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I hav Autismᴴᴰ ヽ༼°ل͜°༽ノ

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Response to a recent PM · 2:47am Feb 4th, 2013

A PM I received recently:

Hey, you seem to know your way around computers. You mentioned that you were self-educated, so do you mind giving me a few tips on how to do the same, (methods, etc.)?

A warning before you read this: I have not planned this, and it randomly gets off-topic. Take what you can get from it.

I think some of you already know that my computer knowledge is mostly self-learned. I rarely use things like tutorials. I prefer to learn by copying and experimenting. For example, I learned basic swimming by watching my dad, copying what he did, and then experimenting with the technique to suit me better. Here, I will tell you a story.

As far back as I can remember, I have always had an interest in computers. I mean that literally. One of my earliest memories is of a Wandows 98 computer. I asked if I could use it, and after bothering my dad and sister* about it, the answer was yes. Unfortunately, when I sat in that chair and looked at the screen, I had no idea how to do anything on it, and no one told me what to do when I asked. I think that happened because they thought I was too young to understand it and just wanted me to stop bothering them.

*I barely remember her, and I do not know what her name is/was. I do not even know if she was my biological sister.

For most of my life, I have been living with my grandma. It should be no surprise to any of you that she did not have any personal computers. Just a CRT television and a telephone with an answering machine older than I am. I got my first computer during one of the later grades of elementary school. It was an old Toshiba laptop thing. The hard drive had a 30 gigabyte capacity, and the RAM chips had a total of 256 megabytes. The operating system was an old version of Debian, which is one of many available Linux distributions. It had no internet connectivity, so I messed around with the system on it. A few years later, I got a new Toshiba laptop computer. This one is capable of a wireless connection, so I used a nearby open spot until my grandma bought us a personal internet connection. It had Wandows Vista on it for quite a while, but I eventually replaced it with Ubuntu (a popular Linux distribution) after getting tired of the slow speed and the unacceptable amount of bugs. Before I did that, one of the things I frequently did was play Half-Life 2: Deathmatch. That is where I started programming. For a while before then, I had wanted to know how people made those mysterious executable files that make the computer do stuff. I tried opening one in a text editor, but all I got was a screen full of meaningless symbols. Eventually, while playing HL2DM, I heard of a popular server addon (SourceMod) that lets you make plugins to do various things. It uses a programming language named SourcePawn, which is based on C. SourcePawn is the first programming language I ever used. I downloaded SourceMod, then I looked at the code for the default plugins. I copied them and experimented with them to see what did what. Within a few weeks, I knew basic programming.

Yes, that is what I did. That is the secret to learning programming without actually having someone teach you. Perhaps something different works better for you, but that is what did it for me. You want tips on how to self-teach computer skills? Just do it <insert Nike symbol here>. Here is what has led to my knowledge of computers and programming:
- Interest from a young age
- Frequent use after acquiring one
- Copying and experimenting with things that other people have made

Some tips from me:
- If you are using Wandows, do not delete System32
- If you are not using Wandows and you do not want to use Wandows again, delete System32 to save space
- If you are serious about programming, get a Linux distribution. Along with the other benefits, they are much better for programming on than Wandows is.
- Do not reinvent the wheel, but do try to make it rounder. That means do not recreate code that other people have already made, but improve it if you can.
- Use a computer a lot

So, what does this mean for you? I do not know. Everyone learns differently. For me, experimenting with the system and imitating other people has worked quite well. I would not know as much as I do about how to use a computer (in general, not programming) if I did not spend so much time using one. Back to the question:

You mentioned that you were self-educated, so do you mind giving me a few tips on how to do the same, (methods, etc.)?

Figure out what works for you, then do it. Every person is different. Perhaps nothing will work for you when it comes to computers. Something that people who know me IRL have noticed about me is that I am not very good at creative things, but I excel at things like math and science. I do not know of many people who are good at those things and good at creative things at the same time. You should know what this implies. That does not mean you should give up before you start if you are already good at creative things. Try it first.

I have one final tip (and warning) before I get bored of typing this. A COMPUTER DOES EXACTLY WHAT YOU TELL IT TO DO. If it is not working properly, it is a human error. If your code is not working as expected, you are doing it wrong, not the computer. It could also be an error caused by the people who made the compiler or the people who made a library you are using, but those are less likely.

Oh, and an explanation for why I frequently bug people about their spelling and grammar errors. Such errors can be much worse when you are programming than they are when you are making a story/blog post/comment/etc, so I have a habit of noticing them. You might know the difference between "your" and "you're", but a computer does not have that intelligence. If you type the wrong thing, it will not correct you. It will do exactly what you tell it to do.

Well, I hope this post has helped you with something, although I am not sure if I actually managed to answer the question that was asked of me.

Report iloveportalz0r · 766 views ·
Comments ( 56 )
Comment posted by SatOnACat deleted Feb 4th, 2013

I never thought I could feel so many feels reading about a computer.


nu ah, i keep telling my intel graphics to actually play games, but they still will not start. I have tried pathos and logos with it, now I think i am going to go buy a gun and try ethos. does anybody know if intel HD graphics is susceptible to threats of violence?

Self taught is the only way to be taught in America. we have shit school systems.

Since you said that computers do not understand English, I converted "HAVE SEX WITH ME" to binary, memorized it, and shouted it at my computer. It still did not oblige. I don't think it's turned on. What is your insight?

Meh, seems to stay on topic to me, as well as make a lot of sense.

I just take Computer logic at school. What's system 32? Can I masturbate to it?

791624 plug it in and see if it get's turned on. if not it's dead to you

Sometimes you surprise me with these posts. One moment there is a silly video / picture / whatever, and then there is a story.

Continue. :moustache:

Ah, good old computer programming and whatnot... You're not kidding about having to make it specific. I've made a couple things that had an error with a simple missing letter. And I feel you on the self teaching thing. Everything I know, I basically taught myself.

It's pretty impressive that you learned all that yourself without even using tutorials or anything. It probably makes you much better at programming than most, because you aren't limited to doing things other people showed you how to do.

Windows implies that it wins.
It does not, it fails.
Therefore, smart people call it Wandows.

Who's awesome? You're awesome:yay:

Need I remind you why I follow you?

>Computers aren't magic.


791623 I found this extremely humorous. Carry on.

- Do not reinvent the wheel, but do try to make it rounder. That means do not recreate code that other people have already made, but improve it if you can.

I mostly agree with this statement, but have an objection: libraries and frameworks.
This week, I had to use a k-means algorithm. There's probably some c++ library for this, but I tend to just program it out myself (read: copypaste form older program and adapt). Saves the effort of converting all the data to how the library expects it, and is probably faster and more memory-efficient anyway.

Also, learn from mistakes. I accidentally rm -rf *'d in the wrong terminal once, good thing I have backups.

Two more tips:
1) do not symlink 32-bit library locations to 64-bit libraries or vice versa
2) do not symlink the wrong way around, and end up with ldlinux.so pointing to a file that doesn't exist.

793211 >I accidentally rm -rf *'d in the wrong terminal once
I do not know that feel, and I hopefully never will :twilightoops:

Thanks, that was quite insightful

793242 Are you being sarcastic?

I approve of this blog post.
It is definitely helpful to self-learners.

Thanks for answering me, but i'm still a bit afraid of fucking up my computer or one of its programs :/

Maybe when I get a laptop...

794379 ._.

794458 No, it is Wandows failing

794742 :twilightoops:

795530 Ahh, fuck it.

What program do you suggest I start with?

795571 This one:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
cout << "Hello, world!\n";
return 0;

Confused? Click here :moustache:

Self Learn-ed

explain the fun of self-taught programming

I hav Autismᴴᴰ ヽ༼°ل͜°༽ノ

As an Autistic, I am jealous of your Autism being in 720p.

720p (aka HD) is a progressive HDTV signal format with 720 horizontal lines and an aspect ratio (AR) of 16:9 (1.78:1).

Get rekt m8

3161280 That was HD leik a brazillion years ago when everyone had puny screens. The government's shitty software is just lagging on the definition update :moustache:

3161308 Akshuly the hooman i can't tel the differns betwn 720pee n 1080pee


3161314 omgzus 24 fps is so sinematic u guize!

3161367 Ermagerd u hav 24 fps?!

I alwys thot 10 was fst as sanik

3161378 >not even 12
even skootaloo iz faster fliær dan u

Y u so meen 2 scoots
U maek her crai

BTW this entire time I thought I was commenting on your userpage. I am such a dumb person.

3161541 It is better than being median or mode :moustache:

3161554 That joke was so bad it caused me physical pain.

3163785 Nope. I'm done. The gig's up. I am no longer subjecting myself to this torture.

That would be MASS•HAW•KHIS•TIC.

(Thumbs up if you got the reference.)

3163797 I dunno what the reference is, butt I do see that you are trying to say 'masochistic' :moustache:

3164457 'Twas a JanTran referendum.

3164526 The one and only. Except it was on his main show where he does video game reviews.


nice meem m8 XDDDDD

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