• Member Since 6th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 9th, 2013


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Ok, NOW I'm going to be banned. · 6:18am Jan 9th, 2013

Told D to shut his whore mouth after he called ME of all people a kid.
It was worth it and he deserves it.

Nice knowing y'all!

EDIT: Changed my username as one last fuck you to the site.


Oh, little child, you don't get out of it that easy. You think I'll let you go away proud of being an idiot? Nope. I feel bad because, honestly Dubs Rewatcher is right and this is pretty useless, but... let me point you in the right direction, so that one day, in the future, when you have to deal with real life and not live off of mommy and daddy, you have a chance. Maybe then you'll look back and think: Gee, Wanderer D was right, being a moronic troll was not the way to be! I am so glad he enlightened me to the truth!
So, here it goes.
Kid, life is not easy, and the internet only protects you so far. You need guidance to not act like a child at your age, (if indeed you're 24 and not half that age). Just like we don't lose anything by you going away, so people here haven't lost the stories in question in this blog.
And that's the thing. Coming here and treating others in a condescending way and trying (and I do mean trying, because you really are not successful at all when it comes to it) to rub it in, doesn't really help at all to make ANY point at all. Really. I dare you to try that with your first job application. It'll be a blast.
Now, insulting others when feeling insulted is a natural reaction, and understandable. So much so, that I didn't really jump in with a ban to anyone involved and invited you to stop. But you couldn't, even after you said you would. And further more, you did it by insulting another person with a remark that well... you don't have half the presence to pull off. I mean, you resort to the "tell it to me in real life"... that's... well, stupid.
And then, you go and don't even apologize for your attitude. Bravo. You proved that not only you don't have half a brain when you need it, you proved that you react like toddlers do: irrationally.
So, here's the consequences of your actions. I destroy your poor attempts at being smug... and you don't get to return.
Good luck. From what I've seen, you'll need it.

Report suckmyponycock69 · 1,204 views ·
Comments ( 33 )

HA. I officially am in love with someone.
It's not you, but I felt like letting you know.
Either way, that's funny. You're a role model for the ages. Nice knowing you dumbass :P

692787 See you, sperglord. Won't miss your shitty story any.
692778 As for YOU, post your story on Fanfiction! I beg of you! That's where I'm going next and I don't want to miss your story!

Love you too, fellow majority member!

Man, you gotta get a lid on those temper issues first...

692793 k
692794 I'm always mad though! Easier said than done, comrade!

"And when you go... would you have the guts to say... I don't love you, Like I loved you yesterday...."

Pull a Bruce Banner then and control your anger!

692798 Regidar FINALLY comments on something of mine?!
When I'm about to get banned, too. Oh well, it's close enough!
692799 The only Bruce I know is Bruce Wayne. Can I pull a Bruce Wayne instead and beat people up while screaming 'WHERE'S THE TRIGGAH?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?'

692794 "It's like he's got a problem with con-cen-tray-shun."

692802 Why do you want me? I'm a liar and a thief...

HAAAA. This KID be banned as hell.

Bye! :twilightsmile:

It does have to be said, for a supposed 24 year old you are astoundingly immature.

You have this huge ego and think everyone really cares about your opinion (we don't, seriously, your no better than any random user here. You have no stories, no fanbase and you don't even argue in an intelligent style, so I have no idea where this Unwarranted Self Importance came from), you are needlessly and stupid confrontational, writing in a way that is more likely to get people to disregard your point rather than list to it (also nice user name), and you seem to think trash talking a mod was a clever idea.

From your comments it appears you frequently act/speak/type before thinking through your actions, and you somehow believe you can intimidate or impress people with your tough kid act.

You were also stupid enough to troll RIGHT IN FRONT OF A MODERATOR and continued doing so when asked to stop. Well no shit you got banned genius. :facehoof:

Were you home schooled? Because if your really 24 years old and you actually interacted with people at school you should probably have learnt this isn't the best or more productive way of talking to people. I'm also surprised anyone in their 20s could continue such behavior. Are you able to hold down or even find a job?

I actually hope you are lying about your age, because the alternative is that you are far behind on your emotional and mental development, but if you are 12 years old, then you still have time to learn how to behave before you enter the world of grown ups. You might be able to scream, yell and threaten your peers into submission, but in a few years those tactics will bring you nothing but misery. The adult world has little tolerance for that bullshit.

Also I notice you have a strong hatred of Autistics, but like I said you are WAY behind on your emotional development, you have trouble understanding how people would react to words or actions, you can't seem to read or understand people, you think you can intimidate people on the internet.

What are these symptoms of?

If you are really 24 years old and not at the very least on the autistic spectrum I will be dam surprised.

Bitch, you fucking earned it.

The SECOND I saw the word "Ban" in a reply to me from D, I shut my fucking mouth.

I was reading your comments on the blog.
I lost IQ points.

...Well that escalated quickly.

692828 Jumping on the bandwagon never got anyone anywhere.
692841 I'll get a friend of mine to PM you the gDocs versions.
693161 I'm not a cripple. Shut your mouth.
695462 Damn straight I did!
699719 Ikr?

700553 You turned into an immature, whiny little bitch in a matter of one blog post. There's a difference between bandwagoning and just letting what little love and tolerance I have get pushed through. People have actually begun getting more intelligent lately, I've noticed. This trend seems to be quite bandwagon. Perhaps you should attempt it for once, because you're obviously far behind.

"Told D to shut his whore mouth"
You are so, sooooo good at everything ever. That was the smartest play ever.

701292 Love and tolerance? Ponychan's that way, nigger.
708878 One of my smarter ones.
722645 Anything you'd like to add, or do you want to spam that worthless cunt?

764929 Talk as much as you have to so that you can feel better, little boy.

769281 Try saying that to my face, tough guy.

770189 Sure would love to. You'd be scared shitless, that face will be priceless. Either way, arguing over the internet is pointless so I refuse to do it any longer, especially with someone who's far from worth the extra wear on my keyboard. Prove you have even a little common sense and stop replying, you were the one who felt the need to come back to your old blog to keep arguing. I'm done here, any further argument is invalid.

771041 The last time I felt fear was when I was in a fight back in grade school. Since then, I haven't felt it since.
So, care to supply your address, tough guy?

771140 Jesus, it's like talking to a brick wall. It's obvious that you have no sense whatsoever, so I'll gladly PM you.
Edit: You aren't far out of grade school anyway, not impressive.

771176 Wow.

He actually did it.

Well, this makes things easier.

771433 In the words of WanderingHero:

you think you can intimidate people on the internet.

Just a little gift to prove you wrong.

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