit of increased word count and be something I had never tried before. Becuase most of the information above was dispersed into the AP and PPC reports, it was unnecessary to repeat, so I went with trying to set up the sequel with NPR instead.

Report xTSGx · 3,497 views ·
Comments ( 13 )


please no

Is "General Ludicrous Gibs" a reference to General Ripper from Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb? Or at least another TvTropes shoutout?

Yes! What goods a pun if it doesn't induce a groan?

Gibs was supposed to be a General Ripper and is indeed a reference to Tv Tropes.

Archduke Fur Danin.
I see what you did there.

I like the Car Talk influence.

"we did reach shining armor, but we were unable to receive a comment, all he gave us was a look of bemusement, followed by a groan/sigh and a dead-pan, he ended up giving us no comment and practically slamming the door into our faces. strangely enough though; empress mi amore cadenza looked a little too giddy about the situation when she heard the news" i would have loved to have seen something like that.:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

i thought that pun was AWESOME!:rainbowderp:

care to explain what that was a reference to? im not very good at catching these kinds of things, but they're usually pretty funny!:twilightsheepish:

Since he's in the navy, I thought it was a reference to Leroy (Jethro) Gibbs from NCIS

I'm assuming earthrise is referrecing the fact that "Fur Danin" is a play on "Ferdinand" AKA "the guy that started WW1 when he was assassinated".

Originally, Gibs wasn't in the REN, he was the head of the Air Corps. That was before I decided to use the Wonderbolts as Equestria's Air Force in order to limit the number of OC's though.



Some rather unfortunate implications for the state of the Pony world right there- assuming the author isn't trolling people who know their history.

Edit:654304 Beaten to it by the author, LOL.

Almost as bad as NPR, which I take to mean 'National Pony Radio' in this context...

Where's the PSX? Or would it have remained the Torot(r)o(t) Stock Exchange

653502 Seconded. Should have left that in!

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