• Member Since 8th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 26th, 2021

Luna-tic Scientist

I actually am a scientist!

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Days of Wasp and Spider -- future plans · 2:22pm Oct 28th, 2013

Several people have hinted that Wasp is getting a bit on the long side for a single story (not an issue for subscribed readers, but I can understand new reader's reluctance to start). After one particularly well argued (and well timed) comment by ssokolow, I've come to agree. So...

1) Part 1 of Wasp will end after the next chapter. I will post the ending and the epilogue at the same time.
2) The prologue of Part 2 will be posted at the same time, linked at the bottom of Part 1's epilogue. Because fimfic won't let me 'preclear' a 'new' story, it will be published but not submitted (thus for up to a few days it will only be accessible by the direct link). As I imagine most of you will read straight through, this shouldn't cause a problem. Part 2 follows directly on from Part 1.
3) I will then spend some time going back over the early chapters and fix some of the more egregious punctuation errors that are now painfully obvious.
4) New chapters will be posted to Part 2 with the same schedule as before.

TL;DR: other than a change in URL and title, there will be no significant alterations to the story. You will be able to continue as if nothing has happened.


EDIT: just started on re-editing CH05 -- sweet baby Celestia, I've never seen so many punctuation errors! How in Tartarus did you folks tolerate me?

Report Luna-tic Scientist · 869 views ·
Comments ( 12 )

Only that you are a wiser sophont than I am, but I already knew that :twilightblush:

Sounds like a good plan. Posting a sequel also has the advantage of potentially spending some time in the new stories side of the featured box if you get enough initial interest, and that can land some new readers.

I found the story recently and read the whole thing yesterday. Every detail I find is perfectly placed. You are a genius at writing and hard sci-fi.

That said, yeah, I think a break in the story is naturally occurring. Gravity's battle with everyone and everything in her way is pretty fucking climactic, and if they have a safe-ish place to regroup and heal, it seems like a natural ending to a Part 1.

eh, I guess. I only have a problem with really long stories if they're either paced poorly, or if they take way too long to come out. You very rarely make the first mistake, and (relative to many, many other authors) never make the second.

Aside from length, though, I know an awful lot of people won't look at an unfinished story, so you can hook them in by labeling the first part complete.

Question, then - does this mean we're only about half way through the story?

Oh, and as an addendum; I'd recommend adding the prologue of part 2 as the final "chapter" of part 1. It's better than a link, and I don't see why you can't have the same content in two different places, if used like this (though, I guess with the way the mods' minds work, it might be better to ask).


Not necessarily. It's a natural place for a break because one story arc (the escape) is finishing but that doesn't automatically mean it will take only two arcs to resolve the series-level conflict.

Heh, more a case of 'good advice', I think.
The timing would be tricky; I'd have to wait until part 2 gets 'published' before posting the last bit of part 1 (and it feels like a bit of a cheat -- 'look, a new featured story!:yay: ...but I have to read this other monster first':flutterrage:).
Welcome! Always good to hear from a satisfied customer (and sorry you're going to have to now read it at the rate it's being written, which is probably going to hurt some).
Is that an 'only half way through :yay:' or an 'only half way through:fluttercry:'? That's a hard question to answer; I'm in a phase of strategic planning at the moment, which will hopefully give me some idea of the number of stories left, if not the actual length.

Including the P2 prologue as a kind of teaser is an interesting thought, but I think it could be tricky (there have been a few crackdowns on what can be posted into chapters, and I'd rather not be made an example of). The other reason I'd rather not, is that linking to P2 makes it easy for folks to find the 'new' story. Chapter posts are the only mechanism I have of reaching everyone who's reading, now that the tagged blog post function has been removed (only 10-20% actually open a blog post).

Oh man, I've been gone too long! I've fallen behind, and I've only read up to chapter 27.
I feel bad, I really love to comment on stories and leave my thoughts and feedback, and I haven't had a chance to do that yet for some of the most climactic, epic chapters in the story!

I'll try and catch up with the story before you publish Part 2, so that I can help get you into that feature box!

You can expect me to provide a very long comment once I get there. Until then, though, I'll just say this: Gravity's battle in the experiment chamber was amazing. You sir, really have a way with words.

Heh, glad to have you back!

That particular chapter is what I'm calling 'multi-viewpoint hell', and took a horrible amount of time to get straight, so it's good to hear it worked for you.

EDIT: just started on re-editing CH05 -- sweet baby Celestia, I've never seen so many punctuation errors! How in Tartarus did you folks tolerate me?

The same way we tolerate anything. Perseverance, a sharp-yet-forgiving mind, and great mental imagery.

The new title is not as catchy as the old one. :rainbowwild:

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