• Member Since 5th Jun, 2012
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Words have the power to both destroy and heal. When words are both true and kind, they can change our world. -The Buddha

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IWPFT: Chapter Three ~ Progress #2 · 3:03am Jan 13th, 2013

Alt Title: In Which The Author Reveals That His Soul Has Been Sold To A Japanese Flash Game.

This game was forged in hell's own flames. God has no presence here, agony is the only law. In this place of fire and brimstone, where a deceptively chipper soundtrack hides the distant chorus of terrified screams, I dance upon the edge of oblivion. Here, I am the last champion of sanity who can resist this realm of ultimate discord. Here, I make my stand.

"Bring it on, Christopher Robin."

Yeah, sorry about that. I've been trying to beat this game for almost a week now, I've got all the way to the final stage and it is ridiculously difficult. I highly recommend playing it though, it's actually pretty fun (not to mention, the first real meme of 2013. Play it for the Internet!). But enough about that, you're here for one thing and one thing only: Tacos.

Uhh I mean, 'IWPFT'! All joking aside, I wanted to say sorry about the long wait for Chapter Three. I won't make any excuses, it's been a dangerous combination of busyness and laziness that have kept me from finishing the chapter. The new update still isn't done yet, but it will be soon. I would like to say it'll only be a few days, but I'd rather not make promises I can't be sure I'll keep.

Well, that's about it, really. Just reassuring everyone that I do indeed still have IWPFT at the forefront of my mind. I know the feeling of inactive authors all too well, and I really don't want to become that person. I really can't wait for Chapter Three to be done, I think it'll be another big milestone for the fic (at least in my eyes), I'm sure you'll all really like it too.

Until then, see you later! Family willing, I'll be up late tonight and tomorrow making some serious progress, not the least of which for fear of what Chris will do to me if I lay down to rest.

Celestia save me from this demon in human flesh. Luna wake me from this nightmare!

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Comments ( 14 )

Now now, say it with me: EL-dritch... a-BOM-i-NA-tion.

It's alright I understand! Sometimes things happen and sometimes we just feel lazy. :twilightsmile:


"We do not speak his true name. They say its simple utterance can be cause for insanity."

One time, I had a fever, so I put on Winnie the Pooh's Grand Adventure and fell asleep. Of course, the VCR I was using rewound the tape and played it again every time it finished. Add to that some cheap medication and a half-glass of gin, and I'm now afraid of Heffalumps.

705878 I merely stated its category, although even Yog-Sathoth would go mad were it to state the Christopher's true name, or behold its true form.

The promise of tacos doth intrigue us. To the Taco Bell, forthwith! I desire a stomach-rending substitute for real taco, for it is late and there is a dearth of roach-coaches in mine area! Huzzah!


You should see me do my fake Shakespeare sometime. My friend, a lesbian thespian and Shakespearean scholar, finds it quite amusing. However, it lacks some of the wit and charm when presented in written form. It is best when done off the cuff, with no planning or foresight.

Which is exactly how I live my life! :rainbowdetermined2:

I should contact you when I write a Luna scene, then.


I imagine Luna would be a great Shakespearean actress. She can really project, don'tcha know.

Can't turn off the lights, Uboa will get me. xD
Heh, I need to play Yume Nikki some time and then make a crossover. :pinkiecrazy:

Also, that introduction is badass.

I love Yume Nikki!
I think I have somewhere around eight of nine effects at this point. My favorite time playing was one time while a friend was over and he watched me as I got super far. We were both huddled around the screen as I went through a bunch of different worlds I hadn't yet seen, successfully navigated the Blood Maze twice, and got three or four effects on the way. It was freaking awesome!

A Yume Nikki x MLP crossover would be so cool. I can only imagine...

I love that meme. It made me laugh more then all the memes of the last four months of 2012.

As for the game itself. I beat Eeyore before the call of the ponies sucked me back in. If there's a true Eldrich Abomination, it's the Unholy Trinity of Fimfiction, Know Your Meme's Pony Image Gallery, and TV Tropes.

All of those feels, you know I know them.
I can't get shit done between them! First, I log onto KYM and spend an hour looking at/commenting on images, then I check Fimfiction, then get sucked into TV Trope's ravenous depths. Once that's all done, I've used up about two-three hours.

Then, since it's been a while, I go back to KYM to see what new stuff has been uploaded, and the cycle just doesn't stop!


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