• Member Since 20th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen January 22nd

Spec Ops Pupper

More Blog Posts318

  • 542 weeks
    Iron Night

    I don't know how many of you know about my OC, but i have two standing head-canons about him. Thanks to the lovely Dovne, (his tumblr is http://dovne.tumblr.com/ , warning, it is NSFW sometimes.), I am able to show as well as tell.

    First off is the "Soldier" head-canon.

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    3 comments · 677 views
  • 545 weeks
    The Dream

    It has always been my dream, as a fanfiction writer, to write a story or collection of stories with a lore so deep and intriguing that it inspires other writers to write fanfiction of my fanfiction.
    A world so deep and immense that people create head cannons about the OC's and the cannon characters.
    An idea so epic it would influence people's lives.
    Just a little thing i have always wanted.

    4 comments · 479 views
  • 546 weeks
    I'm not dead...

    ... Not yet at least.
    I would like to apologize for my, like, year long hiatus. Its been a tough time with my life shifting from one place to another.
    With this blog post I hope to rekindle my writing spirit so i can either continue my stories or begin to write a new one.
    Honestly it all depends on what sparks my brain at the time.

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    11 comments · 489 views
  • 581 weeks
    Im drawing.

    Im drawing things.
    Want to watch me fumble around?
    click the link
    Fumbling Around

    0 comments · 451 views
  • 582 weeks
    World of Tanks?

    As you may know i am struggling with a massive writers block.
    You might not know that i have recently fallen in love with World of Tanks.
    I sense a one off about six mares in a tank...
    hopefully it will get me over my writers block

    11 comments · 481 views

Back to School · 12:45am Jan 28th, 2013

Well im back at school.
hopefully i can start writing
*hopeful face*

Report Spec Ops Pupper · 487 views ·
Comments ( 118 )

I know what you mean. I just got out of my training classes and am in on the job training, but I can come home at least :P I'm trying to write more

759519 i just need a structured day to focus.
weekends not so much

759528 Same here. Having a schedule helps so much than having nothing but free time

759537 i know
im awake before noon
my brain is working.
its all fun fun fun

759579 I wake up at 5, get to my friends place to pick her up at 6 to get to work and start at 7 for OJT, get off at 3, and sit on my lazy ass til around 12

759579 You know, you should've put in the blog before everything else, say "to prove to my father I am not a fool" >.>

759644 NO!!

759657 You no like Billy Madison?

Well I joined a boxing gym recently and hurt both my hands doing it I need to hit softer.

759662 sorry
im an uncultured swine
i dont know who that is

759755 lol
hit it nice and soft
you know what i mean

759867 It's an Adam Sandler movie. Like, one of his first ones

759883 im not a big fan of him

759921 remember
soft and smooth is best

759954 Lol, well this was back when he was hilarious :P

759960 i have never found him hilarious tho

759963 Lol. Well, everyone's entitled to their opinion

759977 So work is awesome. benefits be amazin

759987 i still need to grab a job.
im going to ask around, and try to get one so i can hang with the cool kids

759999 Yeah, join us, in the group of "people that get money"

760004 omg
my sempai is in that group

760043 Lol. Thankfully, my job comes with benefits of having health, life, dental, and eye insurance for real cheap >.>

760058 But, well, it kinda should, seeing as my life is in danger every day

I go back to school in a week too, so yeah, awesome

760341 i might forget
remind him for me
also, you guys never gave me a time

760416TRUE THAT!
but anyways study well, study hard
and if you fail? I'll call your mom
I CAN get her number you know? internet phonebooks and all that shit
and sure Ill tell rob
this is Andrea
AND THIS IS THE BUTT CACTUS we found on a trip to some caves

760108 Yeah. Oh well, at least I don't have to keep myself from cursing at work unless a LT, major, or warden is around :P

760480 you and her...
*wiggles eyebrows*
you know what i mean

760481 lol
get some street cred bro

760534 I'll have plenty by the end of the week, probably >.>

760534no thank
I dont wanna end upwith a baby and no job seeing as im banned from working at wal-mart
asshole costumers equals bad for small temper
that's all Im sayin
also she's like 4 years older than me, and her job is RWEALLY stressfull so yeah, not needing nymore here thank you

760579 you get dat respect my brotha

760896 so why is she important again?

761653she's a very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very, nice person whom I care about. A LOT
you get me?

762379kinda? I dont know
its wierd we go out sometimes but nothing serious

762451 well
if you like her then you should try and make it more serous, unless you want to see her go out with another bro
or you could stay the way you are now, and eventually get there.
dont listen to my advice, it is stupid.

762692good god now you done gone and made me paranoid:facehoof:
thanks a lot:ajbemused:

762706 its what i do best
but idk what to do to be honest.
i shouldnt have said anything really

762709and yet you did
its okay im just messing with you now
but yeah I like her, she kind of likes me
I mean, when a girl just randomly ask you to carry her on your back for almost an hour its mixed signal as hell
she did, piggyback ride around the school...which in turn terrified her because she's tiny compared to me, height-wise anyways

762716 rofl
you rode her?
lucky dog

762721....I should not have said that, huh?
fuuuuck, anyways, yeah if that's what you want
I did
how tall are you mon? cuz I lft my arm a bit and I can reach the roof of my house
im like 6 feet 2 and some such tall, I think
I dont know how meters convert to feet but I think its about right

762743so you're slightly smaller than me, and yet you are at LEAST 4 years older than me....YAY ME!

762756Im not mean
Im assertive....sort of

762763 rofl.
i may be short, but i will still kill you son

mnay layer of mexican ingenuity that YOU dont know about
you americans fix stuff with ductape
we fix it with BLOOD.....okay not really we use insulation tape, BUT ITS EVEN BETTER IN THE END!

761653 Gots it already. Inmates don't be fuckin wit me

762817 rofl
im scared of you
and i dont even know you

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