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The Real Arrivederci Rings · 5:46am Feb 5th, 2013


I'm terrible at this stuff. Sorry.

I appreciate every single one of you. Have a terrific two years, and I'll see you in 2015.

On request, here's my address at the MTC. I'll be there for the next six weeks.

Elder Thomas Kyler Burton
MTC Mailbox # 224
ITA-MIL 0320
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604-1793



Report Ponky · 3,366 views ·
Comments ( 99 )

So long Ponky, may your time in Italy be full of happiness.

I was JUST about to comment on your other blog because your bio implied you had already left.
...it is so weird to see a real name online.
Either way, see you in two years.

Take care dude. It'll be sad to not hear from you for two years. Really enjoyed your stories. They are clever and fun to read. Best regards. -Straker

Also, why has no one posted this?

I really hope you enjoy your time in Italy, cause we will sure miss you!:raritydespair:

Wanderer D

We'll miss you dude! Take care! :heart: :fluttershysad:

Oh no, it's a video goodbye.

I promised myself I wouldn't cry... :raritydespair:

Edit: Watching it now. You are the best, Ponky, seriously.

Edit 2: Yeah, okay. I cried. When you stood up and walked away from the camera, I lost it.

I am going to miss you a lot, brother, but this is all just a new chapter in the relationship between all of us and you. We'll remember you. I'll remember you.

Write you soon, dear friend.

Goodbye sir. Salutes

I hope you do well on your mission mate! It's gonna be sad that your gone for 2 years. :pinkiesad2: Hopefully we'll all be better in the next couple of years. Here's to you man! Have a great time in Italy. 4.bp.blogspot.com/_HxT46H0Gvy0/S8RIhMQhsgI/AAAAAAAAABs/KSiMkH0Tf40/s1600/4218072088_3f282ea71a_o.jpg :moustache:

Dude, really gonna miss you- we'll be here when you get back
Good luck on your mission, I truly hope it's everything you want it to be
So, good bye Ponky. See you in 2 years *single not-so-manly tear rolls down my face*

I believe I already left you a "goodbye letter" on your user page, but I'm going to paste it here again:

Ponky, I can't say I'll know when you take your leave though I imagine it's soon. I can't say I know you all that well either, although certainly more than most and less than a prestigious few. Nonetheless, I've enjoyed the times we've chatted, interacted, and had been slapped by one another. As I've said before you are basically Inspector Gadget except much more useful and share a similar likeness of a certain pink pony. I can't really thank you enough for all that you've done, not just to myself, but to others and the community as a whole. Although I think I came close this one time.

I tip my hat to you, good sir. I'll do my best to keep your seat warm and I know I won't be alone on that end. Have tons of fun in Italy and be sure to eat something.

Keep your eyes on your star, Ponky. No matter how dense the forest canopy gets or how many paths you cross, keep chasing your star because it's your goal, it's what you find important and that's what matters. Godspeed, you wonderful head wonderfolk, you. We will never forget, and I'm setting up the heater for your seat as I type this.


Love, RazgrizS57

Goodbye, cruel site...
Ponky's leaving you today...
Goodbye, goodbye... goodbye...
Goodbye all you posters, there's nothing you can say...
To change his mind...


Goodbye Ponky.

Ponky... geez, man, where do I even start with this... I'm sitting here, truly choked up, just amazed at your farewell, trying to find the right words. So, here goes nothing. Forgive the sappiness.

The dedication that you are going to be showing over the next few years is nothing short of awe-inspiring. In two years, as you said, you are going to come back a stronger person, but let it be known that even deciding to make this new journey is extremely strong in and of itself.

It has truly been nothing short of an absolute pleasure to get to know you over the past several months. I was lamenting the fact that I didn't get to know you sooner, that I didn't have more time to be your friend... but the fact is, it's not important to think about the time we didn't have together. What IS important is knowing that we DID have that time as friends, and will remain friends, even as you journey halfway across the world. And that once you get back, we will get right back to where we left off, chatting and joking around.

You said that you hope the community is still here in two years... and I can assure you, it will be. At the very least, all of us will still be here, happily waiting for you, eager to hear your music, to read your stories, and most importantly, to just have the pleasure to talk with you. Because at the end of the day... incoming sappiness.. you're the kind of personality where just chatting with you makes the day a little happier.

So thank you for the time we've been friends, and I wish you nothing but happiness as you embark on this amazing new chapter in your life.

Ponk on, my friend. Ponk on.

-Brian J

Have fun out there, man :)

Bye, Ponks. Have fun on your mission!

Until the next time we meet! I hope that the experience is everything you hope and more. We'll try to keep the fandom alive in your absence.

Goodbye! :twilightsmile:


I believe in you. See you in 2015, I wouldn't miss it for the world.

>MFW Ponky gives me a shout out and is on the side of the fandom that doesn't hate me


Music was beautiful, you're still sexy, and this video made me cry.

For real.

Oh god. :pinkiesad2:

Nietzsche speed, you adorable marsupial.

And it's okay to be a woman. Lord knows you've made me into a soul.

Stay safe and be merry!:twilightsmile::pinkiehappy: I salute you as you leave and will salute when you come back.

Good bye ponky:fluttercry:
Have a wonderful trip!:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Ponky, we'll all miss you. Like I said in my other blog, I'll be waiting for your return. I won't miss it for anything. :yay:

You're so talented, and the fact that you're making this incredible sacrifice to become a better person is so inspiring! Heaven knows I wish I had a fraction of your skill and determination.

See you in 2015. At least I have something to look forward to now. :pinkiesad2:

Take care in the land of delicious carbs, skelePonky.

And don't worry about the whole woman thing. I was one too. Damn it, I used up a whole pack of overpriced tissues! It was worth it though, knowing a bit more about you and the beginning of your journey. :twilightsmile:

Until later & see you soon (I hope),
~H (a.k.a. Follower) :heart:

Hey, real men cry too (me included), it's there to prove you're not dead inside. You, have inspired me and countless others to do more with our lives, I am truly glad to have been touched by the Ponky.

"You are one of the greatest people I have ever met on the internet by far"

That sums up my thoughts of you quite nicely. I admire your creativity and confidence in all the different ways you express yourself. Have a great time in Italy, go be a honest guy giving it all for the benefit of others, which I might add you are already doing a fantastic job of here!
Also where is the link to the blargh you were having set up for the trip?

(Okay your not dead and we don't plan on hanging out in the afterlife, but I hope this stirs some feels in you like it does for me.)
Arrivederci, Ponky.


Farewell good sir! See you when you return. Take some pictures while you're there!

There isn't anything honest I can say that hasn't already been said. I could make some cheap joke or reference, but at the expense of the moment and it's not worth it.

Goodbye - for now.

Good luck and take care! :twilightsmile:

The greatest thing I regret of the past few weeks is not getting to chat with you more.

Open Roads and Fair Weather, Dearest Friend.
I await the year's passing with fervor and eagerness.

Also, I hope you still have fun. Paper and pencil can lead to hours of entertainment, and I think Tic-Tac-Toe is allowed under scripture.

Aufwiedersehen Ponky, you awesome man, you. It's as if everything you do makes the world a brighter place. :coolphoto: Time to practice that irresistible charm on some Italians! :ajsmug:

I-...I'm not sure, about anything, anymore. I just can't believe that you're really going to be gone for TWO YEARS. Few things have caused me to cry in my life after my grandmother's death six years ago. This. This has joined that list that I hide away deep in my soul. I know not what will become of me in the coming years, but I will await your return as one does for a family member who has been called off to war. Truly, I wish you the best of everything in your mission, your quest.

As I type these words I know that they will NEVER be able to convey my feelings. Words are powerful, but they are often useless. This is why writers are as great as they are: they are able to use words that they've put together from their own minds and make readers feel something. And truly you are amongst the greatest of them. I offer my most sincerest thanks and gratitude for all that you have done, all that you have given.

...............I seem to have reached an impasse in my thoughts. I feel as if there is more to say but I know not what to say or how to say it. Were I more poetic person, I might offer you a parting poem. The thought of finding a fitting song to post with this has crossed my mind but that doesn't feel right either. All I really have to offer, is a solemn and soulful,


Best of fortune on your travels, my friend. :twilightsmile:

See you again. And might I add that your avatar looks quite similar to the real you. :pinkiehappy:
You will be missed, as I'm sure you realized this by now. :twilightsmile:

Stay safe, see you in 2015

Not sure if you'll get a last-second read, but I might as well put this here. So many of the things that you've said sound very silly and contradictory to me, and perhaps that's what makes it hard for me to see you go; I really can't see any reason for it. From my point of view, you're just leaving for two years for nothing, despite what you see.

I know I've probably come across as snarky or disrespectful; probably because I am, admittedly. :derpytongue2: But it's because I truly do care. I haven't commented or interacted with you often. I'm not a very social person, I'm quite shy when it comes to that, but I do enjoy your general presence and stories and livelyhood. It's a shame to see you go. Hopefully you really do learn good things and meet new people and have a wonderful time. You earned it.

Implying men have no souls? You may have been drilled into believing you should never cry, but, even the strongest of men weep like babies at some point in their life. You wouldn't be human if you couldn't show emotion after all. That includes sadness. Compassion is something taught, yet somehow men are still told they can't show sadness. As if having a heart were a crime. Let those tears shed proudly to display what they mean to you! <3

I may not have commented much over the course of time, but I've always enjoyed watching yourself and SS&E's crazy story unfold over time. It's been a blast and I loved hearing this story get it's happy ending, as sad as it is if that makes sense. I wish you the very best for you two and that you never lose contact. A friend is something that should be cherished and treated with love and respect. Have a save trip, and hope to see you return in your sequel adventures in 2015 ;3

Stay Ponky, *raises glass of water* :ajsmug: and see you when you get back!

We'll be waiting.

Arrivederci, signore Ponky. Fai buon viaggio.

Come back to us in one piece, yea?

Vale, Ponky, till we meet again my the spirit of God be with you and may you enjoy your mission. It's called the "Best Two Years" for a reason, even if it's a lot to give up. We Spanish Announcing Tables will see you when you get back, and don't be surprised if you get a letter from me sometime. I might even write you two.

Until next time,

When you say DF, is that another DF or me?

Until 2015...
Arrivederci. (Except for that blog you mentioned of course, but uh... link?:trixieshiftright:)

I must be the only person here who does not love you ._.

I'm terrible at this stuff too, so I'll keep this short: so long, and thanks for all the stories. You're one of the best, Ponky,and it's gonna be a long two years without you.

Keep being absolutely brilliant, and good luck!

oh shit

i missed this blog two hours ago


good luck out there, friend!

I'll be waiting for 2015

.... The tears that we all shed will be contained, to be released upon your return

I went in to that expecting to cry. I was not disappointed. You'll be sorely missed, my friend. But you'll be back, so it's all good. See ya soon.

Long live and apples dash.

You know, I was gonna go on a long-winded, cheesy spiel here, but screw it.

Ponky, I am not lying when I say that you are one of the kindest people I've ever met. Your optimism honestly cheers me up, and the positive outlook you have is almost unbelievable. I sincerely believe that I don't deserve you as a friend. I think that, for a couple years, the folks over in Italy are gonna have a happy year.

Thanks, Ponky. For just being here, and being who you are. Farewell.


The good side of this?

When you get back you'd have a shit load of ponies to catch up on

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