• Member Since 22nd Sep, 2011
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I'm the creator of Otakuworld.com, Jenniverse.com, the computer game Boppin', numerous online comics, novels, and tons of other wonderful things. I really love MLP:FiM.

More Blog Posts102

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  • 11 weeks
    Down The Road, Not Across The Street

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  • 13 weeks
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Thank You · 7:41pm Mar 3rd, 2013

Thank you for reading my work, I appreciate your support and attention.

I'm sorry for not finishing my last novel.

I wish you all the best.

- Chatoyance

Report Chatoyance · 3,279 views ·
Comments ( 75 )


I'll be sorry to see you go, and hope to see you back here some day.

Best of luck, and be well!

I wish you the best of luck. :twilightsmile:

Wait, what? Why are you leaving, Chat? I think I missed a step here.

So Chatoyance is leaving again... Well I guess I will hate to see you go although I fear I do not know why you've decided to leave could be a miriad of things.

I did love your writing though so it will be a loss although I don't think I'll ever fully understand you or your true nature

So long Chatoyance

Thank you for your wonderful stories and advice, Chatoyance. Farewell. I must admit I'm a bit saddened with you leaving, but if you think it for the best. Best of luck to you. :pinkiesad2:

There was a lot of poo-flinging surrounding the events of her last blog post, and that's just the publicly-available stuff. I can only imagine the private communications and whatnot were worse.

Uh, okay.

Thats not over reactin' in the slightest.

Man, that bites. I'm sorry to hear that.
Live long and prosper, Chat. We'll miss you. :pinkiesad2:

Sorry to hear that... I and a lot of other people here will really miss your writing. Take care, and hopefully you'll be back again someday.

I follow you, to find one day later that you are leaving.

Are you seriously leaving us?

Chat... no... Darn it, don't go... you're stronger than this, my friend!

Please, don't do this!
You... Well, I can't stop you. I wish I could somehow make it all better, but... well, to you, I'm just lines of text on the Internet. What can I do?
If nothing else, I hope you don't go the way of device heretic. If you do come back to us... again... then it will be a joyous day. If not... well, I certainly can't say I wouldn't understand why.
For what it's worth, I'm sorry. It's meaningless, but it's all I can offer.

Major bummer. :fluttershysad:
I.D. was shaping up to be a great story, too. Will you drop us a few lines how it was supposed to go with Rachel and Gregoria?
Well, take care and best of luck to you.

No, please no don't leave us. Just take a break if you need to please.

You're leaving because of them? :applecry:

Well, I'll really miss all the stories you've written. All the best, and hopefully we'll see you again some day.

Thank you for your stories and thoughtful discussions. They are always a joy to read.

Noo :<. Don't go Chatty!

Thank you for your time and dedication to bring us so many amazing stories. Your wit and intelligence shall be missed.

Rust #21 · Mar 3rd, 2013 · · 2 ·

Goodbye, Chat. I always thought you were a fantastic writer.

If your choice will make for greater diversity in the end, I wish you well. But, remember that my way is not merely to increase diversity, but to maintain it-- if you can stay, then do so. I hunger for your words.

You are welcome.

Even though I personally dislike [most] your stories, Chatoyance, I have to admit that it is not good seeing you leave. Not good at all. Even though I do not agree with anything and everything some things you say, I still stand by the notion that you have the right to say it. I won't pretend to understand the reasons behind the situation you're currently in, mostly because everyone is ban-hammer scared right now. Still, I admit that I was wrong. Dead wrong in, even if silently, hating [some of] your productions. You are a person, with a voice to be heard and the right to speak. Who the fuck am I to deny that of you?

That said, I sincerely hope you come back and piss me off some more.

I really, honestly do.

Eak #25 · Mar 4th, 2013 · · 1 ·

This is most upsetting news. I'm sorry that you feel this is necessary. Is there anything I can do or say that might help persuade you to change your mind? :raritydespair: :raritycry:

While I am saddened by such, it is your choice to do so. I shall continue to be your friend, and if you ever just want to chat, just shoot me a message. And as I said some time ago, I have every intention of reading all your stories. It may take me some time, as I have a very long list of stories to read besides your own, but I will get to it eventually.

Device Heretic, Midnight Shadow, and now Chatoyance. Who's next? I'm really sick of idiots who can't leave others well enough alone and insist on antagonising people until they reach breaking point.

Specifically for you Chat: I wish you and yours all the very best for the future. I'm so sorry that it has come to this point for you.


Heh, you're the one to talk.

Tell me something, if you're supposed to be her "friend", what was up with the "no offense, but you're crazy" act? Some friend you are...

Damnit, Chatoyance, you were the light in a very dull world for me... I wish you the best, and if you ever need someone.. well, I'm here. I'm I couldn't have changed what happened.

Wait, what?

What happened?

Oh, ok.

Huh. Things were just starting to look up for you, too, it seemed.

You created (or perhaps reinstated) your safe haven TCB group. Alexstrazsa imposed the compromise to begin the end of the contentions over TCB.

It was looking like the beginning of a new era, or at least a new stage in the development of our community. I cannot but wonder what has happened.

And perhaps more pertinently, I wonder what will become of your TCB group. I do not want to see it fade, though I suppose it will be left in the capable appendages of the other three crown members. Would you (anyone) like any help?


Like applejack, my strong suit is honesty. I tell it how it is. If you want a friend who's just a yesman, who tells you you're perfect and flawless, please, avoid me like the plague. I will put it bluntly and how it is. If you are doing good, I'll congratulate you. If, however, you are insulting a group of people who have indeed apologized to you, throwing a hissy fit because someone took you shiny internet crown and gave you a green plus sign, and building a fortress against a nonexistent enemy, I will call you crazy. Because that is simply what it is. Insanity. Illogical thinking, based off of stuff as far away from facts as possible. I myself have had what happened to chatoyance, happen to me. This is a childish reaction. I tell her because I care, if I didn't care, I'd let her crazy her self out til the end of time.

Wait, I thought Midnight just swore off the TCB universe? He's not doing a runner on his Chip fics now, is he? :raritydespair:


Yeah, just TCB to my knowledge. Sorry, I didn't think that anyone reading my previous post would be mislead.

Sorry that you feel it's come to this Chaty. Hope to see you return at some point.


well, this sucks.

I've only read three of your works, one of them being ID, and though I found that a few of the ideas underlying the settings didn't really work for me, I thought that the stories were beautifully written. Internal consistency is a rare thing, and so too is truly captivating writing.
(Please, don't think this is mere flattery. As the son of an English teacher, I know my way around the language well enough to use flowery language sincerely)

I hope you come back. I think I would have liked to get to know you.

If this is forever, I suggest that you finish ID anyway. Write it, but don't share it. Maybe put the finished version somewhere on one of your other pages, maybe not. Maybe share it with some close friends, maybe not. (I'm not counting myself in that group, fwiw)

Not being you, I don't know how good my advice is. All I know is that I hate to leave things unfinished, and that having an unfinished work up on here would constantly bother me, and make me question my decision. Ultimately, it would probably lead to me coming back to finish it, even if I was 100% certain that it would end in tears, just because leaving it incomplete would bother me so.

For me, making a clean break would require taking all of my works off site, putting them up elsewhere, and making them available for viewing only, no comments, no thumbs, no faves. Maybe a +1 button. (I know, I don't have any works up here yet. It doesn't make a difference, not really)

Selfish person that I sometimes am, I don't want you to do this, because I haven't read Euphrosyne Unchained yet.

Be Well.


You can be honest and compassionate at the same time. They're not mutually exclusive.

See ya later!
Or now, really... Time machines FTW!
Oh, and I know your game.
Cheers and ten jammy dodgers!


Well sometimes the truth just aint pretty and there's no sugar coating it.:ajsmug:

Comment posted by palindration deleted Mar 4th, 2013


Did you read some of the stuff they posted about us? And you're calling HER childish?

God, I dunno anymore. If anything, you're being insane for going on their side.


Who's posting what now?

You mean the Anti-TCB? A group that does little more than socialize with each other? Despite what Chatoyance says, they have apologized to her, despite the fact that all most of them did is criticise her works being overly misanthropic. Sure, there was some legitimate harassment, but even the ACB group forsake those people off the bat and the individuals were banned. Furthermore, anything that could remotely be called harassment ended months ago and apologies were said about one to two months ago. Of course, if you were to ever ask Chatoyance she'd maintain that they are hate group out for her blood. Why? Becasue she is crazy. Thats what being crazy is. Believing something absurd despite all evidence. Hell this brand of crazy even has a name, its called Extreme Paranoia.


Oh, I've seen an apology, followed by "good riddance, you bitch". That was directed to someone who's sister almost committed suicide. They had shown NO remorse for that, AT ALL.

I'm sorry, but after that, and ESPECIALLY that, if you're gonna side with them on this, then there's no way morally that I can support you, or any like you in this situation.

If you think she's crazy, I'm not gonna back you up on that, either.


Uh just throwing this out there. The harassment didn't stop. Although it wasn't proven to be atcb, she did receive attacks on her own forum. Every one of her posts were met with massive downvote spam as well as abusive topics created and now deleted.

The thing is, I know you are honest and so was applejack, but just because you are honest doesn't make you right. :ajsleepy: I am not angry with you or the ones involved in whatever was going on. This was just sad to witness.

So? Doesn't excuse the fact that she has been antagonizing them and after everyone got over their differences still continued to call them a 'hate group' as well as being not only a pain in my side but almost everyone around her.

I'm not sure where its correct to continue to act hostile to a group that banned the members who broke the rules and whom have also not only apologized in public and in private but several times over the last year or so. Lets not forget she claims that she is still being harassed without giving evidence to back it up when we are trying to help her as well as automatically having admin power because she writes the most TCB. She hasn't been preforming her job as admin as well as acting as one with the antis often accusing them of things they haven't done. The whole coup' attempt on the TCB group is near on impossible as Windchaser founded that group and its near on impossible to delete the group without him doing so. The claims of 'original founder of the TCB group' is impossible since three groups were made. First Midnight's, then Chat's and finally Windchaser's. Both Chat and Midnight deleted their groups in favor of Windchaser's. So its hard to be the 'original founder' of the group when someone else made it first, then you delete your group and use the other group.

I could go on and on about everything Chat's done but its not going to get me anywhere. To say the least having a hissy fit over having a gold crown turned into a plus in a group and then making a new group and posting the link in every single thread of that group along with the 'no antis allowed' vibe to it is not the way to act. So her leaving TCB as a whole because she did not get her way is even more childish than everything I've listed above.


You speak as if everything is good and ok. No. No, no, no, NO. You say they apologized, but I have not seen one jack shit apology for that suicide incident. I heard they apologized for it, but all I saw afterwards was all "see ya, cunt" and "good riddance". Business as usual, don't you agree?

You know what I think about this whole "admin" business? I think it should've been left well enough alone. It could've saved a few words and all.

It's a damn shame this had to happen. Honestly, you call her childish, but I find the whole reasoning for this admin business to be childish in its own right.

This whole situation broke a lot of respect for a lot of people on this site. Everything from the suicide scenario to now made me realize how much I just hate what's going on right now. It's honestly disturbing.

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