• Member Since 29th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Jul 10th, 2014

Moustache Queen

I write stories cuz I either A: bored out of my mind B: cuz I need happiness cuz of bullies or C: cuz I feel like it

More Blog Posts7

  • 553 weeks
    Nightmare Night

    Crap...I just love this holiday! Tonight I will actually dress up as the Mad Hatter :moustache:. I did a very long Nightmare Night fix called The Dreams That Killed Us. I am actually proud of it! It's based upon Freddie Krueger, don't know him you won't need to cuz I don't know him either :twilightblush:.

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  • 555 weeks
    Dear merciful Luna..

    Ok guys I have a teeinie weeny problem....


    Ahem...sorry for my outburst...

    Anyways..prob is that many friends of mine are leaving and I'm probably gunna be the last kid in the girls class of English by the end of Year Eight...

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    10 comments · 406 views
  • 558 weeks
    I'm a bit slow..

    Ok I am very sorry if I am not updating stories fast enough for you guys! I just keep getting held up by loads of Homework! The three series stories; Daughter Of War, Rock and Classical, and Spiders aren't Monsters, will have one or two chapters up in a week max. I am very sorry if I'm slowing down, so much homework, both great and boring, especially when I'm a 5a in nearly all classes and when

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    0 comments · 383 views
  • 560 weeks


    His name Is Jake...well he was already my friend but I introduced him to Pinkie Pie and he loves her! We now are discussing on making a Account for him...

    I keep thinking he should be called Steel Sword...that's a good name huh!

    Anyways we now are gunna draw our OC's and Ima post it on later...


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  • 560 weeks
    New series IDEA :D

    Ok so I'm VERY sorry for deleating the three stories: Discord and Logan in Narnia, Fluttershy and the X-Men?? And Discord meets warrior cats. So I've decided to make it up to you! Inspired by Avenging-Hobbits, I decided to make the Main Six into Demi-Gods! :D

    I am starting with Applejack because she's Badass :3

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Why am I writing this??? · 1:38pm Sep 8th, 2013

Ok first off I am going to explain what Friendship means to me and what the Mane Six actually do...

Ok rephrase that, call me crazy but I think that maybe, maybe The Mane Six actually live in this world well like ghosts that can only be seen by believers...

Again, call me crazy...

Soooooo here's my own words on what friendship is

Friendship, the most powerful power in the universe besides Love. Friendship is a strong and powerful power that exists in all life, everything, You, Me, Her, Him, Everyone, Everything. Twilight Sparkle was a normal unicorn with no attention of getting friends, then came Nightmare Moon, and with the help of Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash, they defeated Nightmare Moon and restored Princess Luna to control once more. Twilight Sparkle never really wanted friends because of her addiction to books and studies, but when she began to fight Nightmare Moon, the spark of Friendship ignited. And once Twilight Sparkle realised she had friends, the spark exploded and travelled everywhere, causing all creatures to have a powerful bond of Friendship waiting to be discovered inside them. These are the Elements of Harmony and there Bearers.

Honesty, otherwise know as Truth. We all need Truth in our daily lives especially in Murder cases when we question a witness. Applejack represents that Honesty, with a flick of her golden coloured mane our voices grow strong and powerful when telling the Truth, with a wink of her emerald green eyes, she gives us Courage to face the dark and sad Truth. When lying Applejack will clench her teeth and buck our chests with all her might, causing us to feel the feeling know as Guilt. Applejack will cheer and whoop when we decide that the Truth must be know when in dangerous times. Applejack will run across the plains and sandy deserts with us to deliver a message from allies or news from our reports on enemies. Applejack always watches over us with pride when we go on our daily lives. Honesty is the first and one of the most powerful being in the universe, and we are lucky for Applejack to be that being.

Kindness, otherwise known as Compassion. We all have to have Kindness in our lives to move on if anyone dies or is in depression, Kindness is a powerful yet fragile power that exists in us all, even the darkest hearts can turn into the greatest hero's. Fluttershy represents that Kindness, with a gentle soothing voice that travels by the wind, that voice and wind that we breath in, gives us the Compassion that we all need and give to all people of all kinds. With a soft flick of her bright pink mane our hearts twist and warm up when Kindness is needed, with a flap of her bright yellow wings, our hands strengthen, ready to mend broken wounds both by spirit and body when our friends need it. With a soft gentle smile, our voices harden and weaken when we need to help or stand up to anyone who hurts our friends. Fluttershy will always fly by the Plane's we travel in to check on us, she will travel slowly beside us when we run away from a sad dark past, she will always stand by us when men or women tease us fellow Bronies and Pegasister's. Kindness is a powerful and weak power that can easily be destroyed, but it never will it might seem easy to destroy Kindness but it never will die, as long as there is Fluttershy to guide us on the journey of Kindness, Kindness itself will never die.

Laughter, otherwise known as Humor. We all give and take the wonderful voices of funny people to strengthen our heart's when in depression and loneliness. When sad and lonely we sometimes try to destroy ourselves, but then comes a little voice that whispers in our ears telling us to give yourself one more chance, and that voice would be Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie represents that Laughter, with a loud or soft giggle our frowns faces would turn right side up. With a high bounce Pinkie Pie would leap over hard obstacles in our inner emotions and unlock the old dusty lock that holds our happiness from coming out, Pinkie Pie would grab her massive Party Cannon and shoot at the bad enemies of the emotion we all hate: Fear. With a flick of her puffy pink mane, our chuckles will turn into loud laughs, and sometimes we would fall or collapse laughing when Pinkie Pie thinks it was really funny. Laughter is a strong emotion that can never die, unless your a grumpy person who hates all Pink Ponies. When Laughter is failing and you believe you should die, when close to the door of Death, Pinkie Pie would hop right beside you encouraging you to face it or come back to the living, Pinkie Pie would always pick the right decision for you because she would know what you would feel like, because she's been there before. Laughter will always survive as long as the Random-Pink-Party-Pony-Of-The-Century that still lives and breaths (which most likely will till the end of time).

Generosity, otherwise known as Sacrifice. We sometimes give something that can never be replaced, otherwise know as a Heart, when a friend is near to death, and you think it's your time, a beautiful white unicorn will stand and walk beside you as you follow the light in the dark tunnel. Rarity represents that Generosity, with a swish of her perfect beautiful purple mane, our heart's harden when deciding to make a hard decision that could save or kill a life. With a wink of her beautiful blue eyes, our voices soften, ready to speak to someone and offer them something they need the most. With a leap in the air and round-housed Karate Kick, Rarity would kick a selfish person in the face when that person decides to keep something for him/herself. Rarity would give us a smile, when we give a precious and meaningful gift to people who need it the most. When crying Rarity would offer us bright sparkling dresses or snappy Tuxedo's (providing we pay). We would sometimes, in a War, protect a friend or comrade, by giving them time, we rush into battle and Sacrafice ourselves to save another. Generosity is a hard thing, that isn't really explained much, but when a stylish/protective unicorn represents it, you can bet your Pillow that she's ready to Sacrifice anything to help her friends.

Loyalty, otherwise known as Trust. Loyalty is a funny and powerful thing that exists in every single being in the universe, sometimes our Loyalty can waver when we either have to hurt a friend or destroy something we love. Rainbow Dash represents that Loyalty, with a flap of her bright blue wings, our heart finds two paths in front of it, one to the life of Trust, the other is to Disloyalty, those two paths would stay there long-forgotten until we activate it by standing in front of two great decisions. With a wink of her magenta eyes, our voices will grow stern and loud when standing up to people. With a swish of her rainbow coloured mane, friends all around us would stand and fight against any enemies who hate us. When a rainbow soars in the sky you bet your Pie that Rainbow Dash made that rainbow to gives us hope that the War's we have now and had before, will all end in peace and harmony. Rainbow Dash is gifted with this great and dangerous power, Loyatly can sometimes be misjudged and sometimes Loyatly can disappear in some people, until Rainbow Dash would stare at us angrily, sometimes it will work and we would return to our friends and return to Loyalty, and sometimes it won't work. Rainbow Dash would always watch over us, Loyatly will always live as long as there is Friendship, and as long as there is Friendship, there will be Loyatly.

Magic, otherwise known as The Heart. Magic is the Heart of Friendship, it guides us through many decisions and great adventures. It stands strongly against all odds, when dark clouds swarm in, Friendship, Love, and Hope will stand together and fight the darkness of Hate, Fear, and War. Twiligth Spakrle represents Magic. With a glow of her magical horn, she will mend all broken bonds between old friends and new ones. With a whoop of delight, our entire soul will lighten and glow when meeting a new person that will maybe be your new friend. With a flick of her pink and purple mane, our entire universe will grow brighter and stronger by the Power Of Friendship. Twiligth Sparkle will always stand by us and her friends to fight the opposites of Friendship, Pinkie Pie will grab her party Cannon and shoot her boring, unhappy, grey opposite: Cynicism. Fluttershy will Stare bravely at evil-hearted opposite: Malice. Applejack will buck her lying opposite: Fabrication. Rarity would Karate-Kick and Samari-Sword Fight, her horrible, ugly, grey selfish, opposite: Greed. Rainbow Dash will hunt down her Disloyal opposite: Apathy. And Twilight Sparkle will bravely and wisely find her lonely opposite: Isolation. All will fight there opposites, all six will protect The Magic Of Friendship.....but the thing is...

Will you?

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Comments ( 17 )


no seriously , everyone can have his own opinion , if you want to believe that then why not ?

After reading this 3 times i have just a question :
Where do i sign up ?

Wow... This is not only really nice, but true.
As silly as it may sound, erryone needs friendship. And real friendships are supported by all these things. If people were willing to live wih peace and friendship, maybe the world wouldn't be so bad...
This show and fan work serve as my only escape from that reality...


I'm just a person who just sees things other's cannot see.....

And those things are Emotions and Friendship :pinkiehappy:

1336138 you deserve all the hugs in the world



That would be a LOT of Hugzzzzzz :pinkiehappy:

Uh... My Puppy Dogs is in pain.

1342017Just uh Im uh blerg my brain hurts. I'm a fuckin toaster here or something! And this made less sence to me I think Im going to go read it to make sure!:rainbowdetermined2:

1342043 Okay now I just don't get it well, instead of being confused.


Ah....this is just a little blog I wanted to get off my dreams....my hairs all crazy and poofy like Pinkie Pie whenever I get frustrated or sad....no really....I happened :trollestia:

1342053 Oh okay how are you having a good day ( Repeat the last 2 questions 12 times... I did that once)


I'm fine I posted a new blog :twilightsmile:

Check it out :raritystarry: of your prepared for the worse :ajsleepy:

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