• Member Since 25th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 9th, 2015

Connor Shadows

More Blog Posts29

  • 453 weeks
    Alrighty I'm going to be back one day.

    Ok wow, I've not been on this cite sense sophomore year... And now I am in college. Quite a long time. I have been rereading my own stories and fixing them and I am hoping to get back too adding chapters soon. College is a little more laid back so after i finish my one needed English coarse i will have plenty of time for personal writing. I hope the new chapters will fit together with what I

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  • 571 weeks
    Respect for the armed forces

    Going through life and being around my own age group it makes me a little sad to admit that most of my peers don't have much respect for our armed forces. I don't understand why. These men and women have joined up to defend a country they love and want to protect. They know they are putting themselves in a position that could lead to there own deaths. That fact alone shows the amount of courage

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  • 576 weeks
    Here you go guys have a taste of a non-pony story. My take on Slender man. (P.S. thats not the title)

    If you guys think this looks cluttered go open a book this is how they look.

    Chapter 1: A Walk in the Woods

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  • 578 weeks
    OK I'm done with writing pony stuff for a while.

    Yeah so the new story I'm writing is not a fanfic its a story by itself. I'm Writing a story where slenderman is the main bad guy, but it not based of the eight page or any creepy pasta's. I've never read a creepy pasta so yeah. this story will be taking up most of my time I spend writing but one day I might finish my other fics but I'm not really sure. Sorry if anyone is actually wanting to

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  • 580 weeks
    I wish I could Ponyfy this story

    So I got a great idea for a slender man story "The Faceless Suit ". The problem is that I can't make this a story with any ties to the show in any way so I guess you guys won't get to read it. That really bum me out but I got to get writing seeya!!!!!

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Here you go guys have a taste of a non-pony story. My take on Slender man. (P.S. thats not the title) · 1:47am May 22nd, 2013

If you guys think this looks cluttered go open a book this is how they look.

Chapter 1: A Walk in the Woods
Jerry Dawson was just a normal guy. He had two kids, and a wife. He worked as a personal trainer at Jonny’s Gym. Sure it wasn’t the best job in the world but he loved it. Seeing his clients grow stronger always made him feel like he was doing a good thing for the world. Sure his life wasn’t perfect. He argued with the wife sometimes, his kid would occasionally disrespect him or fail a test. Nothing big, though. Life had always seemed to fall into place for him and his family. For this reason he was confused.
Why the hell was the Crazy pale guy chasing him?
Earlier the night was beautiful and the woods on his property seemed to call to him. He kissed his wife on the head and left through the front door of their cozy brick house, as he grabbed the door he called to his wife.
“Going for a walk Amanda, be back in a bit.”
“Ok baby, be back before the kids pass out,” She chirped sweetly.
“Ok, you got it.” Jerry shut the door and started his trek through his yard to the woods.
The moon was full and glowing even with the bare branches trying to choke out the light; their efforts were in vain on this mid-October fall night. Jerry could plainly see every detail of the forest floor. As he walked he lost track of how long he had been walking. It was as if he had been in a trance. He snapped out of it and grabbed his phone out of his jeans’ pocket.
“11:05!” Jerry gasped in surprise. He ran his hand through his short brown hair and sighed. “She’s gonna be so pissed at me! Shit… I better head back.”
He stuffed his phone back in his pocket and noticed he had no idea where he was. He was still on a trail for sure but he didn’t recognize any of his surroundings.
“Crap…well this sucks.” He was about to grab his phone again when he saw something strange. It was a scraggly piece of paper stuck to an old white wood tree. The paper itself wasn’t weird but how the light hit seemed to make it shimmer. The paper called out to him for some reason. All that went through his head was “Pick it up.” The thought didn’t even feel like it was his but he obeyed anyway. He took a few steps toward the paper, the dead leaves crunching under his feet, and could tell there was some kind of writing on it. He felt as if the paper was anticipating the touch of the stranger that had wandered so near. He reached out and grabbed the decrepit, water damaged sheet.
“I don’t even…?” Was all Jerry could get out as he looked at it confusing scribbles. ‘Run while you can!’ where the only words on the paper. So much lead had been used to etch in these words some actually fell off when it was disturbed.
Jerry felt a stiff wind tear through his yellow sports tee. He looked up and saw a fog was beginning to move in. No biggie though, the moon was so bright it wouldn’t be a problem. The wind then started to whip the paper around in his hand. He looked back down and couldn’t understand what was happening on the ratty piece of paper.
The thick lead began to writhe and flow around the page. It wound itself into a tight circle and staid still for a moment.
Jerry thought the show was over but he was wrong. The wind tore the paper from his grasp and pinned against the whitewood tree. The paper held so tightly it was flush with its trunk. The lead then began to blow away from the paper leaving in a cloud of black dust. The wind then stopped abruptly. The paper floated down to the ground, landing with a faint rustle as it rubbed against the leaves.
Jerry felt like he should run but his curiosity got the better of him. He cautiously stepped towards the paper and quickly snatched it off the ground, really hoping he wouldn’t end up like so many cats had before. He grasped it with both hands and pulled it taught so he could get a good look. On the demented sheet was a strange symbol he had never seen before. In dark thick lead, a circle with a deformed “X” took of most of the space of the paper.
As Jerry looked the paper over he noticed something on the bottom margin that chilled his blood.
“L-Look behind you.” His voice quivered as he slowly turned around. What he saw nearly made him faint.
There was man, or what looked like a man, in a suit. This suit was not crisp and clean like you would usually see. No, it was old and very wore, though its color was unmistakable. Black, with a white undershirt and a blood red tie.
His choice of attire wasn’t what was unnerving about the stranger it was his face. Or lack of one. On his pale white bald head was no semblance of a face. The only features he had were a bump where his nose should be, two sunken-in areas instead of eyes, and he didn’t seem to have a mouth.
Jerry took a step back from his new company and threw the paper away. The man stood at least six and a half feet tall, he towered over the Jerry, who was only about 5’11. For a solid minute the two stood there staring at one another. Looking at that blank face for any longer was too much for Jerry to bear. “What! What do you want man!” Jerry screamed his voice cracking.
The pale face man cocked his head to the side looking confused as if Jerry already knew what he wanted.
“Answer me! Please tell me this is a prank and that’s a mask!” Jerry was nearly in tears as his mind raced. What should he do? Should he run, maybe call the cops? Should he try and talk to him more, or should he clock this weirdo for scaring him so much? He chose the latter.
“Stop it you freak!” Jerry ran at the man with his fist ready to pelt his face till he started talking. He may be taller but he was thin and Jerry was strong and lean. He could run for an hour and hardly break a sweat. He was about to knock the tall guy into next week when something grabbed his wrist before the punch could land. It yanked him up into the air and flung him toward that accursed whitewood. He bashed into the tree so hard it knocked the wind out of his lungs.
As Jerry gasped for air he looked at his wrist. Nothing was holding onto it, but for some reason it burned. He looked up and just about had a panic attack. Hanging in the air ten feet away was an inky black tendril. He followed it to its owner. It looked like it was coming out of the pale guy’s back. The tentacle hovered there a few moments then receded into the Stranger. He then cocked his head again.
“What are you?!” Jerry wheezed as he got unsteadily to his feet.
Instead of answering, the pale monster began walking towards Jerry. When his feet met the ground, they didn’t even make so much as a whisper.
“Oh, hell no!” was all Jerry said before he threw himself into a full out sprint. As he fled down the trail he had no idea where he was going. All that mattered was getting as much distance between him and the freaky guy with the tentacles.
A ran for a solid minute before he felt it would be safe to check if he was being chased. He made a quick look over his shoulder and saw nothing but trees, foliage, and fog. He snapped his head back to the front and his heart leaped. His amber eyes grew wide as he skidded to a stop, knocking up leaves and dirt with his running shoes. When he had stopped completely all he could get out was, “How?”
Standing only about ten yards away was his pursuer. Now more than ten dark tendrils extended from his back. They both stood there a moment looking at one another, or at least Jerry was, then one of his tentacles began making its way towards him.
This scare tactic didn’t faze Jerry for long. He turned around and started running full pelt in the other direction, leaving the suited man standing there alone, and his prey out of reach.
“I’m not gonna make it that easy for you!” Jerry yelled back at the faceless demon.
The fog of the forest seemed to grow thicker as he ran, the farther down the trail he got the more the fog blocked the forest from view. He could barely see where was going. At first it seemed like a good thing.
“He can’t catch me if he can’t find right?” Jerry asked himself.
His answer would soon come.
Jerry thought he heard something to his, well more sensed then saw. Still sprinting through the darkening forest, he thought he heard the slight whoosh or hiss of something flying through the air. He didn’t know what it was but from how it sounded it was fast. Too fast.
Jerry thought he saw a black smudge in the thick milky fog moving along with him. Before he had time to think about what it could be it shot towards him with outrageous speed.
“Oh, Shit!” Jerry hit the dirt and looked up seeing a black vine fly over him blasting a hole through an ancient oak. It then quickly retracted into the mist leaving Jerry with a moment to catch his breath.
“What the hell is going on?” Jerry huffed out between breaths.
He then heard another unwelcomed noise; the snapping and tearing of wood. Jerry looked up to see the tree that just got blasted by the evil vine wasn’t faring so well most of it trunk was missing where it got bashed. It was beginning to lean and fall…… right towards Jerry
“Uh, oh.”

Jerry tried scrambled to his feet, but he kept falling down in his panic to get away. He scratched at the dirt and tried crawling. The crackles of the tree became louder. This old giant seemed to be hell bent on crushing him. Jerry looks up to see the hunk of wood was almost upon him. He rolled to side hoping for the best. The mass of tangled of branched and bark hit with a ground shaking force knocking up a flurry of dust and leaves.
The dust cleared and the giant oak laid silent. The forest was silent. Nothing stirred in the dark, foggy forest, not even the wind. Then something began pushing a snapped limb to the side. A bruised and scratched Jerry Dawson uneasily stood and began limping away from the fallen oak down the trail. Once he got a few yards away he sunk down to one knee.
“Ahh, my ankle,” Jerry looked at his left ankle, from what he could tell it was defiantly sprained. “How am I going to get away?” Jerry was completely lost, he could barely see in this mist, and now he couldn’t run.
Jerry stood and began jog as fast as his sprain ankle would allow. He kept an eye for anything in the fog no need for one of those crazy tentacles to get the drop on him. He spent his time like that for few minutes but they seemed like hours. Why wasn’t that pale guy showing up?
As he went in that state of paranoia jumping at the sound of twigs breaking under his feet, and constantly looking over his shoulder he came to a fork in the trail. He stood there not knowing witch way to go.
“Which way?” Jerry mumbled.
Before he could chose he felt a cold touch on his shoulder. Jerry tensed, he knew what it was. Jerry turned his head and was met with the soulless stare of the faceless man.
Jerry jerked away from grasp of the frigid hand and backed away facing his pursuer. He now towered over Jerry, he had to be at least eight feet tall. That wasn’t the only change he body was now more jagged, his face’s feature were not more sharp and he had various pointed bones at his joints, back, and shoulders. These new adjustment poked at the inside of his suit as if it couldn’t bear to cover such evil. All of this was accompanied by those inky, vine-like appendages coming out of his back.
Jerry froze. He didn’t know what to do. He couldn’t fight him or he would end up dead. He could try and run again, but he felt it would be futile. This guy wasn’t human; he couldn’t out run him even with two good ankles. He gave up. He bowed his head and looked at the ground. He didn’t want to see that pale expressionless face anymore. He closed his eyes
He felt a something thick and rough coil around his neck. He knew it was one of those black tendrils. The skin it touched began to scream in pain. It felt like his skin was being peeled away. The Appendage’s grip tightened and Jerry began to choke. It pulled him up he felt his feet leave the ground. He began kicking his legs in a panic, he knew it was for nothing but there was nothing else to do. He couldn’t scream. His head began to feel light and his mind was becoming fuzzy. He then felt another coil form around his arms and chest, forcing the air out of his lungs. He had given up he knew he was dead.
Then a thunderous bang echoed through the woods. Jerry fell to the ground and landed on his side gasping for air. He looked up and the pale face monster was gone.
Had the noise scared him away? What caused the noise? He looked around and saw nothing but a tree in front of him. Jerry sat up and turned around to see a blonde headed young man in a brown leather jacket and a black shirt. Though what he was wearing wasn’t important; it was what he was holding. In his fingerless gloved grasp was a smoking, twelve gauge shotgun.
He cocked the gun, expelling the used shell and called to Jerry, “Hey man, get up we need to get the hell out of here before he comes back!”

That was the first chapter of my new story it will not be on this web-site. It has no pony stuff in it so oh well.

Report Connor Shadows · 406 views ·
Comments ( 3 )

Hey Connor, long time no see.

For the slender story, I'd be interested to see where it goes. It was interesting.

This is making my page a lot longer. I dare you guys to find a longer blog post lol.:rainbowlaugh: Never mind you probably could :ajbemused:

1096811 wow forgot to comment back my bad. yeah I've been working on it in google docs and you could help if you wanted

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