• Member Since 29th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 8th, 2016

Doc Crowl

If you take the time to notice my shenanigans, YOU'VE ALREADY MADE YOUR FIRST MISTAKE.

More Blog Posts9

  • 552 weeks

    Guys and gals, it's a day late. But I hope you can forgive me, ignore the fact that it's technically unapproved at the moment, and check out the brand new sequel to Wub Meh Hard. It's called "Night Terrors", and the only way I can compare it to the original story is to say it's going to be a lot more bloody.

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  • 563 weeks
    The ban is over, bronies!

    Thankfully my friend IJAB didn't play victim too hard, or else it would have been a much longer ban. Guess I shoulda believed him when he said he would get me banned while we spoke on Skype, huh?

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    2 comments · 461 views
  • 563 weeks
    Give 'er a Try!

    My wonderful friend/prereader/sometimes bitch The Lone Shepard has finally done it, ladies and gents! He's gone and WRITTEN A STORY!

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  • 566 weeks
    Want a sneak peek?

    Alrighty, I've got a new oneshot called "Wub Meh Hard" pretty much finished up here, and I'm looking for opinions!

    It's a Horror genre, semi-demonic type deal that's aiming to be a little discomforting. Approx. 8k words, Octavia & Vinyl Scratch, abandoned psychiatric hospital. WHAT COULD GO WRONG?!?!

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Some "Nature's Call" and Life Stuff · 6:23am Jun 11th, 2013

Welp, I've made my decision. I was only planning on doing "Nature's Call" as a somewhat silly/somewhat serious story where I would ease myself into real writing. I figured maybe a hundred views, probably more downvotes than upvotes, the usual first writing kinda stuff.

Instead, I've become invested. The majority of the people reading it come from BioChemicalWolfGear or have seen his comments, so you know that I have had PLENTY of issues to work on. According to him, I've got the eensiest amount of promise, and the story doesn't entirely suck. But it took Starman Ghost's review (and bless him for going through that!) to convince me action needed to be taken.


At least, for now.

It's going into hiatus 3 days after the next chapter is released, and the rewriting process will begin. I'll either delete all chapters or just delete them as I finish the MAJOR overhauls, I haven't decided yet.

Some of the changes include:

No more lyrics, nothing but a mention of a song in passing. It's offputting to readers, and I'm sick of seeing those blocks of shit on my screen. I originally thought to set the mood like I do IRL to write or work out, but I see now that it's lazy writing and a cop-out. So, they're out the window, and you'll see in the rewrite how I change that. It'll be our little joke, m'kay?

Let's face it, any BiE first-person story is going to be, to some degree, wish fulfillment. I'm going to try real goddamn hard to cut down on that, through characters being more distant and new meetups being more suspicious-like.

Again, lazy writing. I was trying to make myself laugh; it didn't work for others. There'll still be some stuff that's somewhat ridiculous, but it's not real comedy.

Let's face it, that one was dogshit^2. By that, I mean I completely rewrote the whole chapter before posting- which originally was full of scenes from "The Princess Bride" and other movies- and I hate what came out of it in both iterations. It's too long, and it's utterly useless other than to establish a spell wherein Paul and others can change themselves. Which'll be important in the upcoming chapter, trust me!

Q will be making a comeback in a big way. He's been there all along, but he's going to start being a legitimate character if what I have planned further down the road is going to be even somewhat feasible. Most probably have him figured out already (not that hard, guys... seriously.) but there'll be a few surprises the further you delve into the character.

Apparently, I do well with show. I try to write describing things in exactly the way you'd notice them if you were going through that situation. I just have been antsy thinking people might not pick up on the characterization without massive info dumps every chapter- but no more! Just tell me if I do it again though, it's going to be a hard habit to break.

(hopefully) BETTER TIMING!
I take too long in thinking or talking pieces, while action takes too little. Or sometimes action is prolonged due to thoughts that wouldn't have time to develope in full in all actuality. So, I'm really going to try working on that.

They bother me. They're gone. Hopefully, that'll result in more unique viewers- though you guys are awesome, allowing "Nature's call" to rack up over 1700 views among only 450 viewers. That means most people average almost 4 chapters before falling out of interest, and methinks it's due to that damn third chapter...

I had no idea how to connect Lyra and Paul before, but as they sorta naturally grew together- somewhat compatible issues, being there for each other, etc- I figured it may have been a bit too sudden. So, that'll all be spaced out a bit more between their encounters. Also, been waiting to do this for a while, but I finally figure that- with the next chapter- I can add that final, long awaited tag to the story. You know the one I'm talkin' bout, Willis.

That's about all I can think of off the top of my head. Any arcs I may or may not do in the future are no longer going to be a part of this story, but parts of their own story- though that doesn't really affect anything other that the chapter titles. So no need to bold that ish.

Anyhoo, if you stuck with me thus far, thanks! It really means alot to me that you guys cared enough to watch me, and I can never express my gratitude in a way that doesn't make me sound like an illiterate blubbering idiot. You 10 (well, 8 really!) always make me smile when I see the number!

Any other suggestions? Want to tell me I'm making a mistake (which I'm not, screw you!)? Simple advice for the rewrite? Put it down below!

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