• Member Since 2nd Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 25th, 2017

Lord Erhswin Wholewheat

The Goddamn Worm Master Supreme!

More Blog Posts9

  • 470 weeks
    I need more recruits.

    No one seems to like good role playing in these parts of the web anymore. Anyone here do anything with dice?

    0 comments · 337 views
  • 471 weeks
    So who's hype?

    I know I am.

    1 comments · 303 views
  • 471 weeks
    Signal boost "Theater Critic wants to come back"

    Theater Critic has a bad history on fimfiction.

    I think a lot of my followers have been involved with him in some way. Whether they watched from the sidelines or participated in some form, most experiences have been unpleasant.

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    3 comments · 315 views
  • 479 weeks
    Story may take a little bit.

    Due to being pretty busy lately I've only been getting short amounts of time to work on the story so it's been progressing much slower than I would have liked. But I just wanted to make this blog to reassure those who liked the story that this one isn't going to be stuck in limbo like all my others. All my stories before this had a co-writer and were usually just jokes. But this is the first one

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    0 comments · 322 views
  • 540 weeks

    Dear god he might even be too mad.

    0 comments · 383 views

Realtalk about TheaterWhatsit · 4:08pm Jul 6th, 2013

Ah TheaterCritic I hardly knew ye. lol jk I'm Lord Wholewheat I know everything. Although it really is a tragedy isn't it? Poor little Conner always trying to fit in. He's a lot like me really or at least me as a freshman. quick to crack what is assumed to be hip joke then arguing how it's funny when everyone gives you a straight face,and Constantly slinking around those that they hate under the guise that you'll be ready to flame with them at any time.

But I know better fore these were the exact same things I did. You secretly how can I put this.... liked umachan you wanted to be on the same tier with him, be friends with him the same way all celebrities of a same profession seem to be friends. But you failed and you did exactly the same thing I would do and still sometimes do but at a lesser extent. You took your supposed mistake and made it a joke. you over saturated your personality to fit everyone's first impression of you. You went along with a character labeled to you after you made that first review and that way we'd always laugh and talk about you and give you attention or more specifically uma. When you look at all his comments just about every single one was tailored to get a reply from Umachan. Every single one would always contain something along the lines of

Just about always

His ego was huge but not as huge as mine and it's incredibly unfortunate since all you needed to make that ego and arrogance work was to develop a small sense of modesty and maybe loose the ability to care so much both things that I discovered a few years back a little past his age.

In the end you were a lousy joke who desperately tried to be a critic but instead of learning how to actually criticize you just became a broken copy of others who were great and in the end you just came out as a parody of something that everyone laughed at and the worst part is... that's all you assumed you could be. So you enjoyed your position and never even attempted to be something greater.

You are alot like me when I was younger and you may have even become me in a year or four. But we all know their can only be one Ershwin Wholewheat. So once again I win and the universe is as it should be.

Farewell Theater and I don't really care if you ever return. Still take pride. Their are few people that I actually like to spit theses at!

Comments ( 73 )


Have you posted this in Craptastic Stories, or maybe on his page so others can see it?

1192063 not yet. Should I make it a forum post?

Go for it. The more people read about this, the more people will learn what a little hypocrite he was.

Hmm... I am holding out hope he will return... but I don't know...

He might have been cooler if his insults had spice to them.

Do you know if he ever made another bitching video? I didn't see one, though I can scour the threads in case I missed something.

1192304 I've checked recently and saw nothing. He did make some blog post that he was never coming back though.

1192533 Right here I didn't read it but people gave me the gist.

1192533 1192541
You can check it out here then click the link on the page.

1193116 Oh, I saw that. It's hilarious how he thinks he was doing anything even REMOTELY similar or constructive.

You can't really be a good critic if you're a) biased for or against certain material and b) if you can't come up with actual criticism of the story in question.

Just saying it's a self-insert is not the end of the story. You need to add more and unfortunately he never got this.

Comment posted by Theater Critic deleted Jul 11th, 2013
Comment posted by Theater Critic deleted Jul 11th, 2013
Comment posted by Theater Critic deleted Jul 11th, 2013
Comment posted by Theater Critic deleted Jul 11th, 2013
Comment posted by Theater Critic deleted Jul 11th, 2013

1202944 I can see the pixels around the green dot. You should try using photoshop instead of Microsoft paint next time.

Well we made fun of you, talked trash about your stories and generally had a good time.

I said that you wouldn't actually leave forever and now everybody on this site owes me $5.00. Of course I provided constructive criticism to your last story just like you always ask yet you deleted my comments even though just about everybody else agreed with what I had to say.

Oh, and you're a fucking hypocrite little wankstain bitch.

And just in case I haven't said it yet, welcome back.

you should check out my story! even theater critic said my story is better than his!
theatrecritic's fav story here!

Actually I already read it and thumbed it up and ti wasn't just to spite him or piss him off.

It was genuinely funny even if it was written poorly on purpose and that's something that is hard to pull off convincingly.

aaww i feel honored, earlier i was trying to add it to craptastic stories but it wasn't working :fluttershbad:

You can put it in the requests folder but when it has this many thumbs up, it's not going to go anywhere in that group.

If you really want to be added, do a collaboration with 1202923. That's an almost guaranteed entry into Craptastic Stories.

dont worry he'll soften up to me someday, deep down inside hes my bestest friend 5 ever

That's nice to hear you two are getting along so well. 1202923 is one of my biggest fans and it kills him that I don't give him the recognition that he thinks he deserves. Deep down he wants to be just like me but we all know that's crazy talk. He needs at least another seven years or so to gain some of the life experience I have which has molded me into the person I am today.

dont worry when we becum true friendzzz4lyfe ill shape him up for ya

Comment posted by Theater Critic deleted Jul 11th, 2013
Comment posted by Theater Critic deleted Jul 11th, 2013

well yeah since you have more than 1 account i assumed you followed me with both so that makes 2 people, biggest fans! wait and if your 2 people does that mean i have 2 best friends?

and how did you thumb it down if i was the only one who thumbed it down?

Comment posted by Theater Critic deleted Jul 11th, 2013

dont worry i forgive you sweety pie! i know we'll make up eventually! and i dont get it you said you reported me but so far nothing happens. and does it look like i exactly care if anything happens to this? but its ok i know even if i ever am gone we'll still be friends!

Comment posted by Theater Critic deleted Jul 11th, 2013

that was the most beautiful thing ive ever heard, i think this will be our new song! :pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by Theater Critic deleted Jul 11th, 2013

oh and im assuming your into ear rape too so i suggest you subscribe to someone named "GAYPENIS" or his new account which is "OLDSACKS" or maybe even "Jettan" they all make some pretty good ear rape material!

Comment posted by Theater Critic deleted Jul 11th, 2013

thats impolite! you should resort to a peaceful solution like any Buddhist would! and hey isnt being friends what "my little pony" all about?

Comment posted by Theater Critic deleted Jul 11th, 2013

but this isnt even your blog, and besides i see this as bonding moments for us!

aw dont leave theatre critic! if you do then all of my friend well be gone! :raritydespair:

i was making waffles what did i miss!

Oh I know that secretly, deep down you don't just want to be my friend you want to be me.

To wear the skin.
To be the skin.
To lose yourself inside another.

It's kinda beautiful in a psychotic way. :pinkiecrazy:

Comment posted by Theater Critic deleted Jul 11th, 2013

1203998 You know what I'm not dealing with some wannabe faker trying to be theater spamming my profile. Reported. have a nice day.

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