• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Jun 21st, 2016

The Descendant

Thanks, but please don't send me cash "tips." Instead, support this charity: The Fletcher Street Urban Riding Club.

More Blog Posts137

  • 428 weeks
    I Don't Always Read the Comics but, When I Do, They Feature Twilight and Spike

    Dear Loyal Watchers, Interested Visitors, and Confused Passersby,

    First, let me start off by saying how much I've appreciated the support and compassion of so many people during my long, long recovery. I'm most grateful, and it has been a bright spot for me as my long weeks of isolation here in my home have slowly gone by.

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  • 430 weeks
    They've Always Told Me That I Need Therapy, but I Doubt This is What They Meant

    Dear Loyal Watchers, Interested Visitors, and Confused Passersby,

    I've had a bad bit of luck as of late.

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  • 433 weeks
    Summer Ends: The Finale of Gravity Falls

    Dear Loyal Watchers, Interested Visitors, and Confused Passersby,

    Every once in a while I get to stand an applaud as the credits roll to a television show. Futile, of course, as I'm the only one there to hear it, but I do it because it deserves to be applauded.

    This evening was one of those nights.

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  • 438 weeks
    Signal Boost: "The Old Country"

    Dear Loyal Watchers, Interested Visitors, and Confused Passersby:

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  • 439 weeks
    New Comic: "Away"

    Dear Loyal Watchers, Interested Visitors, and Confused Passersby:

    Stainless Key and I have just finished a new collaboration—which is to say that she finished making the vision that we shared come to pass. This time, it was Key's turn to come up with the concept... and boy, was it a Duesy!

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Processes...eis...esses..essessssees...ess.. · 1:32pm Nov 9th, 2011

Dear Loyal Watchers, Interested Visitors, and Confused Passersby

How are so many of my favorite people?

I just got done having a little back-and forth with one of my favorite artists on DA, namely the wonderful Toodles3702, and the end result of it was yet another idea to add to my ever increasing file of ideas for new fan-fics.

I don't want to go too deeply into what the real end-result could be...but I have dibs over any sort of Friendship is Magic and Fraggle Rock crossover! Wait...that pretty much gives away the whole spiel, doesn't it? Oh well!

The reason I bring this up is because it's the second day in a row that I've had a new story just kinda jump into my head. This is fine, and I love the idea that I'm still being so creative eight months in. There's a part of me that honestly believed at one point that if I could just get a few ideas out of my head I would have "shot my bolt" after twelve stories and would be on to greener pastures by this point. Didn't quite work out that way! So, don't worry, I'm still producin'! Ponies stories are still running around and screaming in my brain!

The thing that does bother me a little bit is how much time I've begun to donate in my day towards thinking about Ponies and how each of my stories is going to go.

I've mentioned before that one of the aspects of my writing process is that I have, here on my desk, a stack of cards that details the basic overview of the stories that are making a "problematic cacophony" up there in the dim and vacant space between my ears.

At current count there are 17 cards...yup, The Descendant currently has 17 story ideas all making an unholy fuss up here in his mind. The thing about my stories is that all 17 of them are very real and very palpable things...I can literally see scenes from them playing in my head. I'll be trying to do something and suddenly a battle scene from the long-suffering A Mare and Her Dragon will play out, or I'll read something entirely unrelated and it will mesh with something that works in another one of my stories and suddenly that scene will develop.

I now have I honestly believe there might be something wrong with me...honestly.

Yesterday I was driving to one of my work sites and suddenly a sub-plot from one of my upcoming stories blew up and got all over the inside of my Chrysler. By the time I got to work the sub-plot had bloomed into what could eventually become my first Shipfic in the fandom. In fact, it actually might take precedence over the story that spawned it, because I spent my lunch break and whatever time I wasn't actually working proceeding to the next step of my writing process.

The story, safely ensconced on the only index card I could find at this work site (a blue one), soon found itself wrapped around a piece of lined paper I stole out of somebody's journal on a desk I was borrowing. The second part of my aforementioned process involves me getting everything I can think of about the story onto paper. This chicken-skratch soon overflows the page and I'm forced to move onto the third step, actually outlining the plot.

So, my basic concern becomes one of deforestation if these stories keep coming!

So, I'm home sick today after spending the midnight hour hovering over the toilet. I guess I didn't get the chicken wings back in the refrigerator soon enough! Like being seasick, I was at first afraid I was going to die...then I was horrified at the thought that I might not!

So, between bouts of nausea I'm writing a little comedy piece. It's not "Ha!" funny, more like "Snicker..." funny, but I'm hoping to put a serious dent in it today when gastro-intestinal issues aren't putting a dent in me.

You'll excuse me now...I keep having visions of ponies running through an Equestrian version of the Mines of Moria while singing the theme from Fraggle Rock...

"Dance your cares away..."

*Sighs, reaches for index card. Number 18 is born.*

Stay Awesome!

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