• Member Since 6th Sep, 2012
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Permanent Temporary

...As if I am expected to write an acceptable biography about myself with only a mere 200 characters? Don't be ridiculous!

More Blog Posts17

  • 504 weeks
    There are no titles that could express how awesome I think this is

    —I am so hype right now.

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  • 530 weeks
    By the way...

    My motherboard was replaced months ago.


    On another note, I might be inspired to post more MLP-related science-y stuff here eventually... if you guys could give me ideas of what you want me to post?

    29 comments · 855 views
  • 544 weeks
    Motherf*cking Motherboard

    This message brought you to from a slow as a glacier ancient as the Rockies laptop.

    ...Yeah, my computer's motherboard is fried. Hopefully I'll be back up and running in a week or two at most.

    2 comments · 606 views
  • 565 weeks

    Scientifically-tested evidence that canon Ponies should have a mass comparable to humans, not real ponies.

    I kinda sorta collaborated with him on this. I didn't do any of the experimentation, but I did a good chunk of the math involved at the end, posted in the comments... :twilightsheepish:

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  • 568 weeks
    Sombra's Plot Hole

    Okay, so I realized something that in retrospect is a huge plot hole.

    So, Sombra was originally defeated by Celestia and Luna using the Elements of Harmony, right (unless I'm wrong about that)? Second time around, he was defeated by the Mane Six and company using the Crystal Heart.

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    11 comments · 695 views

The Return of the Sonic Rainboom Unraveled: the Second Coming · 8:21pm Apr 5th, 2013

Recently, someone on this very website posted a thread about calculating pony feats. In it, he calculated that in order to make the 90 degree turn to avoid the ground at the end of the original Sonic Rainboom feat, Rainbow would have had to withstand an acceleration of almost 5.9k Gs, thus concluding that Rainbow Dash must have a durability at least comparable to modern steel alloys. Well, you may recall that last year I posted a certain blog describing my adventures exploring the Sonic Rainboom feat and detailing the follies of attempting to calculate values for a feat when it lacks consistency. So, because I had that available to me, I decided to post the link to it in the thread to expose the silliness of his calculation and to warn others of blindly accepting it as credible, since it is also an example of a inappropriate generalization fallacy.

I then pointed out that the feat he described was not only a durability feat, but also a strength feat (AKA, the torque required to oppose forward inertia while plummeting at mach 1.0+) and that in The Last Roundup, where Derpy spoke her first and last words (RIP, Derps), Rainbow Dash proved to be not in the slightest capable of slowing the fall of a wooden support beam whilst flying, a burden that I calculated could only have been ~600-700 kg (~1325-1545 lbs) at the most... this is provided that the building was actually made of wood and plaster, and not inexplicable building materials like lead, tungsten, depleted uranium, and unobtanium. This vast disparity between this obvious feat and his earlier Rainboom feat calculation exposes a huge contradiction, casting serious doubt upon the credibility of both calculations (mostly onto his, since it is the more complex and requires the most assumptions).

Long story short, OP then proceeded to take exception to this and got... uppity about it, and attempted to brush aside the issue of internal consistency by attacking with sophistic and fallacious arguments. In the end, I grew tired of his vitriolic attitude and just decided to walk away from the thread, washing my hands of him; I'd already made my point, and it was abundantly clear to me that he was unwilling to even bother himself with considering my argument.

———No, I am not planning on providing the link to the thread in question in this blog... but if you really must read it, just PM me a request and I'll send you the link. Really, it's just a mess though, and I'm glad I bowed out when I did, because it seems it has only gotten worse since then.

The reason I am writing about this now is that he pointed to a mistake I made in my original blog as being evidence that my logic was faulty, so I am going to attempt to correct that mistake now, just to 'humor' him.

...Actually, I'm doing this because I want to demonstrate to you all that the particular mistake I made is ultimately completely irrelevant, because it does not in any way change the conclusion of my argument, making his accusation an ignoratio elenchi.

Now, I am aware that this is not going to be accurate, and is based off of a lot of assumptions. But I'm doing the best with what little concrete data I actually have. If you aren't satisfied with this, I would like to see you attempt to do better.

———No really, I'm serious. I would honestly be legitimately interested in seeing what it is you could manage to come up with. If you think you can do better than this attempt, please do so.

The particular mistake I made is assuming that using the terminal velocity of a human would suffice for a Pony. However, this is actually incorrect; and I actually knew of that before hand, but I did not bother to attempt to calculate "accurate" values for Pony ballistics because that's obviously going to be impossible. But he was correct; the drag coefficient be different, and thus the terminal velocity would be too.

However, there is no true rule of thumb for finding coefficients of drag (Cd), certainly none that would be universally applicable to geometric shapes as extremely complex and variable as organisms like humans and Ponies. In all truth, if you wanted to know the Cd of a Pony, you would need to physically measure it using something like a wind tunnel. The Cd of a human in upright position (or in this case, face-down free-fall position) is commonly stated as ~1.0-1.3, while the Cd of a house cat (notable for the innate ability to survive falls from heights that would injure or kill other animals of comparable size) is supposedly ~1.2-1.5.

For the sake of simplicity—and because of a distinctive lack of access to Ponies, Equestria, wind tunnels, and sophisticated measurement devices with which I could properly perform the drag coefficient measurements myself—for this calculation I am just going to assume that, based off of the two examples above, the Cd of the average Pony should fall somewhere between ~1.1-1.4.

With this now in mind, the [generalized] terminal velocity of a Pony falling in either belly-down or back-down positions (also blithely assuming a mass of ~35 kg and cross-sectional area of ~0.35 m²) should be in the order of ~120-140 km/h (75-87 mph). By comparison, the terminal velocity of a human skydiver in a face-down free-fall position is ~190-210 km/h (118-130 mph), which is roughly 35-75% faster (~54% average). This is a significant difference from my previous analysis, where I did not bother to determine a possible terminal velocity for the average Pony, and just used the human values... since it doesn't make a single GODDAMNED difference in the end, proving that he either completely missed the point of the argument (unlikely, given I clearly stated the purpose, in huge bolded letters, at the top of the page) or that he just decided to purposefully ignore it (BINGO! We have a winner, folks!).

As this screenshot of this specific part of the Sonic Rainboom episode clearly shows us, in the time it took for Rarity to fall the distance of ~180 pixels, Rainbow Dash covered ~270 pixels.

270 ÷ 180 = 1.5

The only logical conclusion is that Rainbow Dash is literally only traveling half-again faster than Rarity in this scene, which according to our terminal velocity value above means her Rainboom velocity would be around ~180-210 km/h (75-87 mph), which is a laughably pathetic "supersonic" speed of Mach 0.15-0.17.

And even were I to substitute the OP's "fairly reasonable estimate" of ~125 kg (275 lbs) for a Pony, based off of the mass of a small Shetland pony (which—by the way—completely ignores the obvious observation of MLP Ponies possessing completely different anatomy compared to real equines, a factor I actually tried to account for in my own size and mass estimates), the terminal velocity becomes ~230-260 km/h (143-161 mph), and still means Rainbow Dash would only be flying at ~345-390 km/h (214-242 mph), a still feebly slow Mach 0.28-0.32.

EDIT: Actually, I believe I made a slight mistake in the pixel measuring, likely due to a mix-up while popping back and forth between windows to reference the source video. I believe I got confused and measured the blue line using different reference points at each end (using both the top and bottom ponies in the falling group) rather than using only one point, resulting in a line that was longer than it should be. Having estimated the extent of the error, I believe that Rainbow Dash is actually moving ~2.25 times faster than Rarity, which more closely matches my original figure. The first version (35 kg) becomes ~270-315 km/h (Mach 0.22-0.26). The second version (125 kg) becomes ~517.5-585 km/h (Mach 0.42-0.48).
—But, even with these new results, the conclusion still hasn't changed one bit.

Clearly, this scene is not reliable enough to use for feat calculation, as it is contradicted by its own internal inconsistency and incongruity with both earlier and later scenes. This feat is thus an outlier, and using it in calculations like the ones from the thread I described above will result in dubious to outright fallacious claims regarding the abilities of the characters involved. In other words, don't be that guy.

Report Permanent Temporary · 1,625 views ·
Comments ( 47 )

Pony wank is always the most hilarious fanwank. I always get laughs off of people trying to use toon physics to calculate how "strong" animated characters are.

The thing is, MLP seems to be the only show where people take toon physics feats to legitimately claim things like, "[Pony's] could defeat a Warhammer 40k Space Marine in hand-to-hoof combat", and then try to defend such things. For pretty much every other show out there that involves toon physics, people seem to be able to understand that toon physics feats are about as consistent as Pinkie Pie.

Not so for the nutty FiM fans.

Perhaps he is a fucktard that deserves to die.
In any case, hopefully his genes shall be purges from the species, no?
(Ranting: Reason: Very heated debate amongst Pokemon fans. Don't ask, very stills sore.)


Pretty much the standard reaction from anyone not using the same psychotic moon logic as pony wankers.


EDIT: Actually, I believe I made a slight mistake in the pixel measuring, due to a slip-up while popping back and forth between windows to reference the source video. I believe I got confused and measured the blue line using different reference points at each end (both the top and bottom ponies in the falling group) rather than using only one point, resulting in a line that was longer than it should be. Having estimated the extent of the error, I believe that Rainbow Dash is actually moving ~2.25 times faster than Rarity, which more closely matches my original figure. The first version (35 kg) becomes ~270-315 km/h (Mach 0.22-0.26). The second version (125 kg) becomes ~517.5-585 km/h (Mach 0.42-0.48).
—But, even with these new results, the conclusion still hasn't changed one bit.

This is just a notice that I made a major edit to the blog.

Cartoons. Never knew they were this deep. Mind=Blown

You should see the thread this originated from, because... just...

I'm ever so glad I NOPE'd the fuck out of there when I did and didn't get embroiled in that clusterfuck...I'm not patient enough to deal with that kind of shit.

After P.T. NOPE'd out of the thread. I tried to take up his mantle to argue a dissenting case against the OP.

As the "argument" drug on, I can sum up what happened for anyone who cares.

-OP refuses to address my counterpoints
-OP attempts to force me to prove his conclusion wrong. (You can't disprove a negative)
-OP becomes increasingly passive aggressive, until eventually resorting to open insults, childish simplification, strawmans, and slurs.

Lesson learned, don't argue with fanwank.

Comment posted by Permanent Temporary deleted Jul 20th, 2013

Finally got around to reading it. Immediately noticed it was SpaceBattles.


Ah, Spacebattles.

I think that thread actually sums up Spacebattles pretty well.

People are given the option to turn into a cute pony with superpowers, or a shambling, huge, blobby, shapeshifting monstrosity with a billion eyes literally out of Lovecraft.

Blob thing gets more than two-thirds of the votes.

Only on Spacebattles.

That said, I did choose to be the shoggoth instead, so maybe I shouldn't be so quick to judge.


"What happens on Spacebattles, stays on Spacebattles.
———And we thank the gods for that fact."

983463 Whelp... I made myself look stupid...
Again. *Le Sigh* :facehoof:

Huh? My message was only notifying you that I had made an important change to the blog.

Methinks that some people go to rather absurd lengths to prove they're right. ..

Not sure if I should resent that or not... lol.


I suppose the street goes both ways, doesn't it? Though at least you generally have more solid facts in these kinds of situations.

As I said to someone else... including this guy actually; there is an adage in the practice of analysis: "analyze consistency first and foremost". That's known as internal consistency, which is critically important for series that claim to have any sort of credibility as far as continuity goes, and is based directly on the law of non-contradiction, second of the three classic laws of thought.

It's literally the law that declares "contradictory statements cannot exist at the same time". The propositions "A is B" and "A is not B" cannot both simultaneously be true. Rainbow Dash cannot be both evidently supersonic and subsonic at the same time. Internal consistency is very poor in this scenario, thus we cannot consider it a reliable source of information. A very simple concept to understand, isn't it?

Apparently not. It still amazes me how some people can't seem to comprehend it.


Indeed. You'd think it would be something people would know. As said though, common sense has been dead for a long time.

Would that make it Uncommon Sense then, I wonder?

Anyways, sometimes I do go a little overboard. But I have always had the sense to at least recognize when I go too deep into the hole and dial myself back.

But this guy? He was living with the delusion that any feat was legitimate regardless of contradictions BECAUSE PHYSICS CALCULATIONS. Just ask CommandoDude or boredhuman, they were there. They'll vouch for me.


Sounds like Pheonix Wright would have a field day cross examining him.

Example: this one time I was talking about a Naruto character (blech)... think it's "Might Guy" or something (hell kind of name is that?)... who has a special move where he punches really fast like mudamudamudamudamudamudamuda ZA WARUDO WRRYYYYYYYY, and apparently shoots fireballs due to air resistance somehow... which I pointed out would not be possible, since you need fuel to have fire and air does not burn, so it would have to be Guy's fists that were burning, which is bad for him since being the fuel of a fire typically destroys you.

Somehow that devolved into an argument about what plasma was. And then I said "LOL THIS IS SILLY AND HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH PUNCHING FIREBALLS USING LOLNINJAMAGIC" and then we laughed.


Ergh, english translation. It's pronounced "Maito Gai", Might Guy was the most similar sounding, I suppose.

But yeah, I know the technique he's talking about. It's less fireballs and more very intense friction caused by punching someone repeatedly in the Fifth Gate state, if I recall correctly.

Not according to the images where he was clearly punching a ton of fireballs at people from range.

Could be mistaken, I don't read about colorful magic warriors that call themselves ninja but aren't really because I don't think the plot is any good.


It's gotten fairly ridiculous yeah. . .

I see I was a bit wrong though, it was the Sixth Gate, not the fifth. And I found this -

During his second fight with Kisame Hoshigaki, he opened the sixth gate and utilised the Morning Peacock, a technique so fast that his hands were set ablaze by sheer speed and friction.

Yeah. Not so good for him. Especially with the Gates being Dangerous Forbidden Techniques into themselves.

I never liked it. The premise didn't appeal to me. Character design was also largely a miss (WHAT NINJA WEARS ORANGE, SERIOUSLY?!)
The rather huge portion of the fandom that is more like fandumb doesn't help with my dislike of it either... the same goes for Bleach and One Piece to a lesser degree.


You didn't really like any of the "Big Three" did you? Though they seem to be coming to an end soon enough, Bleach is on it's final arc, the Fourth Ninja War doesn't look like it'll last much longer, and One Piece. . . Ehh. Not sure about that one.

Never found Naruto appealing. I found it odd and kind of stupid. And Sasuke is a huge dirtfag, sorry I gotta say it. I don't even need to read the whole manga to tell that he'd make me ragequit. Both him and Naruto, I can tell that I honestly wouldn't be able to stand reading about them for long before being sick.

I read Bleach, back when it was still really good. But it started downhill when Aizen made his big reveal. By the end of the Aizen arc my dying enthusiasm for the story was completely dead. It's just a huge disappointment to me now. And I hate Aizen with the passion of a thousand Sasukes, that fucking Diabolus ex Machina Suddenly Always Knew That Invincible Villain Sue. I mean, when he first make his debut he was actually really exciting because he was a Magnificent Bastard that caught me by surprise by faking his death. His later "moves" meant to make him seem like he was always on top of everything? Completely contrived Asspulls took care of everything while he sat in his ridiculously tall chair and didn't he didn't do anything like the useless Smug Snake he had become. He's not even worthy enough to be a bloodstain on Kotomine's coat. What a fucking disappointment, Kubo. You should have ended the story with saving Rukia. Fuck Orihime, she's a useless character who only serves as Plot Armor (LOL no drawbacks perfect healing THAT'S NOT BROKEN AT ALL).

I'm ambivalent towards One Piece. It's fine, I guess. The art style really isn't to my liking, though. Luffy's character kinda pissed me off. However, the universe is definitely the most unique and interesting out of the three, so I'll give it props for that. Characters are also... unique. Some of them unique in ways that I don't really know how to feel about... in all, I often refer to One Piece as "Nep Ece" (inside joke: when I first saw the series advertised, I did not notice the "O" and "i" in the title because they were not immediately obvious...), and describe it as "What if Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo tried to be mostly serious about its plot and they were all suddenly pirates?"

One thing I dislike about these series? They all have like a billion characters. Especially Bleach, since Kubo has actually admitted that whenever he's stumped on what to do with his plot he resorts to "MAKE SOME NEW CHARACTERS LOL" which reeks of "lazy temporary fix" to me.


Mein gott. . . Bobobo-bobobobobo. . .

The closest thing a man will get to a drug in book form.

I feel that watching NEP ECE can be like taking drugs sometimes. More like smoking weed rather than taking acid+PCP, but still shit happens that normally doesn't happen and you're left wondering WTF you just saw.



I suppose I should say Good Morning now as well.





Nah, swords won't do it.

We need Stands.

The only logical conclusion is that Rainbow Dash is literally only traveling half-again faster than Rarity in this scene

That's what I got too. I don't know about math, I don't know about physics (I am an English major, so...). However, if RD was literally going sonic, that means that Rarity was falling at somewhat similar velocity and I am pretty sure physics don't work like that, whether in real world or in a cartoon world.

It's important to note that I don't believe this conclusion is canonically true, just evident from analyzing the scene using the scientific method and applying logic. RD is clearly supposed to be Mach 1+ in the plot, so that is accepted canon no matter what. So the only thing this calculation is good for is pointing out that the scene is not visually consistent and thus cannot be trusted as a source of evidence for any analysis that is even remotely scientific in its calculation.

Like I said before, this is the animators' faults, not the writers'. Any blame as to inconsistency should be placed almost entirely on them, not the ones who decided to have Rainbow Dash perform a Sonic Rainboom in the first place.

this is the animators' faults, not the writers'

Fair enough; I can't argue against this.

It's fine, don't worry about it. You're not the only one who has made and still makes this mistake. I've made it myself many times, the mistake of holding an entire team responsible for a failure caused by one individual or a division of them (I'm definitely guilty of this with Mass Effect 3 and Bioware). Since the majority of us don't personally know the people in the development teams, it's difficult to see them as distinct identities and too easy to treat them as one collective entity. It's a completely normal, almost instinctive psychological response that has been proven true over thousands of years of evidence.

Ok first off her top sped is Mach 10 and rain bom dubls it. Boom stick and wise red explain that inside of death battle. She makes her you need Mach teen I order to brake the sound barrier. No I will not spell Check for I don't cair also she makes 90 degree turn in a fraction of a second as seen in show. Eving thought the cloud lvl is low if you tach you can realize that clouds dail is almost as tall as canter lot mountain. :facehoof: yes I know bad order and bad gramer, I don't cair. Mabby I would if I wasn't using a tablet but that's a pony of a different colar

Oh and an ending thought is that spitfire is way faster than rainbow dash considering she can break the sound barrier without effert and go between clouds dail ant canter lot in a sec

...I'm not going to reply to your comment until you start actually making sense using real language and not painful-to-read gibberish that I can barely understand.

In other words, if you want to discuss it with me, you'd better rethink your decision to not use spell check.
—Or you could just take your time and make sure your spelling and grammar isn't absolutely terrible. I'd really appreciate it if you did that, I'm not being sarcastic.

Also, did you even read the blog? I pointed out perfectly logical reasons why we should consider her to be "Mach 1+" at best.

2447491 I'd hate to be that guy but...

In other words, if you want to discuss it with me, you'd better rethink you decision to not use spell check.

if you want to discuss it with me, you'd better rethink you decision to not use spell check.

you'd better rethink you decision to not use spell check.

rethink you decision


3098171 I had a run in with a Mach 10 Dash person. :twilightsheepish:

—They still exist?

...Link me.


...Link me.

Was I supposed to read that picturing you with a disturbing grin of longing to tear apart something, cause I did. :twilightoops: :rainbowkiss:

But it has already ended, I mean, if you want it anyways...


Comment posted by MjolnirEye deleted Aug 13th, 2015
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