• Member Since 16th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 11th, 2020

Scratch Board

Just your standard teenage brony with a love for acting. I also write. Sometimes.

More Blog Posts17

  • 507 weeks
    Time to get back on it.

    Hello. Once again, I have been absent for quite awhile. Things have been decent. I've been going through school, learning my way around acting, (yes that is what I strive to be someday) and having a decent social life. Though for some reason, this site has been eluding me for some time. I don't know why. To be honest, I seemed to have lost interest in writing for a good amount of time. A lot of

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  • 523 weeks
    Regarding Creepy Pastas

    Hello my good people. It's been quite awhile. What have I been doing for all these months? Lots of stuff, really. School...um....more school.....yeah. Not a lot of time for writing. That said, though, I've been working my hardest to get more chapters out for my stories....which brings me to the main point of this post. Creepy Pastas in Equestria. Yep. And...I regret to inform this, but...well,

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  • 564 weeks
    Rewriting Creatures

    Hello, everyone.

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  • 569 weeks
    Equestria Girls review (Spoilers)

    Hey guys. Well, it's that, time, huh? I finally went to my local movie theater and forked over seven dollars of my hard earned cash to watch Equestria Girls. So, what did I think? Well, stay tuned to find out.

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  • 590 weeks
    Season Finale Review

    So...what did I think of today's episode? Two words:

    It sucked.

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    6 comments · 426 views

Season Finale Review · 7:35pm Feb 16th, 2013

So...what did I think of today's episode? Two words:

It sucked.

Okay, seriously. Everybody said, "give it a chance, give it a chance!" Well, I did. Look where that got me. First of all, the music. While I usually like the music in MLP, this one just felt...useless. For example, that song where Twilight was singing about how it was her fault could of worked, if the song was more than thirty seconds long! And don't even get me started with Hasbro's giant middle finger, saying "everything's going to be fine" The only song I kind of enjoyed was the cutie mark song, but even that was mediocre at best. Next, the pacing. Holy hell, did this need to be a two parter. Everything in this episode just seemed to be rushed and crammed in, as if it was meant to be a two parter, but they just cut out scenes to make it shorter. Next, the moral. I said before, and I'll say it again. The lesson in this episode is horrible. It basically says, "you're only good at what your destiny is, and nothing else." Which is a pretty bad thing to teach. There was only one thing that I liked in this episode, and that was the scene where Twilight becomes an alicorn. It was such a powerful scene that was really well done. Honestly, I would be okay if Twilight had just become an alicorn, and not a princess. Speaking of which....the coronation scene. This scene is what cemented this episode as my least favorite episode in the entire show. Twilight acts as if it's completely normal, as if this is what she does every day. She is so out of character in this scene. If she were really in character, she would be nervous and confused. So that's my review of, in my opinion, the worst episode in the show. I will still eagerly look forward to season four, and I hope that they get it right, and Twilight can keep her tittle as best pony.

- Scratch

Report Scratch Board · 426 views ·
Comments ( 6 )

My opinion on this: They didn't make a new episode. They made a twenty minutes long collection of clichées that didn't fit together and utterly sucked. But personally I think there were worse episodes already.
Welp, Hasbro, way to go. The episodes since Keep Calm and Flutter On (in my opinion) were great while most of the other episodes this season (again, just my opinion) utterly sucked. And now they are even too lazy to MAKE an episode...

834217 I agree. Season three was quite disappointing.

Yep. I just wish teh writer of Keep Calm and Flutter On would write the plot for more episodes... it's like they locked the great minds out of one away and that one guy or gal drowns in the stupidity of writers who think that basically copying what is written as fanfiction would actually satisfy anybody.

The only thing I could say is... WHERE IS THE TWO PARTS !

Every thing you said.

I was thinking this

if you hated the last episode you are my friend

if not you suck

answer me yes in yellow or no in red

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