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Grease Monkey, Brony

More Blog Posts13

  • 519 weeks
    For those who are attending EFNW

    I will be there attending the Semper Filly Military Brony Panel representing the USAF saturday on the 5th at 1 in the afternoon so if you want to ask some questions and look at some art and whatnot or just hang out that is where I'll be. Hope to see some of you there. On a side note I cannot say when the next chapter of TEE will be released. Things in my personal and professional life have left

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  • 567 weeks
    Alrighty Then

    I figured it was kind of unfair to keep you guys waiting this long and not give you something to look forward to so as a token of appreciation and a thank you for being so patient I give you a look into whats coming. So without further a due a preview of the next chapter of Three Equestrians and an Engineer.

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  • 575 weeks
    My sincerest apologies.

    It is with great regret that I announce that TEE will go on Hiatus until further notice.

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  • 597 weeks
    Merry Christmas/Hanukka/Kwanzaa/Winter Solstice everyone.

    May your merry cheers and holiday spirit carry on through this year, especially to my brothers and sisters in arms in harm's way.

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Alrighty Then · 11:11pm Jul 27th, 2013

I figured it was kind of unfair to keep you guys waiting this long and not give you something to look forward to so as a token of appreciation and a thank you for being so patient I give you a look into whats coming. So without further a due a preview of the next chapter of Three Equestrians and an Engineer.

In the wee hours of the morning within the walls of the palace, the Princess of the night calmly trotted down the corridors. The thoughts of that dream still lingered in her memory. Closing her eyes she recalls the events…

The surrounding area lay in ash and flaming ruin, the heat can be felt for miles around and the night sky was clouded in smoke and soot. Exhausted from her ordeal, Luna finds the strength to look toward the element bearers in their human forms. Defeated they look towards the one responsible in disbelief. She looks in the same direction seeing Celestia, standing before him, sword drawn and glowing in a bright yellow aura moving quickly in a final attempt to strike him down.

With ease he dodges the attack grabbing her wrist twisting it, a sickening crack and a cry of pain resulting from it. He pulls her close with his free hand he pulls a pistol from his holster and places the barrel over her mid-section. With a pull of the trigger a cloud of smoke and blood forms just over her back and quickly evaporates, the light slowly leaves her violet eyes and gravity soon taking her limp body. Laying amongst the rubble she looks at Luna and with her last ounce of life. A single tear streaming down her face Luna summons her magic kicking off the floor flying toward him in a blinding speed only to strike the wall behind him and breaking it into a pile of rubble.

“Impossible.” She gasps.

Quickly she turns around to find those eyes staring down at her. The same slitted eyes she herself was possessed with for all those years and the wicked fanged smile that it came with. She feels a sharp pain. She looks down and sees a hand consumed in a deep blue flame knuckles deep in her abdomin, blood trickling out of the wound. Unable to escape, her vision slowly becomes clouded and in her final moments of conciseness he speaks to her.

“The night will last, forever.”

Luna’s eyes shot open feeling a cold chill run down her spine.

“There must be a way…there has to be.”

“There always is.”

Luna turns to see Celestia, her stance strong and firm.

“We have seen tougher trials Luna, though this one presents a unique set of challenges we will see it though.”

“And should the Nightmare take over his body without knowing how to defend himself or without knowing why? We cannot keep hiding this from them.
They have to know, it is only a matter of time!”

For a moment Celestia stood silent letting out a sigh. “Very well, we will personally meet with them to explain the situation. For now let us try to get some rest.”

Luna stepped towards the window and looked to see her crescent moon in the sky, her mind’s eye on that last image of her dream. “They continue to get worse. More detailed every time. By far this was the worst.” She looked toward Celestia her face filled with concern. “Celestia we die by his hand.”

“That has yet to be determined, for now let us focus on the matter at hoof. There is no telling how they will react but we will cross that bridge when we get there. And for the sake of the rest of Equestria we have to act as though nothing is wrong.”

Luna starts walking past Celestia, her mind cluttered and full of worry, showing with every step she takes. After a few steps she stops.

“Has there been any progress on how to combat the Nightmare?”

“There as steady progress. Unfortunately the result of defeating it also comes with a great price.”

“Pray tell?”

“In an extreme circumstance one would have to allow it to take over before sacrificing him or herself, the Nightmare dying with it. However I cannot bring myself to allow such a thing to happen.”

“I don’t think anyone would.”

“However, there might be another way.”

“And what is that?”

“Based on what we have learned from our trip to Earth, energy and matter cannot be created or destroyed.”


“If I’m correct the elements can take that energy and probably reform it if used correctly.”

“Reform it into what? Sister I don’t think you understand this clearly, that thing is the result of dark magic. A collection of negative emotions that has managed to magically manifest itself into a self-aware entity. Above all else it is seeking a host, one in particular who has serious issues with their emotions, I would know.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow at Luna.

“Don’t look at me like that!”

Celestia let out a sigh. “We can’t discuss this now, there is no point unless everyone is present. In the meantime I will continue to have the Royal Guard on alert. Hopefully we will be ready for when they strike.”

“Agreed, I will have the Night Guard stationed in Ponyville, with any luck any problems will be intercepted.”

“We can only hope.”

“I haven’t heard from the Prince since the briefing. Knowing his concern from the beginning I expect for him to be on edge more than anyone.”
Celestia took a few steps to the window Luna stood at moments before and gazed at the night sky.

“It’s a delicate situation, for now he is keeping a close eye on the matter and having his best men on standby. All we can do now is wait.”
From the corner of her eye Celestia sees a small speck trailing a purple flame straight towards the Palace.

“Luna, is Purple Blaze supposed to be escorting Eduardo?”

“Based on what the Captain has told me, yes. Why?”

She only kept looking in his direction as he got nearer. He soon descended flying in through an open window taking his helmet off and bowing before them breathing heavily.

“Rest my little pony, what seems to be the problem?”

He got up and stood at attention before her. “Forgive my intrusion, Your Highness. Eduardo has asked me to inform you in person of his and Lady Alison’s arrival.”

“His arrival?” Luna questioned. “Has something happened?”

He let out a tired sigh. “Yes.”

“Whenever you are ready then.” Said Celestia.

After catching his breath he stood tall. “It started two days ago, Eduardo decided on going to one of the nearby passes just outside of town.”
“Weren’t you with him?” Inquired Luna.

“I tried to stay with him however flying so low and fast proved to be too much to handle. I figured I would be able to stay with him if I kept an eye in a safer altitude but before I realized the canopy became too thick and soon after I had only the sound of the engine to go on. The weather wasn’t much help either.”

“What happened after?”

“Trusting he could make it through on his own I turned back into town and met up with Jericho at the Apple Orchard. After sometime Alison stopped by looking for him. She claimed that no one had seen him for hours after an argument they had at the Carousel Boutique.”

Blaze let out a heavy sigh. “He crashed. His injuries would have been fatal if not for Twilight Sparkle intervening.”

Luna put a hoof to her chin. “Well the fact he is on his way here shows he is okay now. But why did it take two days?”

“With all due respect, it is not my place to say.”

“Its fine, do you know when they will be arriving?”

“About ten minutes, give given the pace they are going. His truck took some considerable damage before departing.”

“We will prepare for their arrival. Thank you Blaze.”

“You are welcome Princess.” As he took his leave the Celestial Goddesses made their way to the main corridor of the castle.

Luna turned to her sister. “What did he mean by ‘Considerable Damage?”

“I guess we’re about to find out.”

As they approached the main entrance they heard off in the distance the throaty sound of a diesel engine. Before long the truck came into view, its bright lights shining the way forward spewing soot from the exhaust pipes hauling the trailer behind it. Slowing to a stop, the smell of burnt diesel hinting at their noses, its very presence being an assault of the senses of everyone in the vicinity. The lights shut off and the engine sputters to a halt. One glimpse at the vehicle was all it took making the Princesses to fear the worst.


“Yes Luna.”

“Those holes, they look like-”

“I know.”

The front doors opened, stepping out from the drivers side was Alison and in the passenger side, Eduardo.

Celestia approached them with a gentle smile. At first glance couple standing on either side of the vehicle looked tired from their trip. Alison began stretching to recover from the non-stop drive. “Welcome back.”

Alison stood straight acknowledging her. “Thank you, did Blaze speak with you?”

For a brief moment she turned her attention to Eduardo. While he was distracted by the night sky, he wore his usual leather jacket with his pistols slung over his shoulder. But what caught her attention was the bandage over his head covering a strip of gauze over his left eyebrow. She then focused on the look in his eyes, the dark marks under suggested a lack of sleep and his overall posture look as a result of fatigue. She turned her attention back to Alison. “He did, according to him you felt more comfortable sharing the events that lead to this visit yourselves.”

Eduardo chimed. “The Mayor asked if you could put your seal on some paperwork. If its not too much to ask of course.”

“Of course, but pertaining to what?”

“Revision of the structural integrity standards and practices of the current infrastructure in Ponyville. Long story short, its simply asking for your approval on a budget as well as making you aware of the new standards that will be in place as well as the renovations that will be taking place soon after. Good way of putting those tax dollars to work if I do say so myself.”

“Eddy, I get the past couple of days have been rough but do you really have to do this now?” Alison asked.
He directed his gaze from the sky to Alison then to Celestia before clearing his throat and speaking nonchalantly. “Feel free to take your time with it but please be done with it before another disaster strikes. Based on what I’ve been told between random stampedes, monsoons, heavy snow storms and even Hades’ hound that place can’t catch a break. Not to mention home insurance prices could go down.”

“I understand, now about the other reason you’re here-”

“Its not importaint, the Shelby got totaled and at the moment its laying dormant in the Apple’s barn.”

“How did it happen?”

“Best to discuss that another time, right now we have business to discuss. However, considering how late it is we can wait till morning.” He grabbed his bags, his guitar and began making his way in the palace. “If its all the same I would appreciate not being bothered. If there is something that’s so important for you to discuss with me track me down yourself.”

“Alright, if anything should occur on your end, please feel free to-”

“We’ll be fine.”

With his eyes shut he makes his way into the palace disappearing from sight.

Alison let out a sigh and picked up her bags as well. “Please excuse his behavior. The past few days have been pretty rough on us.”

Luna watched as she began following suit. “Alison what happened?”

She continued making her way into the palace. “Walk with me, I’ll tell you what I know.”

End of preview

Obviously there is still work that needs to be done and of course I will be building on this but all good things come to those who wait. Once again I thank you all.

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